rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 You asked for it rolana@debian:~$ cat /etc/grouproot:x:0:daemon:x:1:bin:x:2:sys:x:3:adm:x:4:tty:x:5:disk:x:6:lp:x:7:mail:x:8:news:x:9:uucp:x:10:man:x:12:proxy:x:13:kmem:x:15:dialout:x:20:rolanafax:x:21:voice:x:22:cdrom:x:24:rolana,halfloppy:x:25:rolana,haltape:x:26:sudo:x:27:audio:x:29:rolanadip:x:30:www-data:x:33:backup:x:34:operator:x:37:list:x:38:irc:x:39:src:x:40:gnats:x:41:shadow:x:42:utmp:x:43:video:x:44:rolanasasl:x:45:plugdev:x:46:rolanastaff:x:50:games:x:60:users:x:100:nogroup:x:65534:crontab:x:101:Debian-exim:x:102:rolana:x:1000:messagebus:x:103:hal:x:104:dirmngr:x:105:ssh:x:106:camera:x:107:saned:x:108:scanner:x:109:gdm:x:110:rolana@debian:~$ Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 Also in media there is only cdrom and cdrom0 Quote
Bruno Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 See this part ? audio:x:29:rolanadip:x:30:rolanawww-data:x:33:That is all there is to it :)I will now reboot to Debian so I can give the instrictions fro the xlib error you are getting when using SUB) Bruno Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 Bruno it won't let me make the change as the file is read only but root has write permissions so I don't get why it won't let me make the change. Should I use something other than vi? Quote
Bruno Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Okay . . .for the xlib error:Make a little script ( as user ): $ vi /home/rolana/.kde/Autostart/xhost Put in that script the next text: #!/bin/bashxhost +Save the file ( Esc and ZZ )Make it executable: $ chmod 755 Â /home/rolana/.kde/Autostart/xhost So that is the first part . . . while you do this I will type the second part Bruno Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 rolana@debian:~$ ls -l /home/rolana/.kde/Autostart/xhost-rwxr-xr-x 1 rolana rolana 20 2005-06-30 15:59 /home/rolana/.kde/Autostart/xhostrolana@debian:~$ cat /home/rolana/.kde/Autostart/xhost#!/bin/bashxhost +rolana@debian:~$ Quote
Bruno Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Next script as root: # vi /etc/init.d/xhost The text #!/bin/bashset DISPLAY=localhost:0.0Save the file . . . Make it executable: # chmod 755 /etc/init.d/xhost Then link it # ln -s /etc/init.d/xhost /etc/rcS.d/S77xhost Now reboot and you can use "su" the usual way without getting errors. BrunoAm working on your Win partition instructions Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 Not sure if this is ok or not debian:/home/rolana# vi /etc/init.d/xhostXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serverXlib: No protocol specifiedXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serverXlib: No protocol specifiedXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by serverXlib: No protocol specifieddebian:/home/rolana# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/xhostdebian:/home/rolana# ln -s /etc/init.d/xhost /etc/rcS.d/S77xhostdebian:/home/rolana#debian:/home/rolana# cat /etc/init.d/xhost#!/bin/bashset DISPLAY=localhost:0.0debian:/home/rolana# Quote
Bruno Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Yep sure it did work . . . but you have to reboot for it to take effect ( or if you do not want to reboot right now . . give the command "xhost +" as user and "set DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" as root ) . . . . . . are we ready for the Windows partition mounting ?? Bruno Quote
Bruno Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Mounting the Windows partition:First we make a new directory in /media: # mkdir /media/windows Then we can mount the Windows partition ( for this example Windows is on hda1 ) ; # mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /media/windows And we can see what is on Windows with: # ls /media/windows Do not forget to umount the partition when you are ready with it: # umount /media/windows Well I think we covered the basics now . . . . didn' t we ?? Bruno Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 Well I have to be root to open kppp still as I havent figured out how to write to the /etc/group says it is read only and won't let me proceed. I got online with just using su debian:/home/rolana# kpppQPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being usedQPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being usedQPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being usedQPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being usedkbuildsycoca running...KWrited - Listening on Device /dev/pts/2Opener: received SetSecretOpener: received SetSecretOpener: received OpenLockOpener: received OpenDeviceOpener: received ExecPPPDaemonIn parent: pppd pid 1975Couldn't find interface ppp0: No such deviceKernel supports ppp alright.Opener: received OpenResolvOpener: received OpenResolvOpener: received OpenResolvOpener: received RemoveSecretOpener: received RemoveSecret I wasn't sure it was going to work. Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 Ok this doesn't look good either rolana@debian:~$ suPassword:debian:/home/rolana# mkdir /media/windowsdebian:/home/rolana# mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /media/windowsmount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1, missing codepage or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or sodebian:/home/rolana# Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 oh it is ntfs not vfat so I want debian:/home/rolana# mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/windows Quote
Bruno Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 . . . . :'( . . . is it a fat partition and is it on hda1 ?? Bruno( Crosspost ) Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 debian:/home/rolana# ls /media/windowsAUTOEXEC.BAT hijackthis ScanSoftAVG7DB_F.DAT IO.SYS Security ProgramsAVG7QT.DAT Modem Drivers SEGAboot.ini MSDOS.SYS Spyware ToolsConfig.Msi System Volume InformationCONFIG.SYS NTDETECT.COM tempdlbt.log ntldr TREKCDDocuments and Settings pagefile.sys $VAULT$.AVGDownloaded Programs Program Files WestwoodEPSONREG RECYCLER WINDOWSGames Scanner Driversdebian:/home/rolana# Much better, thanks Bruno. Quote
rolanaj Posted June 30, 2005 Author Posted June 30, 2005 Well I have to go to work and I won't be back till late tonight. The only thing I think I need to figure out is how to get myself added to the group dip. I tried doing it with vi but when I went to save it said it was read only, it said something about override with ! but I didn't get it figured out. Quote
Bruno Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 The only thing I think I need to figure out is how to get myself added to the group dip. I tried doing it with vi but when I went to save it said it was read only, it said something about override with ! but I didn't get it figured out.I think you did not do the edit to group as root . . . . and that is why it did not work ;)You can also do ( as root ) # usermod -G dip rolana But check after that if "cat /etc/group" does indeed show "rolana" as member of the "dip" group :)Glad the mounting was successful though :'( ( hope you did not forget to umount ) Bruno Quote
finotti Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Just a few things:1) To add a user to a group, you could also do (as root!!) adduser <user> <group> 2) I am not sure here (Bruno certainly knows more than me), but would not be better to use "xhost +local:localhost" instead of "xhost +" only? I though that the latter could be a security risk...Good luck,Luis Quote
rolanaj Posted July 1, 2005 Author Posted July 1, 2005 Well I got myself added to the group, checked with cat /etc/group and there I was. So now I can open Kppp as rolana through the menu even. Thank you so much everyone. Now I have to set up email and see if sound works. I'm sure I will have more questions shortly. Quote
rolanaj Posted July 1, 2005 Author Posted July 1, 2005 All ready I have questions. I am able to mount windows as root only and can only access my music files as root, which is kind of annoying. I was able to play a file from the windows partition so I do have sound when I tried to listen to a cd I got an error asking if I had permissions for /dev/cdrom lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 2005-06-29 13:20 /dev/cdrom -> /dev/hdcrolana@debian:~$ ls -l /media/cdromlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 6 2005-06-29 13:17 /media/cdrom -> cdrom0rolana@debian:~$This looks right to me doesn't this mean that root, user and group all have read write and execute privileges? Quote
Bruno Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Hi RolanaWhat you see is "lrwxrwxrwx" . . . but that is only because those files are links and all links have those permissions. What you should look at is the file where it is linking to: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 2005-06-29 13:20 /dev/cdrom -> /dev/hdc So:# ls -al /dev/hdc Bruno Quote
rolanaj Posted July 2, 2005 Author Posted July 2, 2005 Ok so this is what I get debian:/home/rolana# ls -al /dev/hdcbrw-rw---- 1 root cdrom 22, 0 2005-02-26 01:38 /dev/hdc- is for file, l is for link, and d is for directory, what is b for? Quote
Bruno Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 LOL . . . . Rolana . . . . . . "b" is for "block device" . . . . and what a block device is is hard to explain, but all your HD partitions and cdroms /dev devices are block devices. . . . . . Remember that you sometimes get an error when mounting a partition: "mount: /dev/hda9 is not a valid block device"I have tried to google for block device and did hope to find some text giving a clear defenition . . . but the closest I could come up with is: ( see first dot after hardware support )Now, for your situation there brw-rw----Â 1 root cdrom 22, 0 2005-02-26 01:38 /dev/hdc I would try to change the ownership with the next command: # chown rolana /dev/hdc So the result will be that "ls -al" will show brw-rw----Â 1 rolana cdrom 22, 0 2005-02-26 01:38 /dev/hdc Additionally you could check if "rolana" is part of the "cdrom"-group with the "cat /etc/group" command. BrunoAnother link about block devices: on link: there are also network-block-devices . . . . as far as I know all block devices live in /dev Quote
rolanaj Posted July 2, 2005 Author Posted July 2, 2005 debian:/home/rolana# chown rolana /dev/hdcdebian:/home/rolana# ls -l /dev/hdcbrw-rw---- 1 rolana cdrom 22, 0 2005-02-26 01:38 /dev/hdcdebian:/home/rolana# cat /etc/grouproot:x:0:daemon:x:1:bin:x:2:sys:x:3:adm:x:4:tty:x:5:disk:x:6:lp:x:7:mail:x:8:news:x:9:uucp:x:10:man:x:12:proxy:x:13:kmem:x:15:dialout:x:20:fax:x:21:voice:x:22:cdrom:x:24:halfloppy:x:25:haltape:x:26:sudo:x:27:audio:x:29:dip:x:30:rolanawww-data:x:33:backup:x:34:operator:x:37:list:x:38:irc:x:39:src:x:40:gnats:x:41:shadow:x:42:utmp:x:43:video:x:44:sasl:x:45:plugdev:x:46:staff:x:50:games:x:60:users:x:100:nogroup:x:65534:crontab:x:101:Debian-exim:x:102:rolana:x:1000:messagebus:x:103:hal:x:104:dirmngr:x:105:ssh:x:106:camera:x:107:saned:x:108:scanner:x:109:gdm:x:110:debian:/home/rolana# Also did adduser rolana cdromWhen I put a cd in the dvd drive the computer seems to freeze up, took it out and all was normal. Actually debian seems to freeze up a fair amount. It usually comes out of it by itself though. I downloaded firefox last night and while I was doing that it took a really long time to load a page on a website. Quote
Bruno Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 Also did adduser rolana cdrom<{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well I hate to argue with you but when I look at the output of /etc/group I do not see "rolana" added to the cdrom-group . . . . . . . . This could be because " adduser rolana cdrom" is not really the command to do so . . . . but: # usermod -G cdrom rolana Beside that detail, I do start to worry about the instability of your Debian install . . . usually a Deb install should be rock-stable-solid . . . . . .and from your text I get the impression that yours is not really that solid. . . . . :hysterical: Bruno Quote
rolanaj Posted July 2, 2005 Author Posted July 2, 2005 ok I just cut and pasted the relevant part here dialout:x:20:fax:x:21:voice:x:22:cdrom:x:24:hal,rolanafloppy:x:25:haltape:x:26:sudo:x:27:audio:x:29:dip:x:30:www-data:x:33:That seems to have worked this time. Question WHO is Hal???? You're right this doesn't seem like a stable install. I tend to have several tabs open on my browser at the same time and sometimes listen to music at the same time and maybe download something or other. Usually it isn't a problem but debian seems to be having an issue with it. Are you going to tell me that I need to do a reinstall again?? Actually I don't mind as it is a definite learning opportunity, you seem to learn more when things are broke then when they are working good. Quote
teacher Posted July 2, 2005 Posted July 2, 2005 Let's see if I can get this right Rolana. Hal is a good friend. You want to keep him around. He comes in handy as he likes to work with his other friend, udev, and helps to make all those magical connections that keep you on the Internet. He works with his other friend as well, hotplug. Together they make a pretty neat trio to have around. Quote
rolanaj Posted July 2, 2005 Author Posted July 2, 2005 Thanks teacher it IS nice to have friends especially sometimes the ones you don't know about Quote
Bruno Posted July 3, 2005 Posted July 3, 2005 Are you going to tell me that I need to do a reinstall again?? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well . . . more or less I was gently trying to mentally prepare you for it . . . . :'( Bruno Quote
rolanaj Posted July 3, 2005 Author Posted July 3, 2005 Well . . . more or less I was gently trying to mentally prepare you for it . .Well maybe I can get my jumpdrive mounted and save my firefox download to that so I don't have to re download it. I had some trouble with that in Mandrake I think. I'll be back I'm sure with questions on mounting the jump drive just to mentally prepare everyone for the questions Quote
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