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Overclockix install


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You're welcome my friend . . . . . .You have your 3 distros now, so be careful . . don't break it ! B) :clap: BrunoPS: Your printer should work in Overclockix like it did in Mepis . . both are debian based :rolleyes:

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Yep BrunoNow IT IS PLAY TIME :clap: :clap: :clap: Printer first Then the flash drive that did not work on the last installAND WHO KNOWS FROM THERE EH :rolleyes: :clap: Colin B) :clap:

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How do I configure the sound to work for cd's and Mp3'sTreid Kmix in both Mepis and PCLos and still no successNo I am trying in Overclockix B) :rolleyes: :clap: Colin :clap:

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That is called google Colin. Nothing like a search under the images heading. ^_^ When I saw that one, I knew I had found the one for you. ;)

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Well THANK YOU ^_^ JuliaI do mosy of my image searches in Yahoo IMAGESLoved the red "K" cape flying in the breeze, winds of change just a rolling along on my MOBO from ;) eh :P Colin :D

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HI ColinDo you want that image resized so you can use it as an avatar ?? kamicota.gifHere it is ;)^_^ Bruno

Edited by Bruno
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Just rightclick that image and save it to your /home . . . then go to your avatar settings in "My Profile" and upload the file ;)^_^ Bruno

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A SPECIAL THNX :thumbsup: :lol: B) to JULIA & BRUNOFor the SuperKami.gif and ALSO for Putting it in my Avatar After 9 tries I still had not got it in. The origional "Quint's Karamba SuperKami" kept reinstalling itself and "SQUASHED " I might addSo thank you again FRIENDS :wub: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :hug: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: Colin :D

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