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Steel....................tried your suggestion/s ... no good .... the first command results in nada, nothing ... there is no output at all ... tried the second one just for the heck of it and the results are that wvdial is not installed .... so what is the next move ?????

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Get them from another distro. Then in Debian

#mkdir /mnt/<whichever distro>#mount /dev/hda <a, b or c of where your distro is> /mnt/hda<whichever>#cd /mnt/hda<whichever>cp /mnt/hda<whichever>/home<wherever your file is>/hdwvdial-1.56.tar.gz /home

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...Rejean...I am assuming that in my case since the distro I used to d/l both the pkgs is located on HDB8 that would be the entry I would use for all the mount, mnt and cd cmds ...y/n

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Yes Dale! That would be the one.In case you encounter a problem with permissions here are the 2 commands I use;

#chown rejean filename (or directory).

Now you replace my name with your username and the name of the file (or directory) that gives you the problem.

#chmod 777 filename (or directory).

Which gives you the permissions. The "#" sign means that you did "su" and entered your password in the terminal

Edited by réjean
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Steel....................tried your suggestion/s ... no good .... the first command results in nada, nothing ... there is no output at all ... tried the second one just for the heck of it and the results are that wvdial is not installed .... so what is the next move ?????
hi Dale, i am suprised that you dont have wvdial did you check your synaptic ....also the easiest and most sane way and maybe the easiest would be to try to connect your modem again..first back your ppp just in case you make a mistake this way it will so much easier to restore it then having to reinstall anything here is how
# cp -R /etc/ppp /etc/pppbak

use # pppconfig to make the settings and then you will see this and just follow the prompts

Main Menu ├─────────────────────────────────┐│ This is the PPP configuration utility.  It does not connect to your isp:	 ││ just configures ppp so that you can do so with a utility such as pon.  It	││ will ask for the username, password, and phone number that your ISP gave	 ││ you.  If your ISP uses PAP or CHAP, that is all you need.  If you must use   ││ a chat script, you will need to know how your ISP prompts for your		   ││ username and password.  If you do not know what your ISP uses, try PAP.	  ││ Use the up and down arrow keys to move around the menus.  Hit ENTER to	   ││ select an item.  Use the TAB key to move from the menu to <OK> to <CANCEL>   ││ and back.  To move on to the next menu go to <OK> and hit ENTER. To go	   ││ back to the previous menu go to <CANCEL> and hit enter.					  ││																			  ││						  Create Create a connection						  ││						  Change Change a connection						  ││						  Delete Delete a connection						  ││						  Quit   Exit this utility

once your connection is established then do

# apt-get update

then you can update your system completely..... also can you post your sources.list .... also one of my debian which is i use as a server is from that stable branch.. here is how to post your sources.list

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list

also the wvdial is not big i just checked it here is it

The following NEW packages will be installed: libwvstreams4.0-base libwvstreams4.0-extras libxplc0.3.11 wvdial0 upgraded, 4 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.Need to get 930kB of archives.After unpacking 1716kB of additional disk space will be used.Do you want to continue? [Y/n]
your getting there Dale :'(
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:'( :'( ........Steel ... have tried your suggestions yet in your last post ... but here is an update as to what I have encountered so far ... in Debian in the system portion of the menu there is a listintg for synaptic ... I selected it and unless wvdial is contained within some other pkg it is not even listed and I am guessing that it would be in alphabetical order ... now "kppp" on the other hand is listed and selected and it is configured since I did make a web connection with it when I did the install ... of note after I did the initial install, got the security updates then did apt-get update/upgrade it d/l 2 pkgs one of which directly involved kppp ,, don't recall what it said though .. what I have now is a kppp that dials, connects, and then immediately disconnects ,,, in a nutshell the readout says that it could not find a secret password to authenticate and that the kppp exited, it also states that kppp is in the kernel ...On this subject, I also d/l'd disks 3 and 4 of the set, could wvdial be on one of them, how would I go about finding out what info is on them, then if needed how to install it .. put in in do apt-get and maybe it will pull it from the disk ????

Edited by longgone
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Your getting there Dale, to add the sources you can go to ......open up synaptic .......... edit ...... add cdrom ..... do the same for the other cds... then you should see wvdial... without checking out your sources.list i am not sure whats happening and why you cant see it if you can get online... open up console. su to root .... then do this exactly

apt-get update;apt-get install wvdial

and its in the main section so you should have here is what you do if you can get online... there are 4 packages and they are small ...I also have debian stable and Unstable version ... if you want to go in command and not use synaptic do this

# apt-cdrom add cdom0Using CD-ROM mount point /mnt/cdrom/Unmounting CD-ROMPlease insert a Disc in the drive and press enterMounting CD-ROMIdentifying.. [602cd77227964d1c54d268c01595281a-2]Scanning Disc for index files..  Found 0 package indexes and 0 source indexes.

i just used a music cd as this example but you you will see it update you system, so now you have both options cli or synpatic :'(

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Steel........ I'll give it a try ... I can get on line with "kppp" I just can't stay on line ...it dials , makes the connection , and then it immediately disconnects .... it has something to do with passwords ... I'll get into Debian and get all of what it says and post it

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Steel.............Could not disks 3 & 4 to read .. it tells me they are not apt and no file systems found..doing kppp from consol ... this is what I get ... authenication rejected, none of the authenication protocols specified are supported and host based authenication failed ...... that is what I receive when I type "kppp" into the consol window .... then the kppp window opens up and I click connect , it dials , it connects . it disconnects and this is the result of that ...couldn't find interface ppp0 .. no such device (???) .. kernel supports kppp (it is selected) .can't find any suitable secret (password) for it to use to do so. none of the available passwords would let it use an ip address .. it was pppd that died ... unless I cancel it out .. it will keep redialing until the sun goes down but it will not maintain a connection .... HOWEVER .... I did locate this .... on the desktop .. click on the computer icon > filesystems > / > etc > and what did I find but a folder in there that is labled as wvdial.conf and next to it upper left corner is a box with an "x" in it (have no idea what that is for) what I need is the application to use to open up this wvdial.conf and install it .....that is where I am att now ................

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I did locate this .... on the desktop .. click on the computer icon > filesystems > / > etc > and what did I find but a folder in there that is labled as wvdial.conf and next to it upper left corner is a box with an "x" in it (have no idea what that is for) what I need is the application to use to open up this wvdial.conf and install it .....that is where I am att now ................
Dale thats great we are getting somewhere .... what i would like you do to do is go to konsole and type in as root
# wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf

once you have ran through that do a

# cat /etc/wvdial.conf

also compared the settings to this

Now you should edit the file as follows,Remove three leading `#' symbols from Phone, Username and Password fields.Put the phone no, in the Phone Field (#777 for reliance) and provide the appropriate username (area code+phone no for reliance) and password (same as username)Erase the Init2 string value, and put AT+CRM=1 in the init2 field.Add a line Stupid Mode = 1 at the end of the file.Save the file /etc/wvdial.conf
here is the complete how to i am hoping this might help
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Steel......# wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf === command not found (GRRR)# cat /etc/wvdial.conf =(dialer ppp0)Init2 = ATL3Password = ********Stupid Mode = 0 (I need this :thumbsup: )Init1 = ATZPhone = (ISP Number)Username = (me)Dial Command = ATDTdid #gedit /etc/wvdial/conf ... and the results were the same as the cat entry ,, made the change to the Init2 line with no luck ... so changed it back to what it was ... I was not sure if a second line Stupid Mode was intended or not so I did not add a second line .... but after all was said and done .. wvdial was still not installed ..Rejean .... (I did not forget you) ... need more clarifacation ... made the directory (easy) now the mount /dev/hd- .. is that going to be the partition where the pkgs are at or the partition where they are going to end up at ?? ... and is that going to be the same for the remaining 2 cmds ... the 2 pkgs are in hdb8 but they need to get to hda12 ... I tried to do mount /dev/hda12 but the response was no such mount point

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Rejean .... (I did not forget you) ... need more clarifacation ... made the directory (easy) now the mount /dev/hd- .. is that going to be the partition where the pkgs are at or the partition where they are going to end up at ?? ... and is that going to be the same for the remaining 2 cmds ... the 2 pkgs are in hdb8 but they need to get to hda12 ... I tried to do mount /dev/hda12 but the response was no such mount point
Ok!Here is an example ( adjust the hd number accordingly ).Let's suppose I have PCLos on hda3 and I have SuSE on hdc7.I want to move a file from PCLos to SuSE.I go to SuSE and create /mnt/PCLos.Then;
#mkdir /mnt/PCLos#mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/PCLos

At this point I can click on Home and remove the "home" part and see all that is on "/" including "/mnt". If I click on it I'll see PCLos. If I click on that I'll see everything that is in PCLos "visually, i.e in GUI mode. But all that means is that you can now have access to your "/dev/hda3" partition via "/mnt/PCLos".This way you can;

#cp /mnt/PCLos/<whichever file> /home

and the file that you had in PCLos will be copied to your SuSE /home directory.Am I making myself clear? If not ask again my friend. I'll be here and there for quite awhile.P.S. You don't need to "mount /dev/hda12" Dale. You are in already. This is your new Debian partition, right?P.P.S. as far as the last 2 commands "chown" and "chmod" are concerned you'll need them only if you have problems and you'll use them for "/mnt/PCLos" most likely. But it all depend on where your console says their is an error ( if you do encounter one ).

Edited by réjean
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:hmm: :hmm: :hmm: ...............And it does not help Dale one teeny tiny little bit ........... prior to my adventure with Debian, I d/l'd and printed their entire set of destructions on configuring KPPP .. I just finished with it (although I have several questions) and it has all the correct info in all the correct places and I still cannot maintain a connection to the web with KPPP ,,, I can get there ,, just can't stay there .....wvdial now ,,, is a different matter ... I can see that file folder in etc under root but what that symbol stands for I have no clue .... in fact (should have checked) I do not even know if that folder even has anything in it ...... thats the latest from .... the confused communicator ....... just wait till I install Vector SOHO ...... :hysterical: :hysterical:
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Rejean...............So far I am having absolutely no success with your tips ... I am probably doing something wrong but here is my best guess at what you are saying mkdir pclinuxosmount the partition pclinuxos is on /mnt same partitioncd the pclinuxos partitioncp pclinuxos partition ........................now is the tricky part ... the 2 files are on my desktop which gives me this line/home/dale/Desktop/<the pkg> ... but when I try to cp them I get "no such file or directory" ...... soooooooo .... how do I get them from point a to point b ???

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Well, that's were the last 2 commands "chown" and "chmod" come in. Right click on the files on your desktop, then click on properties, then on Permissions and you'll see that only root has access to them.So if do you something like;

#chown -R dale /home/dale/desktop/<the filename>

then you'll see next time you right click on the files , then on the tab properties near the bottom, then on the tab permissions at the top that you too (as a user) can access them too and that you can now "View and modify" the contain and also click on the button in front of "Is executable".Hope this help. Anyway Bruno is back so he can help you better than me.

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And it does not help Dale one teeny tiny little bit ........... prior to my adventure with Debian, I d/l'd and printed their entire set of destructions on configuring KPPP .. I just finished with it (although I have several questions) and it has all the correct info in all the correct places and I still cannot maintain a connection to the web with KPPP ,,, I can get there ,, just can't stay there .....g KPPP .. I just finished with it (although I have several questions) and it has all the correct info in all the correct places and I still cannot maintain a connection to the web with KPPP ,,, I can get there ,, just can't stay there .....
Well I do have one other little trick I encounter somewhere in my adventures with Kppp - you have to open up modem commands screen and change the pre-init delay to 150 and the post init delay to 150 as well everything else stays the same. There is also a misc tab where you can change the pppd timeout and I have found it helpful to change that to 30 instead of 5.I think you mentioned you got an error 16, I get them once in awhile when I am online and get booted off, I am able to reconnect usually. If you do find out what causes them I would be interested to know as well. Also if you have a hardware modem you may want to shut it down completely and restart it not sure why, but sometimes mine wont work and this fixes it.
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The "chown" command can change owner and group at the same time:

# chown -R dale:dale /home/dale/Desktop/<the filename>

Where the first "dale" is the user (owner) and the second "dale" is the group dale belongs to. Depending on the distro the group name can be different, in PCLos/Mandriva the group name is the same as the username. but for example in Slackware you get "# chown -R dale:users /home/dale/desktop/<the filename>" because the group is called "users"Anyway . . . those packages on the desktop, Dale, where do you want to copy them to ?And please show me the packages with "ls -al /home/dale/Desktop":hysterical: Bruno

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Bruno they are supposed to be copied from PCLOS over to Debian (hdb8 to hda12) ...

Password:[root@localhost dale]# ls -al /home/dale/Desktoptotal 1484drwxr-xr-x 2 dale dale 4096 Sep 3 07:24 ./drwxr-xr-x 55 dale dale 4096 Sep 5 14:29 ../-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 25976 Aug 21 11:01 debian-testing-i386-binary-1.iso.torrent-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 25656 Aug 21 11:02 debian-testing-i386-binary-2.iso.torrent-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 69 Oct 13 2005 .directory-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 114 Oct 13 2005 Donate.desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 6315 Aug 27 16:05 Faster%2BPussycat_Power%2BAnd%2BThe%2BGlory%2BHole.torrent-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 344 Oct 16 2005 Home.desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 990 Dec 30 2005 kaffeine.desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 27984 Aug 31 07:56 livecd-i686-installer-2006.1.torrent-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 60 Oct 13 2005 Man Pages.desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 66 Oct 13 2005 My Computer.desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 318 Oct 13 2005 pclinuxos-irc.desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 107 Oct 13 2005 PCLinuxOS Wiki.desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 154 Aug 8 15:34 trash.desktop-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 96080 Sep 3 07:12 wvdial-1.56.tar.gz-rw-r--r-- 1 dale dale 1269821 Sep 3 07:24 wvstreams-4.2.2.tar.gz[root@localhost dale]#
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In that case you will first have to "mount" the hda12 partition . . . . . and then copy the files:

# mkdir /mnt/hda12# mount /dev/hda12 /mnt/hda12# cp  /home/dale/Desktop/wvdial-1.56.tar.gz   /mnt/hda12/home/dale/Desktop# cp  /home/dale/Desktop/wvstreams-4.2.2.tar.gz   /mnt/hda12/home/dale/Desktop

This will put the wvdial-1.56.tar.gz and the wvstreams-4.2.2.tar.gz on the Debian desktop ;):hysterical: Bruno

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Bruno ,,,I am going out on a limb here but it appears all went well ... I did not receive any errors back .. just clean entries .... now the next step is ?????but a question I have ... while in Debian ,, using the Gnome desktop .. I clicked on filesystem .. it opened up the root filesystem and in the etc folder there is a file labeled wvdial.conf ... and next to its upper right corner there is a small red box with an x in it .. what does this signify ???

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... I did not receive any errors back .. just clean entries
That is perfect !!
.... now the next step is ?????
Well, Dale, I am not sure what you are trying to achieve . . . . . but I am asking myself why you did download .tar.gz packages and not the for Debian default .deb ones. That would make it much easier to install and configure.:D Bruno
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Well, Dale, I am not sure what you are trying to achieve . . . . . but I am asking myself why you did download .tar.gz packages and not the for Debian default .deb ones. That would make it much easier to install and configure.
AAhhhhh.... wellllllll.... I am trying to make and maintain a web connection ... if I try it using the network icon .. what I end up with is "wvdial not ound" error which, after I scoured through the list of pks on "Synaptic" is very true ,, it does not appear .... now if I try it with "kppp" ,, I can connect but then it immediately disconnects .... that is what I am trying to do ...The strange thing is ,, when I did the install and it came to the section about d/ling the security updates , I opted to do it (6.5 hours later) got them all installed then finished off the rest of the installation (at this point I have to say I thought that the connection to the web for the security d/l was gone) ... I tried to connect using the network icon but that is when the "wvdial not found" error occured ,, tried "kppp" but the response was "modem is busy" ,, this is when I realized the web connection was still up ,, pulled up a browser, checked into Scots' .. left did apt-get update/upgrade .. got 2 more pkgs ,, one had to do with "kppp" .. broke the web connection .. did a reboot and reconnected to the web ,,, all was good ... shut down for the night ... next day I try to reconnect to the web with Deb and no luck and it has been that way ever since ......several have tried to help me but so far either I am not reading them right or there is a for sure problem here ...`++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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Hi Dale, well your getting somewhere and good jon most people dont get this far, whats weird is that you can download 6 hrs of updates but you click on that wvdial and its not found?? you sure you have it installed??? try this

# updatedb;locate wvdial

am also curious if you have the 4 cds in your sources.list ... its odd that wvdia doesnt show up... can you do a

 cat /etc/apt/sources.list

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Steel...........From what I an gather ... wvdial is not installed ... I am guessing at that since I did not find it listed in "Synaptic" and I looked through every pkg that was listed ... now if it is contained within another pkg then I didn't see it ... that might be what that "box with the x" in it is indicating (the one in the etc folder in the root filesystem)

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Maybe Steel can point you to the wvdial .deb package that fits your Debian version . . . . ( Dale: Steel is an absolute Debian guru he is the best guy to address in these cases :happyroll: ):happyroll: Bruno

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