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:clap2: :ermm: B) :w00tx100: :ermm: :hmm: Bruno,,,,,Lets see, my priorities, get my machine back to the way it was before I did the Fedora re-install,,, that has been accomplished now with the exception of a few minor disturbances .... next is get my main machine back in operation so that WE can have more fun and games on it (Fedora ???, Gentoo, BSD, and maybe just maybe it will take that Meppis install that did not work on this one... and last get the one remaining machine all fixed so I can sell it .... those are my priorities ..... (I think, maybe not exactly in that order but very close)... :clap:
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:clap2:  :ermm:  B)  :w00tx100:  :ermm:  :hmm: Bruno,,,,,Lets see, my priorities, get my machine back to the way it was before I did the Fedora re-install,,, that has been accomplished now with the exception of a few minor disturbances .... next is get my main machine back in operation so that WE can have more fun and games on it (Fedora ???, Gentoo, BSD, and maybe just maybe it will take that Meppis install that did not work on this one...  and last get the one remaining machine all fixed so I can sell it ....  those are my priorities .....    (I think, maybe not exactly in that order but very close)... :clap:
Sounds good to me DaleOnly I would do this:
F***doria ???, Gentoo, BSD
On a separate system . . far away from any ohter OS ;):o Bruno
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:w00tx100: :clap2: B) But they will be on a totally seperate machine from the one I am on now ..... so they only OS's they can hurt is just those few .... but before that all happens I need to get all the updates for Knoppix and Drake 10.0 out of the way .... :hmm:
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o:) Bruno,,,,,,Just did third re-install of Slack 10.0, this time with PS2 mouse,,,,, an it worked, somewhat that is, there are several ... modprobe cannot find dependencies ... errors and during the actual install at the point where it writes lilo to (your choice) at the bottom of the screen display a "segmentation error) was showing ????? .... Now should I quit there and try this once more or are thiese minor things to not be concerned with ????Also I did lose X and my question is since Slack has done this X11 thing are the tips for getting X back still good since it references X86 .... also the web connection is shakey at best ... all the info is correct and it does dial out and connect and immediately the PPP dameon died error appears ........ any suggestions from any slackers on dial up there ... and other than that it looks okay... I am still as root until I get the X configuration thing straightened out ... and lastly after I get all this done ,,,, am I going to be restriceted to the PS2 mouse for Slack or can I go back to the track ball ..... ???
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Hi DaleFor configuring X in Slack 10 the command is not "xfree86setup" but "xorgsetup" . . the rest is the same . . . Now first get X set up and we will then see if all the errors you got during setup have any effect if you boot from the Drake 10 Lilo entry.I will send a PM to Sonic ( proud owner of a Slack Master degree ) and ask him to step in while I am on holidays . . . . I do expect the Slack to be 100% by the time I get back though ! o:) :devil: Bruno

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:devil: B) o:) :devil: So what you are saying is the the tip .... for configure X is so so .... my concern as I started to follow it was the init e then the cd~ and then XFree86 -configure entry I stopped there until I get direction on what and where .. ?????
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No do not use the Tip . . just type


as root . . . . . And yes the trackball will work . . . but you will have to edit the /etc/xorg.config file to make it work . . . . I hope Sonic can help you with that . . . if not : wait till I am back from holidays and use the PS2 mouse up to then.o:) Bruno

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Well, I see . . . . I am searching for the command in Xorg . . . ( xorg is so new . . it is hard to find info )What did "startx" do ???o:) Bruno

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It is unfortunate that I cannot connect to the web in Slack but when I entered that command a window opened up and basically asked if I wanted to rename the existing window configuragtion to xorg ..... etc.. click enter to do it ... esc to abort it ... I clicked enter and it gave me a fatal server error response and that was the end of if .... not sure what would have happened if I had aborted it ..startx works just like it did in 9.1... it takes me into the GUI ....

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startx works just like it did in 9.1... it takes me into the GUI ....
So your X is already configured ?? . . . Well that takes care of that then !:devil: BrunoPS: For those reading this ( NOT for you Dale, your X is okay ) and wondering about the "xorgconfig" command: it has to be run as normal user and not as root . . then it does work o:) . . You can also try " xorgsetup" :devil:
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Duhhhhh !!!!!!!!! Geeee........ yeah what was I thinking .... what I should have been doing is getting the GUI . in place .... I shall tackle that .... got any ideas why I can't connect to the web .. the symptons are ???? .... it dials the number .. you can here the exchange of noises ( o:) ) and it seems that as soon as the connection is made .. it gets broken off and I get the kppp dameon has died error..well back into Slack and get the GUI set up ... BBL

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Welll..... startx got me to the GUI .. but I had not yet changed the init from 3 to 4 now that is done and it boots directly into the GUI ... also added user ....

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ok, we can change from init 3 to 4. that's not hard :Dsu<password>kedit /etc/inittab then look for the line:id:3:initdefaultand change the 3 to a 4. be sure not to change anything else but that one number. then save the file, and exit kword. next time you restart you will see a GUI login :unsure:

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:unsure: ..............Yes 3 is now 4 and boots directly into GUI ..... lets see ... next ... need to figure out/fix the web connecton .... ... make changes so that I can use my trackballl mouse ...... and then see if those modprobe errors can be fixed .... :w00t: :lol:
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Humm... so your are trying to dial up correct? Have you entered in all the information correctly like the DNS servers, your user name, password, phone number etc? Double check the information and make sure there are no typos anywhere.

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:unsure: :w00t: Yes..... attempting is the correct description at this time ........ all the entered information is correct... user name .. password... phone number ..... the dns numbers are optional so I bypassed them... the only thing I am not sure of is in the configure area ... I entered all of this info during the install , now when I click on KPPP and click on configure then check the modem tab .. it is listed as /dev/modem which is fine as I can still dial out etc. .. but also listed is the ttys4/modem which is the correct listing for the location of my modem... I am not sure if I should leave it as /dev/modem or change it to the ttys4/modem listing ... any ideas there ... I would hate to mess up what is already there....
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:unsure: Okay.... entered both DNS and IP numbers, changed from dynamic to static, changed to /dev/ttys4/modem from /dev/modem.... all these changes were done one at a time and none of it works,,, changed it all back to stock ... what I keep getting is "kppp daemon suddenly diead" and it states exit status 4 ... but none of the changes worked....
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Hum hum hum... i'll have to give this a closer look tomorrow. i've been lucky enough never to have to set up a dial up connection on linux, so i'm not sure what's going on.Now though, it's time for me to call it a night.

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Sonic,,,,,,,,,Take your time ... for all I know this might have something to do with all those modprobe dependencies errors that are in the boot up dialog .... if necessary I can do another reinstall and that might clear it up but not sure about that ?????

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What are the errors saying? Can you post them here?A reinstall never hurts! ;)Have you connected with this computer on dial up in linux before? In another distro? Or has it never worked with linux?

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Sonic..I would have to go back over to Slack but basically they are saying modprobe error and something about dependencies an files or directories won't open ... I would have to write them down since I have not idea how to pull anything out of the boot up screens to post it.A reinstall is quick and painless to .. since there is nothing at all on Slack at the moment.Yes this computer connects to the web (dial up) on every OS on it Drake 9.0, 10.0, 10.1 BETA, SuSE, Knoppix, and XP....

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Here are the two concerns that I havekmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -d scsi_host adapter errno=2 .. this appears 3 times in a row ....modprobe can't open dependencies /lib/modules/2.4.22/modules/dep (no such file or directory)

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kmod: failed to exec /sbin/modprobe -s -d scsi_host adapter errno=2 .. this appears 3 times in a row ....modprobe can't open dependencies /lib/modules/2.4.22/modules/dep (no such file or directory)
If you do not have anything that is scsi then this is not a problem. It is probing for something that is not there. Most of us do not run scsi drives by the way.Are you running the 2.4.22 kernel? I suspect this is tied in to that kernel.Julia :rolleyes:
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