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OOPS Colin is NOT PCLos'd


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Well wouldn't you knowNOW even PCLos Livecd will NOT boot :( it sticks at log in local host and just blinks at me :'( Yet Morphix ( Sun Java desktop) boots and works no problemAnd I have even downloaded another PCLOs 91 Anyone any ideas hereCheers for Years Colin still an explorer eh??? :P B)

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Check your internet cable to make sure you have not knocked it loose.Also, have you tried waiting a while. Sometimes it is just configuring and takes a while longer.

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JuliaI have tried waiting a while BUT will give it one more try :( Seems surprsising as Morphix loadedEspecially as it was time to install PCLos :P :'( Cheers for YearsColin B) :D

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WellWe HAVE tried PATIENCE :( SEVERAL times and ways with PCLOs Live and NO :P :D darn way will it loadEven Mepis 3.3.2 test 03 didI have PCLos PV81 but surely that is NOT :hmm: the way to start off and then update IS IT :w00t: Cheers for Years (I think :'( )Colin the Explorer B) or is he

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What if you just try to boot PCLos 8.1 ?? . . . see if that one boots . . and if it does try 9.1 again after that ( and wait with other distros until we got this sorted out :( )B) Bruno

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GREAT news . . . . !!Now please before you install Mepis let's make a boot-CD for your PCLos install ( just to be sure )What I need to know to post you the command for it is:

# ls -al /boot# cat /etc/lilo.conf

B) Bruno

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Bruno B) you must have read my mind I was about to look up how to make a recovery cd for PCLOsAnd have about 15 mins of 177mb upgrades being downloadedWith respect to the next Distro install--->>> I have the knoppix Live DVD 4.0 and it is IMPRESSIVE and was wondering is it WISE to install this first???You KNOW me :( :pirate: :ph34r: :D B) :clap: :cat: :harhar: :medic: :w00t: :clap2: :'( :hmm: :fishing: :fishing: Cheers for yearsColin :P

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I would stick to our original plan and first do Mepis ( at least that is one distro you know already ) . . . . then when all is set up and working fine we can look for further adventures. ;)So when you are ready with the updates do the commands I gave you and post me the details so I can give you the Rescue-CD command.

You KNOW me  B)  . . .
That is exactly why :( :DB) Bruno
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Aha . . . well you better install 9.1 then . . . . . I just suggested 8.1 for a test as Live version and to see if it would un-block the problem you had with 9.1 ( because 9.1 did work before and you had it installed before too )B) Bruno

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Righty Ho BrunoWill doAm trying my first PV9.1 for the last time and see what happensAnd It TOO has not got past the local hostlogin screenSo gues we are stymied for a little longer ;) Cheers for yearscolin B)

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Colin . . . . If I remember correctly . . . . I think I did read somewhere that during my holidays you did manage to boot the 9.1 and have it installed as well . . . . . . ( or was I just dreaming ?? )B) Bruno

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Yes I DID Boot into 9.1 on BOTH desktopsBut you refresshed my memory the cd's were burned at 40 and the cds although 48x cdr's burn best at 24xSo this may be the reason for the present glitchescolin

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Frustration ;) even a little bit B) That's the 3rd PV91 that Will NOT boot yet Mepis etc doThis one was burned at 12x so should have been OKGuess it might be Mepis first after all unless I try PV9 OR I have another mother baord from you know where :devil: :P Any suggested would be greatly welcomedCheers for yearscolin

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Okay we will try to dist-upgrade that 8.1 install . . . Open a terminal and do:

# apt-get update# apt-get dist-upgrade

The reboot and see if you get KDE 3.4 . . . ;)B) Bruno

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Here's what I have before reboot[kamicota@localhost kamicota]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# apt-get updateGet:1 ftp://ftp.nluug.nl pclinuxos/2004 release [1405B]Fetched 1405B in 3s (423B/s)Hit ftp://ftp.nluug.nl pclinuxos/2004/os pkglistHit ftp://ftp.nluug.nl pclinuxos/2004/os releaseHit ftp://ftp.nluug.nl pclinuxos/2004/updates pkglistHit ftp://ftp.nluug.nl pclinuxos/2004/updates releaseHit ftp://ftp.nluug.nl pclinuxos/2004/texstar pkglistHit ftp://ftp.nluug.nl pclinuxos/2004/texstar releaseReading Package Lists... DoneBuilding Dependency Tree... Done[root@localhost kamicota]# apt-get dist-upgradeReading Package Lists... DoneBuilding Dependency Tree... DoneCalculating Upgrade... Done0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 removed and 0 not upgraded.[root@localhost kamicota]#Colin

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Colin . . . this does not seem to be your day . . . . . . If I were you I would shut down the computer and go for a nice long walk . . . get some fresh air . . some sunshine . . .relax . . . and try again tomorrow.:devil: BrunoLOL . . . . Julia . . . . B) ;)

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BrunoIsn't this FUN :P :D B) I may try and replace PCLos81 with Mepis or even Knoppix 4.0 if I knew how to install from the live DVDHeck the night is YOUNG here 3.28pm ;) So we will see what happens after a little dindins :P Cheers for YearsColin :devil: :D

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NO no no . . do NOT replace PCLos . . . that install is fine . . . we will replace it with PCLos 10.0 when that gets released . . . . Just install Mepis on the partition you prepared for Mepis ( and put lilo or grub in the partition ) and don't touch PCLos 8.1 . . . B) Bruno

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