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Go for it Colin !! You can do it . . you did it before . . :DB) Bruno

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Well Bruno :D :D :D Hope I can give you a Nice Amsterdam Wake Up call cos' MUST :o be near "Nighty Nights" for you by nowSo am going to reboot into PClos and see what happensColin B) :) :o :P B)


Soon there will be plenty off people around to help you . . . . . so when I wake up I can read that you were successful :DB) Bruno


Hi Bruno Et-alPCLos IS installed on hda9 surprised there was no screens asking for mouse/time zones etcSo we will be looking at past posts to see where to go next.From what I can Gather it is No Updates as yet BECAUSE only PCLos kis in the boot loader.So the TREKKING begins :) Colin B)


Righty Ho :D Think I am ahead of myself here trying to for new sources/repositories for updatesGot user kamicota added, after being through the last 60 days of posts. And having trouble zeroing in on what is needed and what order.BUT Seems as if first of all --->>> * We need MDK 10 and Windows added to PCLos lilo * Change root password * And what else right now escapes meAnd as I am having trouble finding the "PATIENT" sequence of getting PCLos up to date through the 60 days of postsI'll leave it for a while and wait and see what comes my way especially as I have been summonned to a gathering of minds by Personal FriendHopefully B) :P :D :) B) Cheers for YearsColin :D


Finally Et-als' :thumbsup: the lessons of the past few months with the loss of SO :blink: many documents through losing PClos and Suse. Each and every "command" needed to complete this install WILL ;) :D be in a text file and PRINTED :o so that it can be done right the first time by me, without causing all the grief on the forum.It irks me that it has taken SO long to SINK in but that's a "Geordie", have to KNOCK him on the head THREE TIMES before anything registers.Also PATIENCE has also taken it's TOLL as I have NOT rushed ahead like I did with MDK 10. But will take the help and the newly created text file to follow this through to the LATEST UPDATE/UPGRADE and the wya things are going that looks to be near the 2.6 PCLos 6 release.As Friday I have to be up and away with the birds @ 7.00 am to Cowtown for another mission of Computer Mercy with & for a friend.ONE thing that did get done in the last 15mins was I ACTUALLY :o :P :clap: got Evolution hooked up and running and thats a FIRST for me anyways always leaning to the EASIER Mozilla Mail. Why the excitement about Evolution I still have to find out for myself.Hoping Et-als' can bear with me till PCLos is at the peak performance it was before my little forays into "IMPATIENCE anbd SLOW LEARNING curves"Cheers for YearsColin :D


Good news Colin !!Let me know when you are ready to fix the update source and adapt Lilo so you can boot Windows and Drake too :oRemember you have the Drake boot CD made ? You can boot from that CD to get into Drake . . then if you open a console and do

$ su< password ># /sbin/lilo

After that you will have Drake's lilo back and you can boot Mandrake and Windows . . . Then, wait till I get back online and we will add PCLos to the mix ;) :blink:( We will use Drake's lilo because PCLos is only beta and Drake is "stable" :thumbsup: ):clap: Bruno


ColinI am impressed. You are getting much better at applying the old noodle to install things. Glad to see you are learning a little patience. Adding it to the Drake lilo and then going for updates will keep you a bit busy for a while. Julia :thumbsup:


Ahh. I see Quint with the mystery avatar is getting subtle with the fireworks! Way to go Colin. :thumbsup:


Hi ColinI have the lilo instructions . . . . so whenever you are ready for it: Shout !;) Bruno


Thanks bruno/Julia/Quint :D :) :thumbsup: Quint LOVED the fireworks cos thats the way my Physicall, Dream and Spiritual lives have been going for the last few months. They all seem to have been running a parallel course with My Linux distoros experiences and you ALL KNOW how that has been :P Hopefully we are now B) :rolleyes: :D cool in just taking this one step at a time.Julia I don't know wether it IS using the old noodle but physically I am worn out woth life in general probably the way the computer is woth all my antics.But ANYWHOOOOS it's time for Bruno's :sorcerer: :sorcerer: :sorcerer: :clap: with the liloI'll post when that is done and ready for PCLos's inclusionCheers for yearsColin :thumbsup: :D


And here it is[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# /sbin/liloAdded linux *Added linux-nonfbAdded 263-7Added failsafeAdded windowsAdded floppy[root@localhost kamicota]#I'll get back after the rebootColin :D


Back Again :D MDK's lilo backBUT OOPS forgot Gnome does not shut down had to cold shut down.Will wait for the PCLos to MDK's lilo Instructions and then add those to the text fileColin :D


Great ColinNow I do remember that we made a /mnt/pclos directory, but I'm not sure we made a /boot/pclos directory too . . . . so ( as "su" ):

# mkdir /boot/pclos

If you get a message that it already exists, that's okay . . . :DThen the real start, 1st stage: ( take your time, there is no hurry :D )

# mount  /dev/hda9  /mnt/pclos # ls  /mnt/pclos/boot

The last one is a "check if all is still okay". Stop here if you get an error, or no results at all.2nd stage:

# cp  /mnt/pclos/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk   /boot/pclos # cp  /mnt/pclos/boot/initrd-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk.img   /boot/pclos # umount  /mnt/pclos # ls  /boot/pclos

Also, here the last one is a "check if all is still okay". Stop here if you get an error.3rd stage:

kwrite  /etc/lilo.conf

This will open the GUI of Kwrite with the lilo.conf file open. I want you to add the following lines to it ( give it a white line first so we can clearly see what is added later ):

image=/boot/pclos/vmlinuz-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk         label="PCLos"         root=/dev/hda9         initrd=/boot/pclos/initrd-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk.img         append="devfs=mount splash=silent"         vga=788         read-only

After adding those lines you save the file in kwrite and close the GUI so you can go back to the console.Then in the console:

# cat  /etc/lilo.conf

So we can check if it is all there and we can go on to the 4th stage . . . . . . . but remember this, if at any stage you get error messages or weird results: STOP ! ( I can make typos too :D ) And we will analyse what is wrong :DB) Bruno


BrunoDoes this mean it exists[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# mkdir /boot/pclos[root@localhost kamicota]#Colin :D

BrunoDoes this mean it exists[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# mkdir /boot/pclos[root@localhost kamicota]#Colin  :D
It probably means that it was just created. :D

Thought it might Quint that's why I asked :D So I can Go ahead with this--->>.# mount /dev/hda9 /mnt/pclos# ls /mnt/pclos/bootColin :D


Did I Lose patience here :D by continuing[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# mkdir /boot/pclos[root@localhost kamicota]# mount /dev/hda9 /mnt/pclos[root@localhost kamicota]# ls /mnt/pclos/bootboot.0300 lost+found/boot.0800 mapconfig@ message@config-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk message-graphicdiag1.img message-textdiag2.img System.map@initrd-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk.img System.map-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdkinitrd.img@ us.kltkernel.h@ vmlinuz@kernel.h-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk vmlinuz-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdklivecd.klt[root@localhost kamicota]#Colin :D

Thought it might Quint that's why I asked  :D So I can Go ahead with this--->>.# mount  /dev/hda9  /mnt/pclos# ls  /mnt/pclos/bootColin  :D
Colin,Above all else, follow Bruno's advice explicitly!You can do this:
# mount  /dev/hda9  /mnt/pclos# cd /mnt/pclos/boot# ls
HTH. :)

Looks fine, Colin... :thumbsup:Now you can:

# cp initrd-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk.img /boot/pclos# cp vmlinuz-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk /boot/pclos

This is what I got Quint[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# mount /dev/hda9 /mnt/pclosmount: /dev/hda9 already mounted or /mnt/pclos busymount: according to mtab, /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part9 is already moun ted on /mnt/pclos[root@localhost kamicota]#Colin :(


That's because it's already mounted...no problem! :( See my "edit".


OOPS cross Posted but here are all three line results[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# mount /dev/hda9 /mnt/pclosmount: /dev/hda9 already mounted or /mnt/pclos busymount: according to mtab, /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part9 is already moun ted on /mnt/pclos[root@localhost kamicota]# cd /mnt/pclos/boot[root@localhost boot]# lsboot.0300 initrd-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk.img map us.kltboot.0800 initrd.img@ message@ vmlinuz@config@ kernel.h@ message-graphic vmlinuz-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdkconfig-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk kernel.h-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk message-textdiag1.img livecd.klt System.map@diag2.img lost+found/ System.map-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk[root@localhost boot]#Colin


Cross posted again QuintI'll hold my horses until your next replyColin


Do this:

[root@localhost boot]# cp initrd-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk.img /boot/pclos[root@localhost boot]# cp vmlinuz-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk /boot/pclos

Hopefully :o [root@localhost boot]# cp initrd-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk.img /boot/pclos[root@localhost boot]# cp vmlinuz-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk /boot/pclos[root@localhost boot]#Colin :(


Colin, After that, you can then either wait for Bruno, or follow his "Multi-Boot" Tip, and all will be great! :( I'm off to plant rosebushes...

Hopefully  :o [root@localhost boot]# cp initrd-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk.img /boot/pclos[root@localhost boot]# cp vmlinuz-2.4.23-2.tmb.2mdk /boot/pclos[root@localhost boot]#Colin  :(
That tells me all is well - Great Job!! :o :thumbsup:Now see my last post...

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