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Mandrake 10 Install so near


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ColinI will be off line soon . . . Before you start: Do you have a boot-CD for PCLos ?? And does it work ??We want to be sure you do NOT overwrite hda1, hda7, hda8 and hda9hda1 = Windowshda7 = Mepishda8 = swaphda9 = PCLosSo resize hda5 and hda6 . . those are the "free" partitions . . . and rezize them with the Mandrake installer tool while doing the install . . Good night . . . see you tomorrow !B) Bruno

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Thanks BrunoWill catch you tomorrowI have the PCLos RESCUE CD If that's what you meanI'm off back into PCLos for the hard drive infoColin

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I figured out the HD info for you from previous threads Colin:hda1 = C: Windowshda5 = D:hda6 = E:hda7 = Mepishda8 = swaphda9 = PCLos

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Thanks BrunoNow struggling with "Do I need to Uninstall More Programms that are on D"Did about 6 this afternoon and wondering if I leave some on D and do NOT uninstall WILL that affect the Windows rebooting and What will happen with PCLos Lilo B) :medic: :medic: Colin as usual

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how much free space do you have on D?if you have enough, you don't need to uninstall any more... Just resize and go... won't affect anything B)

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Now RyanHadn't thought of that BUT which part of the resizing would I put MDK 10???Also It may be appropriate to an Ontracks version of Symantecs Windoctor first as I Have Ontracks System Suite Colin B)

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yes, you should defrag D first....doesn't matter which part of the two partitions you put Mandrake on...

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Well ryan/BrunoIt's back into windows for either a Windows Defrag of D or whatever it is in System SuiteFingers Crossed B) OOPS that was the EYESColin :D

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I don't know system suite, so can't help you with it, but I do recommend using the standard windows defrag (Start->Programs->Accessories->System Tools-> Defrag)

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ColinWhile you are in Windows:Print this out:hda1 = C: Windowshda5 = D:hda6 = E:hda7 = Mepishda8 = swaphda9 = PCLos And stick it on your monitor !B) Bruno

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Sure will BrunoBut just remembered :D bruno MDK 10 Install sheets that I have may change here as I have to resize etcOH BOY :) :w00t: :w00t: what am I letting myself in for againColin B)

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Colin:6th screen: The DrakX Partitioning wizard found etc. etc. . . there you choose "costom disk partitioning" . . that is the only change in the "how-to"B) Bruno

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Great BrunoWill have this all beside me after i do an Ontrack's System Suite JetDefrag on "D"This wont affect my PCLos Lilo will it Bruno if so it may wiser to leave it till tomorrow Colin

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It will sure overwrite your PCLos lilo . . that is why you have the rescue CD for PCLos . . . B) Bruno

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PART 2You better listen to Ryan and use the default Windows defragger . . and not the Ontrack's System Suite JetDefragB) Bruno

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OOPS Ryan/Brunohave NEVER used Windows Defrag at all it has been System Suite all the way and I think they compute (not the right word) the defrags their own different wayscolin

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ColinWhatever you do:Do NOT make extra partitions . . . because your PCLos boot CD will not work if the numbers ( hda9 ) change !!Your boot CD points to hda9 and if that changes you can not boot with the boot CDB) Bruno

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OOPS BrunoThen if I resize HDA5 to a 5G & 6.7G it WILL change that & PCLOs will NOT be on HDA 9. Is this what I am hearing :D Colin B)

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not exactly....you resize hda5 to 5 gig and hda6 to the 6.7 (or whatever it is)... then everything else will stay the same B)

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HMmmmmmmmm RyanThat does not compute cos'Then there would be Hda1 WindowsHd5 5. Old Dhd? 6.7Hd6 Ehd 7 MepisHd 8 SwapHd9 PCLosSurely Hd? 6.7 would become another # not ? and change all the restColin B)

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Colin, hda6 (or E, as you like to call it), will no longer exist according to windows. It needs to be resized, and have Drake 10 put on it.

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AdamWhat I have is D = 11.7G & E = 0.97G sp if only D is resized into 5 & 6.7G then that puts an extra Partion inSo possibly it is combine D & E and then resize, Sound RightBut boy combining them seems a little avanced for an explorer :o Colin :D

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Colin, you will NOT be crating a new partition...D will be shrunk down, and E will be enlarged to fit the open space. Your partition numbers will stay the same. Then, you will install linux on the E drive.

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AdamSurely D needs to merge with E to give 12.7G and then partioned to have D @ 5G & E @7.7 or so and this one to put MDK 10 omThis gives me the willies :o :D :'( as to How the resizing etc is to be done in DrakeMighty have to look up HOW MDK's Partitioning tool works to settle the Butterfiles :) needed.Oh well It's early daysColin :D (I think)

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