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Bruno ....Before I do that ... hdb1 is part of Mndrk 10.0 install ... will I still be able to use it or have to use the boot disk to get to it ?????

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You will never be able to boot Drake from the SUSE lilo . . . also not from that entry we just removed . . . . . Later after the updated kernel we will place the Drake Lilo back with the boot-CD from, Drake :DLook again at the edit above . . I added more RED parts :DB) Bruno

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I assume that I should be doing a kedit to make those deletions .. if so for some reason I cannot do a etc/lilo.conf entry from either kedit nor gedit ... or am I not supposed to be there at all ....??? ;)

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Bruno ....tried kedit, gedit, and kwrite .. and I ge the same response on all three "command not found" .... what am I missing here ??????

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What editor does it have ?? . . try

# kate /etc/lilo.conf

If even that does not worlk you will have to log out . . and log in as root and click on the file to open it and change it . . . ( Or start learning the Vi editor :'( );) Bruno

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DaleLog out . . and log back in as root . . . then navigate to /etc/ and click on the "lilo.conf" file . . . that will open itself in an editor ( like to know which one ;) ) . . . then you can make the edit !:'( Bruno

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Bruno.....Well .. humph .. found it ... but I am at a loss as how to delete the portions I need to delete,, tried backspacing them out that did not work at all .. I did notice that on that copy of the sbin that on the next to the last entry the one that is listed as "failsafe" in the left margin (the open one between the edge of the display and the first letters) it had a series of x's as in a cross hatch sort of pattern ... so now how do I remove them entries..

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DaleI have no clue of what you are trying to say there . . . . . Maybe we should let this rest till tomorrow . . . . it is 1:20 AM here . . . I will have to close down soon.I suppose you can still use your Drake Lilo . . . so we will get back to this next time.;) Bruno

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Bruno .... sounds like an excellent idea ... I guess I can't explain that oddity very well but it was at the last line of that entry for the failsafe entry .... it did not show up when I did the cat command nor the sbin command but only in the lilo folder .. oh well tomorrow is another day ... good night

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DaleI found it:Logged in as root . . go to the Menu --> Utilities --> editorThis opens Kate . . now load the file /etc/lilo.conf in Kate and you can make the edits . . The rest is for tomorrow ;)B) BrunoPS: There is a bug in Kate so it can not be started from the console . . .even not with the full path: "/opt/kde3/bin/kate" . . . .

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:hmm: :unsure: :D Bruno......Posting from SuSE at the moment ... considering the possibility that Murphys' Law could have made an appearance in what I did .. (following instructions as best I could) the portions that you wanted to have me remove should, be gone. I have not yet checked that to be sure since I believe that would be the /sbin command and I will wait for your expert tutalge (???) ... what I can say is that after all was deleted, I clicked on the save icon and then attempted to close out the window (no such luck). I got an error warning stating that the document had been modified but not saved (???) and did I want to save it or no. I clicked yes and then another window opens listing all the files the are in etc ... now I notice there are 3 files under the lilo hdg where as before I started there were only 2. One was lilo old, the other was lilo with a page on a folder and the new one was lilo with ~ right after the lilo like lilo~. Taking a swag I chose to save the changes in the lilo~ marked hdg. We shall see what happens.
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After closing everything out did you still have three files with lilo? Usually a ~ means that it is a working copy of an open file.Julia :hmm:

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Teacher..................I did not check that .. but I just did and what I have in the file:/etc (using Konqueror since that is all that is currently avail in SuSE) .. I have the following 4 now folders ??? they all appear as a dog-eared page one with a blue band across the top the remaining three with a green band. The one with the blue band across the top has a padlock icon on it and is listed as lilo.conf, the next one has a green band and it is listed as lilo.conf~, the next one also has a green band and it is listed as lilo.conf~~ and the final one also with a green band is listed as lilo.conf.old and it also has a padlock icon on it. At the moment I am logged in as user so I cannot open up the two with the padlock, but that is what I have listed, I get a real bad feeling that something is not right here, just have no idea what it is.

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Hi DaleThe lillo.conf~ file is a bufferfile for when you are editing . . it serves no purpose saving that one . . . . you should have gambled on the other one . . :DThe easiest way to check what is in lilo.conf now is:

# cat /etc/lilo.conf

:unsure: BrunoHint: the "blue dogeared one" is the most likely one :hmm:

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:D :clap: :unsure: :hmm: Bruno,,,,,Okay here is the results of that particular command:::Password:linux:/home/dale # cat /etc/lilo.conf# Modified by YaST2. Last modification on Sat Jul 10 00:07:08 2004message = /boot/messagetimeout = 80promptdefault = Linuxboot = /dev/hdaimage = /boot/vmlinuz label = Linux initrd = /boot/initrd optional root = /dev/hda10 vga = 0x31a append = "splash=silent desktop resume=/dev/hda5 showopts"image = /boot/vmlinuz label = Failsafe initrd = /boot/initrd optional root = /dev/hda10 vga = normal append = "showopts ide=nodma apm=off acpi=off noresume nosmp noapic maxcpus=0 3"linux:/home/dale #this gives the impression to one that I must have done it right and Mr Murphy was out to lunch someplace else
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See, that looks not so bad at all :hmm: :unsure: and it will do for now !Now do

# /sbin/lilo

And let me see what it says ;):D Bruno

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:hmm: Welll... it does not say much ... linux:/home/dale # /sbin/liloWarning: LBA32 addressing assumedAdded Linux *Added Failsafelinux:/home/dale #
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I am going to make the guess that it will boot into SuSE and not some other OS that I have on here ... yes .. no ... unknown

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It better boot into SUSE . . . because that is what it is supposed to do :hmm: . . . . if not we messed up big time :PB) Bruno

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:hmm: :unsure: :D Wellll .......... then I guess it is smooth sailing, since I am in SuSE and I did not, repeat not, feel any bumps on the boot .... so I would bet the next step (???) is to get the kernel update ???
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Hi DaleYep, the kernel upgrade is the next step . . with a new reboot after that . . . Here is something to think about while you get the updates:If you want to keep using SUSE you have 2 choices. EITHER install the "Kedit, Kwrite or Gedit" editors so we can do the tweaks in a "normal" way . . . OR, learn how to use the Vi-editor: Vi revisited:hmm: Bruno

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:hmm: :hmm: Welll .... sounds like a learning experience ... but first off I start easy. How come one of those editors (kedit, gedit) wasn't packaged with the OS. I will install the kedit editor since I have used it then lets do gedit and finally I will get on it and learn how to vi at everything......
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Beats me why SUSE did not install any decent editor . . . . It also confuses me why it did make a lilo.conf that could not be written to the MBR because of the spaces in the names it did put in there . . . and last but not least I wonder why kate can be started from the console as normal user but not as root ( su ).These are the 3 things I have been wondering about since your first post yesterday.:hmm: Bruno

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:hmm: :hmm: ;) Okay ... now I shall add a fourth one ... I sent to the "YasT" update facility to d/l the kernel patch. I clicked on the search for updates bar.. the response is no new updates, so tried the update now bar and it did is search for a mirror and I tried 3 different mirrors and that kernel update is not to found on any of them soooo ... either I already have it (don't know how I did it though) or it has automagically been removed from the list .........
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