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Ok im trying to install fedora, but im having some trouble with the install. i run the Live DVD go throught the install steps and then linux boots up. When i take the DVD out and restart my computer i dont see linux as one of the options on the boot screen. I then have to do the install all over again to get fedora to boot up. Can somebody please help me out with this. When i run the live dvd it says this is a beta version of fedora and its only available for testing could that be the reason why i have to do the install over and over for fedora to work? BTW i was referred by Eric. i was posting on the LQ forum and he referred me to this Forum.

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Ok im trying to install fedora, but im having some trouble with the install. i run the Live DVD go throught the install steps and then linux boots up. When i take the DVD out and restart my computer i dont see linux as one of the options on the boot screen. I then have to do the install all over again to get fedora to boot up. Can somebody please help me out with this. When i run the live dvd it says this is a beta version of fedora and its only available for testing could that be the reason why i have to do the install over and over for fedora to work? BTW i was referred by Eric. i was posting on the LQ forum and he referred me to this Forum.
There are others here much better to help you than I. But just a couple of questions, how many other operating systems do you have installed and where did you put the bootloader?
Posted (edited)
There are others here much better to help you than I. But just a couple of questions, how many other operating systems do you have installed and where did you put the bootloader?
Well you know what i dont have any idea where the bootloader is......actually i just popped in the live dvd check the files on the dvd......i have 1 folder a boot folder and 2 files. 1st file is _livecd and second is kadischi.sqs. BTW im running 2 operating system XP home and PRO. Im trying to figure out all the OS. Edited by Noonmid27

Hi Noonmid27, a warm welcome to ATL !I see it maybe better to read the installation guide before you actually do the real install. Here they are for FC5:http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5/If you do not want to do this, please post back and we'll try to guide you through the install process. But nevertheless, reading only the important parts of it might save you a beacon or two, recommended. ;) A couple of questions in a nutshell before doing anything else:- do you want the linux bootloader to be able to start up FC5 and the windows's or do you want to have a separate diskette for booting FC5? If the diskette option, is there a floppy disk drive in the system?

Hi Noonmid27, a warm welcome to ATL !I see it maybe better to read the installation guide before you actually do the real install. Here they are for FC5:http://fedora.redhat.com/docs/fedora-install-guide-en/fc5/If you do not want to do this, please post back and we'll try to guide you through the install process. But nevertheless, reading only the important parts of it might save you a beacon or two, recommended. ;) A couple of questions in a nutshell before doing anything else:- do you want the linux bootloader to be able to start up FC5 and the windows's or do you want to have a separate diskette for booting FC5? If the diskette option, is there a floppy disk drive in the system?
I want the bootloader to start up all the operating systems. thx for the instructions by the way i will check them out as well

Hi NoonmidWelcome to the forum !I am a bit surprised because I did not even know there was an installer on the Live Fedora ( see, I have not tested it yet ;) )And from the docs http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Kadischi/Documentation I don't get much info either . . . This is the only section relevant: Anaconda installation methods http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Kadischi/Doc...254911de4979620 but the link to the page explaining is dead.In think you might be stepping into the development of this new version a bit early . . . . and knowing fedoras trackrecord it is bount to be buggy :)Does the installer offer you a screen where you can tell where to install Grub ?B) Bruno

Hi NoonmidWelcome to the forum !I am a bit surprised because I did not even know there was an installer on the Live Fedora ( see, I have not tested it yet ;) )And from the docs http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Kadischi/Documentation I don't get much info either . . . This is the only section relevant: Anaconda installation methods http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Kadischi/Doc...254911de4979620 but the link to the page explaining is dead.In think you might be stepping into the development of this new version a bit early . . . . and knowing fedoras trackrecord it is bount to be buggy :)Does the installer offer you a screen where you can tell where to install Grub ?B) Bruno
Well i can check to see if i get the option to install Grub. Problem is im downloading a new DVD image and its about 2hrs from complete so i can log out and run the install again until i burn this new version. i will post back later

Hi NoonPlease also check and tell us what you have to do to start the HD install and what stages it goes through ( partitions, packages, bootloader, network + graphics configuration . . things like that ;) )B) Bruno

There might be a pitfall rising here :Check out this link please:http://fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=126145
Well i ran the install again. i downloaded all 5 cd's this time, but for some reason during the install after the second cd a prompt came up telling me that the install was complete and i should reboot. i went ahead and rebooted the system, but now i've lost 1 xP partitionalso fedora is aking me for a localhost login. During install i didn't creat any login just a password that was required for me to move forward. im confused now. can somebody please tell me how to remove fedora and start from scracth again. or why it asked for a localhost login.
or why it asked for a localhost login.
Hi Noon . . . . . . the "localhost login" is not that unusual . . you simply type "root" and next you will be asked for the password you did set up during the install. After logging in you can try to type "startx" and see if you get a GUI interface . . . . but . . . but I fear that something went wrong during the install and that the "localhost login" means your X is not configured.Something is confusing me though: in the first post you talk about a "Live DVD" and now you talk about 5 CDs and that clearly are "normal" install CDs.I even wonder what version you are trying to install . . . is it Fedora 5 or Fedora 6 beta1 ?;) Bruno
Hi Noon . . . . . . the "localhost login" is not that unusual . . you simply type "root" and next you will be asked for the password you did set up during the install. After logging in you can try to type "startx" and see if you get a GUI interface . . . . but . . . but I fear that something went wrong during the install and that the "localhost login" means your X is not configured.Something is confusing me though: in the first post you talk about a "Live DVD" and now you talk about 5 CDs and that clearly are "normal" install CDs.I even wonder what version you are trying to install . . . is it Fedora 5 or Fedora 6 beta1 ?;) Bruno
Well its fedora 5. What i did was i dowloaded both the DVD and the CD's. i was having trouble with the DVD install so i tried the Cd's. Please be patient with me im a complete newbe. I ran the install using the 5cd's which only required 2 before it told me installation is complete. I rebooted my computer Fefora boots up but it was asking for the localhost login. I had no idea what that was so i booted up XP so i can ask.

Hi NoonLOL . . . I am known to be very patient . . . so no worries my friend ;)I did not realize you were completely new to Linux . . . and in that case I would have a better suggestion then Fedora . . . not all hardware likes Fedora and that is probably why it will not boot into the GUI ( we call it "X" )I would suggest you download "PCLos" a very very new-Linux-user-friendly distro . . you can get the ISO here:ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/tex...3a-bigdaddy.isoNow after burning it to CD you will boot from it and first run it "Live" . . without installing it to HDD so you can see if it likes your hardware. You will get a full desktop and can test if the browser can connect to the internet.Now if it runs okay on your hardware there is an icon on the desktop that says "install to HD" . . . . the installer is really simple and you should have no problem installing and booting it after the install if you put the bootloader ( Lilo ) in the MBR. It will include your XP in the bootoptions so no worries !;) Bruno

Hi NoonLOL . . . I am known to be very patient . . . so no worries my friend ;)I did not realize you were completely new to Linux . . . and in that case I would have a better suggestion then Fedora . . . not all hardware likes Fedora and that is probably why it will not boot into the GUI ( we call it "X" )I would suggest you download "PCLos" a very very new-Linux-user-friendly distro . . you can get the ISO here:ftp://ftp.nluug.nl/pub/os/Linux/distr/tex...3a-bigdaddy.isoNow after burning it to CD you will boot from it and first run it "Live" . . without installing it to HDD so you can see if it likes your hardware. You will get a full desktop and can test if the browser can connect to the internet.Now if it runs okay on your hardware there is an icon on the desktop that says "install to HD" . . . . the installer is really simple and you should have no problem installing and booting it after the install if you put the bootloader ( Lilo ) in the MBR. It will include your XP in the bootoptions so no worries !;) Bruno
well with fedora i do get windows as one of the options on the boot menu. Problem im having is i had 2 XP operating systems running, the 1'st on a 200GB partition that i wanted to split into half to make room for fedroa. i lost that partition all together which is not that big of a deal because i didn't have anything of significance on it. Now when i start up the my PC fedora boots up i have like 5 seconds to select hit a key to give me XP boot options.can i delete Grub in the MBR and re-partition the 200GB so i can now run 3 operating systems. Oh BTW i did type in root when i got the localhost login and my password. i then got a prompt [root@localhost~]#. what should i type to move forward?

Noonmid27,startx will bring you into a graphical user interface (gui), similar to what you would see after starting up windows. But you will be root which would not be wise to use all time.There should be a user account also. Where is it? Weren't you asked to create a user account and a user password? If yes, use that to login instead of the root account.In the left corner you'll see a squared blue colored button with a white K on it: the K stands for the K of KDE which is the Desktop Environment you're using if you installed KDE.There might also be a big foot in that icon, which stands for indicating you're using the Gnome Desktop Environment, if you installed that.Either one of them you will see.They both work like the start button in windows.If you don't get any gui at all then you might not have installed KDE or Gnome at all. That would mean you're in textmode only, which would be usable as server OS but not for the desktop.Please post back what you get after typing "startx" (without the quotes). We'll try to take it up from there. BTW: do you have another PC with which you could get online at the same time while doing an install?In that case we could do a reinstall with live support.


Yep "startx" is the magic word :D;) Bruno

Yep "startx" is the magic word :D;) Bruno
Ok i typed in startX but he GUI is very fuzzy. i got the same problem when i tried to run the install in graphical mode. Could the problem be my GPU. If so i would need to remove this version of linux and install the one Bruno told me about. How can i uninstall it. I got the same problem with the GUI when i tried to install ubuntu as well. BTW i do have another computer in my home, however it's my little brothers computer and hes playing video games right now. so will have to log off and on.

Hi NoonSo you do have X . . . . that is better then I thought it would be . . . but . . . That sounds indeed like your Graphic card is the problem . . . . . what card is it ? Is in an integrated card ??Sometimes other distros have better support for some cards then others . . so if you tried Ubuntu and Fedora . . . . it might indeed be time to test PCLos.;) Bruno

Hi NoonSo you do have X . . . . that is better then I thought it would be . . . but . . . That sounds indeed like your Graphic card is the problem . . . . . what card is it ? Is in an integrated card ??Sometimes other distros have better support for some cards then others . . so if you tried Ubuntu and Fedora . . . . it might indeed be time to test PCLos.B) Bruno
i have a MSI 6600LE GPU. Ok im gonna DL PCLos right now. How can i get Grub off the MBR so i can run recovery with XP cd and repartition the 200GB. i tried to run recovery with XP Cd before but i got a blank screen. i would need to remove the fedora bootloader before i can do that right?
Have a look here Noon: Restoring the XP MBR;)B) Bruno
i did try that but i got a blank screen. i did not get the options for recovery. i just tried the XP cd again and got a blank screen. is there any other way of restoring the XP MBR.
i did try that but i got a blank screen. i did not get the options for recovery. i just tried the XP cd again and got a blank screen. is there any other way of restoring the XP MBR.
BTW i did get the PCLos linux now i just need a Partition to install on.
BTW i did get the PCLos linux now i just need a Partition to install on.
Just use the same partition you used for Fedora. BUT: First run it "Live" ( without installing to HD ) and see if it runs okay. If it does, log in as root and wipe the MBR with this command in a terminal:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1

B) BrunoPS: Sorry . . don't run any windows myself so can't help you with that part.


You should make sure you're booting the computer from the windows install CD and not from the hard disk drive; There should be an option for it in the BIOS.When that's OK, put in the windows install CD and boot the machine from it: you should see the windows install screen. Then follow the link given above to restore the MBR.

You should make sure you're booting the computer from the windows install CD and not from the hard disk drive; There should be an option for it in the BIOS.When that's OK, put in the windows install CD and boot the machine from it: you should see the windows install screen. Then follow the link given above to restore the MBR.
I did boot from the XP Cd and i got a message saying checking hardware configuration then afer the screen when blank. i did not ge the normal options to repair or delete partitions. Any other suggestions or do i need a third party partitioning software for this issue.

Hi NoonBefore we start talking about partitioning and installing . . . . why don't you first test if the CD will boot to a desktop ???I mean, that is usually the first step to take ;)After that we can talk partition tools and clearing out the MBR.B) Bruno

Hi NoonBefore we start talking about partitioning and installing . . . . why don't you first test if the CD will boot to a desktop ???I mean, that is usually the first step to take ;)After that we can talk partition tools and clearing out the MBR.B) Bruno
Regarding the PClos. Well i ran the live Cd it does boot up, but i had to change the resolution in the extended option menu to get it to boot up. i really like it by the way.........now how can i clear up the MBR so i can install on my computer.
Hi NoonBefore we start talking about partitioning and installing . . . . why don't you first test if the CD will boot to a desktop ???I mean, that is usually the first step to take ;)After that we can talk partition tools and clearing out the MBR.B) Bruno
well i ran the PCLos Media and it boot up. i had to go to the extra menu to select resolution, but that was the only thing i had to do. i really like it by the way the GUI is very cool and different from XP. Now how can i clear up the MBR so i can install PCLos.

Okay NoonHere is what you do, you boot the Live CD . . . and once logged in as "Guest" you open a terminal ( look in the menu ) and type:suit will ask you for a password . . the password is "root" . . . next type:dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1That will clear out the MBR . . . . . and after that you can start installing it to HD by clicking on the desktop icon for the installer.At the first screen of the installer you can go to the partition tool . . . there you can make new partitions. BUT if you already have partitions, you go straight to the second screen of the installer, it will give you the option to assign the partitions to Linux and it has a checkbox that says "format" the partition . . . so you can use the fedora partitions and only have to format them before going to the next screen :DThe rest of the installer is simple as cakeB) BrunoPS: Usually we post commands you do in a terminal like this:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=446 count=1

NOTE: You don't type the "#" at the start, it only shows the command has to be given as "root" ( the "su" makes you root ) . . .the # makes part of the prompt you see in the terminal. User commands always start with a "$" because that is how the prompt ends when you are a user. ( not root )


Well i got PClos up and running now. I wanted to know if i can changed the GUI to 32bit. i was told i could run a terminal and make adjustments using etc/X11/xorg.conf. so i ran terminal used the command and it said no such file or directory. Well i'll check in later i have to step out now. BTW thx bruno for the help with the. Now i'll just expriment screw up and learn. lol

Well i got PClos up and running now. I wanted to know if i can changed the GUI to 32bit. i was told i could run a terminal and make adjustments using etc/X11/xorg.conf. so i ran terminal used the command and it said no such file or directory. Well i'll check in later i have to step out now. BTW thx bruno for the help with the. Now i'll just expriment screw up and learn. lol
That was right but for now better fire up the PCLinuxOS Control Center. In there you'll find a way to set the gui to 32 bits and IIRC a test possibility.Leave the xorg.conf file for later when you get a bit more accustomed to the use of linux.When you screw up that one and reboot, you have the possibility of Poof ... ! :hysterical: :w00t: I don't think you're in for that now.

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