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Bruno,,,,,,    Thanks, Slack has a nice printer test page, quite extensive.  But as far as the swaret update goes, that is a bird of another feather, I am think that it is asking me what language I want it downloaded in but not sure how to make the code entry to tell it what language I want.
Congrats on your "printer success", Dale. B) I think this will answer your language question: (from the Swaret site FAQ)
Q: How can I use my Language in swaret?A: Copy /usr/share/swaret-VERSION/swaret.lang.LANGUAGE to/etc/swaret.lang and start using swaret.If your Language is not available, take a look athttp://www.swaret.org/?menu=i18n for (new)available Language Files.If your Language is not available, you can alwaysTranslate this Language File into your Language.Please, Mail it to i18n@swaret.org so we can include itin the swaret Package, and on the swaret Site.
Good fortune..."Swaret" is without a doubt my favorite update/upgrade/install/etc. program...there's so much more than meets the eye. :ermm:
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Bruno quote:

PS2: Cound not find language settings in swaret.conf  ( ? )
Hi Bruno,If I'm not mistaken, this is in the newer versions of "Swaret"; I have it in College 2.5 (version 1.6.1), but it is not in my Slackware 9.1 (version 1.3.4). :ermm:

Hi Quint . . thanks for stepping in . . . . . :DThis guy Dale is just too clever, he managed to get the printing configured before you came in :ermm: . . . .He has troubles with the mozilla browser so I thought: let him upgrade to 1.6 . . . ;)B) Bruno

He has troubles with the mozilla browser so I thought: let him upgrade to 1.6 . . . ;)B) Bruno
That will be one of his first experiences with Swaret...but I'm sure it won't be his last! :ermm:

Dale . . . before I forget: a total upgrade to current is 800MB . . . . . !! So be selective if you are on dial-up B):ermm: Bruno


Dale, 1.) Take Bruno's sage advice2.) Get acquainted and settled in with Slack & Swaret3.) Then enjoy the wonders of perfectly upgrading to KDE 3.2! (using Swaret)...Absolutely flawless!! :ermm:

:unsure: :blink: I'm back,,, using test/spare machine with the same Slack 9.1 as my every day machine. There is some difference to be noticed, but now on to the questions (yes more of them). The following is what I get when I try to do the swaret update (as root):# swaret --update this gives me the /etc/swaret.lang?cp /usr/share/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.lang.LANGUAGE /etc/swaret.lang?that was why I thought it was asking for a language ??? After reading the quote posted by quint from the swaret web site FAQ list, I would like to know how to accomplish what it says. How do I copy from one file (?) to another file (?), I might be saying that wrong but that is the impression I get from it. As a final note, Slack sure looks better on the test/spare than it does on the everyday machine. Hummmm... might just have to make serious upgrades or maybe a newer machine is in the works .....

Hi Dale

# swaret --update this gives me the /etc/swaret.lang?cp /usr/share/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.lang.LANGUAGE /etc/swaret.lang?
I think I understand now . . . as far as I understand there is a file "/usr/share/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.lang.ENGLISH_US" . . . have a look if I am right, either by browsing with your filebrowser or:# updatedb# locate /usr/share/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.lang*If this is correct the following command will do the trick:
cp  /usr/share/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.lang.ENGLISH_US  /etc/swaret.lang

( I still have an older version where the languagee is English by default . . so that is why the "locate" command could lead to another "cp" command :unsure: ):blink: Bruno


:ermmm....Well, updatedb gives me this bit of information ...# swaret --updateswaret 1.6.1swaret Config File (/etc/swaret.conf) NOT FOUND!Copy /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/swaret/conf.new to/etc/swaret.conf. edit and start swaret.And the only two versions that are ENGLISH are ENGLISH_GB and just plain old ENGLISH so I opted for plain not GB. I got the language listings when I did the #locate /usr/share/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.lang entry

Posted (edited)

Hi DaleGood !! we are getting there !! . . the Language issue is sorted out . .

swaret Config File (/etc/swaret.conf) NOT FOUND!Copy /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/swaret/conf.new to/etc/swaret.conf. edit and start swaret.
So you just have to do what it says:
# cp /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/swaret/conf.new  /etc/swaret.conf

That is all . . after that you are fully set up and ready to "--update" the listing and "--upgrade" your system . . . :)NOTE:"swaret --upgrade" updates your system with the security patches and bug fixes.After the upgrade we will change the config from "9.1" to "current" and install mozilla 1,6B) Bruno

Edited by Bruno
B) B) B) Darn..... here I am again already made the entry as root and I still have bad luck...# cp /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/swaret/conf.net /etc/swaret.confcp: cannot stat '/usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/swaret/conf.new': No such file or directory :P Someday, over the rainbow.......

Looks like they gave the wrong command . . try:

# cp /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.conf.new  /etc/swaret.conf

( checked it on mine . . this must be the right one :P )B) Bruno

B) :P Nope ... that not it either .. went back into consol mode as root and re-did the swaret --update entry to make sure I was getting the correct info from them. Tried to enter it again and it still says that cp cannot stat sooooo...........................

Hi Dale . . will you post me the output of:

# ls -al /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/

:P Bruno


I can try, just tell me how to take it from the clipboard and put it here on the reply ... I can do copy an paste in windows, but have no idea how to get from the clipboard to the web page

Posted (edited)

Just select the text with the left mouse button . . . and paste it in the post by pushing the wheel-button . . Or from the clipboard . . select the section and rightclick in your post and choose "paste"# ls /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/Will do too . . it is just to see what the swaret.conf.new file is called likeB) Bruno

Edited by Bruno

Bruno ................. here be what it say to me ..... ????????drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 5 05:09 .drwxr-xr-x 480 root root 12288 Feb 5 05:09 ..-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1575 Dec 11 13:16 COPYRIGHT-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38027 Feb 5 11:24 ChangeLog-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 32059 Dec 11 13:16 FAQ-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7013 Dec 11 13:16 HELP-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12509 Dec 11 13:16 HOW-TO-USE-SWARET-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 17982 Dec 11 13:16 LICENSE-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1430 Dec 11 13:16 README-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 582 Dec 11 13:16 TODO-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7978 Feb 5 11:24 swaret.confroot@Access-4-Free:/home/dale#root@Access-4-Free:/home/dale# root@Access-4-Free:/home/dale# ls -al /usrhope this is the right way to do this sorta thing :P


Yep Bingo !!

# cp /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.conf  /etc/swaret.conf

:P :DMan, this version 1.6.1 is not so polished as 1.6.0 . . . I see 1.6.2 coming soon B) . . anyway we found the right files . . B)B) Bruno


They must have changed a lot in the new version!! :P All I had to do before was:

(as "root") < cp /etc/swaret.conf.new /etc/swaret.conf >
Good fortune. B)
They must have changed a lot in the new version!! :P All I had to do before was:
(as "root") < cp /etc/swaret.conf.new /etc/swaret.conf >
Good fortune. B)
Well . . you have seen what we have been through before finding the right one:
# cp /usr/doc/swaret-1.6.1/swaret.conf  /etc/swaret.conf

:DB) Bruno

:o @#$%&$#@ Well fudge ...... here is the response I get for the following input after making the code input the Bruno sent.# swaret --updateswaret 1.6.1Network Connection down!Please. take a look to 'NIC' in /etc/swaret.conf!Now I just might do that if I was using that, thar NIC but since I am on a modem 56k , who, what, where and when is happening ???????
Posted (edited)

No panic Dale . . . . . we will solve this:In the /etc/swaret.conf file you see a section like:

# Network Interface# Use this if you have a Network Interface.#NIC=eth0
Just put a # at the line of "NIC=eth0" so it looks like
# Network Interface# Use this if you have a Network Interface.## NIC=eth0

And try again . . . :DB) BrunoPS: If it still does not work UN-comment "Nic=lo"

Edited by Bruno

Wellll ... here I am once again ..... lost, not hungry, not cold, just lost....root@Access-4-Free:/home/dale# /etc/swaret.confbash: /etc/swaret.conf: Permission denied


LOL . . You have to open it in kedit ( as root ) . . so:

# kedit /etc/swaret.conf

;)Did you see my last remark ? First try with commented "NIC=eth0" . . if that does not work: un-comment "NIC=lo" ( a few lines lower ):o Bruno

:thumbsup: :( Bruno,,,,, Okay, sort of did what you posted, the etc was already as the first example you put up. Tried the second one but it did not work either, so returned to the original, but further down about 5 or six lines there is a line that has to down with local loop and interface. Since in the setup I had to use loopback since I am using a modem, I un-commented that line, and here are the results. What is the next step to be selective on the updates .....root@Access-4-Free:/home/dale# swaret --updateswaret 1.6.1[ ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/sla...e/slackware-9.1 ]### Fetching CHECKSUMS List File... DONE!### Fetching FILELIST List File... DONE!### Fetching PACKAGES List File for Packages... DONE!### Fetching PACKAGES List File for Extra Packages... DONE!### Fetching PACKAGES List File for Patches... DONE!### Fetching ChangeLog... DONE!=> Generating List Files... DONE!

Ok Dale I have Slack up and running so should be able to help you here going to install swaret now but you could start by looking here:Swaret How ToSpecifically the following cmds seem to be the ones you're interested in

4. --upgrade <> EXAMPLE: =================================== With this action, you can Upgrade Packages. Each time there are new things out there, remember to --update. So, if you want to Upgrade the openssl Packages, use this: swaret --upgrade openssl. Suppose you want to Upgrade Extra Package bittorrent, use: swaret --upgrade bittorrent. You can always use the --changelog action to check out if there are new things out there. Let say you want to Upgrade all Packages matching Keyword 'gnome', do it like this: swaret --upgrade gnome. You want to Upgrade all KDE Packages automatically, use this: swaret --upgrade kde -a. For Upgrading all Packages, you can use: 'swaret --upgrade'. 5. --install <> EXAMPLE: =================================== With this action, you can Install Packages, or Patches. Suppose you want to Install all Packages matching Keyword 'kde', use: swaret --install kde. And you would like to Install 'xfree86' also, use: swaret --install xfree86. You should also not forget to Install the latest Abiword Word Processor, do it like this: swaret --install abiword -a (automatically). Ouch, you want also to install xcdroast to burn CD's. xcdroast is an Extra Package, so Install it with: swaret --install xcdroast. There is a Patch available for OpenSSH, Install it with: swaret --install openssh -p. If there is a previous Version installed of the OpenSSL Package, swaret will Upgrade it, else swaret will Install the new OpenSSL Patch. You can also use --upgrade ;-)

jodef,,, Thank you, tried to install this KDE 3.2 that quint was talking about or upgrade to it but it only gives me KDE 3.1.4 ,,, is there something I am missing. It also tells me that my mozilla is current so I must check that since I want to go to the 1.6 version.


Hi DaleGood work !!You can not get yet the new KDE and Mozilla . . you first have to --upgrade the 9.1 version you have now so:# swaret --upgrade -aBut know that it is possible you will have to be online for a long time because it will get the "updates" for all your packages and install them automatically . .If you leave off the -a it will not do it automaticaly but ask you every time for a confirmation.;) Bruno

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