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Alright, i finally got into my BIOS (yes it was F1 :rolleyes:).I was looking for PnP OS settings... i couldn't really find them. The closest thing i found was under Boot Config: and the option was Reset Config Data, Yes or No. No does not clear PnP and yes does clear PnP. I put it to yes. Is this what i'm supposed to be doing?Also, i found some video settings in the BIOS. AGP Aperture Size: 64MB or 256MB (right now at 64)Primary Video Adaptor: AGP and there was another option that i can't remember (right now it's on AGP)Video Repost: Disabled or Enabled (right now disabled)Will changing any of those help? I suppose i could try, but i don't want to touch anything and mess it up if i don't have to :lol:

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Sonic,As long as you write down what you change you can always put it back to it´s old values . . . but I don´t see anything there that could help.I guess just a Mandrake reinstall with ¨noagp¨ could be the best thing to do. :(:( Bruno

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Humm... where am i supposed to type noagp in? I tried it under the F1 and F2 screens in the begginging, and both said that a kernal under that name could not be found. Sorry about this :(

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Sonic,Had to check this . . ¨vgalo noagp¨or¨vgalo --noagp¨Just don´t know if the ¨argument¨ needs the ¨--¨ ( two - like a normal argument, the forum page does not show clearly that it are two of them )Hope this works !:( Bruno

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Sonic,You could try ¨vgahi noagp¨ as well . . . . just see what has the best results, we want a fast and snappy Mandrake !:( Bruno

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Well... i tried vgalo noagp, and the installer started and went fine, but lilo still flashes. I'll go try vgalo --noagp and see if that helps.

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Just to stick my nose into this great thread for a second...Sonic, if you go to Gibson Research, Steve offers a small script that will disable Universal Plug and Play in Windows. I don't know if the settings will stay when you boot into Linux, or, if you don't have Windows on that system, if it will "take" at all. Just a thought. Good luck. It sounds like you're learning a lot in a short space of time.

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Good plan Jeber !!Sonic . . . did you get any increase in performance ?? Did you try ¨vgahi noagp¨ as well ??:( Bruno

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No, i'm not noticing much of an increase in performace :( I haven't tried vgahi... i think that makes it so the whole installer flashes to, if i remember right. I'm in window maker right now and even that isn't very fast :(Haven't tried what jeber suggested. will do though next time i'm in windows. I guess im going to give freebsd a try.

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SonicI remember you had all sorts of problems with that computer with the Live distro´s too . . . I suppose your graphics card is in the AGP slot . . . does that board have an on-board graphics card too ?? Could we as experiment just take out the nice 3D card and just use the on-board . . just to see if the does any good ?:( Bruno

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Well, knoppix did have flashing problems too, but they went away when kde loads (sort of like mandrake now), but the slackware live cd worked perfectly, but the harddrive install flashes all the time, so i don't know if that's it. I guess i could try. I'm going to give freeBSD a whirl though.

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Well, I read real fast to catch up with your adventure...so how's everything going, Sonic? Or is FreeBSD keeping ya' too busy to post? :(

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Humm... FreeBSD is very strange. The installer was very difficult. It kept sending me in these repeating loops that i just could not get out of! I could not get out of the installing packages screen! It like kept sending me in this loop that kept bringing me back to the install packages thing.I finally got it to move on, but it took forever, and by that time, i had no idea what i had installed! It finally installed, and brought me back to the begining (another loop), but now i can't figure out how to get into FreeBSD!!!! There is no option in the boot loader... there is no boot disk that i could create. It erased linux, and i watched it install, so it has to be there.And it would not do the partitioning right. i should have 30 GB free with mandrake on this disk and it said i only had 7MB. The only way i could continue was to tell it to use the whole disk. So, that wiped out mandrake. Humm... i'm stumpted. I watched it install, and i did all the configuration, but... there is no way to get into it. I will try to reinstall later. I have to get out and get some fresh air :(

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I have to get out and get some fresh air
Always a good idea. Besides, it will give Bruno and Teacher time to find you some answers. :(
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OMG Sonic . . . FreeBSD acted like a tornado and wiped all the thing from the HD ?? . . Is your Windows disk still okay ?This starts to be a disaster area . . . . I would just install good old Mandrake again, so you can boot Windows too . . . :( and we should have another look at all this ! ( did you try pulling the card ? ):( Bruno

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No, it did not harm windows (that is what i am in now), or the LILO boot loader. But i can't boot into linux. Apparently it erased it, but i'm not surprised because i told it to use the whole harddrive because it was telling me i had 7MB free, which was not correct.Sorry it took so long to post Jeber. It was a very long install because i could not figure out how to get out of these loops it was sending me in!I haven't tried pulling the card yet...i'm not to trilled about that :(. I'm going to give freebsd another shot first though. But now i'm going out side lol. :(

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Get some fresh air first Sonic !About the card . . we were going to plug it back in later . . just for the install of Mandrake have it pulled out to see if there was an improvement of performance . . :(:( Bruno

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I have to get out and get some fresh air
Always a good idea. Besides, it will give Bruno and Teacher time to find you some answers. :(
Jeber This one has an easy answer. If it wrote over Mandrake it has to go! Sonic - Remember which partition you put it in? Go back and stick your Mandrake CD in and do a clean install using that same partition! Put things back the way they belong! ;)I would wait a while before you try to give it another shot. Do you really want to do that to your system again? If so, have you run a sumcheck on your disk to make sure it did not have some evil error on it?
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Sonic,We will have to get Peachy in here again, he´s good in hardware . . . . and this is a hardware problem, all your distro´s are acting funny . . . the only one that installs is Mandrake, ( because it has the best hardware support ) but that one is terrebly slow . . . can´t be a software problem. :( Bruno

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Sonic,We will have to get Peachy in here again, he´s good in hardware . . .  . and this is a hardware problem, all your distro´s are acting funny . . . the only one that installs is Mandrake, ( because it has the best hardware support ) but that one is terrebly slow  . . . can´t be a software problem. B) Bruno
Sonic,I need a complete listing of your hardware. Send me your AIDA32 report.
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Sonic - Remember which partition you put it in? Go back and stick your Mandrake CD in and do a clean install using that same partition! Put things back the way they belong!
Not a problem.
the only one that installs is Mandrake
RedHat will also install, without any flashing problems anywhere, but it seems even slower than mandrake.
About the card . . we were going to plug it back in later . . just for the install of Mandrake have it pulled out to see if there was an improvement of performance . .
Yes of course. I was just not looking foward to opening it up again, but it looks like i might have time to do that today... we'll see.
I need a complete listing of your hardware. Send me your AIDA32 report.
Ok, it can be found here. <edit> Sorry, that link isn't working... the host won't take my file... i guess its too big. Can i PM it to you... or i suppose i could post it here. Let me try that :D </edit>
I would wait a while before you try to give it another shot. Do you really want to do that to your system again? If so, have you run a sumcheck on your disk to make sure it did not have some evil error on it?
It really did not do anything outragous to my system... it wiped out mandrake just like i told it to. I had to tell it to use the whole hard drive because i could not figure out how to do it anyother way. It only showed one empty partition that was 7MB... which wasn't right. I'm going to give it another shot. Now that i know what to expect, i might have better luck.Ok, did i forget anything? :D
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AIDA32 © 1995-2003 Tamas Miklos Version AIDA32 v3.70 Author fiery@aida32.hu Homepage http://www.aida32.hu Report Type Quick Report Computer COMPUTER Generator default Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition 5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail) Date 2003-08-04 Time 09:56Summary Computer: Operating System Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition OS Service Pack Service Pack 1 Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106 (IE 6.0 SP1) Computer Name COMPUTER User Name default Logon Domain COMPUTER Motherboard: CPU Type Intel Pentium 4, 2000 MHz (5 x 400) Motherboard Name Intel Garibaldi D850GB (5 PCI, 1 AGP, 4 RIMM) Motherboard Chipset Intel Tehama i850 System Memory 256 MB (RDRAM) BIOS Type AMI (07/25/01) Communication Port Communications Port (COM1) Communication Port ECP Printer Port (LPT1) Display: Video Adapter RADEON 7000 RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation) (64 MB) Video Adapter RADEON 7000 RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation) (64 MB) 3D Accelerator ATI RV100 DDR Monitor Gateway FPD1810 (11356726) Multimedia: Audio Adapter Creative SB Live! Sound Card Storage: Floppy Drive Floppy disk drive Disk Drive Maxtor 6E040L0 (40 GB, 7200 RPM, Ultra-ATA/133) Disk Drive WDC WD800BB-53BSA0 Optical Drive _NEC NR-7700A (12x/10x/32x CD-RW) Optical Drive MAT****A DVD-ROM SR-8587 (16x/48x DVD-ROM) Partitions: C: (FAT32) 76297 MB (53595 MB free) Input: Keyboard Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard Mouse Microsoft PS/2 Mouse Network: Primary IP Address Primary MAC Address 00-04-5A-5C-8A-6C Network Adapter Linksys LNE100TX(v5) Fast Ethernet Adapter ( Modem BCM V.90 56K Modem Peripherals: Printer Canon Bubble-Jet BJ-100 Printer Canon MultiPASS C5500 Fax Printer Canon MultiPASS C5500 PrinterDMI [ BIOS ] BIOS Properties: Vendor Intel Corp. Version GB85010A.15A.0044.P12.0107251225 Release Date 07/25/2001 Size 512 KB Boot Devices Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, CD-ROM, ATAPI ZIP, LS-120 Capabilities Flash BIOS, Shadow BIOS, Selectable Boot, EDD, BBS Supported Standards DMI, APM, ACPI, ESCD, PnP Expansion Capabilities PCI, AGP, USB [ System ] System Properties: Manufacturer Gateway Product E-4600 Version 4000762 Serial Number 0024833776 Universal Unique ID EA127F4E-9D9B11D5-B50F0010-83FDFE88 Wake-Up Type Power Switch [ Motherboard ] Motherboard Properties: Manufacturer Intel Corporation Product D850GB Version AAA49507-904 Serial Number IMGB13417768 [ Chassis ] Chassis Properties: Manufacturer Gateway Version NSC03B10 Serial Number 0024833776 Chassis Type Desktop Case [ Memory Controller ] Memory Controller Properties: Error Detection Method 32-bit ECC Error Correction Single-bit Supported Memory Interleave 1-Way Current Memory Interleave 1-Way Supported Memory Speeds 50ns Supported Memory Types ECC Supported Memory Voltages 3.3V Maximum Memory Module Size 512 MB Memory Slots 4 [ Processors / Pentium® 4 ] Processor Properties: Manufacturer Intel Corporation Version Pentium® 4 External Clock 100 MHz Maximum Clock 2000 MHz Current Clock 2000 MHz Type Central Processor Voltage 3.0 V Status Enabled Upgrade ZIF Socket Designation J4K1 [ Caches / None ] Cache Properties: Type Internal Speed 40 ns Status Enabled Operational Mode Write-Back Maximum Size 8 KB Installed Size 8 KB Supported SRAM Type Synchronous, Pipeline Burst Current SRAM Type Synchronous, Pipeline Burst Error Correction Single-bit ECC Socket Designation None [ Caches / None ] Cache Properties: Type Internal Status Enabled Operational Mode Write-Back Maximum Size 256 KB Installed Size 256 KB Supported SRAM Type Synchronous, Pipeline Burst Current SRAM Type Synchronous Error Correction Parity Socket Designation None [ Memory Modules / J7J1 ] Memory Module Properties: Socket Designation J7J1 Installed Size 128 MB Enabled Size 128 MB [ Memory Modules / J7J2 ] Memory Module Properties: Socket Designation J7J2 Installed Size 128 MB Enabled Size 128 MB [ Memory Modules / J8J1 ] Memory Module Properties: Socket Designation J8J1 Installed Size Not Installed Enabled Size Not Installed [ Memory Modules / J8J2 ] Memory Module Properties: Socket Designation J8J2 Installed Size Not Installed Enabled Size Not Installed [ Memory Devices / J7J1 ] Memory Device Properties: Form Factor RIMM Type Detail RAMBUS Size 128 MB Speed 400 MHz Total Width 16-bit Data Width 16-bit Device Locator J7J1 Bank Locator RIMM1 [ Memory Devices / J7J2 ] Memory Device Properties: Form Factor RIMM Type Detail RAMBUS Size 128 MB Speed 400 MHz Total Width 16-bit Data Width 16-bit Device Locator J7J2 Bank Locator RIMM2 [ Memory Devices / J8J1 ] Memory Device Properties: Device Locator J8J1 Bank Locator RIMM3 [ Memory Devices / J8J2 ] Memory Device Properties: Device Locator J8J2 Bank Locator RIMM4 [ System Slots / J4E1 ] System Slot Properties: Slot Designation J4E1 Type PCI Usage Empty Data Bus Width 32-bit Length Long [ System Slots / J4D1 ] System Slot Properties: Slot Designation J4D1 Type PCI Usage In Use Data Bus Width 32-bit Length Long [ System Slots / J4C1 ] System Slot Properties: Slot Designation J4C1 Type PCI Usage In Use Data Bus Width 32-bit Length Long [ System Slots / J4B1 ] System Slot Properties: Slot Designation J4B1 Type PCI Usage In Use Data Bus Width 32-bit Length Long [ System Slots / J4A1 ] System Slot Properties: Slot Designation J4A1 Type PCI Usage In Use Data Bus Width 32-bit Length Long [ System Slots / J5E1 ] System Slot Properties: Slot Designation J5E1 Type AGP 4x Usage In Use Data Bus Width 32-bit Length Long [ Port Connectors / USB1 ] Port Connector Properties: Port Type USB Internal Reference Designator J1L1 Internal Connector Type None External Reference Designator USB1 External Connector Type USB [ Port Connectors / USB2 ] Port Connector Properties: Port Type USB Internal Reference Designator J1L1 Internal Connector Type None External Reference Designator USB2 External Connector Type USB [ Port Connectors / COM A ] Port Connector Properties: Port Type Serial Port 16550A Compatible Internal Reference Designator J1K1 Internal Connector Type None External Reference Designator COM A External Connector Type DB-9 pin female [ Port Connectors / LPT1 ] Port Connector Properties: Port Type Parallel Port ECP/EPP Internal Reference Designator J1J2 Internal Connector Type None External Reference Designator LPT1 External Connector Type DB-25 pin male [ Port Connectors / Keyboard ] Port Connector Properties: Port Type Keyboard Port Internal Reference Designator J1M1 Internal Connector Type None External Reference Designator Keyboard External Connector Type PS/2 [ Port Connectors / PS2Mouse ] Port Connector Properties: Port Type Mouse Port Internal Reference Designator J1M1 Internal Connector Type None External Reference Designator PS2Mouse External Connector Type PS/2 [ Port Connectors / None ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J10G1 - Floppy Internal Connector Type On-Board Floppy External Reference Designator None External Connector Type None [ Port Connectors / None ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J9G2 - PRI IDE Internal Connector Type On-Board IDE External Reference Designator None External Connector Type None [ Port Connectors / None ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J9G1 - SEC IDE Internal Connector Type On-Board IDE External Reference Designator None External Connector Type None [ Port Connectors / None ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J7A2 - SCSI LED External Reference Designator None External Connector Type None [ Port Connectors / None ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J9D2 - Control Panel External Reference Designator None External Connector Type None [ Port Connectors / None ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J7M2 - Power Supply Fan External Reference Designator None External Connector Type None [ Port Connectors / None ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J6L1 - CPU Fan External Reference Designator None External Connector Type None [ Port Connectors / None ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J8C2 - Configuration Jumper External Reference Designator None External Connector Type None [ Port Connectors / USB Front Panel ] Port Connector Properties: Internal Reference Designator J9C1 External Reference Designator USB Front Panel External Connector Type NoneSensor Sensor Properties: Sensor Type Analog Devices ADM1025 Sensor Access SMBus 2Dh Motherboard Name Intel D850GB / D850MD / D850MV Temperatures: Motherboard 29 °C (84 °F) CPU 37 °C (99 °F) Cooling Fans: CPU 2793 RPM Chassis 3413 RPM Voltage Values: CPU Core 1.72 V +2.5 V 2.51 V +3.3 V 3.35 V +5 V 5.08 VCPU CPU Properties: CPU Type Intel Pentium 4, 2000 MHz (5 x 400) CPU Alias P68, Willamette, A80528 CPU Stepping D0 Original Clock 2000 MHz L1 Trace Cache 12K Instructions L1 Data Cache 8 KB L2 Cache 256 KB (On-Die, ATC, Full-Speed) CPU Physical Info: Package Type 423 Pin PGA Package Size 5.34 cm x 5.34 cm Transistors 42 million Process Technology 6M, 0.18 um, CMOS Die Size 217 mm2 Core Voltage 1.70 - 1.75 V I/O Voltage 1.70 - 1.75 V Typical Power 48.9 - 71.8 W (depending on clock speed) Maximum Power 66 - 96 W (depending on clock speed) CPU Manufacturer: Company Name Intel Corporation Product Information http://www.intel.com/products/browse/processor.htm CPU Utilization: CPU #1 100 %CPUID CPUID Properties: CPUID Manufacturer GenuineIntel CPUID CPU Name Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 2.00GHz CPUID Revision 0F12h IA Brand ID 08h (Intel Pentium 4) Platform ID 0Ah (Socket 423) IA CPU Serial Number Unknown Instruction Set: AMD 3DNow! Not Supported AMD 3DNow! Professional Not Supported AMD Enhanced 3DNow! Not Supported AMD Extended MMX Not Supported AMD64 Not Supported Cyrix Extended MMX Not Supported IA-64 Not Supported IA MMX Supported IA SSE Supported IA SSE 2 Supported IA SSE 3 Not Supported CLFLUSH Instruction Supported CMPXCHG8B Instruction Supported Conditional Move Instruction Supported MONITOR / MWAIT Instruction Not Supported CPUID Features: 36-bit Page Size Extension Supported Automatic Clock Control Supported CPL Qualified Debug Store Not Supported Debug Trace Store Supported Debugging Extension Supported Enhanced SpeedStep Technology Not Supported Fast Save & Restore Supported Fast System Call Supported Hyper-Threading Technology Not Supported L1 Context ID Not Supported Local APIC On Chip Supported LongRun Not Supported LongRun Table Interface Not Supported Machine-Check Architecture Supported Machine-Check Exception Supported Memory Type Range Registers Supported Model Specific Registers Supported Page Attribute Table Supported Page Global Extension Supported Page Size Extension Supported Pending Break Event Not Supported Physical Address Extension Supported Processor Duty Cycle Control Supported Processor Serial Number Not Supported Self-Snoop Supported Thermal Monitor Supported Thermal Monitor 2 Not Supported Time Stamp Counter Supported Virtual Mode Extension Supported CPUID Registers: CPUID 00000000 00000002-756E6547-6C65746E-49656E69 CPUID 00000001 00000F12-00010808-00000000-3FEBFBFF CPUID 00000002 665B5001-00000000-00000000-007A7040 CPUID 80000000 80000004-00000000-00000000-00000000 CPUID 80000001 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000 CPUID 80000002 20202020-20202020-20202020-6E492020 CPUID 80000003 286C6574-50202952-69746E65-52286D75 CPUID 80000004 20342029-20555043-30302E32-007A4847 MSR 0000002A 0000-0000-0000-4400 MSR 0000002C 0000-0000-A201-F000Motherboard Motherboard Properties: Motherboard ID 51-2300-000000-00101111-030199-$GB850 Motherboard Name Intel Garibaldi D850GB Front Side Bus Properties: Bus Type Intel NetBurst Bus Width 64-bit Real Clock 100 MHz (QDR) Effective Clock 400 MHz Bandwidth 3200 MB/s Memory Bus Properties: Bus Type Dual RDRAM Bus Width 16-bit Real Clock 400 MHz (DDR) Effective Clock 800 MHz Bandwidth 3200 MB/s Motherboard Physical Info: CPU Sockets/Slots 1 Expansion Slots 5 PCI, 1 AGP RAM Slots 4 RIMM Form Factor ATX Motherboard Chipset i850 Motherboard Manufacturer: Company Name Intel Corporation Product Information http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/index.htm BIOS Download http://www.intel.com/design/motherbd/genbios.htmMemory Physical Memory: Total 255 MB Used 218 MB Free 36 MB Utilization 86 % Swap Space: Total 618 MB Used 181 MB Free 437 MB Utilization 29 % Virtual Memory: Total 873 MB Used 400 MB Free 473 MB Utilization 46 % Problems & Suggestions: Suggestion Install more system memory to improve applications performance.SPD [ Infineon HYR166440G-845 ] Memory Module Properties: Module Name Infineon HYR166440G-845 Serial Number 134DE401h Module Size 128 MB (4 devices, 32 banks) Module Type RIMM Module Memory Type RDRAM Memory Speed PC800 (400 MHz) Module Width 16 bit Module Voltage 2.5 V Memory Module Features: HeatSpreader Present Thermal Sensor Not Present Memory Module Manufacturer: Company Name Infineon Technologies AG Product Information http://www.infineon.com/cgi/ecrm.dll/ecrm/...t.jsp?oid=-8003 [ Infineon HYR166440G-845 ] Memory Module Properties: Module Name Infineon HYR166440G-845 Serial Number 130EE401h Module Size 128 MB (4 devices, 32 banks) Module Type RIMM Module Memory Type RDRAM Memory Speed PC800 (400 MHz) Module Width 16 bit Module Voltage 2.5 V Memory Module Features: HeatSpreader Present Thermal Sensor Not Present Memory Module Manufacturer: Company Name Infineon Technologies AG Product Information http://www.infineon.com/cgi/ecrm.dll/ecrm/...t.jsp?oid=-8003Chipset Chipset Properties: Motherboard Chipset Intel Tehama i850 In-Order Queue Depth 8 Memory Slots: DRAM Slot #1 256 MB (RDRAM) AGP Properties: AGP Version 2.00 AGP Status Enabled AGP Aperture Size 64 MB Supported AGP Speeds 1x, 2x, 4x Current AGP Speed 4x Fast-Write Supported, Disabled Side Band Addressing Supported, Enabled Chipset Manufacturer: Company Name Intel Corporation Product Information http://www.intel.com/products/browse/chipsets.htm Driver Download http://support.intel.com/support/chipsets/index.htmBIOS BIOS Properties: BIOS Type AMI System BIOS Date 07/25/01 Video BIOS Date 01/03/20 BIOS Manufacturer: Company Name American Megatrends Inc. Product Information http://www.ami.com/amibios Problems & Suggestions: Suggestion System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.Operating System Operating System Properties: OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition OS Code Name Whistler OS Language English (United States) OS Kernel Type Uniprocessor Free OS Version 5.1.2600 (WinXP Retail) OS Service Pack Service Pack 1 OS Installation Date 3/16/2002 OS Root C:\WINDOWS License Information: Registered Owner Valued Gateway Client Registered Organization Gateway Licensed Processors 1 Product ID 55285-OEM-0015537-58258 Product Key PDMMP-8732R-YKRT3-JJXYF-RGWPV Current Session: Computer Name COMPUTER User Name default Logon Domain COMPUTER UpTime 178 sec (0 days, 0 hours, 2 min, 58 sec) Components Version: Common Controls 6.00 Internet Explorer 6.0.2800.1106 (IE 6.0 SP1) Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1123 Windows Media Player Internet Information Services None Novell Client None DirectX (DirectX 8.1) OpenGL 5.1.2600.1106 (xpsp1.020828-1920) ASPI None Database Drivers: MDAC 2.71.9030.0 built by: Lab06_N(dagbuild) ODBC 3.520.9030.0 MySQL Connector/ODBC None Oracle Client None PsqlODBC None Sybase ASE ODBC None Borland Database Engine None Operating System Features: Debug Version No DBCS Version No Domain Controller No Security Present No Network Present Yes Remote Session No Safe Mode No Slow Processor No Terminal Services NoProcesses Process Name Process File Name Used Memory Used Swap aida32.bin C:\Documents and Settings\default\Desktop\new1\aida32.bin 12392 KB 12848 KB ccApp.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccApp.exe 9020 KB 4896 KB ccEvtMgr.exe C:\Program Files\Common Files\Symantec Shared\ccEvtMgr.exe 3204 KB 2252 KB devldr32.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\devldr32.exe 3076 KB 892 KB DirectCD.exe C:\Program Files\Adaptec\Easy CD Creator 5\DirectCD\DirectCD.exe 5116 KB 1492 KB Explorer.EXE C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.EXE 22680 KB 16480 KB LeechGet.exe C:\Program Files\LeechGet 2002\LeechGet.exe 10288 KB 5452 KB lsass.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\lsass.exe 5628 KB 3332 KB monitr32.exe C:\Program Files\Canon\MultiPASS\monitr32.exe 9164 KB 6148 KB mozilla.exe C:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla\mozilla.exe 25940 KB 21792 KB mpservic.exe C:\Program Files\Canon\MultiPASS\mpservic.exe 9660 KB 6680 KB navapsvc.exe C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\navapsvc.exe 1160 KB 956 KB services.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe 3328 KB 1468 KB Smc.exe C:\Program Files\Sygate\SPF\Smc.exe 7668 KB 11260 KB smss.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe 464 KB 172 KB spoolsv.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\spoolsv.exe 4720 KB 3644 KB sr.exe C:\Program Files\SlickRun\sr.exe 7352 KB 2452 KB svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe 3008 KB 1024 KB svchost.exe C:\WINDOWS\System32\svchost.exe 17308 KB 12204 KB WebshotsTray.exe C:\Program Files\Webshots\WebshotsTray.exe 2764 KB 828 KB winlogon.exe C:\WINDOWS\system32\winlogon.exe 5420 KB 5888 KBSystem Drivers Driver Name Driver Description Type State Abiosdsk Abiosdsk Kernel Driver Stopped abp480n5 abp480n5 Kernel Driver Stopped ACPI Microsoft ACPI Driver Kernel Driver Running ACPIEC ACPIEC Kernel Driver Stopped adpu160m adpu160m Kernel Driver Stopped aec Microsoft Kernel Acoustic Echo Canceller Kernel Driver Stopped AFD AFD Networking Support Environment Kernel Driver Running agp440 Intel AGP Bus Filter Kernel Driver Running Aha154x Aha154x Kernel Driver Stopped aic78u2 aic78u2 Kernel Driver Stopped aic78xx aic78xx Kernel Driver Stopped AliIde AliIde Kernel Driver Stopped amsint amsint Kernel Driver Stopped AN983 ADMtek AN983/AN985/ADM951X 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet Adapter Kernel Driver Stopped Arp1394 1394 ARP Client Protocol Kernel Driver Stopped asc asc Kernel Driver Stopped asc3350p asc3350p Kernel Driver Stopped asc3550 asc3550 Kernel Driver Stopped AsyncMac RAS Asynchronous Media Driver Kernel Driver Stopped atapi Standard IDE/ESDI Hard Disk Controller Kernel Driver Running Atdisk Atdisk Kernel Driver Stopped ati2mtag ati2mtag Kernel Driver Running atimtag atimtag Kernel Driver Stopped Atmarpc ATM ARP Client Protocol Kernel Driver Stopped audstub Audio Stub Driver Kernel Driver Running BANTExt Belarc SMBios Access Kernel Driver Running BCMModem BCM V.90 56K Modem Kernel Driver Running Beep Beep Kernel Driver Running BULKUSB NtJCMp3.Sys Newtrend MP3 USB driver Kernel Driver Stopped cbidf2k cbidf2k Kernel Driver Stopped cd20xrnt cd20xrnt Kernel Driver Stopped Cdaudio Cdaudio Kernel Driver Stopped Cdfs Cdfs File System Driver Running Cdr4_xp Cdr4_xp Kernel Driver Running Cdralw2k Cdralw2k Kernel Driver Running Cdrom CD-ROM Driver Kernel Driver Running cdudf_XP cdudf_XP File System Driver Running Changer Changer Kernel Driver Stopped cis1284 cis1284 Kernel Driver Running CmdIde CmdIde Kernel Driver Stopped Cpqarray Cpqarray Kernel Driver Stopped ctljystk Creative SBLive! Gameport Kernel Driver Running dac960nt dac960nt Kernel Driver Stopped Disk Disk Driver Kernel Driver Running dmboot dmboot Kernel Driver Stopped dmio dmio Kernel Driver Stopped dmload dmload Kernel Driver Stopped DMusic Microsoft Kernel DLS Syntheiszer Kernel Driver Stopped dpti2o dpti2o Kernel Driver Stopped drmkaud Microsoft Kernel DRM Audio Descrambler Kernel Driver Stopped dvd_2K dvd_2K Kernel Driver Stopped emu10k Creative SB Live! (WDM) Kernel Driver Running emu10k1 Creative Interface Manager Driver (WDM) Kernel Driver Running Fastfat Fastfat File System Driver Running Fdc Floppy Disk Controller Driver Kernel Driver Running FILEMON FILEMON Kernel Driver Stopped Fips Fips Kernel Driver Running Flpydisk Floppy Disk Driver Kernel Driver Running Ftdisk Volume Manager Driver Kernel Driver Running FUTUREX FUTUREX Kernel Driver Running gameenum Game Port Enumerator Kernel Driver Running Gpc Generic Packet Classifier Kernel Driver Running hpn hpn Kernel Driver Stopped hpt3xx hpt3xx Kernel Driver Stopped i2omgmt i2omgmt Kernel Driver Stopped i2omp i2omp Kernel Driver Stopped i8042prt i8042 Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Port Driver Kernel Driver Running Imapi Imapi Kernel Driver Running ini910u ini910u Kernel Driver Stopped IntelIde IntelIde Kernel Driver Running IpFilterDriver IP Traffic Filter Driver Kernel Driver Stopped IpInIp IP in IP Tunnel Driver Kernel Driver Stopped IpNat IP Network Address Translator Kernel Driver Stopped IPSec IPSEC driver Kernel Driver Running IRENUM IR Enumerator Service Kernel Driver Stopped isapnp PnP ISA/EISA Bus Driver Kernel Driver Running iscFlash iscFlash Kernel Driver Stopped Kbdclass Keyboard Class Driver Kernel Driver Running kmixer Microsoft Kernel Wave Audio Mixer Kernel Driver Running KSecDD KSecDD Kernel Driver Running lbrtfdc lbrtfdc Kernel Driver Stopped LNE100 Linksys LNE100TX(v5) Fast Ethernet Adapter Kernel Driver Running mmc_2K mmc_2K Kernel Driver Running mnmdd mnmdd Kernel Driver Running Modem Modem Kernel Driver Running MODEMCSA Unimodem Streaming Filter Device Kernel Driver Running Mouclass Mouse Class Driver Kernel Driver Running MountMgr Mount Point Manager Kernel Driver Running mraid35x mraid35x Kernel Driver Stopped MRxDAV WebDav Client Redirector File System Driver Running MRxSmb MRxSmb File System Driver Running Msfs Msfs File System Driver Running MSKSSRV Microsoft Streaming Service Proxy Kernel Driver Stopped MSPCLOCK Microsoft Streaming Clock Proxy Kernel Driver Stopped MSPQM Microsoft Streaming Quality Manager Proxy Kernel Driver Stopped Mup Mup File System Driver Running MxlW2k MxlW2k Kernel Driver Running NAVENG NAVENG Kernel Driver Running NAVEX15 NAVEX15 Kernel Driver Running NDIS NDIS System Driver Kernel Driver Running NdisTapi Remote Access NDIS TAPI Driver Kernel Driver Running Ndisuio NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol Kernel Driver Running NdisWan Remote Access NDIS WAN Driver Kernel Driver Running NDProxy NDIS Proxy Kernel Driver Running NetBIOS NetBIOS Interface File System Driver Running NetBT NetBT Kernel Driver Running NIC1394 1394 Net Driver Kernel Driver Stopped NPF NetGroup Packet Filter Driver Kernel Driver Stopped Npfs Npfs File System Driver Running Ntfs Ntfs File System Driver Stopped Null Null Kernel Driver Running NwlnkFlt IPX Traffic Filter Driver Kernel Driver Stopped NwlnkFwd IPX Traffic Forwarder Driver Kernel Driver Stopped ohci1394 Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller Kernel Driver Running Parport Parallel port driver Kernel Driver Running PartMgr Partition Manager Kernel Driver Running ParVdm ParVdm Kernel Driver Running PCI PCI Bus Driver Kernel Driver Running PCIDump PCIDump Kernel Driver Stopped PCIIde PCIIde Kernel Driver Stopped Pcmcia Pcmcia Kernel Driver Stopped PDCOMP PDCOMP Kernel Driver Stopped PDFRAME PDFRAME Kernel Driver Stopped PDRELI PDRELI Kernel Driver Stopped PDRFRAME PDRFRAME Kernel Driver Stopped perc2 perc2 Kernel Driver Stopped perc2hib perc2hib Kernel Driver Stopped ppa Iomega Parallel Port Filter Driver Kernel Driver Running PptpMiniport WAN Miniport (PPTP) Kernel Driver Running Processor Processor Driver Kernel Driver Running Ptilink Direct Parallel Link Driver Kernel Driver Running pwd_2K pwd_2K Kernel Driver Running ql1080 ql1080 Kernel Driver Stopped Ql10wnt Ql10wnt Kernel Driver Stopped ql12160 ql12160 Kernel Driver Stopped ql1240 ql1240 Kernel Driver Stopped ql1280 ql1280 Kernel Driver Stopped RasAcd Remote Access Auto Connection Driver Kernel Driver Running Rasl2tp WAN Miniport (L2TP) Kernel Driver Running RasPppoe Remote Access PPPOE Driver Kernel Driver Running Raspti Direct Parallel Kernel Driver Running Rdbss Rdbss File System Driver Running RDPCDD RDPCDD Kernel Driver Running RDPWD RDPWD Kernel Driver Stopped redbook Digital CD Audio Playback Filter Driver Kernel Driver Running REGMON REGMON Kernel Driver Stopped RVIEG01 VSC Engine Kernel Driver Running SAVRT SAVRT Kernel Driver Running SAVRTPEL SAVRTPEL Kernel Driver Running Secdrv Secdrv Kernel Driver Stopped serenum Serenum Filter Driver Kernel Driver Running Serial Serial port driver Kernel Driver Running Sfloppy Sfloppy Kernel Driver Stopped sfman Creative SoundFont Manager Driver (WDM) Kernel Driver Running Simbad Simbad Kernel Driver Stopped Sparrow Sparrow Kernel Driver Stopped splitter Microsoft Kernel Audio Splitter Kernel Driver Stopped sr System Restore Filter Driver File System Driver Running Srv Srv File System Driver Running swenum Software Bus Driver Kernel Driver Running swmidi Microsoft Kernel GS Wavetable Synthesizer Kernel Driver Stopped sym_hi sym_hi Kernel Driver Stopped sym_u3 sym_u3 Kernel Driver Stopped symc810 symc810 Kernel Driver Stopped symc8xx symc8xx Kernel Driver Stopped SymEvent SymEvent Kernel Driver Running SYMREDRV SYMREDRV Kernel Driver Running SYMTDI SYMTDI Kernel Driver Running sysaudio Microsoft Kernel System Audio Device Kernel Driver Running Tcpip TCP/IP Protocol Driver Kernel Driver Running TDPIPE TDPIPE Kernel Driver Stopped TDTCP TDTCP Kernel Driver Stopped Teefer Teefer for NT Kernel Driver Running TermDD Terminal Device Driver Kernel Driver Running TosIde TosIde Kernel Driver Stopped UdfReadr_xp UdfReadr_xp File System Driver Running Udfs Udfs File System Driver Stopped ultra ultra Kernel Driver Stopped Update Microcode Update Driver Kernel Driver Running usbhub USB2 Enabled Hub Kernel Driver Running usbuhci Microsoft USB Universal Host Controller Miniport Driver Kernel Driver Running VgaSave VGA Display Controller. Kernel Driver Running ViaIde ViaIde Kernel Driver Stopped VMnet VMware Bridge Protocol Kernel Driver Stopped VolSnap VolSnap Kernel Driver Running vsdatant vsdatant Kernel Driver Stopped Wanarp Remote Access IP ARP Driver Kernel Driver Running WDICA WDICA Kernel Driver Stopped wdmaud Microsoft WINMM WDM Audio Compatibility Driver Kernel Driver Running wg3n SyGate for NT, wg3n Kernel Driver Running wpsdrvnt wpsdrvnt Kernel Driver RunningShare Share Name Type Remark Local Path IPC$ IPC Remote IPC Logon User Full Name Logon Server Logon Domain COMPUTER$ WORKGROUP default Erik Reinbergs COMPUTER COMPUTERUsers [ __vmware_user__ ] User Properties: User Name __vmware_user__ Full Name __vmware_user__ Comment VMware User Member Of Groups __vmware__ Logon Count 0 Disk Quota No quota User Features: Logon Script Executed Yes Account Disabled No Locked Out User No Home Folder Required No Password Required Yes Read-Only Password No Password Never Expires No [ Administrator ] User Properties: User Name Administrator Comment Built-in account for administering the computer/domain Member Of Groups Administrators Logon Count 1 Disk Quota No quota User Features: Logon Script Executed Yes Account Disabled No Locked Out User No Home Folder Required No Password Required Yes Read-Only Password No Password Never Expires Yes [ default ] User Properties: User Name default Full Name Erik Reinbergs Comment Account upgraded from Windows Millennium Edition Member Of Groups Administrators Logon Count 1599 Disk Quota No quota User Features: Logon Script Executed Yes Account Disabled No Locked Out User No Home Folder Required No Password Required No Read-Only Password No Password Never Expires Yes [ Guest ] User Properties: User Name Guest Comment Built-in account for guest access to the computer/domain Member Of Groups Guests Logon Count 0 Disk Quota No quota User Features: Logon Script Executed Yes Account Disabled Yes Locked Out User No Home Folder Required No Password Required No Read-Only Password Yes Password Never Expires Yes [ HelpAssistant ] User Properties: User Name HelpAssistant Full Name Remote Desktop Help Assistant Account Comment Account for Providing Remote Assistance Logon Count 0 Disk Quota No quota User Features: Logon Script Executed Yes Account Disabled Yes Locked Out User No Home Folder Required No Password Required Yes Read-Only Password Yes Password Never Expires Yes [ SUPPORT_388945a0 ] User Properties: User Name SUPPORT_388945a0 Full Name CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US Comment This is a vendor's account for the Help and Support Service Member Of Groups HelpServicesGroup Logon Count 0 Disk Quota No quota User Features: Logon Script Executed Yes Account Disabled Yes Locked Out User No Home Folder Required No Password Required Yes Read-Only Password Yes Password Never Expires YesLocal Groups [ __vmware__ ] Local Group Properties: Comment VMware User Group Group Members: __vmware_user__ __vmware_user__ [ Administrators ] Local Group Properties: Comment Administrators have complete and unrestricted access to the computer Group Members: Administrator default Erik Reinbergs [ Guests ] Local Group Properties: Comment Guests have the same access as members of the Users group by default, except for the Guest account which is further restricted Group Members: Guest [ HelpServicesGroup ] Local Group Properties: Comment Group for the Help and Support Center Group Members: SUPPORT_388945a0 CN=Microsoft Corporation,L=Redmond,S=Washington,C=US [ Users ] Local Group Properties: Comment Users are prevented from making accidental or intentional system-wide changes. Thus, Users can run certified applications, but not most legacy applications Group Members: Authenticated Users INTERACTIVE Windows Video [ RADEON 7000 RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation) ] Video Adapter Properties: Device Description RADEON 7000 RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation) Adapter String RADEON 7000 RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corpo BIOS String BK0.0.0 VR000. y Chip Type Radeon 7000 (QY) DAC Type Internal DAC(350MHz) Installed Drivers ati2dvag ( Memory Size 64 MB Video Adapter Manufacturer: Company Name ATI Technologies Inc. Product Information http://www.ati.com/products/builtdesktoppc.html Driver Download http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html [ RADEON 7000 RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation) ] Video Adapter Properties: Device Description RADEON 7000 RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corporation) Adapter String RADEON 7000 RADEON VE Family (Microsoft Corpo BIOS String BK0.0.0 VR000. y Chip Type Radeon 7000 (QY) DAC Type Internal DAC(350MHz) Installed Drivers ati2dvag ( Memory Size 64 MB Video Adapter Manufacturer: Company Name ATI Technologies Inc. Product Information http://www.ati.com/products/builtdesktoppc.html Driver Download http://www.ati.com/support/driver.htmlPCI / AGP Video Device Description Device Type ATI RV100 DDR (ATI Radeon VE DDR) Video Adapter ATI RV100 DDR 3D AcceleratorGPU Graphics Processor Properties: Video Adapter ATI RV100 DDR (ATI Radeon VE DDR) GPU Code Name RV100 PCI Device 1002 / 5159 Process Technology 0.18u Bus Type AGP Memory Size 64 MB GPU Clock 164 MHz RAMDAC Clock 300 MHz Pixel Pipelines 1 TMU Per Pipeline 3 Vertex Shaders Not Supported Pixel Shaders 1 (v0.5) DirectX Hardware Support DirectX v6.0 Pixel Fillrate 164 MPixel/s Texel Fillrate 492 MTexel/s Memory Bus Properties: Bus Type DDR Bus Width 64-bit Real Clock 164 MHz (DDR) Effective Clock 328 MHz Bandwidth 2624 MB/s Graphics Processor Manufacturer: Company Name ATI Technologies Inc. Product Information http://www.ati.com/products/builtdesktoppc.html Driver Download http://www.ati.com/support/driver.html ATI Registers: ati-0F8 04000000 ati-140 0000AD04 ati-154 77777777 ati-158 50320032 ati-CLKIND-0A 0149490C ati-CLKIND-0B 78005200 ati-CLKIND-0C 0400BC30 ati-CLKIND-0D FFFFFFFF ati-CLKIND-0E 0400FC30 ati-CLKIND-0F 0000033C ati-CLKIND-12 0A010012Monitor [ Gateway FPD1810 ] Monitor Properties: Monitor Name Gateway FPD1810 Monitor ID GWY0713 Manufacturer GATEWAY Model FPD1810 Manufacture Date Week 35 / 2001 Serial Number 11356726 Max. Visible Display Size 36 cm x 29 cm (18.2") Picture Aspect Ratio 4:3 Horizontal Frequency 31 - 80 kHz Vertical Frequency 56 - 85 Hz Maximum Resolution 1280 x 1024 Gamma 2.20 DPMS Mode Support Standby, Suspend, Active-Off Supported Video Modes: 640 x 480 85 Hz 800 x 600 85 Hz 1024 x 768 85 Hz 1152 x 864 85 Hz 1280 x 1024 70 HzDesktop Desktop Properties: Device Technology Raster Display Resolution 1152 x 864 Color Depth 32-bit Color Planes 1 Font Resolution 96 dpi Pixel Width / Height 36 / 36 Pixel Diagonal 51 Vertical Refresh Rate 60 Hz Desktop Wallpaper C:\Documents and Settings\default\Application Data\Microsoft\Wallpaper1.bmp Desktop Effects: Combo-Box Animation Enabled Drop Shadow Effect Enabled Flat Menu Effect Enabled Font Smoothing Disabled Full Window Dragging Enabled Gradient Window Title Bars Enabled Hide Menu Access Keys Disabled Hot Tracking Effect Disabled Icon Title Wrapping Disabled List-Box Smooth Scrolling Enabled Menu Animation Disabled Menu Fade Effect Disabled Minimize/Restore Animation Enabled Mouse Cursor Shadow Disabled Selection Fade Effect Disabled ShowSounds Accessibility Feature Disabled ToolTip Animation Disabled ToolTip Fade Effect Disabled Windows Plus! Extension Disabled Problems & Suggestions: Problem At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic displays.Multi-Monitor Device ID Primary Upper Left Corner Bottom Right Corner \\.\DISPLAY1 Yes (0,0) (1152,864)Fonts Font Family Type Style Character Set Char. Size Char. Weight @Inkpen2 Chords Special Regular CHINESE_BIG5 13 x 51 40 % @Inkpen2 Chords Special Regular CHINESE_GB2312 13 x 51 40 % @Inkpen2 Chords Special Regular Hangul(Johab) 13 x 51 40 % @Inkpen2 Chords Special Regular Hangul 13 x 51 40 % @Inkpen2 Chords Special Regular Japanese 13 x 51 40 % @Inkpen2 Chords Special Regular Western 13 x 51 40 % @Inkpen2 Script Special Regular CHINESE_BIG5 12 x 36 40 % @Inkpen2 Script Special Regular CHINESE_GB2312 12 x 36 40 % @Inkpen2 Script Special Regular Hangul(Johab) 12 x 36 40 % @Inkpen2 Script Special Regular Hangul 12 x 36 40 % @Inkpen2 Script Special Regular Japanese 12 x 36 40 % @Inkpen2 Script Special Regular Western 12 x 36 40 % @Inkpen2 Text Special Regular CHINESE_BIG5 15 x 57 40 % @Inkpen2 Text Special Regular CHINESE_GB2312 15 x 57 40 % @Inkpen2 Text Special Regular Hangul(Johab) 15 x 57 40 % @Inkpen2 Text Special Regular Hangul 15 x 57 40 % @Inkpen2 Text Special Regular Japanese 15 x 57 40 % @Inkpen2 Text Special Regular Western 15 x 57 40 % @MS Gothic Modern Regular Japanese 16 x 32 40 % @Opus Chords Special Regular CHINESE_BIG5 17 x 43 40 % @Opus Chords Special Regular CHINESE_GB2312 17 x 43 40 % @Opus Chords Special Regular Hangul(Johab) 17 x 43 40 % @Opus Chords Special Regular Hangul 17 x 43 40 % @Opus Chords Special Regular Japanese 17 x 43 40 % @Opus Chords Special Regular Western 17 x 43 40 % @Opus PlainChords Special Regular CHINESE_BIG5 17 x 46 40 % @Opus PlainChords Special Regular CHINESE_GB2312 17 x 46 40 % @Opus PlainChords Special Regular Hangul(Johab) 17 x 46 40 % @Opus PlainChords Special Regular Hangul 17 x 46 40 % @Opus PlainChords Special Regular Japanese 17 x 46 40 % @Opus PlainChords Special Regular Western 17 x 46 40 % @Opus Text Special Regular CHINESE_BIG5 16 x 43 40 % @Opus Text Special Regular CHINESE_GB2312 16 x 43 40 % @Opus Text Special Regular Hangul(Johab) 16 x 43 40 % @Opus Text Special Regular Hangul 16 x 43 40 % @Opus Text Special Regular Japanese 16 x 43 40 % @Opus Text Special Regular Western 16 x 43 40 % Abadi MT Condensed Extra Bold Swiss Regular Western 13 x 37 40 % Abadi MT Condensed Light Swiss Regular Mac 11 x 37 30 % Abadi MT Condensed Light Swiss Regular Western 11 x 37 30 % Abadi MT Condensed Swiss Regular Western 12 x 37 40 % Abbey-Medium Special Regular Central European 11 x 31 50 % Abbey-Medium Special Regular Greek 11 x 31 50 % Abbey-Medium Special Regular Mac 11 x 31 50 % Abbey-Medium Special Regular Turkish 11 x 31 50 % Abbey-Medium Special Regular Western 11 x 31 50 % Algerian Decorative Regular Western 17 x 36 40 % Almanac MT Special Regular Symbol 15 x 31 40 % Amazone BT Script Regular Central European 11 x 38 40 % Amazone BT Script Regular Greek 11 x 38 40 % Amazone BT Script Regular Mac 11 x 38 40 % Amazone BT Script Regular Turkish 11 x 38 40 % Amazone BT Script Regular Western 11 x 38 40 % American Dream Special Regular Western 21 x 32 40 % American Uncial Script Regular Western 19 x 35 40 % Andale Mono IPA Swiss Regular Symbol 18 x 37 40 % Andy Script Bold Western 12 x 36 70 % Antique Special Regular Greek 24 x 41 40 % Antique Special Regular Mac 24 x 41 40 % Antique Special Regular Western 24 x 41 40 % Arial Alternative Symbol Modern Regular Symbol 24 x 32 40 % Arial Alternative Modern Regular Symbol 24 x 32 40 % Arial Black Swiss Regular Baltic 18 x 45 40 % Arial Black Swiss Regular Central European 18 x 45 40 % Arial Black Swiss Regular Cyrillic 18 x 45 40 % Arial Black Swiss Regular Greek 18 x 45 40 % Arial Black Swiss Regular Turkish 18 x 45 40 % Arial Black Swiss Regular Western 18 x 45 40 % Arial Narrow Swiss Regular Baltic 12 x 36 40 % Arial Narrow Swiss Regular Central European 12 x 36 40 % Arial Narrow Swiss Regular Cyrillic 12 x 36 40 % Arial Narrow Swiss Regular Greek 12 x 36 40 % Arial Narrow Swiss Regular Turkish 12 x 36 40 % Arial Narrow Swiss Regular Western 12 x 36 40 % Arial Rounded MT Bold Swiss Regular Western 15 x 37 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Arabic 14 x 36 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Baltic 14 x 36 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Central European 14 x 36 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Cyrillic 14 x 36 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Greek 14 x 36 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Hebrew 14 x 36 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Turkish 14 x 36 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Vietnamese 14 x 36 40 % Arial Swiss Regular Western 14 x 36 40 % Augsburger Initials Decorative Regular Western 19 x 33 40 % Aurora Cn BT Swiss Regular Central European 7 x 35 40 % Aurora Cn BT Swiss Regular Greek 7 x 35 40 % Aurora Cn BT Swiss Regular Mac 7 x 35 40 % Aurora Cn BT Swiss Regular Turkish 7 x 35 40 % Aurora Cn BT Swiss Regular Western 7 x 35 40 % Bangle Special Normal Western 15 x 38 40 % Bart Special Normal Western 12 x 44 40 % Baskerville Old Face Roman Regular Western 13 x 37 40 % Bauhaus 93 Decorative Regular Western 14 x 36 40 % Bavand Special Regular Greek 12 x 51 40 % Bavand Special Regular Mac 12 x 51 40 % Bavand Special Regular Western 12 x 51 40 % Bazooka Special Regular Greek 5 x 37 40 % Bazooka Special Regular Mac 5 x 37 40 % Bazooka Special Regular Western 5 x 37 40 % Beesknees ITC Decorative Regular Western 15 x 40 40 % Bell MT Roman Regular Western 13 x 35 40 % Bernard MT Condensed Roman Regular Western 12 x 38 40 % BernhardFashion BT Decorative Regular Central European 11 x 41 40 % BernhardFashion BT Decorative Regular Greek 11 x 41 40 % BernhardFashion BT Decorative Regular Mac 11 x 41 40 % BernhardFashion BT Decorative Regular Turkish 11 x 41 40 % BernhardFashion BT Decorative Regular Western 11 x 41 40 % Bickley Script Script Regular Western 9 x 35 40 % Blackadder ITC Decorative Regular Western 10 x 41 40 % Block Special Regular Greek 17 x 42 40 % Block Special Regular Mac 17 x 42 40 % Block Special Regular Western 17 x 42 40 % Book Antiqua Roman Regular Baltic 14 x 40 40 % Book Antiqua Roman Regular Central European 14 x 40 40 % Book Antiqua Roman Regular Cyrillic 14 x 40 40 % Book Antiqua Roman Regular Greek 14 x 40 40 % Book Antiqua Roman Regular Turkish 14 x 40 40 % Book Antiqua Roman Regular Western 14 x 40 40 % Bookman Old Style Roman Regular Baltic 16 x 36 30 % Bookman Old Style Roman Regular Central European 16 x 36 30 % Bookman Old Style Roman Regular Cyrillic 16 x 36 30 % Bookman Old Style Roman Regular Greek 16 x 36 30 % Bookman Old Style Roman Regular Turkish 16 x 36 30 % Bookman Old Style Roman Regular Western 16 x 36 30 % Boulder Special Regular Greek 5 x 37 40 % Boulder Special Regular Mac 5 x 37 40 % Boulder Special Regular Western 5 x 37 40 % Bradley Hand ITC Script Regular Western 13 x 40 40 % Braggadocio Decorative Regular Western 21 x 39 40 % Britannic Bold Swiss Regular Western 14 x 35 40 % Broadview Special Regular Greek 17 x 40 40 % Broadview Special Regular Mac 17 x 40 40 % Broadview Special Regular Western 17 x 40 40 % Broadway Decorative Regular Western 17 x 36 40 % Brush Script MT Script Italic Western 10 x 39 40 % Caesar Special Regular Greek 18 x 35 40 % Caesar Special Regular Mac 18 x 35 40 % Caesar Special Regular Western 18 x 35 40 % Californian FB Roman Regular Western 13 x 36 40 % Calisto MT Roman Regular Mac 13 x 37 40 % Calisto MT Roman Regular Western 13 x 37 40 % Calligrapher Special Regular Greek 6 x 36 40 % Calligrapher Special Regular Mac 6 x 36 40 % Calligrapher Special Regular Western 6 x 36 40 % Can Control Special Regular Western 22 x 33 40 % Castellar Roman Regular Western 21 x 39 40 % Casual Swiss Regular Western 22 x 38 40 % Century Gothic Swiss Regular Baltic 16 x 38 40 % Century Gothic Swiss Regular Central European 16 x 38 40 % Century Gothic Swiss Regular Cyrillic 16 x 38 40 % Century Gothic Swiss Regular Greek 16 x 38 40 % Century Gothic Swiss Regular Turkish 16 x 38 40 % Century Gothic Swiss Regular Western 16 x 38 40 % Cezanne Special Regular Greek 14 x 37 40 % Cezanne Special Regular Mac 14 x 37 40 % Cezanne Special Regular Western 14 x 37 40 % Chaucer Special Regular Greek 7 x 40 40 % Chaucer Special Regular Mac 7 x 40 40 % Chaucer Special Regular Western 7 x 40 40 % Chiller Decorative Regular Western 9 x 37 40 % Christie Special Regular Greek 12 x 38 40 % Christie Special Regular Mac 12 x 38 40 % Christie Special Regular Western 12 x 38 40 % CloisterBlack BT Script Regular Central European 11 x 37 40 % CloisterBlack BT Script Regular Greek 11 x 37 40 % CloisterBlack BT Script Regular Mac 11 x 37 40 % CloisterBlack BT Script Regular Turkish 11 x 37 40 % CloisterBlack BT Script Regular Western 11 x 37 40 % Comic Sans MS Script Regular Western 15 x 45 40 % CommercialScript BT Script Regular Central European 12 x 37 40 % CommercialScript BT Script Regular Greek 12 x 37 40 % CommercialScript BT Script Regular Mac 12 x 37 40 % CommercialScript BT Script Regular Turkish 12 x 37 40 % CommercialScript BT Script Regular Western 12 x 37 40 % Continuum Bold Special Regular Greek 14 x 40 40 % Continuum Bold Special Regular Mac 14 x 40 40 % Continuum Bold Special Regular Western 14 x 40 40 % Continuum Light Special Regular Greek 14 x 37 40 % Continuum Light Special Regular Mac 14 x 37 40 % Continuum Light Special Regular Western 14 x 37 40 % Continuum Medium Special Regular Greek 14 x 40 40 % Continuum Medium Special Regular Mac 14 x 40 40 % Continuum Medium Special Regular Western 14 x 40 40 % Cooper Black Roman Regular Western 16 x 37 40 % Copperplate Gothic Bold Swiss Regular Mac 19 x 36 70 % Copperplate Gothic Bold Swiss Regular Western 19 x 36 70 % Copperplate Gothic Light Swiss Regular Mac 18 x 35 30 % Copperplate Gothic Light Swiss Regular Western 18 x 35 30 % Cornerstone Special Regular Greek 20 x 36 40 % Cornerstone Special Regular Mac 20 x 36 40 % Cornerstone Special Regular Western 20 x 36 40 % Cotillion Special Regular Greek 10 x 33 40 % Cotillion Special Regular Mac 10 x 33 40 % Cotillion Special Regular Western 10 x 33 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Arabic 19 x 36 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Baltic 19 x 36 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Central European 19 x 36 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Cyrillic 19 x 36 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Greek 19 x 36 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Hebrew 19 x 36 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Turkish 19 x 36 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Vietnamese 19 x 36 40 % Courier New Modern Regular Western 19 x 36 40 % Courier Modern Western 8 x 13 40 % Crate Special Regular Greek 14 x 39 40 % Crate Special Regular Mac 14 x 39 40 % Crate Special Regular Western 14 x 39 40 % Cuckoo Special Regular Greek 15 x 35 40 % Cuckoo Special Regular Mac 15 x 35 40 % Cuckoo Special Regular Western 15 x 35 40 % Curlz MT Decorative Regular Western 12 x 42 40 % Denmark Special Regular Greek 16 x 38 40 % Denmark Special Regular Mac 16 x 38 40 % Denmark Special Regular Western 16 x 38 40 % Desdemona Decorative Regular Western 15 x 37 40 % Diner Special Regular Greek 12 x 42 40 % Diner Special Regular Mac 12 x 42 40 % Diner Special Regular Western 12 x 42 40 % Diploma Special Regular Greek 11 x 39 40 % Diploma Special Regular Mac 11 x 39 40 % Diploma Special Regular Western 11 x 39 40 % Edda Decorative Regular Western 23 x 46 40 % Edwardian Script ITC Script Regular Western 8 x 38 40 % Elephant Roman Regular Western 16 x 41 40 % Emerald Isle Special Regular Greek 21 x 41 40 % Emerald Isle Special Regular Mac 21 x 41 40 % Emerald Isle Special Regular Western 21 x 41 40 % Engravers MT Roman Regular Western 25 x 37 50 % Enviro Decorative Regular Western 12 x 35 40 % Eras Bold ITC Swiss Regular Western 16 x 37 40 % Eras Demi ITC Swiss Regular Western 15 x 36 40 % Eras Light ITC Swiss Regular Western 13 x 36 40 % Eras Medium ITC Swiss Regular Western 14 x 36 40 % Eras Ultra ITC Swiss Regular Western 17 x 37 40 % Estrangelo Edessa Script Regular Other 13 x 32 40 % Eurasia Special Normal Western 13 x 40 40 % Eurostile Swiss Regular Western 13 x 34 40 % Executive Special Regular Greek 6 x 37 40 % Executive Special Regular Mac 6 x 37 40 % Executive Special Regular Western 6 x 37 40 % Exotc350 Bd BT Decorative Bold Central European 13 x 37 40 % Exotc350 Bd BT Decorative Bold Greek 13 x 37 40 % Exotc350 Bd BT Decorative Bold Mac 13 x 37 40 % Exotc350 Bd BT Decorative Bold Turkish 13 x 37 40 % Exotc350 Bd BT Decorative Bold Western 13 x 37 40 % Felix Titling Decorative Regular Western 19 x 37 40 % FifthAve Special Regular Greek 12 x 37 40 % FifthAve Special Regular Mac 12 x 37 40 % FifthAve Special Regular Western 12 x 37 40 % Fillmore Special Regular Greek 4 x 36 40 % Fillmore Special Regular Mac 4 x 36 40 % Fillmore Special Regular Western 4 x 36 40 % Fine Hand Script Regular Western 18 x 62 40 % Fitzgerald Special Regular Greek 16 x 37 40 % Fitzgerald Special Regular Mac 16 x 37 40 % Fitzgerald Special Regular Western 16 x 37 40 % Fixedsys Modern Western 8 x 15 40 % Footlight MT Light Roman Regular Western 13 x 34 30 % Forte Script Regular Western 14 x 35 40 % Franciscan Special Regular Greek 9 x 38 40 % Franciscan Special Regular Mac 9 x 38 40 % Franciscan Special Regular Western 9 x 38 40 % Franklin Gothic Book Swiss Regular Baltic 13 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Book Swiss Regular Central European 13 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Book Swiss Regular Cyrillic 13 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Book Swiss Regular Greek 13 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Book Swiss Regular Turkish 13 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Book Swiss Regular Western 13 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Swiss Regular Baltic 12 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Swiss Regular Central European 12 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Swiss Regular Cyrillic 12 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Swiss Regular Greek 12 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Swiss Regular Turkish 12 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Swiss Regular Western 12 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Swiss Regular Baltic 14 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Swiss Regular Central European 14 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Swiss Regular Cyrillic 14 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Swiss Regular Greek 14 x 36 40 % Franklin Gothic Demi Swiss Regular Turkish 14 x 36 40 % Frankl

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i just tried to install freebsd again. the same result. i think i've figure out the menu enough so that i don't keep going in loops.It had the same end result... everything installed, but i can't boot into freebsd.But, i did get an error. it said my harddrive geometry was incorrect. And said that i should set it in the BIOS. But, i just clicked ok, and it seemed to continue working fine...I'm going to go look in the BIOS now.<edit> ok, i checked and it said my new harddrive was the Primary IDE Slave. That sounds right to me. </edit>

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I'm sorry, i have no idea what a native resolution is :(Right now i'm at 1152 by 864...Thanks for the links tranquilo. I will look into those.<edit> Looked over everyone. No answer. I'm downloading vector now. </edit>

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