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Just thought I'd update the forum about the Toshiba which up to now has not accepted XP Even with PCLos Livecd and formatting the drive and also an UNSUCCESSFUL attempt with a 98SE Boot CD to format the driveNow we are in a Toshiba Recovery CD Deleting the (new 60G) hard drive and hopefull that will take :thumbsup: --->>>WHICH LEADS ME TO DREAMING--->>>I AM searching for Laptops that WILL ACcept linux ESPECIALLY PClos but all seem to point to Fedora Core4 or even UbuntuSo if there are any models that fit this Criteria I would Love to KNOWI am STILL searching thoughCheers for YearsColin :hysterical:

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Thank You JuliaSEEMS as if the Dell Inspiron may be worth exploring eh :thumbsup: Cheers for yearsColin :hysterical:


I figured you might as well see what others were saying. I try to check in there every few days to see what is happening in the laptop world. It is hard to keep up though.

Thank You JuliaSEEMS as if the Dell Inspiron may be worth exploring eh :thumbsup: Cheers for yearsColin :hysterical:
I have an Acer Aspire 3000 running PClos with no problems. TigerDirect often runs specials on this notebook for under $600. I think their regular price is $649. It comes with 60gb drive, 256kb memory, built in Wireless G and a DVD/CRRW drive and a 15" screen.

lewmurThat sounds like a good deal. I'm afraid I spent a little more on my tablet and I have to tweak a lot to get it to work. :hysterical:

:hysterical: :thumbsup: :P .........................Try an Alienware and then give us all an indepth report ...
Posted (edited)

Hmmmmmmm InterestingAnd YES Lewmur Acer Aspire 3000 + --->>>HECK anything SOUNDS so BEAUTIFUL right NOW :P I have been trying for the last 4 hours and STILL have NOT managed to install ANY OS to the hard drive :hysterical: Except Possibly PCLos from the Livecd :thumbsup: :thumbsup: eh???No XP,. XP Special, OR Toshiba Recovery Xp have been able tyo install PCLos Live in now going to try ANOTHER format or ???Maybe IT IS TIME FOR ????????????Cheers for YearsColin

Edited by kamicota

Has any OS ever been installed to its HDD ?????


Yes DaleXP Special and also PClos, Ubuntu, and KanotixJust this last few minutes in PCLOs live FOUND :thumbsup: 983MB partition that was NOT there beforeSo have dleted both partitions and formatted the FULL (Hopefully) in Fat 32Now rebooting to see if it has happened as perPCLos instaructionsCheers for YeasrColin :hysterical:


It gets MORE MYSTICAL by the minuteON reboot it NOW becomes NTFS I thinkBut I will see when I try XP SpecialHECK NO I am going to check againCheers for yearsColin :hysterical: but STILL :thumbsup:


Heck Whata a MARATHON this is :oops: Thought PCLos showed NFS but :P thank heavens iot was NTFS :hysterical: So resized it into 3 PartitionsRebooted with a STRUGGLE :thumbup: and it TOOK THREE tries before the laptop recognosed my XP Special CDSo NOW HOPEFULLY WE are getting an OS onto drive CCheers for YearsColin a little :thumbsup: but STILL :thumbsup:

Heck Whata a MARATHON this is :oops: Thought PCLos showed NFS but :P thank heavens iot was NTFS :hysterical: So resized it into 3 PartitionsRebooted with a STRUGGLE :thumbup: and it TOOK THREE tries before the laptop recognosed my XP Special CDSo NOW HOPEFULLY WE are getting an OS onto drive CCheers for YearsColin a little :thumbsup: but STILL :thumbsup:
Colin, reading all this has me more confused than usual but I'll throw this in. I have a Toshiba Satelite M35X-s161 and PCLos works slow but sure. It didn't until I changed the boot drive in the BIOS.If anybody laughs, I won't play anymore.albrtijo
Posted (edited)

Heck SORRY about the confusion :P AlbrtjoNow it is MOI who is confused :thumbup: re--->>> until I changed the boot drive in the BIOS.--->>> I have NO Idea :thumbsup: :thumbsup: what this means or entailsColin :hysterical:

Edited by kamicota

Hey I tried to put linux on a P2 recently and no matter where I told it to boot from it would no way read a live cd. I had to use a boot floppy to put win98 on it, I guess it needed the drivers for the cdrom, not sure how to do that with linux. Is there such a thing as a linux boot floppy for older machines?Colin if I am understanding correctly he means when you enter the bios of your computer, you can set it to boot from the hard drive, the floppy or the cdrom. How you get into the bios depends on the make of computer you have.


RolanajI DO set the Bios to boot from the HDD after Installing in the Boot from CD modeAnd as of now this is 6hours and STILL NO :P OS installedCranky may best describe the mood but STILL :hysterical: Cheers for YearsColin :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Thats how I was feeling installing win98 on that P2 it took several tries and lots of swearing and finally for some reason known only to itself it decided to play nice and install. Technology is wonderful :hysterical:


RolanajThere has been NO swearing and for me that is a FIRST :P BUT I am still NO further forward so to speak.Think I might have to get the origional 30G drive back from friend and give him this 60G or JUST give upCheers for YearsColin :thumbsup: :hysterical:


Hi Colin . . . . . . . . I keep with my previous statement in the other threads: that laptop has one, or maybe even several hardware problems.:) Bruno


yep Possibly BrunoHoping friend is FREE tonight and I can get the car :P Still feel as well as what you say I AM MISSING something here tooBut we will seeThank YOU SO MUCH :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Colin a little :) right now :P


Dreams are ten a penny :) Dreaming ... dreaming of a white chri... err laptop ; Those Thinkpads .. I happen to like them. But there's one little teenie weenie micro problem : my budget isn't heavy enough. :thumbsup: A well, I've got my three desktop computers so I'm back to playgarden, toying around again. :thumbsup:


Beautiful Timing Striker :) Just as I saw your post the FIRST of Many OS's tried today FINALLY INSTALLED :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :P XP Special which did it's OWN formatting of the whole 60G drive so we may be on the way to a little SERENITYThink the problem from friends MAY have been on all the other attempts waas that Drive C may have needed F disking first and set as the primary partitionAny ways the Acerb Aspire 3003WLCi may JUST ber on the HOTIZON :P only C$700But that is another storyCatch you soonColin :thumbsup: :P


Well It's more like a NIGHTMARE :D --->>>18 Hours STRAIGHT yes 18 hOURS AND lAPTOP IS still not UP AND RUNNING :huh: A Multitude of false leads and a trip to Calgary Toshiba Warranty Work in the works BUT maybe even their diagnosis MAY be WRONG too from what Friend & I encountered during these 18 HoursA list too long to describe here thoughSo FINALLY ;) a chance to lay my head on the Pillow 2.450am this Saturday MorningCheers for YearsColin B)


Try to set this laptop out of your mind for now and get a good sleep; and just dream of the acer ... :D


Sweet dreams. I hope you come back to us rested and with brilliant insight into your laptops woes. Aren't you glad to know it is hardware and not the user?


Striker & JuliaDo NOT KNOW :D if I am RESTED or Just full of Life :P --->>>5 hours in bed and I am READY for aaANOTHER GO AROUND :hug: :huh: But just a couple of INSIGHTS into laptop EXPERIENCES OK ;) --->>>Toshiba Recovery CD could not write the CD KEY to the MBR of the Hard Drive which meant that the BIOS CD KEY could not check it- HENCE the failed recovery.Every time the Recovery was tried the CD CHANGED the Partition to a #! NFTS and not letting it BE Drive or Partition "C" This was even after fdisk we did and ensuring there was a drive/partition "C" and set as the PrimarySo MAY or EVEN MAY NOT be the Hard drive but something else maybe even as little as a wire +++ whatevber else I njust do NOT KNOWThis was and IS STILL quite a learning experienceStriker the ACER WELL.................................WE WILL JUST HAVE TO :D :P :hmm: about itChers fro YearsColin B)


Sounds like the recovery CD has a program built in to format the drive in NTFS as part of the recovery. This was probably done with a low level format to make sure there were no extraneous files there to interfere with a clean install. Perhaps you need to abandon the recovery CD method and try another?Run a live CD and have it do disk diagnostics with your friend to see what is there.


Julia I HAVE trried ALL the OS install cd's that I have and the same happens every timeMy friends seems to think there is something in the Computer that causes thisSo as of now the CERTIFIED Toshiba repair crew at Nex Innovations in Calgary will get their chance on MondayFrom here I am as bamboozled as I ever was :) Cheers for YearsColin :hysterical:

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