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OOPS Colin is NOT PCLos'd


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Righty Ho BrunoI realized what I suggested after I had posted B) OOPSOnly thing with the Mepis Livecd is I don't get 1024x768 only 800x???\\\\Buit that sounds a good ideaCheerts for yearsColin

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Setting it to 1024x768 will be no problem after the install ;)But take a break first . . . relax . . . . chill out . . . . . and start freshB) Bruno

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Hey BrunoI am refreshed for some reason or other I am TRULY enjoying thisBu we will see when the mood takes me to break new ground with Meps or Knoppix B) :P :D B) ;) :o o:) :devil: :hug: :clap: :harhar: :sorcerer: :worthy: :fishing: :w00tx100: :clap2: :P :devil: :P Cheers for YearsColin :D :D

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:P hi colin .you haveing fun ?i like trying new distros the only sad thing is i can't find my pclos 9.1 cd :D i now run slackware mandriva and suse but that can change :P but i like to have one i can stay with B) BrJetmanp.s tell me where to get Bruno 3.3.1 sound like a good desktop ! ;) do they have 3.4 :devil:
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Bruno.....The directory structure at nluug has changed.

ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributions/texstar/pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar

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I was searching that yesterday for someone. Did you notice there is nothing there from the last month? Ibiblio, on the other hand, is current and up to date. :P

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Julia & AdamNot one of the repositories in PCLOs PV81 Work so no wonder there were NO UpdradesSo it is repositories that I need and Moi :D :D has no idea how to do thatAnd JetmanGreat to see you are having fun too and just to let you know Bruno was refferring to KDE 3.3.1 and KDE 3.4 not a specific distro OK Guess I may be looking at Mepis Next :D Cheers for YearsColin :P :teehee: B)

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Bruno.....The directory structure at nluug has changed.
ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/metalab/distributions/texstar/pclinuxos/apt/ pclinuxos/2004 os updates texstar

Yep Adam, forgot about that one, and since he did get a good few updates no alarm bells rang . . . . Thanks ! :thumbup:Okay Colin, when you are back online later today we will change that line in synaptics and get the updates ( including KDE 3.4 :P ):teehee: Bruno
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So open Synaptics --> Settings --> Repositories . . . check the box of nluug and copy and paste me the address you find in the box that says "URI":thumbsup: Bruno

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Great . . now make that :


It is almost the same only it misses "/contrib" ;)And then show me the third line ( sections ):thumbsup: Bruno

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Yep Bruno471 Packages to download and we are only on 114 :icon8: So I guess depending on the download speed which is vatying from in the 10's kb/sec to 130's kb/sec we will just have to be happy with whenever it finishesCheers for yearsColin :D :lol: are'nt I :thumbsup:

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B) :D :D :P The saga ContinuesAfter most of the 471 packages downloaded we were directed for another 73 to downloadThis ia BECOMING a :thumbsup: MARATHON :icon8: So we ARE STILL at it 45 STILL to download and around 30mins + ??? to go :lol: Cheers for yearscolin :P BUT still :D
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BrunoWhat beautiful timing :icon8: :thumbsup: :P :lol: The last 73 Packages ARE being installed nowSo we will KNOW soon enoughWhat have you heard about the linux + live DVD live dvd on the aurox baseColin :thumbsup:PS yes I know I need the commands for the recovery cd :D

Edited by kamicota
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