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Just like I told you in the instructions, it's that simple.If you need further help on this it has to wait until tomorrow. I'm really off now, sounds like trouble over here from the next room , she B) me :"> See ya tomorrow :thumbsup:


BrunoWhat URLColin B) :blink:OOPS BrunoHOMEPAGE Colinis NOT a urlOOPS


ColinI'm dizzy trying to keep up with this Colin. I can not go away for two days without you going bonkers. I had over 200 emails upon my return and about 120 of those were from here I think! B)


JuliaI have not sent any emailsIs there something untoward I am doing on the forum???Cheers for yearsColin B)


No Colin! I get an email on every post here. B) That allows me to keep up when I am not online so I know when I need to be online. :"> Does that make any sense? You can set the forum up so you get a reply immediately any time anyone posts a reply in a thread wher e you have posted as well as all new threads in a forum. :thumbsup:


OOPS!!! Silly MOI Julia :"> B) That seems so much COMMON SENSE think I mus still be out of it right now :thumbsup: Cheers for YearsColin


I'm loving every minute of this thread, LOL.Eventually we will all see Colin's book. The webpage looks good striker. Show your wife how you are helping and maybe she will cool off a bit. Heck, she may decide she needs a webpage to put things on.

Posted (edited)

Bruno :"> Finally I got the Webpage into my signatureLizSo pleased you are enjoying this thread :thumbsup: ISN'T it --->>>Heck I even tried to put the Keebook into the website after Striker (THANKS :thumbsup: ) set it up BUT--->>> :icon8: I got TWO Index files after i UPLOADED all of them (SHOOT THERE WERE LOTS :P :o ) So Colin being that EXHUBERANT so & so Deleted what I thought were the right ones and what did I get then--->>> :w00t: Page NOT FOUND 404 Error--->>> :oops: I had deleted the wrong Index File PLUS I could NOT upload the "FOLDERS" that were created by Keebook for uploadingSo as of NOW I am STUCK B) with a NEED to :fishing: :D around for new ideas :rolleyes: And Liz the only way I have of showing my Photo/Poem book --->>> " Is this the Winter of the Westcoat" is by sending a zip file that will open it up as an index html file in the ACTUAL Keebook.Hasve sent a couple pout already.Oh well time for a littlle short RELAX :P B) :hug: Cheers for YearsColin :thumbsup: :D

Edited by kamicota

Hi ColinWould you allow me to edit your signature ( the homepage part ) ? . . . so it only shows "Colins Homepage" or "Kamicotas Homepage" but links to http://www3.telus.net/public/kamicote/ ??I can do it for you, but wanted your permission first :DB) Bruno


BrunoI would LOVE you edit it OK B) Cheers for YearsColin B) :thumbsup:


What would you like it to be Colin ??Kamicotas Homepage Colins HomepagePlease let me know :DB) Bruno


BrunoI would LOVE it to be Kamicota's home page--->>> B) :icon8: even though the ISP got it as kamicote :P Thank youColin :thumbsup:


Is done Colin !!!! . . . Have a look :DB) Bruno


Nice pics. That second one looks cold though!


Boy you SOME QUICK Dude Bruno :icon8: Thank youColin :thumbsup:You got that JuliaIt often gets down to -30C hereAND WE GOT ANOTHER 3INCHES YESTERDAY B) Cheers for yearsColin :thumbsup:


I guess I won't complain that it is only 10 C here right now. I'm ready to switch back to summer clothes. B)

:P Nice if you can get it Julia :icon8: We are at a BALMY 1oC NOWSo SNOW is melting :thumbsup: Cheers for yearsColin B)

OOPS!!! YES :oops: Another :icon8: Try that DID NOT WORKKeebo can Publish the book to a website BUT not this time :o So now looking for WS_FTP to try there as Telus has that optionSo we will see how it goes in a couple of hours or so :thumbsup: As you can SEE :P WE are NOT THWARTED YET :P I also saved the book in and html Westcoast folder so that is another option--->>>Even though the EYES are a little B) :wacko: :w00t: :D :ermm: :D B) Right NowBut it IS STILL--->>>Cheers for YearsColin :icon8: :D


Very nice. I enjoyed your westcoast book. I was able to open it and view it. B)


JuliaWHERE did you open it from??I'm confusedColin B)


JuliaMOI a little :icon8: :o :huh: :blink: :teehee: Right NOWI was so disappointed all the Forum linked too was the werstcoast folderbut--->>>YOUR link is what I need to send to friends FOR NOW :) as I would TRULY love a more ENTICING First PageBUT I AM TRULY GRATEFUL :worthy: :worthy: :worthy: for all the HELP TIME AND EFFORT STRIKER HAS PUT INTO THISSo at least the Poem/Photo book is now available and what's more there are others in the works Wether it is Keeboo or W.H.Y I just don't know as yetBut you made my day by being able to see and read itCheerts for YearsColin :thumbsup: ALL


That Keebook is in a nice format. Thanks for getting the proper link Julia. Colin, well done!

Posted (edited)

Thank You LizAlthough I STILL :) have to work on Keebook :worthy: because the Cover is the Last Page and the Poem Tsunami and two page poem has to be read fro Right to left :worthy: Thought that was the way they read in Asia :thumbsup: Cheers for YearsColin :worthy:

Edited by kamicota

Amazing, really fascinating Colin ! That sure looks great ! :)


Thank you SrtrikerYour efforts and HELP are TRULY APPRECIATED :thumbsup: :worthy: :teehee: :blink: --->>> IN FACT It has taken on a life of It's own--->>A NEW BOOK seen in my DREAMS started yesterday afternoon called wait for it :P TBGUTAEW :) This time It is a Photo/Prose style book and 2 pages done already :icon8: :worthy: you Striker YOU have made this happen and I am :o itCheers for YearsColin :worthy: WE are NOW SO :huh:

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