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I still get the same end result :D Not enough disk space.I just don't get it. It says it's for 1.44 MB, but it's a 2.2 MB file!Well, i guess i'll download Vector, since that is slack based. I'll also stick FreeBSD 5.1 and see what happens :D Thanks :D

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Sonic,A quick primer on Linux partitions:Minimally you need at least two; a swap partition and the / partition (pronounced "root"). These are "mounted" to a physical partition on your hard disk. On a linux only setup it could be like that the swap partition is mounted on hda1 and the / on hda2. So in Red Hat when you are creating partitions and it asks for a mount point the mount point is either swap or /. Under / all other directories in the filesystem are created. These would be:binbootdevetchomeinitrdliblost+foundmiscmntoptprocrootsbintmpusrvar
I see. That's what i did when i formatted this time :D Yahoo!

Ya know what, FreeBSD is going to have to wait.It's getting late, and i should start the downloads for Vector SOHO. :D


Which bootdisk and rootdisk floppy images did you get? These three have worked here:bare.i (boot)install.1 (root)install.2 (root)Of course you may wish to check the readme.txt files in the bootdisks and rootdisks directories on the slackeware ftp server.fdformat /dev/fd0can be used to format the floppy.cat filename > /dev/fd0ordd if=filename of=/dev/fd0should copy the images to floppy.Otherwise, try your hand at vector or freebsd. ;)tranquilo


install1 and 2! Those sound like they would work! Downloading now!BTW, Vecotor is making great progress 211Kb/sec!


Good news:Slack Installed.(and of course) Bad news:Can't boot to mandrake. Screen flashes, when in slack. Installer was fine, but after that :(I think i know a solution though. There was an option in the installer to enter kernal parameters. Should i enter the command < vgalo > there? That's what i've been doing to stop the flashing in mandrake. That's going to have to wait till morning i guess.


Sonic,This flickering business is bugging me . . . . . maybe you should do a check on your hardware with Sisoft Sandra ( Windows tool ) or go in windows to PC Pitstop and do a few tests . . . . :P Bruno


Ok, both scans said that the video card was fine. I was searching through the video settings, and i found an update driver button. Ran that and it looked like everything went ok. Also, i was looking at screen flickering problems, and it said to increase the refresh rate. I didn't think refresh rates mattered on flat panels, but i increased it anyway from 60 Hertz to 75. I'll restart now and see if that did anything.

I just don't get it. It says it's for 1.44 MB, but it's a 2.2 MB file!
SonicIf a disk is formatted at 24 sectors instead of 18 per track it can hold more than the usual 1.44 MB. The floppys have to be good ones. Superformat in the fdutils package has that option. I have never used it or tried it but Paul Sheer's "Linux Rute User's Tutorial and Exposition" indicates this is possible. Don't worrry. With some patience we will get to the bottom of the flicker problem. It is a matter of isolating what is causing it. Time to put on your detective hat! <Quint - that's your cue>

Sonic, here is some inspiration: ;) ppcup.jpgThanks, Julia. ;)


QuintSomehow I knew you would rise to the occasion! ;)


Aren´t we happy he´s back Julia ??NIce, Quint . . . that´s the detective we´re looking for !B) Bruno


BrunoYou are right. Somehow the forum just was not the same in his absence. :(It is wonderful to have him back. B)


Don´t forget all the distro testing we had to do ourselves . . . you only realise the work he was really doing till he went on holidays . . . we were lost in /dev/nullB) Bruno


That's right. I had to test D*** Small and Morphix. On top of that I tried two different versions of Morphix - the IceWm and the Light.


Quint is not reacting Julia, I think he´s still catching up with reading the posts of the last week . . . he has been reading for 18 hours solid now. . . . the poor Guy, I hope he had a few hours sleep in between . . . :blink: B) B) ;) Bruno

Quint is not reacting Julia, I think he´s still catching up with reading the posts of the last week . . . he has been reading for 18 hours solid now. . . . the poor Guy, I hope he had a few hours sleep in between . . .  B)  B)  :blink: :) Bruno
Thank you both, more than my English language skills, will allow me to express. ;) Bruno, you are correct - again - but the "hurrier I read, the behinder I get"! B) It is great to be back with y'all. :)

Humm... i briefly did a google search, and it seems like it's a pretty common problem. But i didn't find any real solutions. But i will look more.I did find this command:killall kdm (as root) and then run XF86Setup. Does that sound like it would do anything? I will try on my next install.


Sounds like something you have to do after the install . . . but it will not have effect on the Lilo screen . . because X has not started at that moment . .:)What was the google search you did Sonic ? Maybe I see something you overlooked . .:)B) Bruno


I've been trying different things. But, my internet was down all morning, and now it is very slow and barely working, so i'm not making much progress.Ex:Screen Flashing in LinuxScreen Flash + Linux


I´ll have a look into that tomorrow Sonic ! Hope we can come up with somethingB) Bruno


Thanks. I'm going to see if i can get Fluxbox working in mandrake sometime too. Maybe that will speed things up.


Sonic PART 1 My friend, I did some research . . and here is what I found: You have an Intel i850 chipset mainboard, there are issues with RedHat and that mainboard . . also the kernels of 2.2 and below have issues with that board . . still the 2.4 kernels have a few little problems with the agp support of that chipset . . . they are working on it though . . since 2.2 there have been improvements and some distro's have less problems than RedHat still has. . . . . ( I see great hopes in the 2.6 kernels that are comming soon ) Now what we could try is: a new install of Mandrake . . try two things at once, Unplug all unneeded USB devices leave only keyboard and mouse . . . if you have PS2 mouse and keyboard that is even better ( this is advice from Mandrake towards slow performing systems ) the second is the boot-option, try : "noagp" This could also work for Slackware but you probably need more for slack then only "noagp", I will post that later . . . first give the Drake another chance to speed up . . ;) B) Bruno


Sonic,PART 2.The Slack cheatcode:"bare.i root=/dev/hdbX noagp" ( repace the X with the partition you will install Slack on )or try just plain "noagp";) BrunoPS: what did VectorSOHO do ?


I don't have any USB devices plugged in.I will try those next time i install slack... i can't get into it after my last install of mandrake B) (not like it was working anyway ;))And then there's vecotor. i downloaded it in mandrake, and then installed Slack with out burning a cd first (stupid me) when i installed slack, i could not book into mandrake, so i reinstalled mandrake, which got rid of my download. I will download again tonight and see what happens. --Would freeBSD have these problems? I suppose i should install and see. I'll try that too.Thanks!

And then there's vecotor. i downloaded it in mandrake, and then installed Slack with out burning a cd first (stupid me) when i installed slack, i could not book into mandrake,
Hi Sonic, it must be the coffee I just had, but I can't follow you here . . . . installing without burning a CD ?Then as you install Slack, slack will not see other partitions without you telling it to see it, we will come to that later ( after install ) because there is a simple trick for it.Still keep in mind that you have to put the Lilo from slack on a floppy and not write it to the MBR ( where Mandrake's Lilo is ) later we can add the Slack boot option to Drake's Lilo, no problem. For the moment you just will boot Slack from floppy ( or CD ). We only want to add those to the Drake Lilo that run without problems.Reinstalling Mandrake with the noagp boot option ( instead of vgalo or whatever code you used before ) would be the first thing to do, then I would do Vector after ( also with writing Lilo to a floppy ), and at the end Slack and BSDB) bruno
And then there's vecotor. i downloaded it in mandrake, and then installed Slack with out burning a cd first (stupid me) when i installed slack, i could not book into mandrake,Hi Sonic, it must be the coffee I just had, but I can't follow you here . . . . installing without burning a CD ?
I'm sorry. I downloaded Vector, but installed slackware before i burned the vector linux cd, so it was lost with mandrake after the slackware install. I realise i could have changed the settings in slack to make it see the mandrake, it flashes so bad u can't use it ;)

Just keep trying Sonic . . this is the way you learn the most ! Trial and error ;) :DB) Bruno

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