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WE are at Distro Search for Stability not burnout!


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Righty Ho BrunoUPDATES are done B) A little info--->>>last Startup BEFORE Updates I go the SOUND SERVER errorand also AFTER the UpdatesI have NOT tried anything with sound Kmix or anything yetColin :D

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Righty Ho BrunoCan I use the Konsole while I am on the last 6 of my OOo 2.0.1 Downloads and send the resultColin :thumbsup:OOPS they are installing nowWill p[ost as soon as installedCol,in

Edited by kamicota
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here they are Bruno B) [kamicota@localhost ~]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# cat /etc/hotplug/blacklist## Listing a module here prevents the hotplug scripts from loading it.# Usually that'd be so that some other driver will bind it instead,# no matter which driver happens to get probed first. Sometimes user# mode tools can also control driver binding.## Syntax: driver name alone (without any spaces) on a line. Other# lines are ignored.## uhci ... usb-uhci handles the same pci classusb-uhci# usbcore ... module is loaded implicitly, ignore it otherwiseusbcore# tulip ... de4x5, xircom_tulip_cb, dmfe (...) handle same devicesde4x5# At least 2.4.3 and later xircom_tulip doesn't have that conflict# xircom_tulip_cbdmfe#evbug is a debug tool and should be loaded explicitlyevbug# audio, snd-usb-audio handle same class devices:# snd-usb-audio b/c it breaks sound & alsa services else:[root@localhost kamicota]#Colin :D

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Okay . . . we will add 2 lines at the bottom of that file . . first we open it in kwrite:

 $ kdesu kwrite /etc/hotplug/blacklist

Then you add these 2 lines at the bottom:

Then you save the file and show me again:
# cat /etc/hotplug/blacklist

B) Bruno

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[kamicota@localhost ~]$ suPassword:[root@localhost kamicota]# cat /etc/hotplug/blacklist## Listing a module here prevents the hotplug scripts from loading it.# Usually that'd be so that some other driver will bind it instead,# no matter which driver happens to get probed first. Sometimes user# mode tools can also control driver binding.## Syntax: driver name alone (without any spaces) on a line. Other# lines are ignored.## uhci ... usb-uhci handles the same pci classusb-uhci# usbcore ... module is loaded implicitly, ignore it otherwiseusbcore# tulip ... de4x5, xircom_tulip_cb, dmfe (...) handle same devicesde4x5# At least 2.4.3 and later xircom_tulip doesn't have that conflict# xircom_tulip_cbdmfe#evbug is a debug tool and should be loaded explicitlyevbug# audio, snd-usb-audio handle same class devices:# snd-usb-audio b/c it breaks sound & alsa services else:snd-attixp-modemsnd-atiixp[root@localhost kamicota]#Thanks BrunoColin B)

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Okay . . . . .next step:

$ kdesu kwrite /etc/rc.d/rc.local

And add these 4 lines at the bottom of the file:

modprobe snd-atiixpsleep 1amixer set Master 90% unmuteamixer set PCM 90% unmute
Then save the file and show me:
$ cat  /etc/rc.d/rc.local

B) Bruno

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[kamicota@localhost ~]$ cat /etc/rc.d/rc.local#!/bin/sh## This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.# You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't# want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.touch /var/lock/subsys/localif [ -f /etc/LIVECD ] ; thenecho "Trying to start graphical desktop. If for some reason this failsplease log in here with name root password root, type video to set yourvideo card and then type startx to get to the desktop" > /etc/issuefimodprobe snd-atiixpsleep 1amixer set Master 90% unmuteamixer set PCM 90% unmute [kamicota@localhost ~]$ B) Colin

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yep BrunoI think I took OFF when I could NOT get X or Y to work NOT realizing it needed CTRL X and CTRL YBut until such times as Julia is on the forum again and I can thank her face to face--->>>Thank you B) Julia and teach desreves some :D B) :flowers: TOOCheers for YearsColin

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I'm just glad to hear you worked through all of that. Now take some time to explore and enjoy. I just ran through 250MB of updates and new installs while reading through today's adventure. B)

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Yes JuliaIt IS TIME to EXPLORE & ENJOY both on the Desktop & the LaptopThis LITTLE ADVENTURER B) has still more up his sleeve--->>>Probably an HP Deskjet 5440 to get this weekend TOTALLY for PCLos Desktop B) Will have to ASK :P Laptop/PCLos what it NEEDS NOW eh :D :D :P Colin :flowers:

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brunoHope this is right did a--->>>Password:[root@localhost kamicota]# ls -al /boottotal 2892drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 23 22:06 ./drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Feb 23 22:06 ../-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 Sep 26 18:43 boot.0300lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 Feb 23 22:06 config -> config-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65561 Oct 27 15:44 config-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 621931 Feb 23 21:09 initrd-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB.imglrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 Feb 23 18:36 initrd.img -> initrd-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB.imglrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 42 Feb 23 22:06 kernel.h -> /boot/kernel.h-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 695 Oct 29 19:08 kernel.h-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 256 Feb 23 18:57 livecd.klt-rw------- 1 root root 128512 Feb 23 21:09 maplrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 15 Feb 23 18:36 message -> message-graphic-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 92912 Oct 11 14:46 message-graphic-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 132 Sep 26 18:43 message-textlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 Feb 23 18:36 System.map -> System.map-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 603347 Oct 27 15:44 System.map-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 256 Sep 26 18:43 us.kltlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Feb 23 18:36 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1381391 Oct 27 15:44 vmlinuz-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB[root@localhost kamicota]#Andmkrescue --iso --initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB.img --kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-oci6.mdk-i586-up-1GB Colin B)

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Yep that looks like the correct command Colin . . . bravo !!!Now please slow down a bit . . . relax . . . . chill . . . or we will have to put you on Retaline ®B) :D :DB) Bruno

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Thank you SO much BrunoWE are and WE HAVE slowed downIt IS TIME to ENJOY & EXPLORECheers for YearsColin B) back in the B) Mode again
I had to quote this just so I could see it in print again! :D :flowers: :D
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Julia :P What am I going to do with you :hysterical: I'll need eyes in the back of my head and a SILENT tongue and fingers to keep ahead of you :P But hey that does NOT mean Like the "TERMINATOR - "I'LL BE BAAAHK"Cheers for yearsColin :thumbsup:

Edited by kamicota
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Julia :P What am I going to do with you :hysterical: I'll need eyes in the back of my head and a SILENT tongue and fingers to keep ahead of you :P But hey that does NOT mean Like the "TERMINATOR - "I'LL BE BAAAHK"Cheers for yearsColin :thumbsup:
I thought only Moms and teachers were allowed eyes in the back of their heads! :P
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Hey JuliaSurely that APPLIES to EXPLORERS too - so many NEW natives to encounter ON OUR TRAVELS :P
ColinGet those eyes out of the back of your head and look at your title for this thread. :hysterical: :thumbsup: :P :P :P :P o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:) o:)
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Julia Julia Julia :P Just WHAT :P am I going to do with you eh :thumbsup: about--->>> WE are at Distro Search for Stability not burnout! --->>>yep I AM SEARCHING for the NATIVE Linux Programs :devil: that ARE STABLE and thanks to YOU and ALL the others this has finally started to take shapeEven though there is ONE GLITCH on the laptop that eludes me and that is the OD noticeable "Click" and the Machine is off. AND after a 8 ins DUMP of snow I don't know if I can get into my friends yard or EVEN IF he can GET outOh welll we ARE CALMING down AT LAST :devil: :o [/u][/i]Striker--->>>[/b]Rest MOI REST :hysterical: may even be looking for a HP Deskjet 5440 just for the Linux Desktop thats IF the SNOW is cleared in time for a 2 hour travel. AND I just KNOW it is ABOUT time to get back to MY ABSTRACT paintings after BURNING off all those "WANNA BE DISTRO'S"Cheers for YearsCoilin :thumbsup:

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