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Overclockix install


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His avatar settings are correct.  :P  It matches the size from when Bruno scaled it down for him.  He is all set. :drooling:
Hi Julia,Was referring to the "K", though for some reason the new one you gave him, seems a better fit. :)
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Yeah Julia :P GUESS I am FLYING :) high watching the clouds roll by :D Yet PCLos still gives a few WINDY palpitations :w00t: such as--->>>1 No hda5, hda7, hda8, or hda9 in Konqueror's Devices.2 Flash drive does not work Mepis trying to decide--->>>Is it ADVISABLE to upgtade Gimp to 2.2 so I can use the 2.2 here insteed of rebooting to PCLos :w00t: Still have to check the Devices in Mepis yet and what is available to access here too.Cheers for YearsColin :D

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ColinYou will have to mount those devices to see them. That is the safest way to go:

#mkdir /mnt/hda5#mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5

Browse your directoryWhen done after backing out of partition:

#umount /mnt/hda5


#mkdir /mnt/hda7#mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7

Browse your directoryWhen done after backing out of partition:

#umount /mnt/hda7

#mkdir /mnt/hda8#mount /dev/hda8 /mnt/hda8

Browse your directoryWhen done after backing out of partition:

#umount /mnt/hda8


#mkdir /mnt/hda9#mount /dev/hda9 /mnt/hda9

Browse your directoryWhen done after backing out of partition:

#umount /mnt/hda9

Look under mount to see if you have removables or a directory similiar to that. I bet it does work. :thumbsup:

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JuliaI followed with the commands and hda7 was visible in Devices Then went to root/mnt and found all hda's inn there but nothing visible as to what is on each partitionDo I HAVE to mkdir and mount etc EVERY time I need to access themColin :thumbsup: :'(

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Hi ColinNope "mkdir" has only to be done once . . . . but the "mount" every time after a reboot . . . . and to see the files do:

# ls /mnt/hda7

( If hda7 is the one you mounted )Also it is safer to "umount" the drive when you are finished with it ;):thumbsup: Bruno

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I have drives that I mount periodically tro use what is there. I simply run my mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7 as an example. Then when I am finished and out of the partition I run umount /mnt/hda7 and it is back safe where it will not have the potential to cause problems when booting. :w00t:

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Thank you Bruno & JuliaNow hopefully I can store files/pictures etc on hda9 and get them off hda6, hda7 and hda8 where the three operating systems areColin :w00t:

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Yep ADAM BUT I do NOT have a hda9 and BOY :o am I CONFUSED & SURPRISED :D I thought after I formatted the last two partitions to put Overclockix on hda8 the last partition would be hda 9 --->>>BUT NO it is HDA4 with 1.3G of stuff on itHere's my set up now--->>>hda1 = / hda5 = swaphda6 = PCLoshda7 = Mepishda8 = Overclockixhda3 = swaphda4 = ??? with 1.3g used out of 6.5G (AND I DO NOT KNOW WHERE FROM :w00t: :w00t: :D :o )Any suggestions I feel if SuperKami has encountered supreme turbulence again :P Colin :D :D

Edited by kamicota
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Colin . . just make a few directories on /hda9 ( like pictures, files, important, music, poetry . . . . to name 5 :w00t: ) and just move or copy everything you want to keep safe over there . . . . so if ever your distro ( any of the 3 ) gets corrupted you will not loose them. :DB) Bruno

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[colin@localhost colin]$ suPassword:[root@localhost colin]# fdisk -l /dev/hdaDisk /dev/hda: 41.1 GB, 41110142976 bytes255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4998 cylindersUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System/dev/hda1 * 1 638 5124703+ 83 Linux/dev/hda2 639 4017 27141817+ 5 Extended/dev/hda3 4018 4138 971932+ 82 Linux swap/dev/hda4 4139 4998 6907950 83 Linux/dev/hda5 639 702 514048+ 82 Linux swap/dev/hda6 703 1538 6715138+ 83 Linux/dev/hda7 1539 2709 9406026 83 Linux/dev/hda8 2710 4017 10506478+ 83 Linux[root@localhost colin]#Colin

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BrunoI'm in PCLos and Overclockix added the second swap partition[root@localhost colin]# cat /etc/fstab[/code]cat: /etc/fstab[/code]: No such file or directory[root@localhost colin]# [caode]# cat /etc/fstab[/code]bash: [caode]#: command not found[root@localhost colin]#Colin :"> :'( :D

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[root@localhost colin]# cat /etc/fstab## Livecd-install Automatically added by livecd-installnone /proc proc defaults 0 0none /dev/pts devpts mode=0620 0 0none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0# fd: H1440/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto user,exec,rw,noauto,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0# /dev/hda1, size=10249407, type=131: Journalised FS: ext3 (primary)/dev/hda1 / ext3 defaults 0 0# /dev/hda5, size=1028097, type=130: Linux swap (extended)/dev/hda5 swap swap defaults 0 0# /dev/hda6, size=13430277, type=131: Journalised FS: ext3 (extended)/dev/hda6 /home ext3 defaults 0 0# cdrom: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4081B/dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto user,exec,ro,noauto,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=0 0 0[root@localhost colin]# Colin

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[root@localhost colin]# df -hFilesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/hda1 4.9G 1.9G 2.7G 42% //dev/hda6 6.4G 394M 6.0G 7% /home/dev/hda8 9.9G 2.1G 7.4G 22% /mnt/hda8/dev/hda4 6.5G 2.0G 4.3G 32% /mnt/hda4[root@localhost colin]# Colin

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I know . . . but I want to check EVERYTHING before we delete anything :"> :'( . . not willing to take any risks . . ;):D Bruno

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colin@0[~]$ suPassword:root@0[colin]# cat /etc/fstab/dev/hda7 / ext3 defaults,noatime 1 1none /proc proc defaults 0 0none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devmode=0666 0 0none /dev/pts devpts mode=0622 0 0none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0# Dynamic entries/dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0/dev/hda3 swap swap sw,pri=1 0 0/dev/hda4 /mnt/hda4 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0/dev/hda5 swap swap sw,pri=1 0 0/dev/hda6 /mnt/hda6 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0/dev/hda8 /mnt/hda8 ext3 noauto,users,exec 0 0/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom udf,iso9660 noauto,users,dev,ro 0 0/dev/floppy /mnt/floppy vfat,ext2,hfsplus noauto,users,dev 0 0root@0[colin]# df -hFilesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on/dev/hda7 8.9G 3.1G 5.3G 37% /tmpfs 236M 0 236M 0% /dev/shmroot@0[colin]#Colin :">

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