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Nope sorry Colin . . . we did make that pclos directory when we were trying to add pclos to lilo . . . remember ?Try this:

# ls /windows/C

:thumbsup: Bruno

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[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ ls /windows/C[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$Colin :thumbsup:


The commands are getting shorter :thumbsup:

ls  /

<_< Bruno


OOPS don't say a word[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ ls /bin/ dev/ home/ lib/ mnt/ proc/ sbin/ sys/ usr/ windows/boot/ etc/ initrd/ media/ opt/ root/ srv/ tmp/ var/[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$Colin :thumbsup:


Not possible Colin . . try again:

$ ls  /

:thumbsup: Bruno


[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ ls /bin/ dev/ home/ lib/ mnt/ proc/ sbin/ sys/ usr/ windows/boot/ etc/ initrd/ media/ opt/ root/ srv/ tmp/ var/[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$the same???Colin :thumbsup:


Right . . . now:

$ ls /windows

:thumbsup: Bruno


[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ ls /windowsC/ D/ E/[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$Colin :thumbsup:


Now try:

$ ls  /windows/C

:thumbsup: Bruno


[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ ls /windows/C[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$Colin :thumbsup:

$ su< password ># mount  /dev/hda1  /windows/C# ls  /windows/C

:thumbsup: Bruno


[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# mount /dev/hda1 /windows/C[root@localhost kamicota]# ls /windows/Cautoexec.bat* bootitng.str* epsonreg/ scandisk.log*bootit01.snd* bootitng.sys* epusbdrv/ setupxlg.txt*bootit02.snd* bootlog.prv* EyeCandyLog.txt* suselive.900*bootit03.snd* bootlog.txt* install.log* suselive.txt*bootit04.snd* command.com* io.sys* suselive.usr*bootit05.snd* config.sys* kpcms/ Temp/bootit06.snd* default.mnu* msdos.sys* tmp/bootitng* dynebol.cfg* My Documents/ vcom/bootitng.dat* dynebol.nst* My Pictures/ windows/bootitng.hlp* embrcrt0.und* Program Files/ WINDOWSWININIT.INI*bootitng.mse* embrl* recycled/bootitng.opt* epson/ ROXIOAUTOEXEC.BAT*[root@localhost kamicota]#Colin :thumbsup:


Hurray !!So now:

#  mount /dev/hda5  /windows/D#  mount  /dev/hda6   /windows/E

Now all your windows drives are mounted and accessable :DBut Colin . . this is very unusual . . . . . First the /windows is ultra unusual !! Then that they are not mounted is Ultra unusual !!Your CDs are a complete waste of money . . . :thumbsup: Bruno


[root@localhost kamicota]# mount /dev/hda5 /windows/D[root@localhost kamicota]# mount /dev/hda6 /windows/E[root@localhost kamicota]#My MDK 10 maybe a lost cause that's why I'm thinking to replace it with XabdrosAlso PCLos download on windows Froze up with 100+kbs to go and Stalled @ 386MB in Gnome <_< B) :thumbsup: So may have to wait for PCLos 6 ehColin :hmm:


No Colin . . keep this partition for Mandrake . . soon we will downloaded the CDs soon again and do a GOOD install !!Mandrake is the way to learn all about Linux . . Xandros is no good for that !:thumbsup: Bruno


Thankxz Bruno <_< :thumbsup: have PCLos from friend to put on again OR is it best to wait for PCLos 6And can KDE be REINSTALLED againColin :hmm:


PCLos 5 is okay . . just install it :DB) Bruno


Yeah Brunowhen it comes.Do the updates need any special commands in the console such as ADDING NLUUG etcColin :thumbsup:


For PCLos you mean ?:thumbsup: Bruno


Ooops againYeah when PCLos 5 comes from friendandAre there any special 'CONSOLE" commands to get the nluug etc mirrors to updateColin :thumbsup:


When PCLos comes . . first install it . . . and then we will add it to Mandrakes Lilo . . . and only after that we will do the updates for PCLos . . . I will help you then to get the correct sources set up for it :thumbsup: <_< . . All in due time :DB) Bruno


Great BrunoI'll Posdt when PClos is installed and do the <_< :hmm: B) thing with repositories etc after the INITIAL reinstallColin :thumbsup:


I come back from vacation and find you installing yet again? Please tell me I hear things wrong???<_< :DJulia :thumbsup:


Yep ;) That's right JuliaHad ALL Bruno instructions and went ahead replacing Suse with MDK 10 BUT o:) Once again Only Looking at Pictures and missing one line under the partion screen I ended up losing PCLos.To top that off I gave my PCLos CD to a friend which he says he gave back BUT can NOT :o find itSo possibly a bad download at Linux Central and MDK 10 will NOT boot into KDE only the other GUI's.So CAN'T TELL a LIE yes I have been installing again :huh: :o :( :P Colin :D


Oh my! You leave me speechless. You have to read every single line! Don't go skipping lines! Hope you get it all put back together again!Julia :P


Yeah I took that when the option od hda9 being /data it meany it just recognised I had PCLos on thereHOW wrong :huh: I was and to top it off NO KDE from what looks like Linux Central's poor downloadsOh GUESS I having to LEARN :D :o o:) ;) :P PATIENCE tooColin :o


Gremlins :o :huh: :thumbsup: again BrunoAfter you mounted the C,D, & E drives their Icons appeared on the Gnome Desktop BUT this is the first Boot to Gnome after being in windows and NO yes NO :'( C,D,or E Drives showing and although they are in Nautilus they are empty.Boy do I deel "Jinxed" here not to mention Confused :'( :D Colin :D


OOPS :thumbsup: forgot to mention when I "Double Clicked" on Windows desktop icons non would come up. So Booted to Gnome & NO Drive iconsStranger than Fiction eh :'( Colin :D


Got the Icons back on Gnome desktopBut this what I get when trying to access whats in "D/01downloads"The action associated with "01downloads" is invalid.You can configure GNOME to associate a different application or viewer with this file type. Do you want to associate an application or viewer with this file type now?Boy did I ever get a pig in the poke from linux central with MDK 10 :'( :thumbsup: :D Colin :'(

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