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Mandrake 10 Install so near


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I just think that the defragment tool you did use yesterday did a bad job . . and that Mandrake is doing it all over again . . . . a good defrag job of a seriously fragmented partition can take several hours . . . . . go watch a movie . . . read a book . . . take a walk . . . relax and let The Drake solve the problem ;):rolleyes: Bruno

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Heck BrunoThat could be another 2+hrsMy main Windows Software is on C --->>> SystemSuite, Antivirus, Printers so maybe a restrt an put MDK 10 on all of D seems another Scorpio Solution eh colin :rolleyes:

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That is up to you Colin . . if you can miss the programs on D . . then just format it to Ext3 and you are ready for the install . . :DB) Bruno

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Okay . . and just let E what it is . . . it is so small, just forget about that one and use it as storage for files you want to access from both Windows and Linux ;):rolleyes: Bruno

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Brunocan NOT get Drax to let me put it on D it only wants hda7 or hda9Could NOT find out how to format D into EXT3I'm in PCLOs right Now as well as Kaleishas ComputerColin

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Colin . . during the install of Mandrake switch to expert mode at partitioning . . click on hda5 . . and click on "format" . . then in the dialog you get in the top left corner you can choose from the drop down list in what type you want to format . . there you say Ext3 . . and format the partition first . . then the installer will let you install on hda5 ;):rolleyes: Bruno

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BrunoDid click on "Format" but did NOT see a drop down boxWill have to try again and see if I can spot thaty drop dowmn box :rolleyes: Colin :)

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ColinI will send you an install guide in PDF format . . . look on page 186 ( of 244 ) there you will see the dropdownbox.Note the file is 6MB so it takes a while to send.Do you unmount the partition first ?? . . . or boot PCLos . . and go to the Mastr Control Center and the "Mount Points" tool . . there is the same interface . . unmount hda5 first then resize and format.:rolleyes: Bruno

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BrunoI also tried putting it on D's free space but it said to go back & do a defragSo may like you said the other day A windows defrag must have been better than Ontracks jetdefrag for this case anywaysSo thats another option worth considering a WINDOWS defrag and then back to the Resizing dealColin

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BrunoI also tried putting it on D's free space but it said to go back & do a defragSo may like you said the other day A windows defrag must have been better than Ontracks jetdefrag for this case anywaysSo thats another option worth considering a WINDOWS defrag and then back to the Resizing dealColin
See that defrag tool was no good . . . so go back and do the "normal" windows defrag before we make a real mess of your partitions . . :rolleyes: Bruno
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At least now is clear why a resize did not work . . or took so long . . . So let us keep oour patience . . . do a nice good defrag of D: . . . . and even if the install has to wait till tomorrow . . . first the defrag . . . . then the resize . . . then the install . . . all indue time :DB) BrunoPS: The PDF is on the way . . hope your mailbox is large enough for 7MB . . .

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Yeah me Puzzled tooI goes to 6% and then woosh all the way across to 100%And only 3 Blue legend squares in the Boxyet E has a few more sqaures and only 1G but Still only SecondsI see I have lost short links to some of the programs i still have on D thoughCurioser & Curioser don't you think :rolleyes: Colin

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ColinDid you get the Starter.pdf Guide ?? . . . . look on page 186 . . . . . see the pictures on 185 and 186 . . . and start the install again . . . . . :rolleyes: Bruno

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BrunoI have to go back into PCLos can't open the file looks as if many of my programs don't work.Think as I was trying to format D somewhen in the different tracks i took may put MDK's Mount point in thereCatch you back in PCLos. :rolleyes: :) :) Is WINDOWs going to stay or go ??? :huh: :blink: :'( ;) Colin :D

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ColinIf your drive is empty then it should not take but a few seconds to defrag. You can not move files around that don't exist!Julia :rolleyes:

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Windows is going to STAY . . you just will have to reinstall a few programs to fix the links to it . . . but you can still post and go on the internet with Windows can you ?? . . .So Windows is going to stay !:rolleyes: Bruno

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Oky Doky BrunoJust a few palpitaions when only IE would boot up ands Adobe PDF wouldn't workSo Now we are at.......??????Colin :rolleyes:

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In case of trouble, just reformat the full D in whatever format it wants to ( even Fat32 ) . . then let mandrake use that full partition to install itself . . . it will convert it to Ext2 or 3 by itself . . then we can make it Ext3 Later after the install !:rolleyes: Bruno

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