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installing an OS on a partioned drive


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;) :o :) Bruno, jodef,,,,,,, Ummmmm..... as I make this post, I am doing the upgrades, 11 to go, but I have looooooottttsss of time. Yes, it did ask me y n a q for each of them. Next time -a shall be used. It did upgrade KDE to 3.1.4 from the 3.1.2 as you say automagically...
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Hi Johann I think you mean for upgrading from "9.1" to "current" . . where all the new packages are . . . Now this is important: Because you both are on dial-up a full upgrade to "current" is + 800MB !!!! So my advice is . . first update your 9.1 ( with the "swaret --upgrade -a" command ) . . once that is done come back for advice how to get Mozilla 1.6 and KDE 3.2 ;) BrunoPS: Dale, well done . . let me know when you are ready and I will give the instructions for the new Mozilla and KDE

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:o THE NEXT STEP Hi Dale and Johann . . . after --upgrade the Slack 9.1 here is the next step: 1). change VERSION=9.1 to VERSION=current in /etc/swaret.conf file ( top ) and save the file. ( no need to change the sources, the sources in the config file are okay ! ) 2). swaret --update ( To update the new list of packages ) 3). swaret --upgrade kde ( This will get you KDE 3.2 plus dependencies ) 4). swaret --upgrade mozilla ( This will get you Mozilla 1.6 with the dependencies ) Repeated warning: Don't do "swaret --upgrade -a" after you changed to "current" . . . . because like I said before it is +800 MB and you will be on the phone for the next few days . . . . ;) :) BrunonormalSW.jpg:).
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;) :o Bruno,,,, Okay, is this done as <su> , or is this done as gedit, BTW, for some reason, vi and kedit do not want to work in my Slack 9.1, of course this might change after the updates/upgrades are done. Must wait and see what happens. I will definitely heed the warning about the 800mb or better, but, can I over a period of time download individual packages so that it will be "current" and if so, where do I find the necessary information to do that.
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Hi DaleYes you have to be root to change that file . . . . and gedit is a good editor to do that . . . ;)For a total upgrade to current . . . do KDE, Mozilla . . and after those ( the next day ? ) the new Gnome and Gimp ( 2.0 !!! ;) ) . . . . then take a rest and on a calm day do the "swaret --upgrade -a" . . there will still be a long list but the major packages will have been done in the first session.( "swaret --list" will list all available packages :o ) :) Bruno

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Gimp 2.0?  Did a new version sneak out on us or have I lost track?--Julia :)
Yep teach . . . . upgrading your Slack "9.1" to "current" has huge benefits . . one of them is the new Gimp 2.0 pre . . :o :) . . . . Where have you been ?? Too busy with Gentoo to keep up with the latest new packages ?? ;):o Bruno
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Julia,Gentoo runs on a two year old kernel . . does not have the new KDE or Gnome . . . . the new Mozilla, new Galeon or The new Gimp . . . . . . I wonder if you maybe dislike the name "Slack" :D . . . because as a Distro this is far superior . . . :D :D :D :D B) Bruno

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:D :D... merrily we roll along, roll along .....Update .... Slack 9.1 updated, swaret updated, Slack version changed to current, all them updates was installed too.... Mozilla updated to 1.6 .... KDE is in the process of updating as I type .... KDE is one super fat package ... at best math about 187mb give or take a byte or two .... time rolls one ....
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Thanks for the update Dale . . was wondering about how you were going . . . . 187 MB is a long time on dial-up, but still . . . you get something in return: . . . a very nice KDE 3.2 !! ;)Have been playing a bit with the new Gimp 2.0 pre . . . . that sure is a package you will like as well !!Keep courage my friend . . . you will get there in the end . . patience pays off !! :D :DB) Bruno

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:D :D jodef,,,In Linux I have no idea .... really, all I can say is that during this Slack update/upgrade it has varied (according to the consol readout) from 2 all the way up to 33kbps... On windows when I make the connection there is a little notfication that pops up that tells me connected at 45.2kbps and sometimes it even gets to 49.2kbps ... but I get the impression that is the speed from the hub server to my machine since I never have that when I am downloading anything ... using star downloader in windows best I have had is 16kbps. Sure glad I have nothing to do ....
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Dale & Johann: WARNING: Before you do the full upgrade to "current" ( and you have sound in 9.1) exclude alsa in the /etc/swaret.conf . . :

# Basic Exclude # EXCLUDE=kernel EXCLUDE=lilo swaret EXCLUDE=MANIFEST.bz2$ EXCLUDE=-*dl$ -*PACKAGER$ -*MYBUILD$ EXCLUDE=alsa    <----------------------------------------------- I added this one !! #

In the "current" upgrade alsa packages there is something wrong . . :D ( I had to remove the "current" alsa packages, set the conf back to 9.1 and install alsa again to get my sound back ) If my warning comes too late, let me know and I will talk you through the changes :D :lol: Bruno

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Just an update on my Slack install:1.Upgraded kernel2.D/l Slackware 9.1 updates 38MB roughly3.Upgraded to KDE 3.2 posting from it now 180MB roughly took about 11hours way fast for my connection.To do:Configure printingFind CD burning app no K3b from the looks of itUpdate mozilla and gnome (today hopefully)Rest of updates before week is throughBackup image to spare harddrive (I ain't doing this update thing each time I install dial up is stress :) )At any rate copied update files in /var/swaret to a backup folder for burning to CD just in case partition imaging doesn't work.Question : running Slack at screen res of 1024*768 and all apps show fine except mozilla where the toolbars are so tiny and fonts are murder on the eyes the viewing fonts are excellent same problem with firefox? ;) Copied java plugins from mozilla plugins folder to firefox plugins folder but firefox crashes everytime I visit site with java strange. :) All in all so far so good. :) ;)

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Way to go Johann !!Good plan to backup the downloads !!

Copied java plugins from mozilla plugins folder to firefox plugins folder but firefox crashes everytime I visit site with java strange.
There are 2 directions to start researching: 1). Usually the java plugins in the Mozilla direcotry are symlinks to where the java is located ( /usr/lib ? ) . . so I think you have to make symlinks from java to the firefox plugins directory too . . . . 2). Also there is a good chance the new Firefox needs a different version of java ( Version changes of Firebird and Mozilla often require a change in java ;) ):) BrunoPS: Here is where the java plugin is linked from: ( command used is: ls -al /usr/lib/mozilla-1.6/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so )
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           62 Feb  7 12:59 /usr/lib/mozilla-1.6/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so -> /usr/lib/java/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so*

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Hi JohannJust installed Firefox in /usr/local/bin ( Slackware ) and here is the commands I used to get the plugins there:

root@jupiter:/home/bruno# ln -s /usr/lib/java/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/local/bin/firefox/plugins/
root@jupiter:/home/bruno# ln -s /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/libflashplayer.so /usr/local/bin/firefox/plugins/

:) Bruno

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The menu' s look great to me Johann . . . . I only had to adjust the minimun font for websites . . ( my screen res is 1024x768 ):) Bruno

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;) :) Hummmm..... guess I might have to get with it here tomorrow... unfortunately ... 2 busted web connections slowed it down . Question, the two packages that were in the process of being d/l's when the connection broke are going to be okay, right, or will I have to re-do them and delete the first ones. Audio, what is audio, I have never had audio in any of my Linux installs, closest thing to audio was the little tune that is in KDE in the Mndrk 9.0 OS. No audio in RH, Mndrk, Slack, Fedora an Slack is still a work in progress.
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Swaret d/l the updates to /var/swaret when the d/l restarted it checks this folder first and will resume any broken d/l on that note you should be ok.:) Sound I'll leave for one more qualified. ;)

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Hi DaleFrom what I understand of swaret it will fix all interupted packages and dependencies . . . just run the same command again ( for example "swaret --upgrade kde -a" ) and it will check what packages are correctly installed and get those that failed due to interuption . . . . if no aditional downloads come up it means all is well downloaded and installed.We will have to take a serious look at your sound once you are set up . . . . . ;):) BrunoPS: Thanks Johann . . . . . confirms my guess . . . . . :)

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Hi JohannJust installed Firefox in /usr/local/bin ( Slackware ) and here is the commands I used to get the plugins there:QUOTEroot@jupiter:/home/bruno# ln -s /usr/lib/java/jre/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/local/bin/firefox/plugins/andCODEroot@jupiter:/home/bruno# ln -s /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/libflashplayer.so /usr/local/bin/firefox/plugins/
Bruno now got a chance to try it and happy to report java is working ;) :D Swaret now installing the last of the updates d/l k3b for slack but doesn't seem to be running any suggestions for burning CDs in Slack. :D
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Hi JohannSo the downloading is coming to an end is it ?? . . B) B) . . Great !!For burning CDs: first check if you have the "hdd=ide-scsi" in the "append" line of lilo ( check if "hdd" is correct with your setup ) . . . . . then check this tip: cdrecord that is all you need . . . . ;)Happy the plugins are working . . . . ;) B) Bruno

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:teehee: :huh: Welllll ..... it all seems to be installed, up and running, or at least it appears that way since when I do #swaret --update -a it say all available packages are up to date ,, even though I do not recall doing gnome nor gimp ...an I know I was not asleep.
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Hurray Dale ! . . . . 800MB through a dial-up connection . . that line must have been close to a melt down :thumbsup: ;) Welcome to Slackware "current" !!;) Bruno

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:thumbsup: ;) Hummm...... well, that's one good thing about being single, don't have lots of calls, maybe a telemarketer or two but I make short work of them. Just so that I know that all is up to date is there a way I can check, for instance the version of Gimp that is installed currently. The only melt down that was really occuring was me toward the ISP and the web connection. I long for the days, once again, of DSL. Not sure which provider yet, but it is narrowed down to 1 of 2. Now as you said earlier, on to the audio, and how do I get "frozen bubble" over to Slack. That game is addicting, big time.New thoughts, the Mozilla browser is still the ugliest thing I have seen yet to date. there is a vast difference between the way it is displayed on my normal working machine and the test/spare. The portion that is above the actual web page (address bar area, etc.) gives the appearance that someplace it took some serious hits in production. I have Mozilla 1.6 d/l'd in Windows on my other machine and it looks and acts very good. I would think that in theory there would be no difference in the appearance between the two, but, correct me if I am wrong.
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/var/log/packages will let you know what you have installed.ls /var/log/packagesRedirecting it to a file can be helpful... ls /var/log/packages > slack.packages (or some other name... :thumbsup: )hthtranquilo

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