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GauchoI found a temporary solution:In the KDE Control Center --> Look & Feel --> System Notifications . . . "Player settings" --> "Use External Player" . . tick the box and fill in: "/usr/bin/play" :lol: :DAnd the soundevents will play :thumbsup: :D Bruno

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thats is very strange indeed Bruno.anyways,ill do what you told me and see if it works.i also could heat sound when testing it but no sound events. :unsure:

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ok,i did help but partially.i can hear a soud when i log in and out but still no good for system notificartions... :unsure: i checked the link by ikerekes but the shell denies permission...

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i entered the command that was posted there and it denied permission:[root@chello084010044003 guest]# ~/.kde/share/config/knotifyrcbash: /root/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc: Permission denied[root@chello084010044003 guest]# :unsure:

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Okay Gaucho it works::Here is what you do . . as user . . not as root, so no "su"

$ kwrite ~/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc

That will open a file where you see text . . compaire it and make it 100% the same as:

[Misc] LastConfiguredApp=KDE System Notifications [startProgress] Arts Init=true KNotify Init=true Use Arts=true
Then log out and back in and you will have sound ;):unsure: Bruno
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now that the sound is not an issue anymore maybe you could help me configure my internet connection in a permanent way.now i have to configure it after every reboot :unsure: if you have some time to kill that is of course ;)

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in MCC i remove my wireless connection and then in manage conneftion i choose my ethernet connection.then i start it and it wotks.but first i have to remove my wireless connection cuz the system uses it on default

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And you never use the wireless connection ??I think you can make a second profile and put the lan onto that one . . then you only have to switch.:unsure: Bruno

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i created a new profile but would it save the settings?i guess only one way to find out.plus even if it works i would still have to go to MCC to change the profile?i

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it sounds reasonable what Adam said but how do i do it.even if i remove it it is there after i reboot...preventing it form starting on the boot would be nice but how do i do it?

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Go into the Madrake Control Center, click on the System tab, and click on services. Scroll down the list, and remove the checkmark next to wlan. Then go ahead and reboot and see if that allows your ethernet port to be the "active" one. :unsure:

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wlan was unchecked...also tried what Bruno suggested with the profiles but it doesn work.still i have to remove wireless.what is funny is even when i do it and go to manage connection i still have the wireless option.

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