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Bruno,,,,,Well...... on hdb1 is drake 10.0 ................. and on hdb9 is drake 10.1 BETA....I must admit though that the availability of only one web browser in 10.1 has got to be alleviated .... quickly .... Konqueror is just not my cup of Liptons

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Well, Dale . . it is a Beta . . and you can add other browsers if you want in the MCC . . Here is what to do from Drake 9.0 . . you know the one we use for Lilo

$ su< password ># mkdir  /mnt/hdb9# mount  /dev/hdb9  /mnt/hdb9# cp -r  /mnt/hdb9/boot  /boot/cooker# ls  /boot/cooker

B) BrunoPS: Is 10 Official installed already as well ??

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And that one is working too ? . . . then we will have to switch from the 9.0 lilo to the 10 lilo tomorrow . . . but let us first update the 9.0 lilo . . B) Bruno

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B) :thumbsup: The following is brought to you by ............................
Password:[root@localhost dale]# mkdir /mnt/hdb9[root@localhost dale]# mount /dev/hdb9 /mnt/hdb9[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /mnt/hdb9/boot /boot/cooker[root@localhost dale]# ls /boot/cookerboot.0300                    mapconfig@                      message@config-2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdk      message-graphicdiag1.img                    message-textdiag2.img                    System.map@grub/                        System.map-2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdkinitrd-2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdk.img  us.kltinitrd.img@                  vmlinuz@kernel.h@                    vmlinuz-2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdkkernel.h-2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdk
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Excellent Dale . . . this is the part to add to your /etc/lilo.conf :

image=/boot/cooker/vmlinuz-2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdk        label="Cooker"        root=/dev/hdb9        initrd=/boot/cooker/initrd-2.6.8-0.rc2.2mdk.img        append="devfs=mount acpi=ht resume=/dev/hda5 splash=silent"        vga=788        read-only

Then run

#  /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hda

And you should be set to boot "Cooker"B) Bruno

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:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Bruno,,,,
[root@localhost dale]# /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hdaIgnoring entry 'boot'Added Mandrake90 *Added CookerAdded Knoppix-24Added Knoppix-26Added SlackwareAdded SUSEAdded floppyAdded Windows-XP[root@localhost dale]#
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Now posting ... from a successful .... re-boot into Drake 10.1 BETA ..... only a few minor disturbances so far...... the main one is that KPPP does not appear on the menu anywhere .... must make the connect from the consol ..... and have configured the connection twice now..... otherwise it is apparently good to go.... for the moment.

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Have you tried going to the configure your connection in the Control Center? I am wondering if you have it set up for KPPP there if it will add it to the menu? I would run a menu update after setting up the network connection there.Julia

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B) I configured the modem connection during the install, and then I have done it twice through the MCC. The info I entered is correct and it does stay put but it just is not appearing anywhere in the menu. I even have gone so far as to go through the "manage connections" icon but it is either a bug there or some other problem. It opens a small window saying it is checking for packages, then opens big window and wants installation media CD1 and I put the requested CD in, close the tray, click okay, and it stays closed for a slow count to 4 and then kicks the tray open and refuses to accept the install medium. So... I am using the consol/terminal to access the web. It works, but I will bet that is not what is supposed to be happening.
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Well, Dale remember it is only a BETA . . .and it would not be fun if there were no bugs in it :wacko: :PB) BrunoPS: A question for this evening is: can you boot into Drake 10 Official ? . . Does the old boot-CD from the previous install still work ?

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:wacko: :'( Bruno,,,,Could be it's only an Alpha in Beta Clothing too..... that portion of the last post about the CD getting ejected without anything being read from it applies to more than just KPPP. So far the impression I am getting is you better install everything you want the first time around, because there is not a second chance unless it is a complete new re-install. When I did the first install I just did the default selections and then later on I went back and tried to install Gnome. I got the same results, put the CD in wait 4 seconds, CD gets kicked back out and nothing is done. Also, do all those update sources that are posted for 10.0 work for 10.1 (just change the 0 to 1) or are there different ones. This is for using the MCC software updates section... ?????
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Hi DaleThere are no updates for Cooker . . . . it is just a snapshot, not meant for daily use . . but just to get an idea what the future version will bring :D . . . It is just for fun, don't make too much of it :DNow . . . I want to focus on Drake 10 official . . when you are ready . . :D Bruno

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B) :) Bruno,,,,Okay let us do the Drake 10.0 .... conversion/diversion/inversion drill..... I think I shall re-install the BETA model and select everything.... then it might just be more accomadating ??? :D :D
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Don't waste any time on the Beta . . next week there is another version and this one will be outdated . . So . . Drake 10 Official is on hdb1 ?? . .Can you boot it ??:D Bruno

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:) :D B) :D Bruno,,,,,,This post from Drake 10.0 is being brought to you byyyyy "Dangerous Dale" , this post is courtesy of the Drake 10.0 boot CD .......
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Bruno........ Here is all that info, and BTW, I also do not have KPPP on the menu in 10.0 either, have to access the web through the consol here too... but then I need to do updates on 10.0 also still...

{boot.0300                          kernel.h-2.6.3-7mdk-i686-up-4GBconfig@                            mapconfig-2.6.3-7mdk                  message@config-2.6.3-7mdk-i686-up-4GB      message-graphicdiag1.img                          message-textdiag2.img                          System.map@grub/                              System.map-2.6.3-7mdkinitrd-2.6.3-7mdk-i686-up-4GB.img  System.map-2.6.3-7mdk-i686-up-4GBinitrd-2.6.3-7mdk.img              us.kltinitrd-i686-up-4GB.img@            vmlinuz@initrd.img@                        vmlinuz-2.6.3-7mdkkernel.h@                          vmlinuz-2.6.3-7mdk-i686-up-4GBkernel.h-2.6.3-7mdk                vmlinuz-i686-up-4GB@[dale@localhost dale]$ cat /etc/lilo.conf# File generated by DrakX/drakboot# WARNING: do not forget to run lilo after modifying this fileboot=/dev/hdamap=/boot/mapdefault="linux-i686-up-4GB"keytable=/boot/us.kltpromptnowarntimeout=100message=/boot/messagemenu-scheme=wb:bw:wb:bwimage=/boot/vmlinuz        label="linux"        root=/dev/hdb1        initrd=/boot/initrd.img        append="devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent"        vga=788        read-onlyimage=/boot/vmlinuz        label="linux-nonfb"        root=/dev/hdb1        initrd=/boot/initrd.img        append="devfs=mount acpi=ht"        read-onlyimage=/boot/vmlinuz-i686-up-4GB        label="linux-i686-up-4GB"        root=/dev/hdb1        initrd=/boot/initrd-i686-up-4GB.img        append="devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent"        read-onlyimage=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.3-7mdk        label="263-7"        root=/dev/hdb1        initrd=/boot/initrd-2.6.3-7mdk.img        append="devfs=mount acpi=ht splash=silent"        read-onlyimage=/boot/vmlinuz        label="failsafe"        root=/dev/hdb1        initrd=/boot/initrd.img        append="failsafe acpi=ht devfs=nomount"        read-onlyother=/dev/hda3        label="windows"        table=/dev/hdaother=/dev/fd0        label="floppy"        unsafe[dale@localhost dale]$
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Okay Dale . . . Here is the first step:

$ su< password ># mkdir  /mnt/hda1# mount  /dev/hda1  /mnt/hda1# ls /mnt/hda1/boot

:D Bruno

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[Password:[root@localhost dale]# mkdir /mnt/hda1[root@localhost dale]# mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,    or too many mounted file systems[root@localhost dale]#
]looks like a problem has arisen here ?????
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This puzzles me . . . . do not understand why this happens . . . Okay let us do it the other way:Boot into Mandrake 9.0 . . and post from there.B) Bruno

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Okay here are the first series of commands for Drake 90

$ su< password ># mkdir  /mnt/hdb1# mount  /dev/hdb1  /mnt/hdb1

B) Bruno

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so far ... so good ... no errors ....

Password:[root@localhost dale]# mkdir /mnt/hdb1[root@localhost dale]# mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/hdb1[root@localhost dale]#
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That is good Dale . . now the second series:

# cp -r /boot/suse  /mnt/hdb1/boot# cp -r /boot/slack  /mnt/hdb1/boot# cp -r /boot/knoppix  /mnt/hdb1/boot# mkdir /mnt/hdb1/boot/drake90# cp -r /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-16mdkenterprise  /boot/drake90# cp -r /boot/initrd-2.4.19-16mdkenterprise.img  /boot/drake90

B) Bruno

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B) :hmm:
Password:su: incorrect password[dale@localhost dale]$ suPassword:[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /boot/suse /mnt/hdb1/boot[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /boot/slack /mnt/hdb1/boot[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /boot/knoppix /mnt/hdb1boot[root@localhost dale]# mkdir /mnt/hdb1/boot/drake90[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-16mdknterprise /boot/drake90cp: cannot stat `/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-16mdknterprise': No such file or directory[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-16mdkenterprise /boot/drake90[root@localhost dale]# cp -r /boot/initrd-2.4.19-16mdkenterprise.img /boot/drake90cp: overwrite `/boot/drake90'?[root@localhost dale]#
other than that one line where I mispelled enterprise I am not sure what the very last line is supposed to be saying/doing
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I can see why . . I gave you some wrong commands . . :DDo this:

# cp -r /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.19-16mdkenterprise  /mnt/hdb1/boot/drake90# cp -r /boot/initrd-2.4.19-16mdkenterprise.img  /mnt/hdb1/boot/drake90# ls -al  /mnt/hdb1/boot/# ls  /mnt/hdb1/boot/drake90/# rm /boot/drake90

B) Bruno

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