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OOPS Colin is NOT PCLos'd


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BurinbushDo I put my Mepis cd in the drive to do that OR do use my PCLos 81CD to do those commandsColin as USUAL a little :blink: :wub: :medic: :icon8: ;)

Edited by kamicota
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HI ColinWhat was the resolution before you installed Mepis ( running it Live ) . . . was it okay back then ?? And did you use the F3 key ( again, before booting the Live version ) to set the correct screen-resolution ??;) Bruno

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BrunoI USED the F3 key pressed enter on the 1024x768 resolution and went into the live CD and still the resolution was 800x600 but went ahead with the install anywaysColin

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Ahaaaaaa . . . . there you should have waited and told us that booting Live gave you resolution problems too . . . Now, here is what we will do:1). Put the Mepis CD in the CD-ROM 2). At the first screen you get press F3 . . choose the correct resolution3). In the white box at the bottom of the screen I want you to add xres=1024x768 to the boot-options that are already there4). Only then boot Mepis Live . . . and tell us if it worked.;) Bruno

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Yes BrunoThere were other commands in that white box & I added xres=1024x768 wether I left a space after the last command I can't rememberI have the Live cd ready to go if you wish to try againColin

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Yep I would like you to try again . . . because when I try ( with another even bigger resolution ) I get the resolution I ask for . . . . ;) Bruno

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BrunoF3 hit on livecd 1024x768 was highlighted - hit enter uttonthen put xres=1024x768 in the lower box--->>>AND AGAIN I HAVE THE 800X600 --->>>OOPS no it is 640x480 that I haveColin :medic: ;)

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Strange . . . seems you have an odd video card that is not so well supported by MepisMaybe you can boot the Mepis HD install ( so not the Live version ) and post

# cat /boot/grub/menu.lst

;) Bruno

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Bruno This screen is also 640x480 and I thought ;) it was 800x600kamicota@1[~]$ suPassword:root@1[kamicota]# cat /boot/grub/menu.lsttimeout 15color cyan/blue white/blueforeground ffffffbackground 0639a1gfxmenu /boot/grub/messagetitle MEPIS at hdb9, kernel 2.6.10kernel (hd1,8)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10 root=/dev/hdb9 nomce quiet splash=verbose vga=791initrd (hd1,8)/boot/initrd.splashtitle MEPIS at hdb9, kernel 2.4.29kernel (hd1,8)/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.29 root=/dev/hdb9 nomce quiet splash=verbose vga=791 hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsiinitrd (hd1,8)/boot/initrd.splashtitle Windows at hda1rootnoverify (hd0,0)chainloader +1title MEMTESTkernel /boot/memtest86.binroot@1[kamicota]# Colin

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I see you have 2 kernels to choose from . . . are both giving the same results ??Okay what I want you to do:

# kedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

And make these changes ( see GREEN additions )

timeout 15color cyan/blue white/blueforeground ffffffbackground 0639a1gfxmenu /boot/grub/messagetitle MEPIS at hdb9, kernel 2.6.10kernel (hd1,8)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10 root=/dev/hdb9 nomce quiet splash=verbose vga=791 xres=1024x768initrd (hd1,8)/boot/initrd.splashtitle MEPIS at hdb9, kernel 2.4.29kernel (hd1,8)/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.29 root=/dev/hdb9 nomce quiet splash=verbose vga=791 hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi xres=1024x768initrd (hd1,8)/boot/initrd.splashtitle Windows at hda1rootnoverify (hd0,0)chainloader +1title MEMTESTkernel /boot/memtest86.bin
Then save the file and reboot . . . and try to boot both kernels that the Grub menu offers you . . ;) Bruno
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I wonder if he changed the GRUB menu to vga normal.... would that possibly make diference? I ran into this problem with my unsupported chip

We can try that although the vga=791 is only during boot . . .
BrunoBoth kernels give me 640x480Colin

Colin . . last try . . . we do Adams option:
# kedit /boot/grub/menu.lst

And make these changes:

timeout 15color cyan/blue white/blueforeground ffffffbackground 0639a1gfxmenu /boot/grub/messagetitle MEPIS at hdb9, kernel 2.6.10kernel (hd1,8)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.10 root=/dev/hdb9 nomce quiet splash=verbose vga=normal xres=1024x768initrd (hd1,8)/boot/initrd.splashtitle MEPIS at hdb9, kernel 2.4.29kernel (hd1,8)/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.29 root=/dev/hdb9 nomce quiet splash=verbose vga=normal hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi xres=1024x768initrd (hd1,8)/boot/initrd.splashtitle Windows at hda1rootnoverify (hd0,0)chainloader +1title MEMTESTkernel /boot/memtest86.bin
:D Bruno
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Bruno....I use the fbdev driver on my laptop... I had to change the LILO menu to use the desired x resolution. It might be that Colin's card is not being detected properly.

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OOPSThought I saw a spaceSTILL the same bruno 640x480 There were other commands in that white box and I just left them there and put fb1024x768 at the end of themColin

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Righty Ho BrunoLooks like another hdb9 delete and set up as journalised fs ext3 And either an install of Feedora Core4 DVD or Knoppix 4.0 DVD and a little bird is suggesting fedoraColin

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Hi QuintWe did tweak the XF86Config-4 in every way possible in a previous attempt with Colin and Mepis . . . . . . no way to have it cracked.Hi ColinTake whatever distro you choose to replace this Mepis desaster ;):D Bruno

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