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I wonder if you really should . . . because the 60G will maybe generate more heat then the 30G one. :hysterical: Bruno
Hmmm... I don't have any real info about Colin's two drives -- but what's the basis for a 60gb laptop drive making more heat than a 30gb drive? Seems like it could even be less -- newer and lower-power electronics. Chances are good it even has the same number of platters. Once the rotating parts are up to speed, it takes no more power for either on that score. I have a new 250gb Hitachi [3.5"] here, my biggest drive by 2x, and it makes no more heat than either of the older 80gb drives.
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Boy oh Boy Julia :hysterical: You sure know how to hit a guy where he is most vunerable ;) with pics like thatBut for INFO --->>> Toshiba said the MAXIMUM DRIVE that "LAPPY" would take is a 60G think this makes ME :happyroll: I'll shut up :whistling: for now till i READ all the posts more thoroughlyCheers for YearsColin :P


Can you google the two drives and find out the specs - particularly how much heat they generate?


JuliaSURE can when I find what the 60G serial # etc isCheers for YearsColin :D


You can go in and look under control panel --> System -->Hardware -->Device Manager --> Hard drive on the one in the laptop since you don't have Linux on it yet. Then you can google that. The other one should have it printed on the drive on a label.


Mine is a Fujitsu MHT208080BH The last 80 means mine is an 80 GB drive. The specs on Fujitsu's site tells me they are identical for the 40, 60 and 80 of that model. We need to check out the two drives you are looking at.

His laptop is known to be heat sensitive, so why take another risk with only 36 days of guarantee?
But how do you know it's a risk? What's the basis for jumping to that conclusion? The newer drive very will might make less heat, not more. GB size of a disk drive has no direct relationship to heat production. Still ... for most folks I guess the safe thing to do would be to test it the way it came back from its refurb, regardless of what the disks will/won't do. I'm a born lever-puller -- have been known to change disks on a new box almost as soon as it passed it's first POST.

.Did you read this from the link to the Jake Ludington newsletter Striker was posting?:

After plenty of problems with the Toshiba and word about a class action settlement for a different Toshiba model with heat issues, I didn't want to trade for a new set of problems
http://www.satellite5005settlement.com/Colin, you had that same 60G drive in that Toshiba before . . . . had overheat problems . . . . . . and you were not the first to have those problems.I rest my case.:D Bruno

Amen to that.burninbushUnder normal circumstances you are right. But these are not normal circumstances, the overheating due to the bigger drive was proven. With that in mind, one would be crazy to try that drive another time in it, especially while there's only 35 days left on guarantee. We all have read how long it took to repair it. What if it goes awry again ?And we're not here to talk someone in something we had before ending up with a broken laptop (albeit it was no ones fault). Better use common sense and leave it as is while it's still working ok.Take the safe road. Like I said, it's a special case. :D

Amen to that.burninbushUnder normal circumstances you are right. But these are not normal circumstances, the overheating due to the bigger drive was proven.
Ahhhh... well, to be very clear, I don't care one way or the other which drive Colin uses. No I had not read the link you put up, but now I have. I saw nothing at all about disk drives at that link, though. How did y'all determine the disk was the problem? You say above that overheating due to the bigger drive was proven -- but how??? Where is the data supporting that? Did everybody with that model laptop use the same 60gb drive? That doesn't seem very likely; what's the connection? Overheating is a fairly common problem with laptops -- but I have honestly never heard it blamed on the disk drives. A typical laptop drive won't produce nearly as much heat as the cpu and chipsets. The design of the case probably influences it more than anything else. I say again, just to assume that a 60gb drive produces more heat than a 30gb drive is a fallacy. Short of an actual measurement in an instrumented test, the best way to predict it would be to look at the 5v current draw when it's running but not seeking -- but that gets complicated by several other factors, not the least of which is that in a typical laptop the disk is often spun-down when it's not being used continuously.

Bruno Julia Striker & BurninbushI TRULY THANK B) you all for concern and commentsJust a few observations and then I'll say the way I seem to be leading1 Toshiba's comment is the A60's maximum drive is the 60G (good job I COULD not afford the 80 eh :P )2 The 60G Toshiba MK6026GAX has EXCELLENT HEAT DISSIPATION3 The Class action suit is NOT for my Model = PS96QU-09J01E4 The warranty repairs ALSO INCLUDED - NEW HEAT TRANSFER GREASE5 I GAVE my friend the 60G - AND I DO NOT LIKE BEING AN INDIAN GIVER So ALL IN ALL WE WILL STAY with the 30G :D :P eh???But I will throw another CURVE BALL into the ARENA ;) THINKING ABOUT INSTALLING THE PCLOs SUPER GAMER DVD moi :pirate: :ph34r: :o is just full of IT isn't MOI :P o:) I EAGERLY LOOK FORWARD to the new TWISTS :devil: for a "HAPPY LAPPY"Cheers for YearsColin :thumbsup:


Sounds like a good plan. Are you a gamer? I don't see an advantage or regular PCLos unless you are or have family members that are. It's a DVD download versus a CD download. Glad you made a decision. :D

Posted (edited)

Thank You JuliaDecision just took a LITTLE COMMON SENSE after being on a EUPHORIC high with the new LAPPY & 19"Son & 7 year Grandaughter LOVE the games so maybe this IS the way to Go or MAYBE NOT :P - INIGHTS not truly clear yet as to which direction. Friend already has the DVD ISO which I should receive today or tomorrowSon is ALREADY playing America's Army on Suse 10 :clap: :w00tx100: :clap2: so if the DVD is NOT for me it is for himCheers for yearscolin :thumbsup:

Edited by kamicota
Ahhhh... well, to be very clear, I don't care one way or the other which drive Colin uses.
What are you nagging then?Call the mods and complain.
What are you nagging then?Call the mods and complain.
Well, Striker, please check Colin's post #252 -- 'nuff said about his drive and laptop, and links to problems involving hardware other than what he owns? It is just not reasonable to assume that one laptop drive makes more heat than another based only on its capacity; if that were true, then the 40gb disk in my Thinkpad would be making 8x as much heat as the 5gb drive it came with -- would you swallow that? It's a little disturbing to see grownups on a computer board operating on that sort of reasoning -- or so resistant to an alternative POV.

Burninbush,The facts you're summing up : I know - and I said it before - technically you're completely right.I don't want to argue with you about that, simply because you're right.But we all know what Colin went through and I - and I truly believe some others here too - do not want him to go through that again. We simply just don't want to risk his laptop. I know it's his laptop and his decision. But I don't want to be part of talking him into some situation I doubt is best for Colin or his 'lappy'. I hope you'll understand that.


Meanwhile, after this brief detour brought to you by your friends, we bring you back to our regularly scheduled program. Colin, you've made your decsion now let's carefully follow through. :thumbsup:

Posted (edited)

Thank you JuliaStill a LITTLE wary though :huh: Think plan of action = a Format 30G drive with 98SE start up CDb PCLOs live - create an Ext3 partitionc Install XP SPECIAL :thumbsup: d Install PCLosHow does that sound :clap2: Cheers for yearsColin :whistling:OOPS :clap: nearly forgot NEED the Motherboard config re Wireless etc :w00tx100: :P

Edited by kamicota
Thank you JuliaStill a LITTLE wary though :w00tx100: Think plan of action = a Format 30G drive with 98SE start up CDb PCLOs live - create an Ext3 partitionc Install XP SPECIAL :thumbsup: d Install PCLos
Let's redo that start.1. Format partitions using your PCLos live CD.2. Install whatever windows you desire.3. Install PCLos4. Configure wireless and do yoru updates. :clap2:

OOPS!! JuliaSTILL a LITTLE :clap2: with the PCLos formatting :clap: And I had better get the info re wireles card being used first as there are 2 on the Toshiba install CD si that at least XP can use it tooCheers for yearscolin :thumbsup: :w00tx100:

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