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Sonic,All LCD screens have a resolution that they are physically calibrated to. That's the native resolution. Typically it is 1024x768 for 15" screens and 1280x1024 for 17" ones. This newsgroup thread may be something you want to try .

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I have a 17". I remember seeing that chart in the newsgroup in... i think it was slackware...I tried entering it with... i don't remember exactly but i think it was vga=thechartnumber and got no responce.Should i set my screen resolution to 1280x1024 when doing installs?

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Well, Vector installed nicely. First thoughts. Way to many icons on desktop... i guess i'm just one of those people that don't like to have much on there. but that really isn't a problem.No Gnome?!?! :(I think the defaut theme is very ugly, but that was also easily fixed. No flashing problems anywhere.Internet configured perfectly.Fast! I think this one just might be a keeper. Is there anyway to get Gnome though? Can i just like download and install? I do like to play in both. I'm off to go look now.

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Sonic,PART 1Hurray ! Finely one that works for you !!!! And it´s one of my favorites: VectorLinux !! :)Very happy ! :lol: ;) :)Now Vector has a package manager . . use that one to get Gnome form the mirrors of Vector . . they have additional packages, not 100% sure Gnome is in there but you make a good chance. Installing is simple with the Midnight Commander . . ask Julia or Quint to help they know all about the MC . . my time is up, I have to go to sleep . . see you tomorrow ! ;)Very happy Sonic ! :DB) Bruno

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I found Gnome-Libs and it says it is the main gnome libraries, but it says it's already istalled, but it doesn't appear in the boot up screen chooser option thingee. Is there something i can do from the comandline to start Gnome? ;)

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SonicGonme-Libs is not enough to run gnome . . . . let´s do this tomorrow, I´ll have it all figured out for you by then . . okay ? :DB) Bruno

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Hi SonicDragon,FWIW: open a console, and:<su><password><autopkg --update><autopkg --list -n>That should do for a start; oh, btw...Congrats !!! on your successful installation. :lol: P.S. there are several gnome related packages, as you will see...good fortune. ;)

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I THINK I FOUND THE SOLUTION TO THE FLASHING PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to go install slack and see if it fixed it.Cause i did a reinstall of Vector to get the partitioning right. Well, i must have changed something cuase it flashed just like slack did.I reinstalled again, changed a setting (yes, i know which one it was) and IT WORKED! I will write down what screen it was when i install slack! Wish me luck!

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YAY it worked.It was the screen where like it asked to for size and stuff and it said if u select a larger size a picture of a penguin would show up while booting. Well i did the option of no picture and all text and it worked! TADDDAAAAA :)

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Way to go!I think I know what it was then and why we all missed it the originally. I didn't realise that you had a choice about the graphical LILO boot; I just assumed that was the default.In any case, the reason why the graphic was giving you the flashing was that it was probably a VGA sized graphic of 640x480 and with LCD screens, going that low from the native resolution seemed to have been the culprit.

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Great. Now we have a complete solution!I do have one last question though. How do u change the screen resolution in Gnome? I know that sounds very silly, but i just can't find it! :)

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Great. Now we have a complete solution!I do have one last question though. How do u change the screen resolution in Gnome? I know that sounds very silly, but i just can't find it!  :)
Sonic, congrats again. :) To change the screen resolution in Gnome - in SuSE 8.2 (that's where I currently am) - go to: System > Administrator Settings > give "root" password > Hardware > Graphics Card and Monitor, then make your changes; I would imagine that it's similar, in other distros...good fortune to you. :D
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I don't have a system, admin settings, or hardware settings...I owe you all so many thanks! I couldn't have done it without you!You all are congradulating me, but i should be congradulating you! For putting up with me and my never ending questions with out going crazy ! Thank you so much! Hopefully i will be able to return the favor one day.

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Hi Sonic, What´s up ?? No more problems ? :lol: Is all under control ? What a relief ! :D :D :D <_< Okay the question you had: how do I add Gnome to VectorSOHO: This will not be easy . . . lots of packages have to be installed . . so . . . Vector SOHO is based on Slackware 8.1, that is why we will need the packages ( more or less 40 ) for Slack 8.1 ! ( In Slackware 9.0 Gnome is already included :) ) There is a special way to install those packages for Slack. Have a look here You will have to download the installer first and that installer will take care of the packages. Sure you could do it without the Dropline installer, but then you will have to install all of the packages one by one AND in the right order of appearance . . .or else it will fail ! Sonic, if you want my advice: don´t bother . . use KDE in Vector and Gnome in Slackware 9.0. That way you can use them both, but each of them in a different OS . . :) Saves you a lot of hassle and is more fun too. ( You were going to install Slackware 9.0 as well, weren´t you ? ) But nothing should stop you from doing the ¨Dropline¨ if you really want to. :D Have FUN Sonic ! B) Bruno

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Ok, that sounds good. For right now, i'm sticking with slackware. (next time i repartition i'll install vector too).No problems, except that i can't figure out how to change my screen resolution in gnome <_< I'm sure i'll find it though... i assume it's something from the comand line because i can not find a GUI to it.

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