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LOL . . . . . :) Judging the visitors of my site: The 1024x768 is the most popular for CRT . . . and for LCD screens the 1280x1024 is favorite. ( but the list is long . . at least 60 different ones . . . ranging from 240x320 to 3200x1200 )B) Bruno

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Well that definitely did the trick screen resolution is now 1024 x 768. Now if you could help me figure out why I am having so much trouble booting in. I think I noticed something that might help though when I do the ctrl+sysrq+r etc I only get to the ctlr+sysrq+e and it starts to boot up but it puts me in runlevel 2 from what I can make out and doesn't Debian put you in runlevel 5 normally?


Glad we have the resolution issue solved :DYep the normal boot is going to a GUI login . . . . . . but what exactly is blocking your boot until you do ctrl+sysrq+r, ctrl+sysrq+s, ctrl+sysrq+e . . . . . that has me puzzled too.1). At what point is the boot blocking ??2). Maybe you do need an appendline in lilo . . . could you post "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" from Debian so we can have a look ? ( I am thinking something like "noapic" ):) BrunoUPDATE: possible appendline:append="acpi=off noapci"Or any single one of the 2 options given here

rolana@debian:~$ cat /boot/grub/menu.lscat: /boot/grub/menu.ls: No such file or directoryrolana@debian:~$ suPassword:debian:/home/rolana# cat /boot/grub/menu.lscat: /boot/grub/menu.ls: No such file or directorydebian:/home/rolana#
I put the lilo bootloader in debians partition not grub does that make a difference?

If you mean this

Jul 23 15:23:50 debian kernel: RAMDISK: Loading 4188 blocks [1 disk] into ram disk... |^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^H-^H\^H|^H/^Hdone.Jul 23 15:23:50 debian kernel: VFS: Mounted root (cramfs filesystem) readonly.Jul 23 15:23:50 debian kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 204k freedJul 23 15:23:50 debian kernel: vesafb: framebuffer at 0xd8000000, mapped to 0xe0824000, size 3072kJul 23 15:23:50 debian kernel: vesafb: mode is 1024x768x16, linelength=2048, pag: 
ok I will boot into mandriva

Yep . . . . that was what I was refering to . . . . . let's see if adding that appenline to the Debian section does any good :DFurther in that post they talk about append="ramdisk_size=8192" . . . there the number is higher . . so you might want to try them bothB) BrunoPS: I have to go for an hour or so . . . will be back later though :)


append="ramdisk_size=8192" seems to be working I was able to boot, but I am going to try rebooting a few times to see if it continues to work as I have been able to boot into Debian 2.6 a couple times wthout it so it might just be a fluke. Just for future reference this is where it hung when trying to boot before (spelling errors would be mine as I had to copy it by hand as I am not sure how to get a screen shot of it loading.)

via-agp loaded successfullyuhci-hcd: already loadeduhci-hcd: already loadeduhci-hcd: already loadedehci-hcd: already loadedvia-ircc: already loadedvia82cxxx: already loadedvia82cxxx_audio: already loadedsnd-via82xx loaded successfullyvia-rhine already loadedignoring pci display device 01:00.0pci [success]usb-

From what I understood that ramdisk appenline should only apply on the 2.6 kernel . . . but if it works on the 2.4 too don't mess with it ;)Seeing the list you copied from the boot massages . . . the append="acpi=off noapci" could work too if you still have problems . . . . dunno you will have to experiment a bit if your problems continue to bug you. ( Or maybe have a look at the /etc/lilo.conf from Debian after all to see what it says in the append ? ):) Bruno

From what I understood that ramdisk appenline should only apply on the 2.6 kernel . . . but if it works on the 2.4 too don't mess with it ;)Seeing the list you copied from the boot massages . . . the append="acpi=off noapci"

Ahhh... Bruno, I wonder if that last shouldn't be 'noapic' instead? As for screen rez with an lcd screen -- it'll look crummy for text unless you set x config to use the native rez of the screen, else it'll split a lot of font pixels across two screen pixels. You can always change the font sizes larger/smaller in Control Center. And to the person with the bootup problem -- the file to fix when you're using lilo is /etc/lilo.conf -- and you should check what append statements the Mandriva /etc/lilo.conf has and just edit them into the lilo.conf you're using to boot the machine. Think that after you do that you have to run lilo again -- while booted into the system you boot it with. Re the ramdisk size, it won't hurt to make it bigger than it needs -- it's when it's too small that it truncates the initrd file. Distros like Kanotix declare it to be 100000 bytes. This ongoing boot goofiness is why I use loadlin.exe to boot everything here.

Well the next time I tried to boot Debian it stalled and the next two times it loaded fine. I did memtest on my system I let it make 5 passes and it returned no errors at all, is that enough passes or should I let it go a few more? I am still noticing the start menu freezing in Debian and I have no idea where to even begin looking. It will eventually open but it takes awhile.

Posted (edited)
And to the person with the bootup problem -- the file to fix when you're using lilo is /etc/lilo.conf -- and you should check what append statements the Mandriva /etc/lilo.conf has and just edit them into the lilo.conf you're using to boot the machine. Think that after you do that you have to run lilo again -- while booted into the system you boot it with.
Well I am using the Mandriva lilo to boot and it is Debian that I am having the problem with. You do indeed have to run /sbin/lilo to save the changes.
This ongoing boot goofiness is why I use loadlin.exe to boot everything here.
I haven't been having any trouble booting Mandriva or Mandrake and actually I don't remember ever having a problem with Slackware or Suse. This is the first time I have had to mess with an append line, I'm not sure if it is Debian or this computer. I have certainly been having my share of problems with Debian that's for sure. Edited by rolanaj

Well I have booted in and out of Debian several times last night and today with append="ramdisk_size=8192" so I am leaving well enough alone, if it starts acting up again I will try one of the others. If you right click on the title bar of a window in kde you get an option to configure window behavior and then under focus you can choose focus follows mouse which seems to work well at keeping your cursor where you can find it, I changed it in Debian and I think I will change it in Mandriva as well.I am trying to add the printer with KCC but it is taking awhile as it seems to freeze up. Maybe I just expect it to be faster, it seems to be stuck on initializing manager for some reason. Is it possible to add the printer from the command line ok I got an error

Unable to retrieve the printer list. Error message received from manager:Connection to CUPS server failed. Check that the CUPS server is correctly installed and running. Error: connection refused.
I also wanted to mention that when I was playing with synaptic I saw somethng called kde that wasn't installed kdebase was installed but not the other so I installed the other as well. Not sure it was a necessary package but thought it might help.

Hi RolanaFor the cups-problem: did you install "cupsys" and "cupsys-client" ??;) Bruno

debian:/home/rolana# apt-get install cupsysReading Package Lists... DoneBuilding Dependency Tree... Donecupsys is already the newest version.0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.debian:/home/rolana# apt-get install cupsys-clientReading Package Lists... DoneBuilding Dependency Tree... Donecupsys-client is already the newest version.0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.debian:/home/rolana#                         
Looks like I must have already. About the kde file it was apparantly kde3.3, I just noticed because I was trying to figure out what happened to my menu system. Somethings are completely gone like the Debian folder and it looks totally different than it did yesterday. Probably a good thing I was in Gnome when I made that install ;)

Well . . . this does not sound like progress at all . . . . . . did you loose much of your menu ??;) Bruno


I don't think I actually lost anything as I think most of the stuff in the Debian folder was a duplicate of the main menu.What else can I try to get my printer working? Can you set it up through the command line?


For the printing I would have a go at "apsfilter" ( apt-get install apsfilter ) you will have to read the docs that come with the install because I don't remember exactly how and what. ( In the docs it is explained though ) ( Here is man apsfilter )If even that fails . . . . have a read here: http://www.linux.com/howtos/Printing-HOWTO/setup.shtml ( there is an apsfilter section in there too :w00t: );) BrunoPS: Found screenshots of apsfilter: http://linuxbasics.org/tutorials/during/ap...ter_screenshotsAnd info: http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Software/Get_..._Apsfilter.htmlLooks like the command "/usr/share/apsfilter/SETUP" should get you the apsfilter printer setup dialog.NOTE: From what I vaguely remember: cups and apsfilter do not like eachother . . so you will have to prevent cups from starting at boot if you want to use apsfilter.


I installed apsfilter, it recommended installing wdiff as well so I installed that too, now I am going to have to read the tips to shut off cups do I need to reboot before starting apsfilter?


Hi RolanaThere are 2 ways you can prevent cups from starting at boot . . . 1). Use the "Menu" --> "System" --> " sysV-Init Editor"2). Take off the executable bit from "/etc/init.d/cupsys" . . . . the current premissions are 750 . . . make them 640 and you are set:

# chmod 640 /etc/init.d/cupsys

Sure you need to reboot after the change. ;)B) Bruno


Thanks Bruno, I am thinking we maybe need some Debian specific tips B)


Another question do I need all of these listening? Also what is portmap it seems to hold up the booting process?

debian:/home/rolana# netstat -tap | grep LISTENtcp        0      0 *:19150                *:*                    LISTEN    3949/gkrellmdtcp        0      0 *:sunrpc                *:*                    LISTEN    3378/portmaptcp        0      0 *:auth                  *:*                    LISTEN    3955/inetdtcp        0      0 *:ipp                  *:*                    LISTEN    4842/cupsdtcp        0      0 localhost:smtp          *:*                    LISTEN    3942/exim4tcp6      0      0 *:19150                *:*                    LISTEN    3949/gkrellmdtcp6      0      0 *:ssh                  *:*                    LISTEN    3976/sshd
Posted (edited)

LOL . . . I am working on Debian tips B) . . . . . but that "chmod 640 /etc/init.d/xxxxxx" can be done in any distro . . . . also there I am working on a tip on the init scripts :)Anyway . . your second question:First you want to do:

# mv  /etc/inetd.conf  /etc/inetd.conf.OLD# touch /etc/inetd.conf

( if it gives problems at the reboot simply restore the backup and we will have to "hand-edit" the file )Then you can do that "# netstat -tap | grep LISTEN" again and see what is still there . . . . if the sshd is still there after that ( don't think so ) you can

# chmod 640 /etc/init.d/ssh

I know I need portmap for my network . . . it might be different for you . . . in any case if you do chmod 640 you can always change it back with chmod 750 ;)Rebooting is needed after the edits :thumbsup: !!:thumbsup: Bruno

Edited by Bruno

Wow this doesn't make me feel like I am in over my head or anything :thumbsup:

    Please select the type of printer you want to install:    1)  PostScript printer (generic)    2)  PostScript printer (with ghostscript drivers)    3)  printer driver natively supported by ghostscript    4)  gimp-print (stp driver [DEPRECATED - use ijs]; version 4.2.x)    5)  gimp-print (ijs driver; version 4.2.1 and later)    6)  hpdj    7)  pcl3 (successor to hpdj)    8)  IBM Omni    9)  various HP Deskjet drivers    10) PPA printer    11) official HP DeskJet drivers (hpijs 0.97)    12) official HP DeskJet drivers (hpijs 1.1 and later)    13) Epson printer (official drivers)    14) Lexmark inkjet printer    15) miscellaneous other drivers    16) non-printer devices (caution! -- read the handbook)    0)  return to main menu
So I chose 13 because I have an epson stylus C42UX, which by the way works no problem with Mandriva and cups. This brings me to this screen:
1 - Epson AcuLaser C2000 [alc2000]2 - Epson AcuLaser C8500 [alc8500]3 - Epson Laser EPL-N2050 [epl2050]4 - Epson Laser EPL-N2050+ [epl2050p]5 - Epson Laser EPL-N5800 [epl5800]6 - Epson Stylus Color 20 series {png+pips} [pips/sc20s]7 - Epson Stylus Color 40 series {png+pips} [pips/sc40s]8 - Epson Stylus Color 60 series {png+pips} [pips/sc60s]9 - Epson Stylus Color 70 series {png+pips} [pips/sc70s]10 - Epson Stylus Color 80 series {png+pips} [pips/sc80s]11 - Epson Stylus Color 480 {png+pips} [pips/sc480]12 - Epson Stylus Color 580 {png+pips} [pips/sc580]13 - Epson Stylus Color 680 {png+pips} [pips/sc680_777]14 - Epson Stylus Color 777 {png+pips} [pips/sc680_777]15 - Epson Stylus Color 880 {png+pips} [pips/sc880]16 - Epson Stylus Color 980 {png+pips} [pips/sc980]17 - Epson Stylus Photo 810 {png+pips} [pips/sp810_820]18 - Epson Stylus Photo 820 {png+pips} [pips/sp810_820](END)                                           
I guess now it is just a matter of trial and error B)

LOL . . . I would gamble on the

7 - Epson Stylus Color 40 series {png+pips} [pips/sc40s]
:w00t::thumbsup: BrunoPS: Doesn't that make you appreciate Mandrakes HW wizards ?? . . . B)

Tried that one and it didnt work but maybe I set something else up wrong

Choose printer driver from the following list; remember the number.Hint: Navigation in more:        ==================================================================        ----------------------------------------------------------------        A P S F I L T E R  S E T U P                    -- Test Page --        ----------------------------------------------------------------        In most cases it's relatively easy to choose a suitable        ghostscript driver from the list of supported printers.        If you're printer is not in the list of supported printers:            - guess a suitable driver by "trial and error"            - consult your printers handbook to what ghostscript printer              driver your printer "claims" to be compatible        If this test produces unacceptable results, then please choose        another driver or try another (perhaps lower) print quality,        because it might be a memory problem. Only use print resolutions        that are supported by your printer, consult the printers manual!        Creating the test output might take some time, please be patient.        T)  Print a test page        *)  Back to main menuYour choice? tERROR: additional filter 'pips-sc40s' was not found;      can't create test page[ press RETURN to continue ]                                                                   
This is the other page maybe I set something else up wrong here
(D)    Available Device Drivers in your gs binary        ®    Read Ghostscript driver documentation        (devices.txt)        (1)    Printer Driver Selection                [pips/sc40s]        (2)    Interface Setup                        [parallel]        (3)    Paper Format                            [letter]        (4)    Printing Quality                        [medium]        (5)    Color Mode                              [full]        (6)    Print Resolution in "dots per inch"    [300x300]        (7)    Default Printing Method                [auto]        (T)    Print Test Page        (V)    View performance log (times of print attempts)        (A)    Abort installation (don't do anything)        (I)    ==> Install printer with values shown above - repeat this                    step for installing multiple printers        (Q)    ==> Finish installation (without installing above printer)        Your choice?


ERROR: additional filter 'pips-sc40s' was not found;
Can you do a "locate" on that 'pips-sc40s' ??:D Bruno

Well maybe I am doing this wrong

debian:/home/rolana# updatedbdebian:/home/rolana# locate pips-sc40sdebian:/home/rolana#           

Well . . . that is strange . . . . apsfilter proposes you that driver . . . but there is no such driver . . I will see what google/linux says . . . . . UPDATE: according to google it should be in "/usr/share/apsfilter/driver/pips/sc40s":whistling: Bruno

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