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  • trevor51590


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  • ross549


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You lost me on that one Adam. Is that an Adam Special?


lol i might run a eht. line through my house lol. would a different distro help me?


I don't know. If you google your connection and ndiswrapper you get lots of hits with problems in all sorts of distros. You could try Suse if you have that available.


You can try PCLos . . run it Live ( no HD install to begin with ) and see if the ndiswrapper works there for you . . . if it works install it to HDB) Bruno

You lost me on that one Adam.  Is that an Adam Special?

Nah... just usea a floppy for copying the lilo.conf over to the computer that is online. :w00t:

teacher, is there any reason for recommending suse? is it like mandrake with rpms and stuff?


First try a LIVE CD !!!! . . . Do not go installing all kind of distos . . . try PCLOSB) Bruno


Bruno is right about trying a live CD but I don't know how much good that will do without trying to configure. I recommended Suse because it is suppose to be very good at recognizing hardware (all except my internet connection) and it is different that Mandrake. I did not recommend PCLos because it is so similar to Drake.You can look at different distros at www.distrowatch.com.


PCLos has Ndiswrapper installed by default . . . so it will most likely do a better job ;):w00t: Bruno

PCLos has Ndiswrapper installed by default . . . so it will most likely do a better job ;):thumbsup: Bruno

but so does drake, and it does a lousy job :w00t: suse it is

PClos used to resemble Mandrake, but has been forked for over a year. It is much better since the split. :w00t:


It is still very similar. It might do the trick.


but ross, is it known to work with wrapper or does it work with the card out of the box?


If I see that special forum for that wireless card . . . . I do not think you can blame any distro for having troubles with it . . . blame the hardware manufacturer ! That is a very lousy ugly card you have there ! ;):w00t: Bruno


|)amn it!!!!! why do i have to have all of these troubles. im going to try my linspire ahahah i actually think modprobe worked on that bu ti didnt know linspire at the time


Eeeks. Linspire? I can tell you that I just switched over to PCLos on my laptop and tried to run ndiswrapper and got the problems you have had with fatal errors and kernels. I am updating my repository to see if it makes any difference.

Posted (edited)

what is your repository? what is a repository?

Edited by trevor51590

I repeat:

If I see that special forum for that wireless card . . . . I do not think you can blame any distro for having troubles with it . . . blame the hardware manufacturer ! That is a very lousy ugly card you have there !

B) Bruno
what is your repository? what is a repository?

In PCLos you do your updates through a program called Synaptic. In it, when you want to upgrade your files you click on Upgradable, Mark all Upgrades, and then Apply. It goes out to the repositories (sites on the internet hosting the files you can upgrade) and then downloads and installs the needed files. I see a new ndiswrapper for PCLos tha tis version .12 if I remember correctly. I have 142 files to upgrade so this will take a while becaue I only have the first 50 upgraded. B) As you can guess I have not upgraded in a while. It is the equivalent of going into the Mandrake Control Center and looking under Software and running updates there.It has been along weekend and I think a little time away from this will help. We get too wrapped up in what we are doing and lose sight of the rest of the world. :)

wow in linspire i am on the net right now with ndiswrapper. strange how it dont work on drake? B)


That is because Linspire crosses over between distros. Glad you found success. I just installed ndiswrapper on my laptop in PCLos. I skipped all of the instructions between iwconfig and dhclient wlan0 because they would not work but I am up and running in PCLos now.Glad you found a connection.


well if you would be kind enough to give me a linx i would have no problem trying pclos to give it a whirl. if it dont work ill just come back to linspire.


is it supposed to be a live cd? i was looking more for an install version


It iis a live CD. All you have to do is click on install to hard drive. A large number of us here run it as an installed distro. You can run it live and if you like it then you click on install. B)

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