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Ooooo, if you are getting the UltimatebootCD you do not need that file anymore, because Killdisk is included in the UltimatebootCD . . . B) Bruno

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B) That is good, not sure what the difference is going to be between the self extracting d/l and the ISO d/l.... but it is good to get this as I have another hard drive (spare ???) that I have gotten "bad disk" errors on. Now I might be able to see what the problem is...
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:P ...... :huh: AAhheemmm........ need some help here.... I am re-installing Knoppix to replace the one that got ate up in a OS feeding frenzy..... right now I am using the "live" CD version to make this post... somewhere in the boot process I have missed the option of installing it to the hard drive as I did have it on hda9 and now ????I do not even get the option of installing it anywhere..... what am I missing here .... ?????
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Hi DaleI always get mixed op by the old and the new HD-Install command . . but I think the new one was:

sudo knoppix-installer

Give me a minute and I will check though.:huh: Bruno

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:thumbsup: :P :'( I could try that, but where at do I try it, I do not recall doing that at all the first time around, but then I would have to go back through this post and see if it was there. It seems that it was an option to install to a partition on hda was the route that I used. But then again, I am not all sure about that.I did get SuSE re-installed more or less, I am using it now since I am making all the d/l's for updates. I believe it is 84MB in size..... only one problem in the install that I was advised about... it said there was an error installing .. gdb ... not sure what that is but so far it is running well but I would like to fix that if it is possible ....And I just might do the link for the killdisk after all.... trying to d/l the whole thing is not an easy task... or at least not from where I am doing it at.... seems like it is a hit or miss affair with the servers... or the number of servers .....
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Hi DaleYou always start the install of knoppix from the console . . . that is how you did it the first time too . . . ;)You know that the SUSE updates replace your vmlinuz ( kernel ) do you ? And you have to check if the one in Lilo is still the same after the updates as the one that is in /boot of SUSEFrom what I did read about the Fedora-bug . . if you do the kill-disk thing the drive will be okay again . . . so just get the Killdisk utility and run it on that HD.The Fedora bug is related to a faulty Grub . . . that is why the first time when you installed and used Lilo you had no problem :thumbsup: . . . . But still I advice you to stay away from Fedora next time, also SELinux gives plenty of problems.:P Bruno

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:thumbsup: :P I don't recall doing that in Knoppix... but then I will have to wait now until SuSE is done doing updates..... What I do recall is after the CD boots up to an intro page that has the gears on it....... it starts the install but I will watch closer next time...For SuSE it is replacing a lot of security type fixes/bugs .... it will take a long time to get it all done..... of course it took me 3 times to get it to install too..... ($#@%$@) boot managersHaaaa....... yes, the first time I installed Fedora, I elected to not install a boot loader at all, and you made mention to always install a boot loader so the next time through I let it install GRUB.... now I see where the problem is at.... at least in Fedora,, since when that window comes up it gives you the option to change boot loaders but it does not give you anything to change to.... at least on what I have it doesn't,, you either get GRUB or you get nothing at .... I will know better next time... no GRUB.... no nothing
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LOL . . . . . all the SUSE notes are still in this thread . . . :'( . . . but you do not have to change the Drake lilo . . because most likely that one is still pointing to the updated kernel . . ;)Are you now blaming me for the Fedora mess ? . . . I told you to install LILO . . and not Grub my friend :thumbsup: :P :PB) Bruno

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:'( :P :o What.... me blame you for the Fedora fiasco..... never..... all I said was that the first time around I did not install a boot loader at all and it was good to go... the second time I did install (Grub, still say I had no choice) a boot loader and what did I get. The boot loader, loaded up and dumped on me...... one good thing that came out of it is now I will have to get that "ultimate boot cd" which I probably should have anyway.Just for info,,, when I get ready to do the new install of Slack 10 :thumbsup: :P are there any great differences between it and 9.1??????

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I was only joking Dale . . . . :P :DThe install of Slack 10.0 is identical to the install of 9.1 . . . you will have no problems with it . . . :thumbsup: Bruno

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:thumbsup: Ahh...haa .... so I should be prepared for ... startx and the GUI retrevial, and aps filter and all that same stuff that I had to do in 9.1 .... glad I printed a lot of that out :P :'(
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You got the picture . . . startx . . . change the files to make the mouse scroll and start in level 4 . . . the whole lot of usual tweaks that make Slack such fun. :PB) Bruno

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:thumbsup: :P I must have missed a lot .... :'( ... all I did was startx (as root) set up the GUI, add user, and do the aps filter and that was it, plus the updates to bring 9.1 up to date. Other than that I did nothing unusual at all ...
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Ummm.... nope did not do those.. I think I saw somewhere in those tips that some of them were for advanced ... users ... that surely does not cover me at all .... :lol:

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LOL . . . Dale those are the Slackware Tips 2 you are talking about . . See there are 2 Slackware Tips:Slackware TipsSlackware Tips 2The first is suited for everybody . . . the second is more advances . . . but you might have noticed I did only link you to the first one :PB) Bruno

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:lol: :) Now that you pointed that out..... I do see only one "tip" there...... Maybe if I get bold and curious.... I might.. repeat ... MIGHT ... attempt that but at the rate of d/l on this SuSE update... I might be forever on this.... I am 40pct done and have been d/l for hours.... I do believe that I am getting a whole now package here ... it currently is d/l the Linux kernel on X86 architexture .. I might be here for awhile......
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Bruno,,,,,Evening..... this post is for the time being from SuSE.... 6.5 hours and 55 pkg d/l's later.....I did a /sbin/lilo for SuSE and got these results... should I be very concerned about this or is this an easily fixable matter, or does it even matter ???????

Password:linux:/home/dale # /sbin/liloWarning: Int 0x13 function 8 and function 0x48 return differenthead/sector geometries for BIOS drive 0x80    fn 08: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors    fn 48: 47885 cylinders, 16 heads, 255 sectorsWarning: Int 0x13 function 8 and function 0x48 return differenthead/sector geometries for BIOS drive 0x81    fn 08: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors    fn 48: 29437 cylinders, 16 heads, 255 sectorsWarning: Kernel & BIOS return differing head/sector geometries for device 0x80    Kernel: 65535 cylinders, 16 heads, 63 sectors      BIOS: 1024 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectorsAdded Linux *Added Linux_other_1Added Linux_other_2Added Failsafelinux:/home/dale #
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Hi DaleI do not care much about the SUSE Lilo . . . you had to run it to finish the scripts, but we will not be using it B) :DWhat I would like to see though is ( from SUSE )

ls -al /boot

( if you are already back in Drake I can post you the command from there too ):) Bruno

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:) B) Actually, I am in XP right now, am doing the d/l of the ultimate boot disk and that is where I have the program located that I am using. It also has a version for Linux but as of yet I have not d/l'd and installed it but I shall post that to you before the day is done.
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Dale . . the Windows and the Linux version of the UltimateBoot-CD are the same . . . only the first you make the CD in Windows and with the second you burn the CD in Linux . . . the result after burning is 100% Identical !!!:hmm: Bruno

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Ummm.... uh huh .....I kinda, sort of figured that was the case,,, since I did not think that the hard drive was to particular what OS it had on it and all I wanted to do was see if I could salvage the hard drive (two of them actually) ... but I have a considrable amount of time tied up in this d/l already .. so I figured I would just finish it up here.

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Like I said Dale you actually only need the Killdisk utility that is on the UltimateBootCD . . . but you could get it separate too in a 2 MB download . . . That is all you need to save that HD . . :hmm: Bruno

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:hmm: :lol: Well..... I might still just do that...... this d/l is a killer..... but anyway here is that SuSE info you wanted......
linux:/home/dale # ls -al /boottotal 5608drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2004-08-15 05:36 .drwxr-xr-x 34 root root 4096 2004-08-15 04:25 ..-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 2004-08-14 11:11 backup_mbrlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1 2004-08-14 10:58 boot -> .-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 2004-08-14 11:11 boot.0300-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 55554 2004-07-28 11:57 config-2.6.5-7.104-defaultdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2004-08-14 10:58 grublrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 2004-08-14 17:55 initrd -> initrd-2.6.5-7.104-d efault-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1220135 2004-08-14 17:55 initrd-2.6.5-7.104-default-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 115852 2004-07-28 11:57 Kerntypes-2.6.5-7.104-default-rw------- 1 root root 161280 2004-08-15 05:36 map-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 84480 2004-07-20 10:46 message-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 79374 2004-07-28 11:58 symvers-2.6.5-7.104-i386-defau lt.gz-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 741449 2004-07-28 11:50 System.map-2.6.5-7.104-default-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1738635 2004-07-28 11:57 vmlinux-2.6.5-7.104-default.gzlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 2004-08-14 17:55 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.5-7.104 -default-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1469887 2004-07-28 11:50 vmlinuz-2.6.5-7.104-defaultlinux:/home/dale #
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Great DaleThis means you can boot into Drake 9.0 and restore that Lilo . . because SUSE will boot from the entry in that lilo tooSo boot into Drake 9.0 and do

#  /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hda

:hmm: Bruno

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:hmm: :D :lol: The following is brought to you from Drake 9.0 by ...... "Dangerous Dale" ..... tada (from MS)
Password:[root@localhost dale]# /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hdaIgnoring entry 'boot'Added Mandrake90 *Added Knoppix-24Added Knoppix-26Added SlackwareAdded SUSEAdded floppyAdded Windows-XP[root@localhost dale]# :D
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Yep . . but we had to do it again because SUSE had overwittten the MBR . . and now we just did put Drake back in there . . . Did you try to boot SUSE from this entry ?And how is Knoppix ?:hmm: Bruno

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