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Moose Goes Penguin


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V.T. Eric Layton
VB ? Get real, use a live CD and if it suits ya, install.
There ya' go! A Linux Adventurer after my own heart! ;) I don't know what the Linux world is coming to with this new generation of neophyte pseudo adventurers with their virtual baloney box. :)
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Along the lines of what Bruno suggested about KDE-based distros being a bit easier for Windows folks; I am biased in that direction also. I started out as a Gnomie (users or the Gnome Desktop), however I eventually went over to KDE as my favorite. I still use Gnome, though. My back-up distribution is Debian (Gnome-based).
Just had to comment on this one V.T. Debian is not Gnome-based, it's just the default desktop that comes on the CDs. I've been using Debian (testing) with KDE (and NO Gnome) for about 3-4 years now, and you'd have to drag me screaming from it before I'd change. ;)
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V.T. Eric Layton

Er... yeah. That's more accurate. It's just the default desktop manager in Deb. Most distros will work with other managers. I even had Gnome (Dropline) working in Slackware at one time. ;)I can deal with Gnome just fine. I find, though, that KDE is just so much more robust and customizable. That's mainly why I love it so much. It's funny how we get used to things, though. I was very reluctant to go over to KDE. Using Slackware as my primary operating system pushed me in that direction, eventually.

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There ya' go! A Linux Adventurer after my own heart! :) I don't know what the Linux world is coming to with this new generation of neophyte pseudo adventurers with their virtual baloney box. :(
;) indeed, it's either yes or no and the fastest way to go (that rhymes btw :P ) is having a look with a live CD / DVD. I've read too much horror stories about setting up these virtual things and the problems thereafter, and besides that it just takes too much time.
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Just had to comment on this one V.T. Debian is not Gnome-based, it's just the default desktop that comes on the CDs. I've been using Debian (testing) with KDE (and NO Gnome) for about 3-4 years now, and you'd have to drag me screaming from it before I'd change. :)
Good ol' Debian, the speediest I have ever seen. Broooooom, F1 : updated and off you go. (pssst: try that with openSUSE ;) >>> no pun intended, I'm running it myself, but Debian is one of my favs!)
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Good ol' Debian, the speediest I have ever seen. Broooooom, F1 : updated and off you go. (pssst: try that with openSUSE ;) >>> no pun intended, I'm running it myself, but Debian is one of my favs!)
A mate of mine has just moved from Net Admin at a major ISP (BSD servers) to Head Admin at the major Aussie real estate site with all Debian and loves Debian now. They can plug a new server in and it automatically connects to their network and repo, loads a fresh OS and starts serving! B) :P Acadia, sorry to get a bit OT. It happens round here a bit. :) :(
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Acadia, sorry to get a bit OT. It happens round here a bit. :whistling: :rolleyes:
Hey, you will find that I am never one to complain about threads going off topic; I have simply learned too much from OT threads thru the years: just keep bringing on the information! :thumbsup: Acadia
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Ok, first question. I installed the VB then Ubuntu Intrepid, no problem. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS!! Running Linux for first time ever. -- but --My "screen" is quite small, hardly filling 1/4 to 1/3 of my monitor. When I go to the settings, I forget where they are, to make it fit the entire screen, it stays the same size while the rest of my monitor goes completely black. How do I get this baby to fill up my entire screen, these 55 year-old eyes are killing me. Thanks,Acadia

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WOW! Nice going, Moose!You have to install "the guest additions":- From your virtual machine window menu (Machine/Devices/Help), choose Devices -> Install Guest Additions- You'll see a disk icon appearing on your Ubuntu Desktop- In Ubuntu, open the Terminal (don't worry... this won't hurt)... Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal- In Terminal, do:

cd /media/cdrom0

... and hit <enter>; and then

sudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run

... again, hit <enter>. It'll ask for your password. After the additions are installed, close and reopen the virtual machine. Now you should be able to adjust resolution simply by changing (as in maximizing it or dragging it with the [sic!] moose) the virtual machine window size. B) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: EDIT: added a missing "sudo" :thumbsup:

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Ok, first question. I installed the VB then Ubuntu Intrepid, no problem. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS!! Running Linux for first time ever. Acadia
;) :D B) :thumbsup: :clap2: :yes: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :flowers: :clap: :bounce: :hug: B) :w00t: :fish: Hope the screen sizeation goes well. :luck:
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(don't worry... this won't hurt)
OUCH !! Thought you said that wouldn't hurt! Fortunately, as anyone who knows me really well knows, my number one law of using a computer is BACK YOURSELF UP. So I had made not just one but a few backups of my entire c:drive using two different softwares ... had to use them a couple of them more than once ... gonna keep trying to make this thingie work, these backups make me fearless, even to try Linux! :thumbsup: Acadia Edited by Acadia
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... had to use them a couple of them more than once ...
Eh... you mean you had to restore? HUH? Because... whatever the mischief/demolition/mayhem in VBox, it stays within VBox. :thumbsup:
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Eh... you mean you had to restore? HUH? Because... whatever the mischief/demolition/mayhem in VBox, it stays within VBox. :thumbsup:
Yes, I'm still learning VBox, too. I know my recovery system inside-out from years of having to recover. Linux is a brand new challenge for me but something that I can still recover from as long as I employ my excellent Windows-based programs for recovery and most important, watchfulness over my own stupid mistakes! Perhaps it was VBox acting strange but to play it safe (ignorance is bliss) I am starting over and wiping the slate clean ... later!Acadia Edited by Acadia
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V.T. Eric Layton

Well, looks like you're having fun. However, by using V-box, you are out of the realm of my expertise. I'll jump back in when you have an actual Linux question. :thumbsup:

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... have an actual Linux question
Whenever I click on "Install Guest Additions" almost anything of importance disappears. All the important menus and dropdowns, plus I cannot click on anything, my mousie pointer vanishes ... I wait for many minutes but nothing happens, I cannot even close my VBox, everything is stalled and dead ... bingo, presto, my MS based backup programs (but not developed by MS) save me ... yes, I am probably doing something stupid ...These may be baby steps for you Linux pros but giant steps for 99.9% of the pc users on planet Earth, please be gentle and patient with me, thank you.Acadia Edited by Acadia
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V.T. Eric Layton

The steps you're taking right now, Bill, have nothing to do with Linux at all. You're having MS Windows and Virtual Box issues. Can't help you there, bud... :(How-some-ever... Maestro Urmie definitely can. He's a virtuoso on Virtual Box stuff. :thumbsup:

Edited by V.T. Eric Layton
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New to me, this one... gonna plough through the VirtualBox Forums; but first I need some shuteye.No worries, Moose... we'll get this one sorted out. :thumbsup:

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OK, Moose... I took a peek @VirtualBox forums, and while I couldn't find a "menus-and-meese-AWOL" thread, there seems to be a general consensus about the latest version (2.1.0) being a lemon. The suggested procedure - if there are problems - is to uninstall it (don't worry; the fruits of your labour won't vanish), and install the previous version (2.0.6).

Incidentally... I should thank you... been too lazy to upgrade; now that I've read the goods on 2.1.0, I'm gonna sit out that dance, thank you very much!

32-bit Windoze download link for 2.0.6 ; http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/...760-Win_x86.msiBut before you downgrade, let's elaborate a bit:

Whenever I click on "Install Guest Additions" almost anything of importance disappears. All the important menus and dropdowns, plus I cannot click on anything, my mousie pointer vanishes ... I wait for many minutes but nothing happens, I cannot even close my VBox, everything is stalled and dead ...
Menus and dropdowns... which ones? Ubuntu's? VirtualBox's?Have you figured out the moosie caption procedure? When you click on your virtual/guest OS [ubuntu], it "grabs" your mouse... and you release it [aka give it back to your host OS = XP] by pressing the RIGHT Ctrl button. [This inconvenience will go away when you get the guest additions installed, BTW.]Also: have you "unticked" the "Mount CD/DVD-ROM" option? If not, untick it now (this can only be done when the virtual machine is NOT running).cddvdcm5.pngOh, and I realize that the lousy resolution is a major [temporary] bummer, but you have managed to log in to Ubuntu, right? Have you used Firefox in Ubuntu yet? Can you access the Internet with it? :whistling:
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Urmas, thanks for all the time and work. Yeah I figured out the mousie thing right away. I don't remember if I unticked the cd thing. Things got all messed up yesterday, in the middle of my trying to fix Ubuntu my mother called and had to be taken to the hospital; when we got back I wasn't in the mood for messing with anything.It is the menus for Ubuntu itself that all disappear from its desktop. The last thing that I did before I stopped was I completely uninstalled Ubuntu and tried again and this time I couldn't get it to install at all so I might as well try to start all over. What I will do is get that older version of VB and tell you what Urmas, maybe I'll try that Mandriva since you give step by step details and photos. That all will have to wait until tomorrow.Urmas I really appreciate all of this. I found myself asking myself yesterday why I am going thru all this since my XP system runs so silky smooth and never gives me any trouble but heck, I want to find out what this Linux thing is all about. Thanks again, Urmas.Acadia

Edited by Acadia
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... my mother called and had to be taken to the hospital; when we got back I wasn't in the mood for messing with anything.
Bill,These puter games - and us - will be here whenever you feel ready for them.Just concentrate on what's important right now.I hope things'll turn out OK.
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Thanks, but she's back home already. She thought that she might be having a heart attack or something but the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with her, I personally think that she just got too stressed out from the holidays and getting things ready for the arrival of my sister from out of town.Went to Mandrive website, confused about what exactly to download. Maybe I'll try the Puppy Linux or whatever it is called since I already have the .iso for that one.Acadia

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V.T. Eric Layton

Glad to hear mom's OK, Bill. :)I wouldn't recommend Puppy. It's not really a robust distribution. It's meant more as a bare minimum portable Linux; something you would put on a flash drive and carry around with you.Stick with the "easy transition from Windows" distros, like Ubuntu and Mandriva... or their offspring: Mint, Mepis (Ubuntu) and PCLos (Mandriva).

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