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it still isnt B).but anyway i dont really care that much.tere is still many much more important things for example distro cd problem.also the dvd issue worries me.but one thing at a time ;)

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[root@localhost guest]# cat /etc/sysconfig/networkNETWORKING=yes[root@localhost guest]# kwrite /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0[root@localhost guest]# cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0DEVICE=eth0BOOTPROTO=dhcpNETMASK=[root@localhost guest]#just for the records

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Please one more try Gaucho . . then we will do the CDWhen you boot . . after the reboot giving this command

# ifconfig eth0 up

. . . does that make you connected ??;) Bruno

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nope still nothing ;).whats worse is that my connection takes more time to start.when opening first site it is very slolw.then it works ok.

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That is NO FUN Gaucho !!! . . :( . . . What a laptop ! ;) :DOkay revert to your old settings:

# kwrite /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0

And let it rest for a while . . . . . ;)Next is the CD burning . . . B) Bruno
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PART 2For the CD:

# dmesg | grep CD

That will show you the /dev/hd??? of your burning device . . . Then

$ cdrecord dev=/dev/hd???  <name_of_downloaded_iso>.iso

;) Bruno

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For the DVD I still have no answer . . . . so I suggest you test-run that Slax Live CD and see if you can post on the forum using Slax :DRemember the login is "root" . . password "toor" . . . . . and if you get no GUI: "startx";) Bruno

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I think I found something for the DVD:As user ( not as "su" )

$ xine -A arts

Aparently it should use the arts sound driver and not the oss that it is using by default . . ( you can also try "xine -A alsa" to use the alsa driver ;) . . I tested in on a regular music CD)B) Brunoref: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/sh...lready+uses+PCMhttp://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/sh...lready+uses+PCM

Edited by Bruno
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[gaucho@chello084010044003 guest]$ xine -A artsThis is xine (X11 gui) - a free video player v0.99.3.© 2000-2004 The xine Team.libdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.8 for DVD accesslibdvdread: Can't stat /dev/dvdNo such file or directorylibdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.8 for DVD accesslibdvdread: Can't stat /dev/dvdNo such file or directorylibdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.8 for DVD accesslibdvdread: Can't stat /dev/dvdNo such file or directorylibdvdread: Using libdvdcss version 1.2.8 for DVD accesslibdvdread: Can't stat /dev/dvdNo such file or directorythats what i got when trying to play.ill reboot.brbdownloaded distro ;)

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[gaucho@chello084010044003 guest]$ md5sum dsl-0.9.2.iso9b0d1e323c4214f1a7876a6c9c58b787 dsl-0.9.2.iso[gaucho@chello084010044003 guest]$authentic ;)

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It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) B) :( :( :( Sweet.Thank you soooooo much Bruno!!!

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Thanks Steel but thats not me who you should congratulate but all the people here who have helped me.But like i said thank you very much ;) B)

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[root@chello084010044003 guest]# dmesg | grep CDhdc: TOSHIBA DVD-ROM SD-R2512, ATAPI CD/DVD-ROM drivehdc: ATAPI 24X DVD-ROM CD-R/RW drive, 2048kB Cache, UDMA(33)Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.20[root@chello084010044003 guest]# cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc dsl-0.9.2.isocdrecord: No write mode specified.cdrecord: Asuming -tao mode.cdrecord: Future versions of cdrecord may have different drive dependent defaults.Cdrecord-Clone 2.01-dvd (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright © 1995-2004 Jörg SchillingNote: This version is an unofficial (modified) version with DVD supportNote: and therefore may have bugs that are not present in the original.Note: Please send bug reports or support requests to <warly@mandrakesoft.com>.Note: The author of cdrecord should not be bothered with problems in this version.scsidev: '/dev/hdc'devname: '/dev/hdc'scsibus: -2 target: -2 lun: -2Warning: Open by 'devname' is unintentional and not supported.Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.cdrecord: Warning: using inofficial libscg transport code version (warly-Mandrakelinux-scsi-linux-sg '@(#)scsi-linux-sg.c 1.83 04/05/20 Copyright 1997 J.Schilling').Device type : Removable CD-ROMVersion : 0Response Format: 2Capabilities :Vendor_info : 'TOSHIBA 'Identifikation : 'DVD-ROM SD-R2512'Revision : '1L21'Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-ROM.Using generic SCSI-3/mmc CD-R/CD-RW driver (mmc_cdr).Driver flags : MMC-3 SWABAUDIO BURNFREESupported modes: TAO PACKET SAO SAO/R96P SAO/R96R RAW/R96RSpeed set to 4234 KB/sStarting to write CD/DVD at speed 24.0 in real TAO mode for single session.Last chance to quit, starting real write 0 seconds. Operation starts.trackno=0Track 01: Total bytes read/written: 51240960/51240960 (25020 sectors).[root@chello084010044003 guest]# let me check if it works ;)

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It works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D  :D  :D  :D  :D Sweet.Thank you soooooo much Bruno!!!
.HURRAY ! HURRAY !! HURRAY !!!DVDs in Xine working !!! Congrats Gaucho !Now, I know a nice cool additional trick for Xine, start it like this:
$ xine -A alsa --borderless

Have FUN !Next, regarding your adventures with Slax and D Small Linux:This shows us that your hardware has a sightly problematic compatibility with Linux ( mildly said ;) ) . . . . I think we should avoid Slackware and Debian based Distros.A good thing we got PCLos running okay now, and that by updating you basically never will have to install a new versions ( updating will get you the new versions automatically )One day, when we are really desperate for new things to do we could try to tackle the connection-at-boot problem . . :D ( Maybe until then we could make an icon on the taskbar for quick-connect as temporary solution: make a new menu-item with "menudrake" in the section "applications¨ --> "monitoring" . . . the command for it is "usr/bin/net_applet" . . . save the new menu and start the applet from the menu, you will see a new applet next to the clock, rightclicking on it you will get a menu with "connect" "monitor" "configure" and "always launch on startup" . . . that is what you want: "always launch on startup" because then you just have to click the icon after booting to make the connection to the net ;) )B) BrunoPS: Remind me to tell you all about Gkrellm next time we are online ;)

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dvd works ok but only with xine and only after ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/dvd ifrom the command line.that is after i reboot i have to run it.i wonder why it doesn work in mplayer or kaffeine....as for the internet connection,i got lost a little bit.after applications>monitoring what do i choose next?and one more easy i hope ;) question.how do i make firefox my default browser?now it is konqueror and when i choose in preferences of firefox to set it as default browser it doesn work. ;) oh i was supposed to remind you of Gkrellm. and last thing ;) what exactly happens after :xine -A alsa --borderless ?

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Those are a lot of questions . . . but the evening is still young ;) Let us start with the first:I think that you have to do "ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/dvd" after every reboot because "udev" does not make it at boot ;) . . . but I know a work around:

# kwrite /etc/rc.d/rc.local

And put the "ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/dvd" line at the END of that file . . then save the file and you are done.Then show me

# cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local

so I can see if it is correct ;)After that we will do point 2 of your questions :DB) BrunoPS: "xine -A alsa --borderless" gives you a borderless video output window . . . pretty cool ;)

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