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Slackware defaults to the 2.4.26 kernel.The SCSI error does worry me either, because, as julia says, you don't have anything SCSI in your machine, so it's just looking for things that are not there ;)The second error worries me a little though:

modprobe can't open dependencies /lib/modules/2.4.22/modules/dep (no such file or directory)
This is especially strange seeing as slack doesn't use the 2.4.22 kernel. I think it may be time to reinstall just one more time. However, just wait a bit. I want to pull up these great pointers for installing slackware that were posted here a while ago.
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Ok, found it. There are a few things we want to pay close attention to during this install.1. when it comes to the screen labeled "install linux kernel", use the "get kernel from cd" option, then on the next screen, make sure you choose the bare.i kernel (both of these should be highlighted by default).2. After the "make boot disk" screen, you have the option to configure your modem. Do that. Then, later on, skip the "configure your network" screen. Everything else should be done normally. chose the ext3 file system and a full install and you'll be on your way. I'm going to be in and out all day, so let me know how it goes :DHopefully you won't be seeing those errors anymore :rolleyes:

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;) :w00t: :w00t: :whistling: Okay..... re-install completed ..... made absolutely no difference ... have the exact same errors and in the exact same quanity. Still unable to make a web connection ... this is just like instant replay only it takes longer :w00t: :lol: ... at the install screen where it asks you about the kernel ..... where you want to get it from ... at the bottome of the monitor (in the black area) I have this notification "segmentation error". I do not recall if I had that the first time I did the Slack 10 install but I have had it the last 2 times I did it. I have no idea where the segmentation error is at, if it has anything to do with the modprobe errors or anything about it ?????
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Humm! Very strange! We may have to skip those errors until bruno gets back... i don't see why the internet connection isn't working though.Do you know the name and model of the modem you are using?

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Try this command for me please:echo atdt3333333 > /dev/ttyS0 (that's a ZERO)wait a moment and listen for any noise from the modem. then do:echo ath > /dev/ttyS0 (that's a ZERO)

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Yes ...... user or Yes ... root ??????read that link and all that is good ..... the modem dials the connection ... the connection is made ... then it is immediately disconnected ..... and I get an error that says that the kppp daemon has died and error status 4 (whatever that means, I do not have a listing of the different errors) .... in that particular window there are two buttons one is cancel the other is details ... click on cancel and it takes you back to the kppp dialer window so you can try again ...click on the details window and it takes you to what should be a log of sorts but there isn't any information listed there to work with ....

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Ignore those last commands i gave. It sounds like we don't need those since it does seem to connect, then just stops. Could you post these commands for me?:su<password>kppp -vpppd --versionthen, do this command/opt/kde/bin/kppp and try to connect from that window and see if that makes a difference.

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[Password:[root@localhost dale]# kppp -vQt: 3.2.3KDE: 3.2 BRANCH >= 20040204KPPP: 2.1.4[root@localhost dale]# pppd --versionpppd version 2.4.1
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Haha, i was thinking that looked a little funny. I just tried something and found out that this command needs to be done as a normal user. All the others are done as root.kppp -v

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Welllll ... shucks .... little late now .. already been there an back but here is what I got more or less ..... I culled the important stuff here ..kppp -v ... bash: kppp: command not found ( probably would be different as user)pppd --version 2.4.2now from /opt/kde/bin/kppp I get a configuration window .. so I set up the connection again and tried it and in the consol window got a whole bunch of stuff but the most noticeable was this ....In Parent: pppd pid621couldn't find interface ppp0: no such device kernel supports ppp alrightpppd: this system lcks kernel support for ppp. this could be because the ppp kernel module could not be loaded, or because ppp was not included in the kernel configuration. if ppp was included as a module, try /sbin/modprobe -v . If that fails, check that ppp.0 exists in /lib/modules/'uname -r'/net .... now in that last command the " ' " symbol was leaning to the left and I was not sure what it was .. unless it was the symbol that is shared with the ~ key , however, the results of the command are basically the same for both and stem from the errors for the ... modprobe errors there are no such file or directory ... so that is the result of all that and it gives me the impression that those missing items are directly connected to the problem that is preventing a connection to the web. This might also have something to do with that "segmentation error" that I mentioned earlier.... I will try to reload it one more time tomorrow... if that fails , I just might have a bad disk ....

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Ok, humm... that's not good news.please post:/sbin/modprobe -vI'm going to go offline for a while. We are having some thunderstorms here and i want to unplug just to be on the safe side :thumbsup: We might have to pick this back up tomorrow.

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The results of that are (as su)/sbin/modprobe -v modprobe can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.4.22/modules/dep (no such file or directory) ... an that is that ... I will reload again tomorrow and see if anything changes ... done for today

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That is a very very strange error. I googled it and came up with this command:sudepmod -AStill, this is very strange. I can't figure out why you could be having this error, especially because the 2.4.22 kernel isn't even what slackware uses!

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Sonic ...............I just got done reloading Slack 10 (fifth time) and still have the same errors, the only difference is this time there was no segmentation error message during the install. The modprobe error occurs 7 different times, twice in a row, then 4 times in a row, and then once by itself and they are in different places during the boot sequence but they are always in the same place with each different install......

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DaleMy question to you: Is Slack worth the trouble you are having with it? Some distros just plain do not like certain computers. I have had my share of distros that just were not meant to be tamed. There are so many great ones out there for any given computer, why waste your time reinstalling over and over again?Julia

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Dale, in slackware do:sudepmod -Aand then reboot and see if it fixes the modprobe errors. If that doesn't fix it, then i think teacher is right. Some computers just don't like certain distros. The only distro that runs correctly on mine is slackware. All the others just don't work with my system.

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Okay .. before I go over to Slack and check out that command .................. Slack 9.1 worked fine on the install on this very same machine. It was in need of the updates and getting the flakey video display straightened out. BUT it was still Slack and in was installed, now I could totally understand that theory about distros that do not install if I had never had it on the machine in the first place, but it was on, no problem ... Slack 9.1. I am in the process of getting the seller to ship another set of disks, now if it still fails then I shall let Slack go by the way side, but I am not in the habit of just giving up.

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I suppose they could be bad disks. I'm actually thinking they are a little funny since they are pointing things to a kernel that slack doesn't use...But, maybe doing the updates would fix that... however, if you can't get online, you can't do the updates. :hmm:

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Sonic......Here is the result of that last command..depmod: can't open /lib/modules/2.4.22/modules.dep for writingI also have a question about the login .... this is the first time that I have ever come across this "darkstar" login ,, it usually just has my name there but now I have this strange darkstar ,,, any ideas what that is from ...????

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darkstar is the default name slackware gives your computer unless you tell it something else. I can't really think of anything else to try at the moment.I'm going to have a look though my /lib/modules/ and see if i can find any hints as to why yours isn't working.

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Sonic...You say that the 2.4.22 that is referenced is not used by Slackware, but at the very beginning of the install process..... where it is getting ready to install from the CD it has that very same kernel ???? referenced ... if that is of any info to you.

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What kernel did you choose during the install? The default bare.i?Slackware doesn't include a 2.4.22 kernel. It has the newer one, 2.4.26 -- it says so right on the front page of slackware's site. That is why i'm confused :url: Out of curiosity... are you sure this is slack 10.0 final? It isn't like an RC is it?Can you douname -a please in slackware? That will tell us which kernel it's running.(if that gives a command not found error, or permission denied error, do the command as su)

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Sonic....Yes, I chose default all the way through.... at the very end of the boot sequence,, before you type your login (this was prior to changing the init number) it also had listed the 2.4.22 ... now the command uname -a gives the same response as root or user and this is what I got: Linux darkstar 2.4.22 #6 Sep 2 17:43:01 PDT 2003 i686 unknown unknown GNU/Linux .....and to the best of my knowledge it is the final version

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