teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Great. I knew it could not be far off from an iso! Quote
havnblast Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Yea I find nero one of the best buring software programs in the windows world, alcohol 120% is also a great one.Good luck on the install Kamicota, I'm suppose to go help some friend shingle a house today so I will miss out on the install party. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 Hey KellyI still have to see what to do with the External laptop drive first and am still sitting with a few collywobbles about XP on the laptop main driveBut at least I am busy again in LinuxCheers for yearsColinand enjoy thre shingling Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 ColinRelax, take it easy. You will do ok. Suse is really good at hardware recognition and just making things work! Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 OK JuliaI hope soCD4 being burned now and one more to go then burn what I have from External drive on laptop.A little is the external is 35 & 5 g partitioned and will need to KNOW how to go with this as ALL I HAVE SEEN IS THAT SUSE LIKES THE LAST PARTIONColin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Suse also likes size. What is on each of the two partitions - when you are ready to install? You can, in the partitioning step, tell it where to go! Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 JuliaI am going to save to CD what I need on the 35 G partition and possibly use the 5G for windows stuff OR what is suggested OKColin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 If it is all free, then I would suggest that you click the button for Suse to recommend a partition setup and take a look at see if you like it. Personally I would carve out another 5GB partition and then use one for / and one for /home. That would leave a big chunk free for future endeavors. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 OOPS JuliaYou lost me there .....I'm busy dropping files from The exrternal and going to burn on to CDThen I SHOUL be readyBut may NEED more Simple details as I go OKColin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 When you are ready we will go slow. I will reinstall it to my hard drive at the same time so I can make sure I am seeing what you are seeing! Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 Righty HO JuliaThat is a reliefBusy getting filkes etc sorted outWill get back when the CD is burnedThink it is ESC or DEL to get to the bios to boot from CD is that right ???Colin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 You will have to try that on your computer and see. Mine is set to boot from CD if there is one in the drive with an image on it. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 Righty Ho JuliaIt IS crunch time and I mean that lterally too Time to see If I can boot from CD and then we can start OKCheers for Years (I think )Colin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Tally ho. I will go take my laptop into the computer room and insert my DVD and begin. The only differences will be how often you have to change disks. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 Righty HoBUT please remember IT IS an EXTERNAL DRIVE I am putting it onLaptop STILL shutting down right now then I will try and get it to boot from CD first and will vgbet back to youThanks Colin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Let's go from booting from the disk. The welcome menu comes up andyou will then go down to the second item on the list --> Installation. Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 Then you will click the button for "I agree" for the License Agreement. Then Language --> English USI will then wait for you for the menu with Installation Settings as the heading. Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 One thougth Colin, this is a USB drive? And your laptop supports booting from a USB drive? The biggest problem will be booting from the drive. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 OOPS ALREADY with the Boot CD Screen command I got now = Caldera DR-DOS 7.83And further down the prompt is--->>>[DR-DOS] A:\>Colin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 That's the wrong CD. That is Dr-Dos! You need Suse Colin. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 JuliaThat was the first Suse CD1 I downloaded from the link--->>>BUT afterthought IT may have been a failed ATTEMPT with a previous laptop file copy I tried and it did not work and this may go for the first 3 CDsI will burn another set on NEW CDr's ands see what happens OKColin & & Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 That might have happened. It picked up what you were trying to burn before. Take a look at the other Cds before you rebiurn them and see what is on themn. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 NOW I have ??? about booting from the USB drive toIs the better solution once I get the first 3 CD's reburned to REPLACE Mepis on the Linux Desktop as I am a little hesitant although NOT totally against replacing XP on the laptopBut I will just throw these ideas outColin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 It would always be better to put it on the main drive and then use the external to store files! Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 To give you an idea, here is the steps we are looking at with the external drive: et me start by saying that not only is it possible to install and run linux from an external USB drive, I am doing it right now. To date I have successfully installed Suse, Fedora and Ubuntu on an external drive, as well as having Frugalware and PCLinuxOS on my internal HDD, all available through boot options in GRUB.You would be right in assuming that if your BIOS has USB boot support, there shouldnt be a problem at all. The thing with Linux is that most distributions don't have USB support loaded into the kernel during the boot phase, so you will generally come across such errors as the root drive not being found, etc etc etc.You can easily overcome this by creating an INITRD Ramdisk that will force the kernel to preload USB support during boot.In the case of suse, you do this by:1. Install Suse to the USB device (/sda, or sdb etc) - make sure you select to have the grub bootloader installed on the USB drive too, and not the Master drive.2. Boot from the CD into Rescue mode3. Issue the following commands:'mkdir /mnt/sysimage''mount /dev/sdaX /mnt/sysimage''chroot /mnt/sysimage'NOTE: sdaX refers to the partition u installed Suse on and the mapping of the USB drive (could be /sdb or similar too).4. Use VI to edit the following file - /etc/sysconfig/kernel'5. Add the following into the quotes at the line that has: INITRD_MODULES=" "ehci-hcdohci-hcduhci-hcdsd_modusb-storageTHIS LINE SHOULD NOW LOOK LIKE THIS:INITRD_MODULES="reiserfs ehci-hcd ohci-hcd uhci-hcd usb-storage sd_mod"6. Issue the following commands:'mount -tproc none /proc''mkinitrd'7. Add the kernel and initrd image to the boot grub loader on the master boot record (NOTE: for the initrd line, just add initrd (hd1,6)/boot/initrd - where hd1,6 is relevant to your partition setup)A typical default Suse 9.2 install grub line for this setup would look like below (be sure to substitute according to your configuration):title Suse 9.2 (USB)kernel (hd1,1)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.8-24-smp ro root=/dev/sda2initrd (hd1,1)/boot/initrd8. REBOOT!!!The steps for other distros are a bit different, but the purpose of the exercise is the same. If u need help with another distro, I can provide individual steps for that too. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 OOPS JuliaThink this is NOT a winner for meA new CDR and agai a CALDERA DR-DOSSo there is something going on here that escapes meColin Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 I don't use Nero so maybe someone can pipe in here with what it takes to burn it in Windows. Is it possible to right click on your iso and get a burn menu? Quote
teacher Posted August 20, 2005 Posted August 20, 2005 At least this is giving me time to upload images to flickr and to defrost my refrigerator. Quote
kamicota Posted August 20, 2005 Author Posted August 20, 2005 Nope JuliaRight Click does NOT give that OptionAnd all there is on the cd is the "rar" ISO file when I looked at itIf I want ot pursue Suse 9.3 THINK I will need to re download in Linux and progress from there What a pain eh Colin Quote
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