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Overclockix install


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Hey BrunoSURPRISE :) SURPRISEI am on the air with LiveCD fbSarted Livecd with knoppix screen=1024x768 fb1024x768So we will try the sudo trick this time unless the knx-installer worksColin ;)

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?????I have two questions:1). How did you get the root prompt ( ending with an # ) 2). Did you download the same CD as I did ??;) Bruno

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Try this: ( sorry it took long . . I had to check :) )

sudo knx-hdinstall

:) BrunoPS: Was my mistake . . I mixed up 2 commands and gave you the wrong one ;)

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Righy Ho BrunoThat got itWe are on our way againMay not be an ASTRONAUGHT :thumbsup: but I am a FRQUENT FLYER :) I'll wait for one more post from you to see if there is anything else I need to know before install takes offColn ;) :) :rolleyes: :P :rolleyes:

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No . . no .. no . . GO for it Colin . . . just take off in Overclockix-Space . . :D :DB) Bruno

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BrunoThis installer is giving me the collywaobbles again  :D Can NOT find reiser ext3 to format hda 8 withColin
Just take any format it presents you ! ReiserFS . . or Ext3 . . or Ext2 . . . anything available . . ;):happyroll: Bruno Edited by Bruno
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Hi ColinReiserFS and Ext3 are two different formats . . so it will be the one or the other :D :happyroll: :PNevermind . . just finish the install and let it write Lilo to the MBR. ;):happyroll: Bruno

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BrunoLilo to MBR or hda 8Colin  :D  :happyroll:
LILO to MBR !!!!:clap2: BrunoLOL . . crosspost b2cm :happyroll: Edited by Bruno
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BrunoWe are in Overclockix and NO Lilo at boot up with PCLOsIt just went stright into OverclockixColin  :D
That is absolutely normal Colin . . of course there is no PCLos in the boot options . . . But do you have internet ??? And the Eyecandy ??:happyroll: Bruno
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Do I dare ask, and do you have a printer? It sounds like you are good to go and ready for Bruno to walk you through adding it to your Lilo. :D :happyroll:

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HURRAAAAY !!HURRAAAAY !!HURRAAAAY !!:D :happyroll: :happyroll: :clap2: :lol: :P :D B) :clap:WE HAVE A WINNER !!!!B) Bruno

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[knoppix]# cat /etc/lilo.confvga=791# /etc/lilo.conf - See: `lilo(8)' and `lilo.conf(5)',# --------------- `install-mbr(8)', `/usr/share/doc/lilo/',# and `/usr/share/doc/mbr/'.# +---------------------------------------------------------------+# | !! Reminder !! |# | |# | Don't forget to run `lilo' after you make changes to this |# | conffile, `/boot/bootmess.txt', or install a new kernel. The |# | computer will most likely fail to boot if a kernel-image |# | post-install script or you don't remember to run `lilo'. |# | |# +---------------------------------------------------------------+# Support LBA for large hard disks.#lba32# Overrides the default mapping between harddisk names and the BIOS'# harddisk order. Use with caution.#disk=/dev/hde# bios=0x81#disk=/dev/sda# bios=0x80# Specifies the boot device. This is where Lilo installs its boot# block. It can be either a partition, or the raw device, in which# case it installs in the MBR, and will overwrite the current MBR.#boot=/dev/hda# Specifies the device that should be mounted as root. (`/')#root=/dev/hda8# Enable map compaction:# Tries to merge read requests for adjacent sectors into a single# read request. This drastically reduces load time and keeps the# map smaller. Using `compact' is especially recommended when# booting from a floppy disk. It is disabled here by default# because it doesn't always work.## compact# Installs the specified file as the new boot sector# You have the choice between: bmp, compat, menu and text# Look in /boot/ and in lilo.conf(5) manpage for details#install=/boot/boot-menu.b# Specifies the location of the map file#map=/boot/map# You can set a password here, and uncomment the `restricted' lines# in the image definitions below to make it so that a password must# be typed to boot anything but a default configuration. If a# command line is given, other than one specified by an `append'# statement in `lilo.conf', the password will be required, but a# standard default boot will not require one.## This will, for instance, prevent anyone with access to the# console from booting with something like `Linux init=/bin/sh',# and thus becoming `root' without proper authorization.## Note that if you really need this type of security, you will# likely also want to use `install-mbr' to reconfigure the MBR# program, as well as set up your BIOS to disallow booting from# removable disk or CD-ROM, then put a password on getting into the# BIOS configuration as well. Please RTFM `install-mbr(8)'.## password=tatercounter2000# Specifies the number of deciseconds (0.1 seconds) LILO should# wait before booting the first image.#delay=20# You can put a customized boot message up if you like. If you use# `prompt', and this computer may need to reboot unattended, you# must specify a `timeout', or it will sit there forever waiting# for a keypress. `single-key' goes with the `alias' lines in the# `image' configurations below. eg: You can press `1' to boot# `Linux', `2' to boot `LinuxOLD', if you uncomment the `alias'.## message=/boot/bootmess.txt# prompt# single-key# delay=100# timeout=100# Kernel command line options that apply to all installed images go# here. See: The `boot-prompt-HOWO' and `kernel-parameters.txt' in# the Linux kernel `Documentation' directory.## append=""append="hda=scsi hdb=scsi hdc=scsi hdd=scsi hde=scsi hdf=scsi hdg=scsi hdh=scsi apm=power-off nomce"# Boot up Linux by default.#default=Linuximage=/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.23-xfs label=Linux read-only# restricted# alias=1image=/vmlinuz.old label=LinuxOLD read-only optional# restricted# alias=2# If you have another OS on this machine to boot, you can uncomment the# following lines, changing the device name on the `other' line to# where your other OS' partition is.## other=/dev/hda4# label=HURD# restricted# alias=3[knoppix]#Colin :D

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