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:P :D ...........
root@local:/home/dale# /etc/fstabbash: /etc/fstab: Permission deniedroot@local:/home/dale# exitexitdale@local:~$ /etc/fstab-bash: /etc/fstab: Permission denieddale@local:~$
ummmmmmmmm...... now what ????????
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Try "cat /etc/fstab" Dale . . . ;):P Bruno

:P :D
dale@local:~$ cat /etc/fstab/dev/hda8 / reiserfs defaults 1 1/dev/hda3 /mnt/windows ntfs ro 1 0/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom auto noauto,owner,ro 0 0/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,owner 0 0devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0proc /proc proc defaults 0 0dale@local:~$
much better.............

Hi DaleLooking at your hardware, do you have a CD-ROM, CD-RW as well or only a DVD ?:P BrunoWishes.png


Bruno,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I have a DVD ROM and a CD/CDRW ROM .... usually they appear as HDC and HDD respectively.....


Okay we are getting the right info here, so /dev/hdc is the DVD and /dev/hdd is the CDWriter, sweet . . . that means I only need to know a few more details:

# ls -al /dev/cdrom# ls -al /dev//dev/scd0# ls -al /mnt

:( BrunoWishes.png


I'm coming in late to this discussion, and I'm not trying to start trouble, but just for the record, the following entry in my SuSE 9.3 fstab allows the user (not root) to mount and access a fat32 partition used to store data in win2k. SuSE does create an icon on the desktop which can be clicked to mount the partition, but the partition can also be mounted from the command line with a simplified mount command (mount /dev/hda5), since all the info is available in fstab already. The noauto option means it is not mounted automatically at boot but only when specifically requested. Fstab entry is:/dev/hda5 /mnt/data vfat noauto,user,iocharset=iso8859-1,codepage=850,umask=000

dale@local:~$ suPassword:root@local:/home/dale# ls -al /dev/cdromlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 2005-12-13 11:12 /dev/cdrom -> /dev/hdcroot@local:/home/dale# ls -al /dev/dev/scd0ls: /dev/dev/scd0: No such file or directory
me thinks .... that a device is not being recognized ...... :o

Sorry Dale . . my mistake . . made a typo :o

# ls -al /dev/scd0

And maybe also do:

# ls -al /dev/cdrom2

:) BrunoWishes.png

dale@local:~$ suPassword:root@local:/home/dale# ls -al /dev/scd0brw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 11, 0 1994-07-18 09:06 /dev/scd0root@local:/home/dale# ls -al /dev/cdrom2ls: /dev/cdrom2: No such file or directoryroot@local:/home/dale#
:) :o ......... ???

Great Dale . . . now we can start the hack:First a symlink from /dev/scd0:

# ln -sf /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom2

Next a few directories:

# mkdir  /mnt/dvd # mkdir  /mnt/cdwriter

And a few changes in fstab, open the file in kwrite:

# kwrite /etc/fstab

And make these changes, remove the RED and add the GREEN parts:

/dev/hda8 / reiserfs defaults 1 1/dev/hda3 /mnt/windows ntfs ro 1 0/dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom auto noauto,owner,ro 0 0/dev/cdrom /mnt/dvd iso9660 auto noauto,owner,ro 0 0/dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdwriter iso9660 auto noauto,owner,ro 0 0/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,owner 0 0devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
Next reboot, and after the reboot:
# rm -rf /mnt/cdrom

From now on your DVD will be on /mnt/dvd and your writer will be on /mnt/cdwriter.:) BrunoWishes.png

:D :huh: :o .....other than my obvious typo ...... ?????
dale@local:~$ suPassword:root@local:/home/dale# ln -sf /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom2root@local:/home/dale# mkdir /mnt/dvdroot@local:/home/dale# mkdir /mnt/cdwriterroot@local:/home/dale# kwrite etc/fstabbash: kwrite: command not foundroot@local:/home/dale# kwrite /etc/fstabbash: kwrite: command not foundroot@local:/home/dale#

Loooks like you do not have the kwrite editor installed, . . . try kedit: :D ( Or "kate" if even kedit is not installed )

# kedit /etc/fstab

:huh: Bruno

:D :huh: :o ............Wellllllllllllll.............. even though kedit, kwrite and kate are listed under the text editors hdg in the menu, I surely can't find/use them ... but by using "mcedit" (?????) the changes were made to the fstab .. but I could not get it to copy to klipper to post it ....
dale@local:~$ suPassword:root@local:/home/dale# ln -sf /dev/scd0 /dev/cdrom2root@local:/home/dale# mkdir /mnt/dvdroot@local:/home/dale# mkdir /mnt/cdwriterroot@local:/home/dale# kwrite etc/fstabbash: kwrite: command not foundroot@local:/home/dale# kwrite /etc/fstabbash: kwrite: command not foundroot@local:/home/dale# kedit /etc/fstabbash: kedit: command not foundroot@local:/home/dale# kate /etc/fstabbash: kate: command not foundroot@local:/home/dale# mcedit /etc/fstab
:o I know mcedit does not support pasting from the klipper . . . . anyway seems that you managed to do the changes . . . would you minfd to post
# cat /etc/fstab

So we can make sure there are no typo's :D ??:huh: BrunoPS: Probably "# /usr/bin/kedit /etc/fstab" would have worked okay . . .

dale@local:~$ locate bittorrent/opt/kde/share/mimelnk/application/x-bittorrent.desktop/usr/share/zsh/4.2.5/functions/_bittorrent/usr/share/mime/application/x-bittorrent.xmldale@local:~$ suPassword:root@local:/home/dale# cat /etc/fstab/dev/hda8 / reiserfs defaults 1 1/dev/hda3 /mnt/windows ntfs ro 1 0/dev/cdrom /mnt/dvd iso9660 auto noauto,owner,ro 0 0/dev/cdrom2 /mnt/cdwriter iso9660 auto noauto,owner,ro 0 0/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,owner 0 0devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=5,mode=620 0 0proc /proc proc defaults 0 0root@local:/home/dale#
The first part of this is the next task .. I used swaret --install bittorrent to d/l and install it ... this shows where it is at .... now my dilema is getting it to be useable ... icon etc. etc. etc.

The /etc/fstab looks good . . . . now you can reboot, and after the reboot:

# rm -rf /mnt/cdrom

From now on your DVD will be on /mnt/dvd and your writer will be on /mnt/cdwriter.The bittorrent: I think you will need to "swaret --install bittorrent-gui" as well, because with the 3 files you have now you will not be able to download much.:D Bruno

:D reboot done ,,,, now will attempt to view a DVD again ..... will also do the gui for bittorrent .....thank you Mr. Bruno .... this Slack 10.2 is not to bad at all ........ so far:thumbsdown:
root@local:/home/dale# swaret --install bittorrent-guiswaret 1.6.3-2Listing available Packages matching Keyword: bittorrent-gui...No available Packages found matching Keyword: bittorrent-gui!
ahhhh .. once again .. foiled at the start
:D :) :huh: ....It opens up a window file///home/dale.................................open withknown applicationsand lists about 12 different selections ........ but to my knowledge ... none of which help me with bittorrent .........
and lists about 12 different selections ........ but to my knowledge ... none of which help me with bittorrent .........
Looked on my PCL install to see what I have in that area; Synaptic says I have packages bittorrent and bittorrent-gui. The menu item to start it is under Networking / File Transfer. If you do have it installed and just can't find the menu item, you can start it from a shell window by just entering 'bittorrent' <enter>. [found that last with a 'locate bittorrent' command]I kinda prefer Azureus, gives more info when running -- also available from the standard repositories. My install came with 6 repository sites listed -- I have them all checked, not sure from which bittorrent-gui came.

Hi DaleLooks to me that the bittorrent was not installed correctly or that the package was not complete . . . . . why not try this:Download the one from here: http://www.linuxpackages.net/download.php?id=8272Next install it with:

# installpkg bittorrent-4.3.2-noarch-1kjz.tgz

After the install do:

#  /sbin/ldconf -v

And when that is finished try clicking on that "pclinuxos-p92.iso.torrent" file again and see it it starts the bittorrent program ( rather then the "open with" chooser you did get this time ):D BrunoWishes.png

:D :) :huh: ...................
dale@local:~$ suPassword:root@local:/home/dale# installpkg bittorrent-4.3.2-noarch-lkjz.tgzCannot install bittorrent-4.3.2-noarch-lkjz.tgz: package does not end in .tgzroot@local:/home/dale# installpkg bittorrent-4.3.2-noarch-1kjz.tgzCannot install bittorrent-4.3.2-noarch-1kjz.tgz: package does not end in .tgzroot@local:/home/dale#
tried two different times lkjz and 1kjz as you can see .... neither worked .... I is fixing to quit on this project ....
root@local:/home/dale# installpkg bittorrent-4.3.2-noarch-lkjz.tgzCannot install bittorrent-4.3.2-noarch-lkjz.tgz: package does not end in .tgz
Now, this is pretty strange . . . . . . we can all clearly see the package does end on .tgz . . . . :D . . . . how come installpgk is telling us it does not end in .tgz ??:) BurnoWishes.png
Now, this is pretty strange . . . . . . we can all clearly see the package does end on .tgz . . . . :thumbsup: . . . . how come installpgk is telling us it does not end in .tgz ??;) BurnoWishes.png
I wonder if Dale's machine is like mine? Realized I don't have a torrent client on my Slack, so I went and got the file from your linux packages site, and dl'ed it with Firefox, and the file it put on my disk has a "..... .exe" appended to the end of it, free courtesy Firefox. Renamed it to lose the .exe, and installpkg then took it without complaint, made an item in the KDE menus [under Internet] -- but it doesn't run. Errors; says "no module named BitTorrent.platform" -- so there must be something more required. This is on the amd64 box, slamd64-10.2 -- but the package sez 'noarch' so I guessed it should work. After some sleuthing I went out and got pygtk 2.6.3 and installed that --but it still fails the same. Onward ...

Something is terribly wrong if it has an .exe on the end. I have never heard of any linux program adding that extension. :thumbsup:

Something is terribly wrong if it has an .exe on the end. I have never heard of any linux program adding that extension. :thumbsup:
Yeah, I agree, but Firefox adds something to the end of almost everything I download with it that looks executable [??? guessing that's the basis] -- either .exe or .bin or sometimes .tgz. Something in it is making guesses about what type of file it's dl'ing and it appends something to the name. I just rename them and go on. I'm not aware that I've set anything to make it act this way -- and it behaves the same across multiple distros. Currently I have 1.0.7 running here.Downloads with Konqueror or Kget or wget don't show this behavior. My data storage partition, where I have FF set to put all downloads, is fat32 -- that may be an issue? Maybe my Flashgot extension?? Guessing here; it's no biggie, once you know about it. The files always checksum OK, just the name is messed up. Now, I have no idea if that's what's happening up the thread, but seems worth a closer look. Gotta be some explanation for why installpkg can't see the file.

Okay Dale . . here is how I did it: ( Slackware 10.2 )Download pygtk:pygtk: http://www.linuxpackages.net/download.php?id=7881cd to the directory you downloaded it and:

# installpkg pygtk-2.6.3-i486-1rsa.tgz

Next download:http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/bittorr...tar.gz?downloadcd to the directory you downloaded it and:

# tar -xvzf BitTorrent-4.2.0.tar.gz


# cd BitTorrent-4.2.0/

And install it with:

 # python setup.py install

Then log out as root:

# exit

And start the program with:

$ bittorrent

Finally: "File" --> "Open torrentfile" and navigate to the pclinuxos-p92.torrent you saved earlier in this thread ;):w00t: B) :happyroll:B) BrunoWishes.pngPS: I alway use Konqueror for the downloads :P

:hysterical: :hysterical: ........... I might could make a mess of that ... BUT .. before I attempt such a feat .... now on my desktop is a new icon (which appeared after the d/l of bittorrent from the linux pkgs link .. it is a dog earred piece of paper (dog ears upper right/lower left), upper left/lower right have a green triangle and in the center are three manilla folders ..... it is labeled as ... bittorrent-4.3.2-noarch-lkjz.tgz .... is this good, bad, or otherwise ?????????

Hi DaleJust remove/delete all the downloaded files from linuxpackages.net . . . only download the ones I linked you to in my last post.:hysterical: BrunoWishes.png

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