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Slack 11 Is In, Baby!

V.T. Eric Layton

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  • V.T. Eric Layton


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Hi EricNo worries, topics don't get pruned here at ATL . . . . all topics posted since the start of the forum are still 100% of what they were back at the time they were posted.From emails we get we know that many people, that never even post on the forum, use the old posts as knowledgebase. ;)B) Bruno

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V.T. Eric Layton

Ah... EXCELLENT! I misunderstood while playing around in My Control Panel last night. It's just the subscriptions that get pruned after 60 days. I can live with that. I was thinking that it would be a great loss to the Linux community to loose all the knowledge packed into this forum. I'm glad to know it's all there when we need to refer to it.B)

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