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More Partitions . . More Distro's to boot


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I think there has been an update for apsfilter . . . but you can better wait for Slack 10 . . was released yesterday I think you should be able to order it soon from your CD-order-service ( 2 CDs );) Bruno

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Sooooo ... in a round a bout way .... you are saying that I should not bother doing a swaret upgrad to 9.1 and wait a bit and just install Slack 10.0 on the hda8 in say a week or more

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Oh ... I see .... well then I guess I will just head on over to Knoppix and see what I can do there ..... of course ... there is always the hdb drive and Debian and Fedora still left to do on this machine .... ;) :D :)

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of course ... there is always the hdb drive and Debian and Fedora still left to do on this machine ....
LOL . . .those are the installs for next week . . . because I would prefer SUSE as first next install . . . . ;) Bruno
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  • 2 weeks later...

+_+ :o :P :hmm: :whistling: :) Bruno,,,,,,Vacation is over ... have Suse 9.1 in hand two versions too ... have the one that was burned for me from in here and the DVD one from Novell that is in that IT package ... wo now when do we start, which do we use and etc etc etc ......

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Hi DalePlease verify this:

hda1 ... 1.9   Drake9hda3 ... 34    XPhda5 ...       SWAPhda6 ... 3.8   Drake9hda7 ... 9.7   Drake9- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hda8 ... 6.8   Slackwarehda9 ... 6.8   Knoppixhda10 .. 6.8   SUSE
Is this according to our latest plans ?? And are we on track finishing hda by just installing SUSE on hda10 . . . . ??I would use the DVD version . . it is more complete :whistling: ( note you have to leave the DVD in during the first reboot, it finishes the second stage of the install after that :hmm: )You will have to switch to "expert-mode" if the installer wants to put SUSE on another partition then hda10 . . . . it is not really easy to make it change it's mind, but it can be done ( easiest is if you have an old SUSE partition, but since you do not have that the installer will need some help :P ):o Bruno
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:P :whistling: :hmm: That is the correct setup as it now stands .... just waiting to commence this journey "into the valley of Linux"
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Good . . well go for it . . . and see that it gets installed on the correct partition ;)Also : Install SUSE's Lilo to the MBR ( it defaults to grub, but can be changed during the install to LIlo ) . . so we can later incorporate it in Drake's lilo ( You still have the Mandrake 10 boot-CD have you ? )Have Fun ! . . Will see you later . . .I will prepare the "Drake-Lilo-Tweak":whistling: Bruno

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LOL . . . if bbl = "be back later" . . . . . see you later ! . . . LOL . . . . . I am right here and have the next step already prepared :PB) Bruno

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TADA .... (musical notes) ... TADA :w00t: :) :w00t: :w00t: It is later and I be back .... posting from SuSE 9.1 Pro Edition direct from Novell .... once again .. another learning experience here .... took me 3 - 6 attempts at the get go to get going .... then after the "DVD-1" install ... I made the mistake of changing the default "boot" to installation instead of leaving it at "boot from disk" so ..... reinstalled "DVD-1" again .. second time around left it alone and it finished up just fine. Now on to peculiarities noticed ... for this particular OS/install the modem is detected as (get this) ttyS14 (and it works too), had to set the configuration setup to "stupid" mode (hope that is not an indicator) in order for the connection to be made to the web. Everything else is pretty much default settings. During the configure of the partion I only had to option of selecting one item so I chose / as it said that even though the size of the partition was what it was (6.8) that it would automagically set it at 5 pct .. have no idea what it named the rest of it as .. guess I shall find out here shortly .... but .... it works ....... eeeyyyaaaa .... green lizard is up an running ... cousin to the big red lizard ....

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LOL . . .Looks like you had fun !! :PIf you are still in SUSE . . . would you mind doing:

# df -h

so we can see on what partition it did get installed ?:w00t: Bruno

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Password:linux:/home/dale # df -hFilesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/hda10 6.8G 1.8G 4.6G 29% /tmpfs 507M 68K 507M 1% /dev/shmlinux:/home/dale #and here is the info .... looks like it is in the right spot ... now on to Mndrk bbl

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Right great job ! Now first reboot into Mandrake and once there do:

$ su< password ># mkdir /mnt/hda10# mount /dev/hda10 /mnt/hda10# cp -r /mnt/hda10/boot /boot/suse# ls -l /boot/suse  <=============== I need this info# cat  /mnt/hda10/etc/lilo.conf <================ This info could be handy too# umount  /mnt/hda10

:w00t: Bruno

Edited by Bruno
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:w00t: :w00t: Bruno ..... here is the results of that ... Password:[root@localhost dale]# mkdir /mnt/hda10mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/hda10': File exists[root@localhost dale]# mount /dev/hda10 /mnt/hda10[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /mnt/hda10/boot /boot/suse[root@localhost dale]# ls -l /boot/susetotal 5312-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 Jul 8 07:30 backup_mbrlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1 Jul 8 07:30 boot -> ./-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 54727 Jul 8 07:30 config-2.6.4-52-defaultdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jul 8 07:30 grub/lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 Jul 8 07:30 initrd -> initrd-2.6.4-52-default-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1132064 Jul 8 07:30 initrd-2.6.4-52-default-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 105852 Jul 8 07:30 Kerntypes-2.6.4-52-default-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 83456 Jul 8 07:30 message-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 73831 Jul 8 07:30 modversions-2.6.4-52-i386-default.gz-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 728259 Jul 8 07:30 System.map-2.6.4-52-default-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1733953 Jul 8 07:30 vmlinux-2.6.4-52-default.gzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 Jul 8 07:30 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.4-52-default-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1468815 Jul 8 07:30 vmlinuz-2.6.4-52-default[root@localhost dale]#disregard that line "cannot create directory" that was an opps on my part
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Dale,If hda10 is still mounted can you post:

# cat  /mnt/hda10/etc/lilo.conf# umount  /mnt/hda10

I need to check the append-line SUSE uses . . :w00t: My guess is "splash=silent desktop resume=/dev/hda5 showopts" but I want to be sure :DB) Bruno

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[root@localhost dale]# cat /mnt/hda10/etc/lilo.confcat: /mnt/hda10/etc/lilo.conf: No such file or directory[root@localhost dale]#The above sort of gives me the impression it is not mounted .. but I did go into configure the computer and checked the mount points section and according to it .. hda 10 is /mnt ... not sure what that is telling me but that is what appers there.

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Then do this Dale

$ su< password ># mount  /devhda10  /mnt/hda10# cat  /mnt/hda10/etc/lilo.conf# umount  /mnt/hda10

:w00t: Bruno

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Bruno ,,, I did that this way ..... as the reply I got from the first entry .. gave me the impression that it was in error ...Password:[root@localhost dale]# mount /devhda10 /mnt/hda10mount: special device /devhda10 does not exist[root@localhost dale]# mount /dev/hda10 /mnt/hda10mount: /dev/hda10 already mounted or /mnt/hda10 busymount: according to mtab, /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part10 is already mounted on /mnt/hda10[root@localhost dale]#

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Okay Dale . . we skip that part and assume that my guess for the appendline is right ;)This is the part to add to the /etc/lilo.conf of Mandrake:

image=/boot/suse/vmlinuz-2.6.4-52-default        label="SUSE"        initrd=/boot/suse/initrd-2.6.4-52-default        optional        root=/dev/hda10        vga=0x317        append="splash=silent desktop resume=/dev/hda5 showopts"
Then save the file and write the new Lilo to the MBR with:
#  /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hda

:w00t: Bruno

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Bruno ......Okay ... this is it .... now is there a chance that the 2.6 in Knoppix might work with my hardware or should I just delete it out .. until upgardes are available .. ????[root@localhost dale]# /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hdaIgnoring entry 'boot'Added Mandrake-BackupAdded SlackwareAdded Knoppix-24Added Knoppix-26Added SUSEAdded linux-nonfbAdded Mandrake-10 *Added failsafeAdded floppyAdded Windows-XP[root@localhost dale]#

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Looks great Dale !For Knoppix: Just leave it there . . who knows the updates might fix it one day ;)For SUSE: Go ahead and boot into SUSE !! . . Once in SUSE please post me:

# cat /etc/lilo.conf

:w00t: Bruno

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Bruno .....I do not think this is the expected response ?????Password:linux:/home/dale # cat /etc/lilo.confcat: /etc/lilo.conf: No such file or directorylinux:/home/dale #

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Well it is indeed what I kind of suspected/feared: You installed Grub for SUSE and not LILO ( that is why lilo.conf is non-existant ) . . . . anyway it is too late for that now and seeing that it did boot okay with the appendline I provided . . . let us forget about it . . . :w00t: :w00t: . . . and just enjoy the fact that SUSE is running ! :DB) BrunoPS: I just hope someone can check and confirm the appendline I posted from their DVD install of SUSE 9.1

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:) :o (Oh no) .....Bruno ,,,,Darn ... well lets see the available options ( :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: )1.) Change from Grub to Lilo (must be some way of doing that)2.) Do a reinsall of the disk, although I saw no place during the installation to make changes to the boot loader.3.) Leave well enough alone
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Dale:3.) Leave well enough alone That is the best option !! Your SUSE is booting okay . . . so why mess with it ? . . . Someone will come up with the "appendline" and confirm if the one I posted ( and you wrote in Mandrakes Lilo ) is 100% or not ;):w00t: Bruno

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Bruno .... I must agree ... it booted with no problems or errors so at least for the time being I guess I can leave it alone .... now it is on to getting audio / video ... and any other user items that need to be set up .... and then .... on to """" HDB"""" Debian and Fedora 2 .. still await us ..... "The valley of Linux" or maybe Linus .... onward

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