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Capt.Crow's woes. A thread of my linux mistakes and solutions that


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Hi security breach.. I have absolutely no idea how the PS got flooded . All I can think of is that after a spell of driving rain ,which may have seeped into the shelf where it was placed was pulled in when it cooled down after use . There is no trace of or watermark left in that position.


You're so right re monitor. But in RipOffIreland .a hundred bucks will just about get one a couple of coffees. The last decent monitor I had to import from Prodimax in Geneva . It cost me 300euro for an Acer al 1721.The others would send me to coventry if I took it back .They use it on their systems. And as usual the skipper comes last . LOL


Amazon.co.uk ships to Ireland and it looks like normal shipping prices http://www.amazon.co...odeId=200395880


And monitors: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_7/276-6188390-8240011?url=search-alias%3Delectronics&field-keywords=monitor&sprefix=monitor%2Caps%2C291

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Hi Sunrat, My chin is on the floor. I made no input for about 10 mins and the screen went blank.

Is there any chance this behaviour is connected to the BIOS. Must have a look.


I could drool all night over some of those monitors. Pity Amazon dont take cash. No cards in the house.

We are still in the steam age here.

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Found a solution.. all apps>settings>screensaver>>disable screensaver>advanced>enable power management>standby(I set this to 120 mins suspend 120 mins off 240 mins>quit.....No interuptions to streaming now . perhaps its not long enough for video longer than 2 hrs.


Believe it or not but somehow the last line in Sunrats post put me on the right track . I will try the code later if it's needed.

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xset -dpms & xset s off


I followed your instructions and got this reply



That's the most unheard of thing I've ever heard of! I must admit I don't use a screensaver so couldn't test the second half of the commands, but xset -dpms should disable power management completely. xset s off should switch off the screensaver but maybe it needs xset s noblank instead or as well.

Note that times for screensaver and screen power management are usually set independently.

More at the venerable Arch wiki:- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Display_Power_Management_Signaling


Found a solution.. all apps>settings>screensaver>>disable screensaver>advanced>enable power management>standby(I set this to 120 mins suspend 120 mins off 240 mins>quit.....No interuptions to streaming now . perhaps its not long enough for video longer than 2 hrs.

That's a GUI way of activating the same commands.

What distro are you using? Your profile says Slackware.

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14.1 Came off a Linux mag disc that I got a couple of years hence. I've been to the mirror a couple of times since. So little by little

the system is definately improving . Next job is while all the drives mount.. even a steam age Iomega zip.With dvdrom x 2. Kplayer baulks at the video but audio runs . Ditto Xine .Dragon player worse. Been looking it up ,Phonon as the back end may need a little prod in the right direction .


It's a long road to Tipperary.. eh!! lol.

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Umm! Lasest Slack.ver. I'm very pleased to find that out . It signifies to me that Slackware must indeed be a very stable OS.


Now back to the Xscreensaver... As per previous post.#96.. That way dosent stick it reverts on the next boot up...Have to find a way to ? create and lock a profile for the user. ?If such a thing is possible .

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P supply update:-Well I opened up the PS and after two days decided to check it out . 1 after the case is opened one is confronted with a copper heat shield .Underneath that which requires a 50watt soldering iron to remove there is an insulator.Then one gets to the board . This one was covered with a gunk which turned out to be this white stuff which is spread all over the workings in a some what random fashion.Ostensibly to hold the various coils etc in situ.Rotten stuff is water soluable .Then I got a bang off the mains .lol. The parts on the circuit board are so small that nothing could be done (by me) to either trace the fault much less repair it.


Then I had alight-bulb moment . I have this 12v uniteruptable supply battery. A really big one which I keep charged with a small solar panel.

(I keep it so that if one of the car batteries goes flat it can be used for a jump start)


Thinks ,that ,a 6amp fuse,double pole switch and a line up to the workstation and the job is *oxo* as we metal fabricators used to say . Will try that out soon .Either it works or the laptop fries . I believe in the former . Let yall know how it works out . May wind up with a machine independant of the grid . That would be a winner Whadayatink..

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P supply update:-Well I opened up the PS and after two days decided to check it out . 1 after the case is opened one is confronted with a copper heat shield .Underneath that which requires a 50watt soldering iron to remove there is an insulator.Then one gets to the board . This one was covered with a gunk which turned out to be this white stuff which is spread all over the workings in a some what random fashion.Ostensibly to hold the various coils etc in situ.Rotten stuff is water soluable .Then I got a bang off the mains .lol. The parts on the circuit board are so small that nothing could be done (by me) to either trace the fault much less repair it.


Then I had alight-bulb moment . I have this 12v uniteruptable supply battery. A really big one which I keep charged with a small solar panel.

(I keep it so that if one of the car batteries goes flat it can be used for a jump start)


Thinks ,that ,a 6amp fuse,double pole switch and a line up to the workstation and the job is *oxo* as we metal fabricators used to say . Will try that out soon .Either it works or the laptop fries . I believe in the former . Let yall know how it works out . May wind up with a machine independant of the grid . That would be a winner Whadayatink..




It is designed to be used in situations where a supply voltage in excess of 12 Volts could damage a device, but the voltage source (typically a lead acid battery) supplies in excess of 12V.


To be safe you really need some sort of voltage stabilizer. The one above may not do as you would need one to match up to your equipments specifications and I only posted it as an example. I bought something similar so I could use my Pi from a battery.



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May have the stabilizer covered . Just will snip the old supply lead upstream and leave that on the lead .leaves about 4 inches of wire between the stabilizer and the switch for incoming power. The other end plugs into laptop after the stabilizer .

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  • 2 weeks later...

:'( I just realized that I have just been browsing the( hidden -island) Lynx... site with the terminal open and logged in su /root. :'(


I wonder if that was a safe thing to do or not. I was reading up on the Slackware installer manual and came across Lynx. Got curious ,did a whereis in su. found it grapped the first phrase (highlighted then left click then right click .hit enter and lynx loaded . Had a browse around .Was offered a Logo. (something to do with a verified secure server) passed . Then came to a PGP something or other . A key (?ssl or ssh ?) dunno . Then realized was surfing with open root .

There is nowt on this machine of interest to anyone except .some 1 piggyback on it with me unawares.

So if a long misty claw comes out of usb ports and grabs me by the neck . I have a nail clippers close by. :clap:


Who's doing what for Halloween . It's coming up fast. The eve of spooks . :hysterical:

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:clap: Today I got a 19in lcd monitor ,I have it plugged in and running already. Sooo much of a differance ,No flickering and it only consumes 1.5amps. It appears to be an Advent MW 19 e . model 2007 vintage,so newish for me .ha!. Just plugged it in and Slackware just picked it up . To start it opened up with the same drivers as the old one . But then it went blank momentarily and came back fully booted and suited .


Right now the black is the blackest black I've ever seen . There is a greenish tinge to the borders .Nice on the eyes . I will play around with the display settings later . But for now :clap: happy :clap:

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I was having a little problem with kplayer.The video was far from smooth. It seemed to be dropping frames . On the off chance I Bios changed the agp aperture from 128 to 256.

And that stopped the problem when the movies were on w usb stick.(Xine works well enough but it is impossible to close it when a video is running)

Now I have the same problem streaming with Html 5. on firefox and,seamonkey while konqueror is completely all over the shop .


I have the latest Seamonkey installed. But still running with Firefox 15.In the vain hope that adobe flash player could be plugged in . No luck yet .

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Adobe stopped supporting Flash player on Linux a few years ago. Your best bet is to stick with html5 or use Chrome/Chromium instead.


As far as video, I have never heard of kplayer. You should stick with mpv or mplayer. As far as xine, development stopped 3 years ago so I wouldn't expect much from the project. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xine

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Adobe stopped supporting Flash player on Linux a few years ago.

I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't know that. OpenSuSE still provides it and continues to issue security updates, although I only have it installed on one machine--didn't bother with it on my old desktop only on newer laptop. It's hardly in use anyway--I rarely lift the NoScript blocks.
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Adobe stopped supporting Flash player on Linux a few years ago.

I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't know that. OpenSuSE still provides it and continues to issue security updates, although I only have it installed on one machine--didn't bother with it on my old desktop only on newer laptop. It's hardly in use anyway--I rarely lift the NoScript blocks.


Well they have not provided updates for flash on Linux since 2012: http://www.pcworld.c...nly_choice.html

Security updates are not the same as release updates (note the old version of flash on linux compared to the other OSs)






So even using the old version of flash is a big security issue, no matter if suse tries to issue the security updates.

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Granted Adobe provides the pepper api (used on chrome and chromium) for Linux but not the flashplugin which is a good thing as flash has horrid security.


In 2012, Adobe announced they would no longer developing the NPAPI plug-in for Linux, but they would continue developing the Pepper-based Flash plug-in used in Chrome.


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In the multimedia applications file there is Dragon player.Mplayer.(which plays the audio but no video. The screen splashes and crashes)Kplayer(which works best here)and Xine. I ran xine-check in terminal (bash) and got a fair bit of information and hints as to what to do. Used bash to open the link to the xine docs. But a lot of it is so far over my head.

In the mean time html5 is the only way I can stream the old legacy b/w movies. But there is a lot of stop start. Try as one will the only info on the net about this prob is something about heavy cpu and hardware accelleration . (?Yu12 or some such) again way over my head.

Thank you for the input .

I will try to install Chromium . If I can get the tgz files. Will put it in user/ local and chase it up from there.

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Here I go again. A big upps!!

Running Slackware 14.xx. There is a device notifier ,bottom right on the task bar. Normally when I connect a usb stick or put a disc in the dvd w/rw.. It comes up with a drop down box that offers several different programs to open the files on that drive. That still happens but when I have several movies and other files to see I like to open it with Dolphin so I can select the file I would like to see.Now the problem is when I click on Dolphin it opens with kplayer at the first movie. (the check box *always do this action* ) Was checked and I cannot find a way to back out of this. Where do I look or how do I get back ? :wacko2: :help: .

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Absolutely purrfect. It took some finding but got it and all good now. :Hammys_pint: Beer tokens on the tab here for you.


Whenareyagonnacollecct :beer:





Looks like I'm in for a sharp learning curve getting Chromium installed on here, sbopkg seems to be a difficult thing to come to terms (no pun lol) with. It allus takes me a while to get to grips with stuff as by the time all other work is finished for the day I have about 2hrs steam left..

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I was listening to a program on the radio the other day .Given by a lady who was in charge of cyber security for some heavy dept in the states . Funny enough she recommended Ghostery for being one of the most effective security programs .She also mentioned Spybot.. In their early days I installed them as they were the best in class. Maybe still are.

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I was listening to a program on the radio the other day .Given by a lady who was in charge of cyber security for some heavy dept in the states . Funny enough she recommended Ghostery for being one of the most effective security programs .She also mentioned Spybot.. In their early days I installed them as they were the best in class. Maybe still are.


What does that have to do with web crawlers? They are how google and others index webpages for search engines.





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Had a bit of fun today with a very old pentium r machine 333mhz 256mb ram two hd (one not found by slackware fdisk nor cfdisk. ) Couldn't get into it no how. So sledged it with Slackware 8.1 install disk . That was ok but lilo got a bit absent. So right now that stubborn old-timer is meekly installing Slackware 14.01. *huge.s* kernal.




Picked up ubuntu 14.04 install disk . Thinking might install it ... Any bits to especially keep an eye on ?

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