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Good to see it's fixed. :P Next time it misbehaves show it a B) or better yet :thumbsup: , just kidding Colin !Better print out this whole thread and pin it above the wall.... and don't forget that can compressed air !

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Hey Guess what StrikerI do NOT repeat NOT have any Printer set up yet :P :D And Julia I AM JUST WONDERING WHERE ALL THE AIR IS COMING FROM Cheers for YearsColin B) & :thumbsup:

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Striker THANX Saved that thread and also put into OOoDid the commands and VOILA :"> we have no errorBut the PUZZLE remains as to WHY SO FREQUENTLY???Cheers for YearsColin :wacko: :oops: :icon8:

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No no no . . Colin . . . it is not PCLOs . . . . . B) . . . nor the guy tapping on the keyboard of the system running PCLos . . . B) . . trust me, it's the Laptop !B) Bruno

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Excellent !! . . . maybe also ask your friend if he can check the BIOS for a setting "PnP aware OS" and if he finds it, please let him set it to "NO"Maybe even a BIOS upgrade would be needed to get some stability to this monster that is giving us sleepless nights for that last 2 weeks :DB) Bruno

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Setting up a printer (I have HP 5550) is a piece of cake in PCLos! Even I can give you a step by step and everyone knows how mostly clueless I am when it comes to where to find things and how to set them. B) I've managed to configure my network printer to work with three computers in windows and in PCLos, Mepis and Vector 5.1! B)

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Don't tell Colin Liz, when he reads it... he might getting the first bus and get his laptop back, just to try and install it on the laptop... B) We just don't want anything ever be heard of that magical box again, unless it's repaired and behaves itself. B) (just teasing you Colin !)BTW : Did the new printer arrive at your place, Colin ? I know the feeling, I remember when I got my 2nd printer, I ordered it and had to wait for it a couple of days, but then when it arrived... B)

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PLEASE PLEAZZZZZZZZZZE give me a BREAK[/size] B) --->>>Bruno --->>> NOW I LEARN about CHECKING Bios :rolleyes: :D Never even though of that :icon8: and a Bios update from Linux :ph34r: me still under wrtaps with that And Liz :P it is a 5440 Printer BUT I may need to get the Laptop in tune with the Desktop network??? :medic: Striker METHINKS :P B) there may even be a NEED for KANOTIX instaed- WHAT you THINK :P BECAUSE--->>> after fixing sound server ERROR - at friends ERROR REAPPEARS Darn Shoot B) Guess I will have to l;ook at Bios MYSELF :icon8: :icon8: :icon8: OOOHHH the PAIN :medic: :devil: :P Colin :thumbsup:

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If you are going to look at the bios yourself, you better tell us what kind you have so we can check to see who has the same and where to look. B)

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First things first Colin,Your top priority now is getting the laptop repaired.After that, we'll see but for the laptop I think kanotix is out of the question. I think PClos is a much better idea.

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Yep StrikerJust could NOT resist that after that DARN SERVER ERROR :medic: NO kanotix for me OK only PCLos Righty Ho!!!Time to hook up and Bott into Laptop/PCLos Bios need a few B) B) B) HereCheerts for yearsColin :thumbsup:Righty Ho WE ARE in Bios Do NOT see a Brand Name but it is ACPI Bios 1.90And can NOT see PNPColin

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Usually you see the bios name on the boot menu first thing as it boots up (unless it is in a silent mode). Have you searched through all your tabs?

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Colin . . . . I would feel more comfortable if you let your friend handle the BIOS upgrade . . . B) ( and the PnP setting after the upgrade )B) Bruno

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hi Colini third that ... let your friend handle your bios, i had a friend of mine some years back flash my bios and it was a pain, something went wrong and my computer was almost useless. and he is a hard ware guru he is A certified... so anything can go wrong.... if your having a hard time booting distro or cd you could always use smart boot manager its amazing boots up anything, and is also included in your slax cd if you have one around.....

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