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Here is the LILO tweak . . .

$ su< password ># mount /dev/hda8 /mnt/hda8# cp -r /mnt/hda8/boot /boot/slack# ls /boot/slack

If the last command shows "vmlinuz-ide-2.4.22" . . then ( only then ) this is the part to replace the Mepis section in /etc/lilo.conf:

image=/boot/slack/vmlinuz-ide-2.4.22        label="Slackware"        root=/dev/hda8        append="hdc=ide-scsi"        vga=791        read-only

:D Bruno

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o:) B) B) Bruno .,.,.HO!!!!! making this post from Slack 9.1 (as root) , used the boot floppy to do it, but it is a successful install, think there might be some video work to be done ... need to smooth up the scrolling area a bit .. other than that it appears good .... made the change from 3 to 4 for the GUI login .... tomorrow is a new day ...
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Bruno,,,,Well here is the result from the attempt to make the change to Lilo ..Password:root@Access-4-Free:/home/dale# mount /dev/hda8 /mnt/hda8mount: mount point /mnt/hda8 does not existroot@Access-4-Free:/home/dale#this entry was made from the Slackware install .... .. should I be doing this from Drake 10 instead ????

Edited by longgone
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B) o:) B) Bruno,,,,, ...Disregard my last post ... I spoke to soon ... made all the necessary changes in the Drake 10 Lilo (still need to do a boot to check it) .... how come the vga value was changed from the 788 to 791 .... just curious ... tomorrow ...
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B) B) o:) Wellll ..... made the reboot ..... Slackware does not appear on the LIlo bootloader menu ... still have Mepis there but when Mepis is selected it boots into Slackware ... shouldn't I have made the following two entries .....# mkdir /mnt/slack# mkdir /boot/slackCtrl+D (for whatever this does) wouldn't those have made the entry to the boot loader menu ??????
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HI DaleI think a few commands did not go the right way . . . because "/mnt/hda8" was created in Drake 10 when we did the Mepis tweak on page 5 of this thread:

# mkdir /mnt/hda8
And we made the "/boot/slack" here:
# cp -r /mnt/hda8/boot /boot/slack
So I think you perhaps, on this nice new and fresh day, should do the commands I gave you again:
$ su< password ># mount  /dev/hda8  /mnt/hda8# cp  -r  /mnt/hda8/boot  /boot/slack <------------------------this will probably ask if you want to overwrite the old one# ls  /boot/slack
The fact that Slack boots now from the Mepis entry is because it will use the Mepis kernel ( No Good !! ). . . that means it will boot but sound and net will give problems because the modules will not match ;)B) Bruno
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Bruno ...Password:[root@localhost dale]# mount /dev/hda8 /mnt/hda8[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /mnt/hda8/boot /boot/slack[root@localhost dale]# ls /boot/slackboot/ config@ System.map@ vmlinuz-ide-2.4.22boot.0308 config-ide-2.4.22 System.map-ide-2.4.22boot_message.txt map vmlinuz[root@localhost dale]#

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That does look good Dale !Now this is the section for Slack in the Drake lilo: ( And please remove the Mepis one because it will only make Lilo more complicated as it will get longer and longer with evry new install you do )

image=/boot/slack/vmlinuz-ide-2.4.22        label="Slackware"        root=/dev/hda8        append="hdc=ide-scsi"        vga=791        read-only

After that do:

#  /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hda

:thumbsup: Bruno

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Bruno ... ,,,,, [root@localhost dale]# /sbin/lilo -Mutex destroy failure: Device or resource busyb /dev/hdaIgnoring entry 'boot'ICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 2705, errno = 0Added Mandrake-BackupAdded SlackwareAdded Knoppix-24Added Knoppix-26Added linux-nonfbAdded Mandrake-10 *Added failsafeAdded floppyAdded Windows-XP[root@localhost dale]#Here is the lastest ...

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Hi Dale

Device or resource busyb /dev/hda
Are you sure you did
#  /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hda

100% correctly ?? :thumbsup: Bruno

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Password:[root@localhost dale]# /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hdaIgnoring entry 'boot'Added Mandrake-BackupAdded SlackwareAdded Knoppix-24Added Knoppix-26Added linux-nonfbAdded Mandrake-10 *Added failsafeAdded floppyAdded Windows-XP[root@localhost dale]#Yes.....absolutely ... positive ... I get that when I am coming out of LIlo.conf ... I am taking a stab at this but if I were using vi instead of kedit it probably would not happen .. but I am not sure ... since I am not very familiar with vi at the moment

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Password:[root@localhost dale]# /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hdaIgnoring entry 'boot'Added Mandrake-BackupAdded SlackwareAdded Knoppix-24Added Knoppix-26Added linux-nonfbAdded Mandrake-10 *Added failsafeAdded floppyAdded Windows-XP[root@localhost dale]#
That's a lot better !!Reboot . . . and post us from Slackware :thumbsup: :DB) Bruno
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:D :blink: :thumbsup: 'Lo and behold, I post from the house of Slack and the realm of Galeon ..... and all is somewhat good .... except .. what was the vga setting changed to 791 when all the others are 788 ....... ... and speaking of video what can be done to smooth out the scrolling in here ... it is a little bit jumpy ... ... and lets now need to to aps filiter and hit swaret and on an on an on an on ..... audio n video n .. n n ...
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HURRAY !!!!Congrats Dale !!!Now those vga=791 or 788 are only the settings for the boot messages . . Slack likes them on 791 and Drake on 788 . . just so you can read them clearly :thumbsup: :blink: . . So better leave them that way ;)For the mouse: see This TipAs for Swaret . . . only update to 9.1 . . do not get "current" . . . in one week from now there will be Slack 10 ( 2 CDs ), that will be the same as Current . . . so it is really not worth it do do a lot of updating !!Have FUN in Slack . . . Knoppix and Drake Dale !!:D Bruno

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:thumbsup: :blink: :D B) :hmm: Looked at that tip ..... don't think that is really applicable .. it all works but it just not as smooth as in Mndrk or Knoppix or XP .... also .... when you said that Knoppix 2.6 and my modem were not yet socially acceptable ( :lol: :lol: ) to each other .. is there a chance that in the near future they might could acheive a mutually compatability ... ???
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Uh huh ...... now what is next .... wait for SuSE or onward to Debian or Fedora on the hdb drive ???????
Let us take a rest and enjoy/explore what we have installed so far . . . and wait for SUSE to come in . . that one likes to be on the "last" partition ( is easier ) . . . so installing more now makes installing SUSE only more difficult . . . . :blink: BrunoPS: Your second post just came in . . . I think the next version of Knoppix will have your modem sorted out :thumbsup:
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:hmm: :hmm: Ummm ... Uh huh .... okay .... I can wait (even if Debian an Fedora on going to be on a different drive ... :lol: :lol: ) .. but I have enough to keep me busy .... and more questions ... and here is the first one ... concerns Java in Mndrke 10.0 ... I have the destructions from Sun .... but I am as of yet unable to find where the heck Java went to ... I am pretty sure I installed it ... just have no idea where ... and then there is the matter of the "symlink" which I still need to do ....
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Yep Dale . . this is the last post for today :DJAVA, This is the trick:

$ su# updatedb# locate libjavaplugin_oji.so

That should show you the path to the plugin if it is installed correctly . . . ( a wild guess: /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so ) . . . . then you have to link it: ( supposing my wild guess is correct )

# ln -s   /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so   /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so

:hmm: Bruno

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Hummmmmm...... uh uhPassword:[root@localhost dale]# updatedb[root@localhost dale]# locate libjavaplugin_oji.so/home/dale/j2re1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610/libjavaplugin_oji.so/home/dale/j2re1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so[root@localhost dale]#

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Hi DaleA little bit an unusual place to install Java . . . but at the other end maybe even a clever trick . . because now if you do an upgrade to, let us say, Drake 10.1 . . . the Java will still be there and you do not have to install it again :lol: :DOkay now for the link-command:

$ su# ln -s  /home/dale/j2re1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so   /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so

That should do the trick to have java in Mozilla, Firefox, Galeon and Konqueror ( you might have to push the "scan for new plugins"-button in the settigns dialog of konqueror ):lol: Bruno

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[root@localhost dale]# ln -s /home/dale/j2re 1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.soln: when making multiple links, last argument must be a directory[root@localhost dale]#should I assume from this entry that it is there or not there ?????????

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Sorry my mistake . .

# ln -s  /home/dale/j2re1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so   /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

:lol: Bruno

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Bruno .... ,,,,This is the result of that [root@localhost dale]# ln -s /home/dale/j2re 1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ln: `/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins//libjavaplugin_oji.so': File exists[root@localhost dale]#so now ,,,, :lol: :lol: ... I should be able to find this someplace ???? according to the instructions from Sun my next step should be the enable & configure ... and go from there ... (as soon as I find it)

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according to the  instructions from Sun my next step should be the   enable & configure  ...  and   go from there  ...    (as soon as I find it)
Nonsense . . . no need to enable and configure it ! . . . . It should work "as-it-is" . . . just open your ( Mozilla or Galeon ) browser and type

in the addressbar ! . . and you will see that java is there !:lol: Bruno

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Welllllllllllllllll............. did that and my results are not what I had hoped to see .... the only installed plug ins are for flash and the default plug in .... there is no java to be seen ......

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Hi DaleReboot and it will rebuild the mozilla database . . and try again . . . if it still is not there I do have another command.:lol: Bruno

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Bruno....Reboot makes no difference .... total 24068-rw-rw-r-- 1 dale dale 585999 Jun 6 18:08 bootitng.zipdrwx------ 3 dale dale 4096 Jun 8 13:47 Desktop/drwxr-xr-x 2 dale dale 4096 Jun 3 07:08 Documents/drwx------ 8 dale dale 4096 Jun 9 08:35 evolution/-rw-rw-r-- 1 dale dale 4698224 Jun 22 11:10 InstallSlingoDeluxe.exedrwxrwxr-x 8 root root 4096 Jun 18 11:17 j2re1.4.2_04/-rwx--x--x 1 dale dale 14173427 Jun 5 01:21 j2re-1_4_2_04-linux-i586.bin*-rw------- 1 dale dale 1784838 Jun 5 02:26 OSIndependent.zip-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3325952 Jun 17 01:08 rescue.isodrwx------ 3 dale dale 4096 Jun 23 04:55 tmp/[root@localhost dale]# lbootitng.zip Documents/ InstallSlingoDeluxe.exe j2re-1_4_2_04-linux-i586.bin* rescue.isoDesktop/ evolution/ j2re1.4.2_04/ OSIndependent.zip tmp/[root@localhost dale]#does the above info help any ?????? for all I know it might not even be installed yet

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Hi DaleHow did you install the "j2re-1_4_2_04-linux-i586.bin" ??Try this link:

# ln -s  /home/dale/j2re1.4.2_04/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so   /usr/lib/mozilla-1.6/plugins

And see if that one works . . :lol: Bruno

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