teacher Posted May 29, 2004 Posted May 29, 2004 Can you go in from Linux and copy what you need to save from windows to a cd and then reinstall it? That is what I would do! Wipe it out and start over. That takes care of the password issue!Julia Quote
Bruno Posted May 29, 2004 Posted May 29, 2004 . hda1 is root then it jumps to hda5 swap hda6 usr and hda7 home. Will I be correct in making the guess that hda5,6, and 7 are all extended partitions coming off of hda2 or is that bad guessing on my part ???? Correct Dale !! . . . that is the normal way . . . hda1 jumps to hda5 all the way up to hda60 . . . . you will neveer see hda2 because it is the container for all those 5 to 60 . . . Never did BSD . . . ;) Bruno Quote
longgone Posted May 29, 2004 Author Posted May 29, 2004 Teacher/Bruno , , , ,Welllll .... to late teacher, XP is wiped slick on this machine. All it has now are to installs of Mandrake 9.0, one on hda and the other on hdb (hdb soon to be gone).Since I am in a quandry as to why my XP disk would not work and am hoping someone can enlighten me on that little problem I do have this question in mind. I get the impression that XP will have to be installed on hda (if I can get it to install) so I should leave an appropriate amount of hda open for it, yes or now. I tried install XP on hdb but it refused it, said something about I needed a Windows partition on hda. Quote
teacher Posted May 29, 2004 Posted May 29, 2004 It does like the first disk. So if you want to restore it, I suggest leaving space available on hda.... On the other hand, if you don't want to leave your options open anymore, just go ahead and wipe it. :PJulia Quote
longgone Posted May 29, 2004 Author Posted May 29, 2004 Teacher ,,,,Welllll ..... would like to put it back on the machine, it is sort of like an old friend (sometimes to old), and I have this thought that maybe since this problem occured with the XP cd, maybe I should use the XP boot floppy disks. It is a 6 floppy set that micosoft had on their web site a year or two ago. I d/l'd it just in case I might need it for something in the future, this might be that time....... Quote
teacher Posted May 29, 2004 Posted May 29, 2004 I thought your problems with the install were the admin password... If that is the case and you wipe the partition then you should be able to do a clean install and set a new password. Am I reading this wrong?Julia Quote
longgone Posted May 29, 2004 Author Posted May 29, 2004 Teacher,,,Yes and no, when I tried to do the "repair" option is when I found out that it wanted the administrator password which I did not enter when I did the original install (personal opinions/gripes on that subject) so I opted to do the fresh install and start all over again. When I started the fresh install all went fairly well up until after the first re-boot, it had already read the files etc, etc, it was just after you get that window that tells you to click enter if you want or it counts down to the reboot automatically. It did the countdown, screen went blank, came back up showed all the nifty stuff it does during the boot process and then at the bottom on the same line that says "boot from CD" it said "error occured while installing program" and it stops right there. It does not go any further along at all. Quote
Bruno Posted May 29, 2004 Posted May 29, 2004 HI DaleAre you sure it is not a hardware problem . . first you have troubles getting Mandrake installed on it . . and now XP . . . Bruno Quote
teacher Posted May 29, 2004 Posted May 29, 2004 I wonder if you put your lilo to XP as the default if it would find the right place correctly while going through this.Julia Quote
longgone Posted May 29, 2004 Author Posted May 29, 2004 Bruno,,,,,,You could have a point there, but I had previously had XP installed on this "B" machine using the DVD rom and CDRW that are installed in it now. In fact I have done the original XP install and 1 since then and both were good, this one today would have been the third one off that same OEM disk. That would lead me to think that the XP disk should be good. It also could be very possible that particular DVD Rom might have some issues itself. I have spent most of this day trying to get another OS to install on this machine with no luck to speak of. Was attempting to try BSD but after a bit decided I had better get some documentation for it before I went any further (seems a bit complicated), tried to do Fedora Core 2, did the tests on the disks, 1 was okay, 2 and 3 faliled, 4 was okay, did 1 again and it failed also ( ), tried an install anyway, could not get past disk 1 to save the pope.Being persistant, I moved onto Meppis, it would not install either, BTW in between BSD and Fedora I also tried Debian, got errors telling me that some of the programs on the disk were corrupt (disk 1 now), so I have tried BSD, Debian, Fedora Core 2, Meppis and none have worked, finally tried the one all of you refer to a lot Knoppix and guess what ,,, I am making this post from Knoppix ( eyyyyaaa ), but it took a second time around for it to make a complete install too. The first attempt I kept getting input/output errors at the very beginning.I still have Slack 9.1 and Gentoo 2004.1 to try, hasn't this been a great day. I must admit though that Knoppix is a pretty decent OS, after I figured out how to connect to the web.Darn it is almost dinner time, and I is hungry, been a long hard day out here.BTW the Mandrake 9.0 that is on hda now is the boxed power pack version right from Mandrake, shipped from Francis, took forever to get here too. Quote
Bruno Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 Being persistant, I moved onto Meppis, it would not install either, BTW in between BSD and Fedora I also tried Debian, got errors telling me that some of the programs on the disk were corrupt (disk 1 now), so I have tried BSD, Debian, Fedora Core 2, Meppis and none have worked No more doubt, Dale you have a hardware problem ! Bruno Quote
Peachy Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 t has hdb1 as / root, hdb2, 3, and 4 are not listed, swap is listed as hdb5 and home is hdb6. I am going to to out on a limb and assume that both hdb5 and 6 are in an extended partition which should be hdb2. I want to shrink that particular partition down a lot, like to somewhere between 15-18gb total, possibly even less.Dale,Linux labels the extended partition as hda4 (I know its hdb in your case) and subsequent logical partitions start as hda5, hda6, hda7, etc. hda1, hda2 and hda3 are the three other primary partitions. The reason the extended partition is hda4 is that by definition an extended partition is technically a primary partition, too. Linux will label it this way even if you don't have hda2 and hda3. Quote
Peachy Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004  Bruno/SonicDragon,,,,,Fudge .... darn .... well ... I guess I will wipe out Mndrk 9.0, since I have the boxed version of it I can always reinstall it at a later time. That being the case I guess I shall start with Mndrk 10.0 on hdb ..... hdb1 / root .... hdb2 an extended partion. Be back sometime later if not in Mndrk 10.0 then in XP on the "A" drive.If you do install an operating system on the second drive, in this case, hdb, then you have to plan a few things first. Unless you switch the boot drive order, hda will always be the boot drive and you will need to boot hdb operating systems from whichever bootloader is the default on hda. If I read this correctly, you said you had Slack on hda. Your first step should have been to make an entry for Mandrakelinux 10 in Slack and then installed Mandrakelinux 10 with lilo going into the root partition, which for the sake of argument, would be /dev/hda5 for the first logical partition and not /dev/hdb. Quote
Peachy Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 . hda1 is root then it jumps to hda5 swap hda6 usr and hda7 home. Will I be correct in making the guess that hda5,6, and 7 are all extended partitions coming off of hda2 or is that bad guessing on my part ???? Correct Dale !! . . . that is the normal way . . . hda1 jumps to hda5 all the way up to hda60 . . . . you will neveer see hda2 because it is the container for all those 5 to 60 . . . Never did BSD . . . Bruno No, as I posted above, hda2 will be the second primary partition. hda4 is the extended partition and hda5 is the first logical partition. Quote
Peachy Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 Teacher/Bruno , , , ,Welllll .... to late teacher, XP is wiped slick on this machine. All it has now are to installs of Mandrake 9.0, one on hda and the other on hdb (hdb soon to be gone).Since I am in a quandry as to why my XP disk would not work and am hoping someone can enlighten me on that little problem I do have this question in mind. I get the impression that XP will have to be installed on hda (if I can get it to install) so I should leave an appropriate amount of hda open for it, yes or now. I tried install XP on hdb but it refused it, said something about I needed a Windows partition on hda.XP just needs at least one primary partition visible to install. So you will need to use hda1, hda2 or hda3. As long as one of these is available or you have free space to create it, XP should install. There are ways to make it boot from a logical drive, but that's a post for another day. I would have been all over this thread on Friday, but I wasn't in the house. Quote
Peachy Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004   Bruno,,,,,,You could have a point there, but I had previously had XP installed on this "B" machine using the DVD rom and CDRW that are installed in it now. In fact I have done the original XP install and 1 since then and both were good, this one today would have been the third one off that same OEM disk. That would lead me to think that the XP disk should be good. It also could be very possible that particular DVD Rom might have some issues itself. I have spent most of this day trying to get another OS to install on this machine with no luck to speak of. Was attempting to try BSD but after a bit decided I had better get some documentation for it before I went any further (seems a bit complicated), tried to do Fedora Core 2, did the tests on the disks, 1 was okay, 2 and 3 faliled, 4 was okay, did 1 again and it failed also (  ), tried an install anyway, could not get past disk 1 to save the pope.Being persistant, I moved onto Meppis, it would not install either, BTW in between BSD and Fedora I also tried Debian, got errors telling me that some of the programs on the disk were corrupt (disk 1 now), so I have tried BSD, Debian, Fedora Core 2, Meppis and none have worked, finally tried the one all of you refer to a lot Knoppix and guess what ,,, I am making this post from Knoppix (    eyyyyaaa ), but it took a second time around for it to make a complete install too. The first attempt I kept getting input/output errors at the very beginning.I still have Slack 9.1 and Gentoo 2004.1 to try, hasn't this been a great day. I must admit though that Knoppix is a pretty decent OS, after I figured out how to connect to the web.Darn it is almost dinner time, and I is hungry, been a long hard day out here.BTW the Mandrake 9.0 that is on hda now is the boxed power pack version right from Mandrake, shipped from Francis, took forever to get here too.I agree Bruno. The optical drives need cleaning or replacing. No time like now to get a nice DVD burner! Quote
longgone Posted May 30, 2004 Author Posted May 30, 2004 Peachy,,,,Darn, there you go, spending my hard earned money on new stuff...... Just out of curiousity, should I replace just the DVD Rom or both the DVD Rom and the CDRW .... ,, maybe I will try the cleaning first ...A somewhat related question though, if I did replace the DVD Rom with a DVD burner is this going to cause a conflict with the currently installed CDRW in that now there are two burners installed or will they be recognized seperately ????? Quote
Peachy Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 A somewhat related question though, if I did replace the DVD Rom with a DVD burner is this going to cause a conflict with the currently installed CDRW in that now there are two burners installed or will they be recognized seperately ?????They will be recognised by your burning software as two different devices. Not a problem. I have three burners in one of my system. Quote
longgone Posted May 30, 2004 Author Posted May 30, 2004 Bruno/Peachy,,,,,First Peachy,,,, thanks for the info ,, that will make it somewhat easier to replace the unit, BTW how long does it take to burn a DVD disk anyhow ???Now both, I bow most humbly to you, I just installed Meppis on hdb (got two disks but only used one, can you explain) and I used the CDRW unit to do it instead of the DVD Rom. I will order a replacement unit this week.But, not all is Peaches and Cream,,, Meppis commandeered my computer. It won't boot into Mandrake now (I thank all who are above that I made a boot floopy for Mandrake, that is how I got here). I will probably do a reinstall of the Meppis since I cannot connect to the web either with it. It did not give me a place during the install process to set up the configuration for using the modem and the KPPP dialer does not have enough listings on it to do it.But all in all, I did get Meppis installed, I did get Knoppix to work yesterday, maybe tomorrow I might try something different using the CDRW unit.... Quote
Bruno Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 Dale . .you are a great Explorer !! Christopher Columbus would be proud of you !! :DB) Bruno Quote
longgone Posted May 30, 2004 Author Posted May 30, 2004 Bruno,,,Thanks, but how do I get this thing back to booting into Mandrake instead of Meppis, that is the question and after that situation is straight, I need to find out how to configure Meppis so I can get to the web with it. Maybe there is someone here in the forums that has good knowledge of Meppis and can steer me in that direction and also tell me what the second disk is for. I am guessing you are going to say that this is going to be one of these kedit /etc/lilo.conf affairs along with some mkdir for Mepis an some mnt and umount ... am I close on that ????????????? Quote
Bruno Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 Hi DaleYou do not need the second Mepis CD . . I run Mepis and installed only the first CD . . To restore Mandrakes Lilo just do "/sbin/lilo" as root while you are in Mandrke . . . and adding Mepis to is is indeed how you picture it . . . but you only have to copy "vmlinuz-2.6.4" and "vmlinuz-2.4.26" form /boot in Mepis to a directory /boot/mepis in Drake . . . then this is the part to add to the Mandrake /etc/lilo.conf: image=/boot/mepis/vmlinuz-2.4.26 Â Â Â Â label="Mepis-24" Â Â Â Â root=/dev/hdb10 Â Â Â Â vga=788 Â Â Â Â read-onlyimage=/boot/mepis/vmlinuz-2.6.4 Â Â Â Â label="Mepis-26" Â Â Â Â root=/dev/hdb10 Â Â Â Â vga=788 Â Â Â Â read-only ( !! change /dev/hdb10 to your situation !! )The run /sbin/lilo again and all is set ! Bruno Quote
longgone Posted May 30, 2004 Author Posted May 30, 2004 Bruno,,Okay I sort of get that but I was thinking I would have to do the same thing here as I did to get Slack on the selection menu at boot up....as rootmkdir /boot/Meppismkdir /mnt/Meppismount /dev/hdb1 /mnt/Meppis (hdb1 is where root is at for Meppis)cp /mnt/Meppis/boot/vmlinux-ide-2.4.26 /boot/Meppisumount /mnt/Meppisand then do the kedit /etc/lilo.conf and make the entries there ,,, how come there are two different ones, I am guessing that one is the 2.4. XX kernel and the other is the 2.6. XX kernel ... yes , no Quote
Bruno Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 Correct . . that is the way to do it Dale . . Only the cp commands are:cp /mnt/Meppis/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.4 /boot/Meppiscp /mnt/Meppis/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26 /boot/Meppis2 dirrefent kernels to boot from . . so you can choose at boot . . .And Meppis = Mepis Bruno Quote
longgone Posted May 30, 2004 Author Posted May 30, 2004 Bruno,,,,Ahhh...... I see ... so it is all the same as when I added the Slack to the selection menu, except as you said 2 cp commands and spell Mepis with one p and then in the lilo.conf make the two entries for the two kernel selections and lastly the web connection. As I mentioned the KPPP dialer does not have enoungh selections it needs to go to ttys4 for my system to connect to the web and during the install unless I missed it somewhere there is not a configuration menu like there is in Slack and Mandrake to set up the web connection. That is a problem for me too, also what is on that second disk anyhow. Have you loaded it in to see ???? Quote
Bruno Posted May 30, 2004 Posted May 30, 2004 I do not have the second disk of Mepis Dale . . . . so can not tell you . . but kppp sure should be on the first disk . . if not "apt-get" it . . . . apt-get updateapt-get install kpppB) Bruno Quote
longgone Posted May 30, 2004 Author Posted May 30, 2004 Bruno,,,It has the KPPP dialer on the menu, it just does not go far enough with the listings it has, so I am guessing that the info you just gave me is somewhat like the network configurations that are in Mandrake and Slack, if so that will be a lot easier. Thanks for your help too .... I just might try another distro tomorrow after I get Mepis straightened out. Quote
Bruno Posted May 31, 2004 Posted May 31, 2004 Sorry for the misunderstanding Dale . . . it is far too late for me ( 2:07 AM ) , am just not concentrated enough to read properly . . . . . . will have a look in it in the morning . . . Bruno Quote
longgone Posted May 31, 2004 Author Posted May 31, 2004 Bruno,,,Okay,,,,, good night ..... tomorrow is another day ... Quote
Bruno Posted May 31, 2004 Posted May 31, 2004 Hi DaleThis is what i found in your post: As I mentioned the KPPP dialer does not have enoungh selections it needs to go to ttys4 Is there no way to type that in manually ??Also I told you to use apt-get . . well if you have no net connection yet you can not use apt-get, so disregard that one The things you write about Lilo: so it is all the same as when I added the Slack to the selection menu, except as you said 2 cp commands and spell Mepis with one p and then in the lilo.conf make the two entries for the two kernel does look correct to me . . . I would say just set it up and see if it boots . . if not we will analyse where the error is and fix it. ;)I would suggest: first boot back into Mandrake and restore that lilo to the MBR with "/sbin/lilo" . . after that add Mepis to lilo and wrtite it to the MBR again . . then check if it all works ( boots ) . . then we will see about kppp later . . . there are other dialers you can use, but they tent to be more complicated ;) Bruno Quote
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