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Debian Install


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Well... getting reay to do an install of Debian 3.1rc2 on this machine ... have browsed the Debian site for info .... now here for any advice before I jump into this adventure .....

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Hi Dale, about time you install one of the best distros :devil: ...... hmmm your not giving out much info... how are you planning to install? Net install, DVD ?? and what sources will you use? stable, etch, unstable or you planning on a mixed system??? errrrrrrr ok leave out unstable and mixed system out for now ... you can do Dale, if you install using linux26 it will install a 2.6 kernel, and when you get to the part where it says to install grub what you do is hit the back button and it will take you to the setup again and you can choice either lilo, or not install a bootloader.... thats what i do myself i dont install lilo and i would never install grub.. i use the pclos to handle all my nix... anyway good luck i know you can do it ....

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:devil: ,,, B) ....You all know how to make someone feel good ,, especially after the last go around I had trying to install Ubuntu and it totaled out my HDA ,, wiped everything off .. a little more info ... :'( :) ... okay I have disks 1 & 2 d/l'd using BT so it will be a CD install ... as far as the bootloader goes was thinking that if it provides the option I will just put it into the root partion (that will be the only partition anyay, since the drive is already partioned) or maybe something else, will have to see what is avail ... I am also hoping it has the option to make a boot floppy/disk ... since I ill wait for Bruno to come back (VACATION ... :'( :'( ) to put it in the multi-boot loader ... BUT ... there is one small item I did not mention ... before I attempt this on my primary machine ... I am going to do a test run on my other machine ... since Ubuntu ... I am very cautious ... :P ;) B)
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Hi Dale, i am sure that you will do well unless you choice to go expert26 and tweak your kernel and have it set the way you want and i dont advice you dont thatnot now anyway... also take a look at this and make some notes... just take your time and you will do well

Edited by steel
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:hmm: :huh: :hysterical: .....Thought I would stop in with an update .... first off ... either this machine does not like Debian or Debian does not like this machine ...... after several failed attempts I quit on that .. it gets to the window where it is installing the disk drive and cd drive info ... 84% done and almost just hangs ,,, waits awhile 3 or 4 minutes then jumps to 86% ... waits even longer then a quick 92% and the screen goes to (BSOD) and stays there ... the most interesting part is ... that it did install Vector SOHO completely but I could not set up a web connect (unable to open modem error) ,, it also did PCLOS 93a Junior as a live CD but I had the same results trying to web connect as with Vector ... :hmm: :hmm: ... tried Fedora Core 5 and FreeBSD6.1 ,, neither would install .. in that regard I am suspect of the Disks as they are from the same vendor ... more checking required .... but I think it is time to go back to the normal machine and see what Debian does there ... :D ;)
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:D :hysterical: ........Wellllll .... back on normal machine now .... and ... my oh my ... Debian installed with out any problems (almost) .. .. when it came to the boot loader I opted to install it on Debian ... making a guess that I would have the option to make a boot floppy a little later on in the installation ... my guess was entirely wrong no boot floppy ... so no way to get into Debian yet ... looks like a re-install is coming up :hmm: :hmm: ...
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DaleDo I understand you correctly that you told it to install the bootloader to the Debian partition? If so, do you have any other distros installed, and which one is in the MBR?

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DaleDo I understand you correctly that you told it to install the bootloader to the Debian partition? If so, do you have any other distros installed, and which one is in the MBR?
Exactly what i was thinking teach....Dale, if you have another distro just add debian boot to your lilo and you will be in debian in no time ..
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:hysterical: :D ................Yes I have other distros installed ,,,,,, Slackware ,, Xandros ,, and PCLOS ..... and for the moment the MBR for the multi-boot is PCLOS's lilo .... to use the lilo would be nice VERY nice but I need all that info to put into the conf file ... but did a reinstall and it gave me a lesson in boot loaders and also screen resolution ... gonna do it again 'cause this resolution is UGLY ... :hmm:
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Dale You do not need to reinstall. It sounds like you wrote the boot loader to the partition. All you need to do is add it to your lilo and then go in and adjust your resolution. Maybe Steel or someone can tell you how to do that. I don't run Debian. Do you know how to add to your lilo:label="Debian"other=/dev/hda11 (or whatever partition you used. :hysterical: )

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I did on the first install .... but when I did the second install I used lilo and put it into the MBR ... which in turn prevented me from booting up into the regular MBR ... until I used the boot disk and got back into PCLOS and did sbin/lilo and got that straight ...I did add Debian to lilo.conf .. in same format as Slackware and Xandros are ,,, but after a reboot it does not appear on the multi-boot loader ...

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:w00t: .........Adam..... actually .. no I didn't ... but since you reminded me here are the results of it
[root@localhost dale]# /sbin/lilo -b /dev/hdaIgnoring entry 'boot'Added pclinuxos *Added XandrosAdded SlackwareWarning: First sector of /dev/hda12 doesn't have a valid boot signatureAdded Debian[root@localhost dale]#
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until I used the boot disk and got back into PCLOS and did sbin/lilo and got that straight ...I did add Debian to lilo.conf .. in same format as Slackware and Xandros are ,,, but after a reboot it does not appear on the multi-boot loader ...
Hi Dale i guess the reason you dont see the new enteries as you mention you did a sbin/lilo ... its # /sbin/lilo and i have two versions of debian ... stable which is great as a lil sever and unstable ... here is how is what my lilo looks like so you can have an idea ...
image=/boot/ubuntu/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-686	label="Ubuntu"	root=/dev/hda11	initrd=/boot/ubuntu/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-686#ppend="ro quiet splash splash=silent"	vga=normalimage=/boot/ubuntu/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-686	label="Ubuntu2"	root=/dev/hda11	initrd=/boot/ubuntu/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-686	append="ro quiet splash splash=silent"	vga=normalimage=/boot/slack/vmlinuz-2.6.12	label="Slackware"	root=/dev/hda14	vga=788image=/boot/debian/vmlinuz-2.6.17-2-686		label="Debian-26"		root=/dev/hda15		initrd=/boot/debian/initrd.img-2.6.17-2-686		vga=791		read-onlyimage=/boot/debian/etch/vmlinuz-2.6.16-2-686		label="Debian-etch"		root=/dev/hda13		initrd=/boot/debian/etch/initrd.img-2.6.16-2-686		vga=791		read-onlyimage=/boot/debian/vmlinuz-2.4.27-2-686		label="Deb-Server"		root=/dev/hda12		initrd=/boot/debian/initrd.img-2.4.27-2-686		vga=791		read-onlyimage=/boot/vector/vmlinuz	label="Vector"	root=/dev/hda10

this is basically how i have my system setup, there are alot more enteries in my lilo but i just wantedt o give you an idea how the debian and was setup, it seems to be working for me cos i use debian daily i am also using pclos as the one that handles the lilo

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Dale, i am not sure it would be giving you Warning: First sector of /dev/hda12 doesn't have a valid boot signature where you added the debian part do they look somewhat to mines and you also have have you fstab and you created a a /mnt/debian right?

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:hmm: :hmm: .......Steel ..............
image=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB label="pclinuxos" root=/dev/hdb8 initrd=/boot/initrd-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB.img append="nomce acpi=ht splash=silent psmouse.proto=imps" vga=788other=/dev/hdb7label="Xandros"other=/dev/hda8label="Slackware"other=/dev/hda12label="Debian"
that is what my lilo looks like at the moment ... and even though I did not indicate it the sbin/lilo was done as .. / .. so it did have the # symbol .. on my first install I did put the bootloader in the Debian partition ,, but realized that I could not get to it after I found out that I was not going to get the option to make a boot disk .. so I did a re-install and did as you mentioned when it came to the part to select a boot loader ... went back and selected "lilo" instead of "grub" and then installed it to the MBR .. after that I found out that after a reboot Debian was all I could boot into .. that is when I used the PCLOS boot disk to get my "lilo" somewhat straight ... BUT while I was in Debian I attempted to connect to the web and the response was that wvdial was not installed ... I only have the first 2 disks of Debian so if "wvdial" is on another disk I will have to get that disk whichever one it is ... I hope this covers all so far ... :P :whistling: ;)
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Dale,Do I understand you correctly that you installed Debian, which installed the booloader to the MBR, which you then overwrote with the PCLos LILO utilizing your rescue disc?If so, you will have to reinstall, and make sure that it installs the bootloader to hda12. Your LILO entry will then work.;)Adam

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:clap: :clap: :clap: :P :whistling: :hmm: :hmm: ;) :clap2: .......WWeeelllllllllll............. ladies ,, gentlemen ,, sportsfans ('tis football season) ,, distinguished guests and linuxers/highlanders ...... DISREGARD everything I have said thus far in this post ,,,,, here is the latest ,, hottest release ,,,,,, the THIRD time just might be the charm ,, sort of ,, after three installs here is the status of this adventure ,,, Debian is installed on HDA12 (out of 17) .... and it boots all the way up to a login prompt (as in consol mode) and I can login as either root or user BUT that is where I'm stuck ... startx does not work .. so I have no "X" ,, TWO items this time through are noteworthy (at least to me) .. this time during the install process I opted to d/l security updates from the web ,,, connected up to the web ,, spent about an hour d/l'ng security updates and then finished off with disk one ,, it never prompted me to insert disk two ... and that is probably where "X" is at .... so I need help on getting "X" up ,, somehow .... AND thanks for all the assistance so far ... it has been great help ..
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;) .. :hmm: .. :( ..New update .... to the best of my knowledge ... the only drawbacks are the desktop,,, it needs some alterations .. to far to the left ... a little bit off screen there and on the other 3 sides it needs to fill out ... also no web connect ... no "wvdial" have it all configured but not able to connect .. if that pkg is on another disk I will have to d/l it but I have no idea which one it is ... or if it is on one of the two I already have .... all in all this weekend has been somewhat productive .... :whistling: ;)
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New update .... to the best of my knowledge ... the only drawbacks are the desktop,,, it needs some alterations .. to far to the left ... a little bit off screen there and on the other 3 sides it needs to fill out ... also no web connect ... no "wvdial" have it all configured but not able to connect .. if that pkg is on another disk I will have to d/l it but I have no idea which one it is ... or if it is on one of the two I already have .... all in all this weekend has been somewhat productive ....
Hi Dale, seems like your having fun the most important thing, i just read the whole thread again i am sorry i didnt catch on to somethng i dont know how i missed it, but what you are trying to install is debian stable, its wonderful if you want something like a server like i have, its solid i missed this part i dont know how ...
getting reay to do an install of Debian 3.1rc2 on this machine
thats stable version hmmm how can i say this......well its old, if you want something more up to date then get testing now called etch...here is the site to download it just get 2 or 3 iso and your all set.... if you want the bleeding edge get unstable, but you will have sometimes serious breaks in the system ..... i am sorry i didnt catch on earlier to that .... even the installer is so much easier as you can see and there is also more hardware support then the stable that your trying to install, unless you want to run a server you cant go wrong with stable .. Installing wvdial in Debian when you install make sure that you tell the installler Etch and not unstable
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Oh .... welll I guess that will keep me busy for a weel or so d/l'ng it
I guess that means that it will keep ya busy and outta trouble for a while uh? :hysterical:
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  • 2 weeks later...
:hmm: :clap: :clap: ......I bring this one back up only for the reason that I got it right (FINALLY) Debian 3.1r2 installed and connected to the web .... :) :thumbsup: ... d/l'd almost 6 hours worth of security updates so far .. next step to do the apt-get update/upgrade ... I fear many hours there .. so far all is good ... changes for sure in some places but not many ... big test will be after I shut it all down to see if it will ewconnect to the web (need icon for crossed fingers)For steel .... am still d/l'ng "etch" should be done Wed...
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Well ... I d/l'd a total of 4 disks but only 2 were required ... I was not expecting the lengthy d/l of the security updates though .. but it is done ... after seeing all the posts for updates to Debian here I was presently surprised when when I did the apt-get to get anyremaining that the only d/l was for 2 kppp pkgs .. I do, however, still keep getting a wrng window stating that wvdial cannot be found ... I still need to get that installed so the window will go away ... but otherwise now it is just a mater of making it appear how I want ..... ;) :hmm:

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awesome job Dale :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: as far as wvdial iam sure that it would be in the cd.... do a search for it # apt-cache search wvdial you should have a list of things there.. then to install it use # apt-get install "whatever package" but thats an awesome job keep up the great work, and yesss you will have alot of security updates thats the stable version, its rock solid ..

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#@%&$#@.......GRRR..Well so much for the smooth install .... yesterday I cpuld connect to the web (using kppp) today it dials (using kppp), connects and drops the connection and starts all over again ... I have the perpetual round robin going here .... ideas what happened to kppp ???? .....

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