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Bruno :( I am USING my nom-de-plume "kamicota" as the user NOT colin.But still have the guest option in there too I used you addusr commandsAnd will get to the sources as SOON as the email arrives Colin :o

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Good so you are not using the guest account anymore ? . . . And did you change the root password from "root" to another one ?:( Bruno


Righty Ho BrunoI have the sources list and it is in /home/kamicotaAnd after # cp sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list HOW do I --->>>Then If you are using the Guest account I first want to make a Colin account for login before you do the updatesColin :(


BrunoI FORGOT how to change Root passwordSo it is still the sameColin :(


Colin,Log out and log back in as "root" ( password "root" ) . . then open a konsole and:

# passwd

it will ask you for your new ROOT password, give it and give it again to confirm.After that ( if you not already did that ):

# adduser kamicota

That will make the user kamicota and next

# passwd kamicota

will ask you for the new password for the user "kamicota" give it and confirm itAnd then you are ready to delete the user Guest:

# userdel guest

Then we are ready to log out again and log in as kamicota !:( Bruno


here it is bruno after [root@localhost root]# passwdChanging password for user root.New UNIX password:BAD PASSWORD: it is based on a dictionary wordRetype new UNIX password:passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.[root@localhost root]# adduser kamicotaadduser: user kamicota exists[root@localhost root]# userdel guestuserdel: error removing shadow group entry[root@localhost root]#But the last error???Colin :( :o


We will delete the Guest in another way Colin . . . just log out as root now and log back in as kamicota and post again :DB) Bruno


Bruno please excuse the delaySTRANGE things happening with the computer--->>>Both times logging in as different user LOCKED the computer up & had to do Cold boots. In future i will reboot.BUT :( somehow "GUEST" is Not in the login screen only kamicota and rootColin :o


How are you logged in now Colin ?Root or Kamicota ?B) Bruno


Good !!Now just to check:Menu --> Configuration --> Other --> Useradministration . . . . . . . . . and have a look if only kamicota is mentionned there . . :DB) Bruno

userdel: error removing shadow group entry
Bruno, that sounds like userdel had a problem deleting the GROUP "guest"

Great Colin . . . so that did work okay !!Now the updates ! . . . start synaptic and as you press "refresh" and it gets the lists from the mirror check if it is "nluug" . . . . then upgrade your system !After the updates we have to check the /apt/sources.list again to see if it has not been replaced by the updates . . . so do the updates, reboot, and do

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list

B) Bruno

userdel: error removing shadow group entry
Bruno, that sounds like userdel had a problem deleting the GROUP "guest"
Yep Adam . . but the user guest is gone and we changed the rootpassword, so all is safe from hackers ( crackers ) :DB) Bruno

BrunoOnly "ibiblio" is in the sources right now so did NOT press "update list"Colin


Colin . . . Do the command again:

#  cp  sources.list   /etc/apt/sources.list

And after that start synaptic againB) Bruno


This is what I got Bruno cp : overwrite '/etc/apt/.list , overriding mode 0664had to type that no copy/pasteColin


Are you root as you do

#  cp  sources.list   /etc/apt/sources.list

??B) Bruno


Nopeas "Su" got --->>>cp : overwrite '/etc/apt/.list ' ?Colin


And then you type "YES" and hit enter !After that do:

#  cat  /etc/apt/sources.list

and post me what you see . . B) Bruno


This time BrunoAll the Sources showed up (TOO MANY to type)Colin


Copy and paste ?B) Bruno


Doesn't work from the console into the posting but DOES from the posting to the consoleColin


Bruno switched browsers[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# cp sources.list /etc/apt/sources.listcp: overwrite `/etc/apt/sources.list'? YES[root@localhost kamicota]# cat /etc/apt/sources.list#PCLINUXOS apt repository#rpm http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distribut.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar#rpm ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/metalab.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstarrpm ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributi.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar#rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/mirrors/sunsi.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar[root@localhost kamicota]#

Doesn't work from the console into the posting but DOES from the posting to the consoleColin
Strange !!Well anyway let me explain . . . . this is the file . . . only I inserted white lines so you can see the different sections:
#PCLINUXOS apt repository#rpm http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distributions/contrib/texstar/pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar#rpm ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/metalab/distributions/contrib/texstar/pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstarrpm ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributions/contrib/texstar/pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar#rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/mirrors/sunsite/distributions/contrib/texstar/pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar

You will see that ONLY the line with nluug has NO "#" mark at the beginning . . . that is good and the only right one . . . . so after updating you have to check with

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list

if that is still the case . . . . if it is not you just do the

# cp  sources.list  /etc/apt/sources.list

again :DB) Bruno


Okay keep using that browser . . . so I can check what you are up to B) :DB) Bruno


Think we cross posted BrunoColin


The Updates B):whistling: Bruno

#PCLINUXOS apt repository#rpm http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/distribut.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar#rpm ftp://ftp-linux.cc.gatech.edu/pub/metalab.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstarrpm ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributi.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar#rpm ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/mirrors/sunsi.../pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar[root@localhost kamicota]#
Colin, you have the right source.....

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