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On 3/30/2020 at 6:28 PM, securitybreach said:



Ahem- Where are the cat's footprints?


Oh, never mind...:th_1sm168massbounce:



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On 3/31/2020 at 7:24 PM, securitybreach said:



Let's introduce her to Mr. Potato Head-

could be an awesome pairing...



Edited by Cluttermagnet
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14 minutes ago, mlangdn said:

TP is getting to be back in stock here. Hand sanitizer is hard to find.....


Well the large grocery stores here in New Orleans are completely empty on the paper aisles. You can find some in the smaller grocery stores but only by the roll. I am still fine as I bought the normal amount and can get more from the office building if I had to. Plus humans had no problem for thousands of years before toilet paper was invented.


I am just waiting on the riots when people can't afford to feed themselves but that is a whole other topic to be discuss on another thread ;)

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Right after this article comes another about aliens. But at least the aliens article is true...


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