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PCLinuxOS 2007 Final is released


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Hi Jan . . . I may have the solution to this . . . . . there is someone ( do not remember who ) that had the same problem with Mandriva and we solved it by removing "acpi=ht" from the append in the Grub menu.lst ( can be done in lilo.conf too :thumbsup: )So please compare the relevant sections in the lilo.conf ( or menu.lst ) of both PCLos and Mandriva . . . . or post them on the forum so we can have a look ;):( Bruno
Well, Bruno, whatever was ailing PcLos seems to have resolved itself. When I booted up this morning I thought I'd try out the "shutdown" procedure and it's worked twice.I like those sorts of solutions B) :(
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Well, Bruno, whatever was ailing PcLos seems to have resolved itself. When I booted up this morning I thought I'd try out the "shutdown" procedure and it's worked twice.I like those sorts of solutions :( :D
Hallo ozgeek :D A little bit to the east & north of your location I found that when running the live CD version the shut down was odd, and that the time was way out.The time is easily fixed - (maybe a problem with daylight saving settings :hmm: ), but for shutdown from the menu at first attempt I only had an option of close session - no shut down B) however log in again as guest -> menu-> log out-> shutdown works perfectly - but only at the second go :thumbsup: I'm sure it'll be fixed soon :( Grogerf
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however log in again as guest -> menu-> log out-> shutdown works perfectly - but only at the second go :thumbsup: I'm sure it'll be fixed soon :( Grogerf
Hi Roger,Yes, I know what you mean. I tried what you describe and was surprised when it didn't work. However, next morning everything worked perfectly - go figure :D
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Did a fresh install. Really quick install. Great distro! Really impressed. Everything worked fine. Just a couple of annoying issues, but nothing major. First, Thunderbird just flat out stopped working, so went back to Kmail. Thunderbird was great for about a day, then locked up. Another minor issue, the task bar disappears, once I got it back deactivated "hiding", (had the same issue with "Big Daddy"). My HP printer was detected, configured automatically.

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Well I like it and everything works great, except Thunderbird 2.0; I think it is a definite step backward. I keep getting the message "This folder is being processed. Please wait until processing is complete to get messages".

The Mozilla Thunderbird forums are full of complaints about this, so it has nothing to do with Linux or PCLos; it is a Thunderbird bug which the Mozilla people refuse to admit to. Strangely, it was first reported in 2004 in an early build of Mozilla, but I have never had any problem with Thunderbird (standalone) with any of the 1.x series in either Windows or now in Linux until version 2.0, and it has created a new fuss over there as other people are experiencing the same problem with 2.0.BillEdit: Incidentally, I have missed Mailwasher since moving from Windows to Linux, but yesterday I discovered there is a program called "KShowmail" that does the same thing as Mailwasher. This is probably old news to most of you, but in case it is not, PCLos repository has it. Edited by BillD
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What happens if you download Thunderbird from http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/thunderbird/First delete the old /home/<user>/.thunderbird prefs directoryNext download the thunderbird- file to your /home and unpack it ( tar -xvzf thunderbird- ) . . . finally start the program with the command /home/<user>/thunderbird/thunderbirdDoes the program behave any better ?B) Bruno

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This folder is being processed. Please wait until processing is complete to get messages".
Mine does the same think, I just click ok and the messages will load. It will never load until I ok it thou..
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Incidentally, I have missed Mailwasher since moving from Windows to Linux, but yesterday I discovered there is a program called "KShowmail" that does the same thing as Mailwasher. This is probably old news to most of you, but in case it is not, PCLos repository has it.
Boy, I'd sure love something like Mailwasher that would work in Ubuntu. I just use the heck out of Mailwasher in Windows. Multiple times daily. A great little program. Anything like KShowmail for Ubuntu (or Kubuntu?)
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Anything like KShowmail for Ubuntu (or Kubuntu?)
Yes... KShowmail. :thumbsup: It's not in repositories (yet), but you can download the .deb package from here (and install it with GDebi):http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...ackage_id=45724Problem with Ubuntu (and dialup) is that unless you're already using "KDE programs", it's gonna want "KDE dependencies"... big time.
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Hmmm-Well, everything points towards installing the KDE 'environment', it seems. I still need to make time to take my computers over to my friend's broadband connection to do that. Would your "KDE programs" be included in that big download? I seem to remember someone mentioned it is around a 400M download. BTW the reason I never got around to installing the KDE environment is that I got thrown off by the imminent release of Feisty. Back then, everyone said wait for Feisty. Well, Feisty is out, yet I'm still working with Dapper.

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Back then, everyone said wait for Feisty. Well, Feisty is out, yet I'm still working with Dapper.
Happens. :thumbsup: 400M? That's a lot of KDE... the whole desktop environment with all the quintessential "K-programs". In fact, there are several metapackages in the Ubuntu repos... the lightest being "kde-core" (or something like that) and "kubuntu-desktop" being the whale.
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Why don't you get your friend to download Kubuntu Feisty ?? . . that would take care of 2 things at a time :DB) Bruno

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Bruno, I have not tried reinstalling Thunderbird 2.0 from the link because it is misbehaving big time in Windows; there are threads all over the place about the problem in several of the Thunderbird forums in the Mozilla site, and there are all sorts of "fixes" proposed, most of which do not seem to work for most of the users, so I figure it is a bug in TBird 2.0 and the advice there is to wait for 2.0+ before upgrading; what I need is the old 1.5 version! It worked great in PCLos 0.93a and 0.92 . . .Bill

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