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I'm right there! Well as soon as the Sabayon DVD torrent finishes. ;) ;) I noticed on the Linux Tracker page there were 855 peers already, but only 2.5% seeders. That can make for slow downloading. the Sabayon one is similar ratio and I'm only getting 40KB/s.Probably tomorrow there'll be lots of seeders. :( :D

;) Thanks jimg for posting !!!I carefully monitored the 'sources' last night in an attempt to see whether it was coming or not to no avail :( , they must have been spying on me and waited untill I was gone a sleep ;) Now just waiting to see nluug gets populaited. :D

i'm seeding it for ya guys. took me about 5 hours. it didn't take me long to get it all tweaked up after that. ;) i put it in virtualbox. i gave it 15GB space, 384MB ram. seems to run good but i may have found a bug. it may be a virtual box problem, but i'm not sure. i get "this program has exited abnormally" error with a couple of different sections in the control center.vb01pclossl3.th.pngpclos03do6.th.pngpclos02ccerrorkh2.th.png


... and it won't set up an ethernet connection, duh ! Never seen this in any distro at all, hilarious ! ;) I'll see what I can dig up about this, if it's not going to behave any better, it'll be off the machine without an eyeblink. ;)


updateGot the ethernet network going. I deleted the thing completely, rebooted without network, I then set up a new ethernet network, opted for starting it up at boot of course but not starting it up right now. I then bailed out immediately and rebooted and after that it connects. ;)


It's getting better and better now, did some common application adding including nvidia, works like a charm. Now on to get me the rest of the applications I like to see in here.For now I use the belnet repo in synaptic which served me very fast, may be tonight when I'm absolutely sure all repos incl. nluug are up-to-date I'll switch to nluug. (I live near the belgian border so often Belnet is as fast as nluug, so I have a choice of two fast mirrors ! Call it luck, but I never forget the time I used to use dial up : simple 45MB took me almost an hour to get them in, old times ... ;) )BTW : everything you could possibly need is there, in the repos I mean. No, I won't say what exactly, I don't like having to put the 'disclaimer' up here too, unless I have to. ;) I think you all know what I mean ...yes, that one is in there too !


Obviously the belnet server now and then has a few problems - maybe due to high traffic demand -, ;) so I switched repos to nluug.Below a picture of how I set it up:43231141ry7.th.pngAdded 435 MB of packages within 20 seconds. Now off to do some artwork tweaking, tweaking FF and digging up sylpheed and a couple of other minor things. And before I do that first a nice smelling coffee and one hour sleep. ;)


Great news! Thanks for posting..I've been waiting (a tad impatiently) to update bigdaddy!.

I think you all know what I mean ...yes, that one is in there too !
Internet Explorer? :hysterical: :thumbsup: :hysterical:

New mirrors were added, see post 4. :hysterical:


Got it! And since I'd just configured my video card yesterday, that memory was still fresh in my mind.LOL

V.T. Eric Layton

Hmm... wish I had another couple partitions available. :hysterical:


Another machine may be ?


Well the 2007 Final Livecd is Giving the IBM Z60M Palpitations :thumbsup: --->>>Cannot access tty even in safe video modes triedWONDER if TR4 will upgrade to final that I am already Running??? :hysterical: Cheers for YearsColin :hysterical:


Colin, TR4 is history, that means the final version was released today. Does your comment mean you still have TR4 running Colin and is it still without problems ?

V.T. Eric Layton

HAHA! I have a perfectly good system sitting in a box in my hallway. I just don't have the desk space to set it up.@ Slacker... Yeah. Two or three of those babies would help out, huh? :hysterical:


StrikerTR4 is running without problems EXCEPT - I do NOT like the Beryl 3D etc and somehow have to get back to basic KDE :thumbsup: Cheers for yearsColin :hysterical:


That should be easy Colin : Configure your computer (possibly on the quick launch bar, or System > Configuration > configure your computer) > Hardware > Configure 3D Desktop. In here select 'no 3D desktop effects' . Then log out and back in for the changes to take effect. :hysterical:


For those of you interested in it, there's even lightscribe in the repos. :hysterical:


Thanks StrikerBUT :thumbsup: that was a pain :hysterical: it took THREE times to get it to workNOW to add the nluug in repositories and see if we can upgrade from TR4Cheers for yearsColin :hysterical:


Great Colin, you know : yesterday night I experimented a bit with Beryl on Fedora, didn't like it either and got rid of it too. It took two reboots to get the thing back to normal.Upgrading TR4 to final : by all means Colin, be careful with that. Personally I would opt to install the final in free partitions if I had those, otherwise I would exactly - that means to the letter - jot down what you are going to upgrade and that includes all dependencies ! So that's maybe a lot of work Colin. :hysterical: But you might need it to revert back to the old TR4 in case it doesn't work OK on your machine. :thumbsup:


OOPS!!! :hysterical: WE BE Synapticing 133 Packages right now - JUST another 104 to go :hysterical: eh???Cheers for YearsColin always in a state of CHANGE :thumbsup:


Good luck Colin, and keep us posted. :hysterical:


You won't believe the trouble I have had getting a good install. :devil: All kinds of problems, and after I got my driver issues sorted out ( alsa and the forcedeth) I went to install the nvidia gfx, nope :thumbsup: I spent over two hours trying to sort that mess out, and finally scraped it and reformatted. This install went well Installed the 100.x driver from root this time as well as setting the mnt points for the ides :hysterical: Everything works as it should. One piece of advise for those with sata and ide drives, I would disconnect the ide if installing to the sata. I got all kinds of errors, and finally gave up try to install with it connected. One one real problem so far and that was amarok locked the whole system up. Ctrl+PrtSc+b wouldn't even free it. Had to reset :( I am tired after that little marathon :hysterical: No after all my tweaks and adding stuff I will have a remaster, and can rest :wub: Tommy

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