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^v^ Happy Birthday Penguin! ^v^


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Happy Birthday James !! **and sps ***Happy Birthday !! :) Bruno** A long time not seen in All Things Linux . . . . . but we hope he will return soon :whistling:*** Was only briefly on the forum :(

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Hey Windows Dude aka James!Can't believe I almost missed your birthday! Hope you have a great one. Isn't it a great day to go back to Linux?Happy birthday SPS!hb.ballons.jpg

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Guest LilBambi

Great news Greg!!

:rolleyes: Happy Birthday .... to all the folks I missed(on this page alone)! :whistling: Tahoejeff, Drifter, Brisson, Angelo, Snoepie, JohnB, nTropy, Adatole, sps, Mucks, Cyberstorm ...James, Peachy and Ryan!And happy birthday to anyone elseI may have missed on previous pages too! :o Hope you all have or had a happy day for your celebration of another year of life on Mother Earth! :o

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  • 1 month later...

Oh, dear, it is my sister's birthday....... B) :( Guess I should at least call........ thanks for the heads up, Bruno. :PAdam

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Oh, dear, it is my sister's birthday....... :wacko: :( Guess I should at least call........ thanks for the heads up, Bruno. :P Adam
Ahem, I think your name will be mud if you don't!Happy Birthday Amanda!
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Well I did call, and conveyed everyone's good wishes. She asked me, "You aretalking about that forum run by Scot, right?" :DGranted, this is one of the strangest phone calls I have ever shared with her. Her boss has her coming in at 5am, and she is tired already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

NeilHope you have a very wonderful birthday. Relax and enjoy! Gee, it's so special let's turn it into a national holiday! That is why we are off from school today isn't it? :hysterical:

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Gee, it's so special let's turn it into a national holiday! That is why we are off from school today isn't it? :D
I like to think that's why :thumbsup: Thanks, everyone :)
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Happy BirthdayAdamandOwyn

Are you sure you are not still out to sea Adam? Hope you both have a great birthday!

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