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Installation help needed


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  • V.T. Eric Layton


Hi NoonGo to the "PCC" ( PCLos Control Center ) --> "Mount Points" --> "Create, delete and resize hard disk partitions" . . . and have a look at the colored bar representing your HD . . . click on the partition you want info from and read in the "Details" panel all you want to know about that partition.:thumbsup: Bruno

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Hi NoonGo to the "PCC" ( PCLos Control Center ) --> "Mount Points" --> "Create, delete and resize hard disk partitions" . . . and have a look at the colored bar representing your HD . . . click on the partition you want info from and read in the "Details" panel all you want to know about that partition.B) Bruno
Question. i went into control center and selected Mount Points -> configure local hardisk partitions. I then selected my /home partitions which is 80GB. I then selected toggle to expert mode. On the left hand side i selected use for loopback. A prompt then appears that shows my filesystem type and the size of the partition. I wanted to know if i can adjust the size of the partition by changing the size in the prompt that pops up? Edited by Noonmid27
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On the left hand side i selected use for loopback.
For loopback ?? I don't think that is the right choice . . . . I think you should choose "Umount" and then "Resize" . . . . next you will get a slider that allows you to determine the new size of the partition.:sweatingbullets: Bruno
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For loopback ?? I don't think that is the right choice . . . . I think you should choose "Umount" and then "Resize" . . . . next you will get a slider that allows you to determine the new size of the partition.:( Bruno
When i select unmount i get a message saying error unmounting home, device or resource maybe busy. how do i get around that problem. Also i just downloaded the nVidia drivers for linux, this one specifically NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-8774-pkg2.runi then type in sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-1.0-8774-pkg2.run, in the run command field and nothing happened. Did that occur because PCLos is not a 64bit distro. I mean i noticed that they are different distros for specific CPU's
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Well, if you are logged in as the normal user it will not work, because your user files are stored in /home. You will need to log out as user and log in as root to make the change.Adam

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Hi NoonIs this PCLos you want to install the Nvidia drivers ?? . . . . if so please do NOT use the package you downloaded from Nvidia . . . but simply go to synaptic and install the "dkms-nvidia" pacakge !( I hope I am not to late and you did not yet install the .run package . . because once it is installed you can not go back ):( Bruno

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Hi NoonIs this PCLos you want to install the Nvidia drivers ?? . . . . if so please do NOT use the package you downloaded from Nvidia . . . but simply go to synaptic and install the "dkms-nvidia" pacakge !( I hope I am not to late and you did not yet install the .run package . . because once it is installed you can not go back ):( Bruno
well i did end up using the dkms package in synaptic for the nvidia drivers. at first i tried to use the DL but i did not work when i put in the run command so i check synaptic and use that package.
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