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Hi Et-alsMDK 10 Arrived today with Updates CD but before the INSTALL PARTY :) :) need to clear the mind on a few remaining MS$ issuesI want to remove Windows 98 and think the time is NOW :( BUT---->>> 1) Can I access my printers maintenances such as Nozzle/Head Cleaning in Linux 2) How do I attack the Windows partitionsI have C = 5.84G, D = 11.7G, E= 0.97G these are all Windows capacitiesSeems to me like C can be for a distro while D & E can be combined and then split into an 8 for a another distro and a 4G for downloads etc Now which is the best way to format these PCLos or Mepis that I have on right now or try it with Mandrake InstallTo me It is the Maintenance of the Printers that is the stumblong Block for Now :o All comments welcomedColin in comfusion as always :) :(

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Hi ColinFirst: there is no printer maintenance tool in Linux ( some limmited for Epson but that is all )Second . . I would NOT throw away Win98 right now . . . I would keep it on C: . . . . change the temp internet files you have on E: to C: ( tweakUi will do that ) reinstall the programs you have on D and use C: for them ( seems enough space for it ( 5.8 G )Then you will have D: and C: free ( total 12G ) and you can resize them to 8 and 4 . . . 8 for Mandrake and 4 for storage . . . This way you can run 3 distros . . . why would you want more ? And still have a small partition with Windows to fall back to. Listen Colin: it is to early to drop Win all together !:) Bruno


BrunoThe only problem with the INET to "C" is that the Blue "E" on the desktop went missing a LONG while back and I cannot right click it to set up the Inet Cache and the swap File :) That's why I was considering a Full conversion right nowColin :)


ColinThe same as rightclicking the blue e on the desktop is in the menu bar of Internet Explorer under "Extra"-->"Internet options" . . :) ( You thought I had forgotten all about Windows did you ? :) )Or simply reinstall Windows all together on C . . . . . . :o Bruno


BrunoCan NOT reinstall Windows as I SOLD my 98SE CD and can't say I have seen ---"Extra"-->"Internet options" . . Have started cleaning programs out of D Another WILD :) thought What would happen if I resized D to 5G Windows & 6.7G Reiser or would that affect WindowsAs Much as I want toe say Bye Bye MS$ it MAY NOT be the time :( or is it :) Colin :( :o :)


ColinNO NO NO It is to early to drop Windows . . . !!!!You are only a few months in Linux . . and did only sniff on the very basics . . . . NO NO NO It is to early to drop Windows . . . !!!!You will need Windows the minute after you deleted it from your drive ! NO NO NO It is to early to drop Windows . . . !!!!Really . .Colin !!!B) Bruno


Before you consider dropping Windows, please tell me exactly what you use windows for and what you have replaced it with in Linux. Julia B)


Boy BrunoYou couldn't express that a little CLEARER could you :P Colin B) :medic: :medic: AGAIN


I think he was trying to hint Colin! Julia B)


Yeah Julia I'm getting the Picture :P Windows ONLY for my Printer Maintenance suvch as Cleaning the cartridges and finding out when they are near emptyGraphics I am HAPPY B) :medic: with Gimp & Image Magik in LinuxSo just thought HEY NOWS the time :o Colin :medic:


ColinBoot Windows and rightclick the blue e on the desktop is in the menu bar of Internet Explorer under "Extra"-->"Internet options" . . B) . . .then make the changes for the cache of IE . . . . :medic: Bruno


OOPS BrunoWe just about double PostedI'm more or less convinced that Windows staysSo it's off to that Blue " E" Catch you shortlyColin B)


ColinOne simple question:What did you do when your Linux distro's were messed up and they did not want to boot ?Answer:You booted Windows and posted from there on the forum for help.Question:And how long is that ago ?Answer:Only a few weeks.Question:So what will you do if things go wrong next time ?Answer:Boot windows . . . . . . oooooshucks . . it is gone ! :medic: :medic: :P B) Bruno


yeah brunoJust though the PCLos rescue Cd was the solution Now Julia Don't know which way to take Dump it...... :medic: :medic: :P here goes with the Blue "E" brunoColin B)


Don't listen to Julia . . . . . . go and sort out your Windows first !B) Bruno


Bruno First I have NO Blue E on the Desktop it Disappeared for some reason a LONG time agoAnd all the blue E's are Shortcuts that do not give you the option to change the Inet Cache and Swap FileColin B)


Open up IE, and then go Tools->Internet options

Posted (edited)

Colin,Internet options is located in the "Tools" menu of Internet explorer.....Wish I did not have to use it, but it is all we have here at work. :PEDIT: Ryan beat me to it. :DEDIT2: It is also located in the Control Panel, under "Internet Options"

Edited by ross549

Hey guess what Et-AlsI found it That takes care of INET cache when I move itBut how do I get at the Swap File and do the sameColin B)


It is in the Properties menu when you right click My Computer..... don't remember more than that though.


To adjust the virtual memory swap file 1. In Control Panel, double-click System, click the Performance tab, and then click Virtual Memory. 2. To specify a different hard disk, click the Let me specify my own virtual memory settings option. Then specify the new disk in the Hard disk box. Or type values (in kilobytes) in the Minimum or Maximum box. Then click OK


Righty Ho Bruno, Ryan, AdamHave found them Both and can Now set up the CHANGESAnd see where we go from there with D & E Drives onlyThat seems common sense or have I lost it again B) :medic: Colin :medic:


you do probably need to reboot for the swap changes to take effect (if you haven't already)...Then you should be good to go B)


heckI've got Virtual Memory Done but before rebooting I want to do Inet cache and can I find it NO :medic: B) Colin :medic:


Have you got TweakUI ??B) Bruno

Posted (edited)

Colin,In the General tab of Internet options, you have the middle box for Temporary Internet Files. Click on the settings button, and in the window that comes up, click on move folder. That will give you your drives and subfolders that you can put your TIF in.I would suggest you click on the button to delete the files first though, befre you move the folder. B)

Edited by ross549

No Bruno no tweakuibut rebooted and swap file done B) now just to find the inet cache againcolin :medic:


Colin, see my post above yours.


Thanks Et-AlsBoth are done and am back in Windows Firefoxcolin B) :medic: :medic:

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