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Adam beat me to it. Thanks. I was fixing dinner.

Posted found an rpm on rpm find and it didnt work. i could do it the tar.gz way but id need help with that


I believe there were some problems with that one. You might check out resources here and here.One suggestion at this point is to go in the MCC and try to install it through the network connections. Sometimes that works. I am calling it quits for the night. I will check back in tomorrow to see how you are doing. It's time for me to call it a night.


ok well when i try to go through mcc it just goes back to the driver thing


ok maybe someone can help me here. how would i do thischanging ONBOOT=no to ONBOOT=yes in the ifcfg. that worked foro someone.


HI Have a look in "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/" there are several scripts . . . maybe there is one for wlan0 or eth1 ( not the eth0 you are using for the fixed NIC connection ) . . . in there there should be that line to start the connection at boot YES or NO :)Once you've found that we can tell you how to edit that file . . but first show us the file ;);) Bruno


well i found one, but thats because i created one because of a guide i was trying to follow earlier. i believe it has 4 lines of code.i know off of the top of my head that there is onboot, which i set to yes last night to check out. whats cool about that is that now when i boot it shows eth0-failed (no ethernet connection) but wlan0 also comes up and says somethingwell as u wanted to know it is there the filename is ifcfg-wlan0


HiI'm off to church as soon as I get my coffee made and won't be back on line for five hours at least. You have found your file and edited it. What guide are you following now so we can see where you have stopped.

Posted (edited)

i found a guide that told me to make the file. i used the second link u posted last night to me as it said u should make a config file. as of what to put in there next? im clueless *scratches head*

Edited by trevor51590

I booted up my laptop and went to ifcfg-wlan0 to look. This basic file tells some of the basics that you need to boot up. We can manually edit this file. Mine reads like this:


As you can see I have more than 4 lines. Managed tells the network I am not running WEP at the moment. I use an SSID other than "Default" so it has the name I use. You should have those additional lines. You can copy adn paste them to yours and adapt to fit your SSID name.

Posted (edited)

ok i added them. whats next? i must add that when i go to manage the network connections, the dropdown tab for the wlan0, then name is "ethernet (wlan0)" and also the wireless tab apperars now ;) but in the information tab it shows my mac address as wlan0just thought id mention

Edited by trevor51590

ok i think i found a solution. this was posted on ndiswrapper's site.

Card: Linksys WMP54G v4, 54mbps -- link hereChipset: Ralink RT2500pciid: 1814:0201Driver: RT2500.inf from the WMP54Gv4 directory on the CD (the bundled CD has both v2 and v4 drivers), or download the drivers straight from Linksys.Other: Debian Sarge, 2.4 kernel, and 128-bit WEP. Works great. Also works with Mandrake 10.1 with the newest versions of Ndiswrapper, not the one included on the installation CD. Note that Ralink has provided the source for an official driver at http://www.ralinktech.com/supp-1.htm but I have not tested it yet.
maybe someone can tell me how to install the 1.0 ndiswrapper?

TrevorI think the easiest way to do this is going to be to add the 10.2 contrib source and then add it from add software. Then we will remove that source. It is not available iwith the contrib source for 10.1 so we will have to do this little exercise.First let's copy the file to your home folder:ndiswrapper-1.0-2mdk.i586.rpmThen we will double cick on it and that should ask for your su password and install it automatically.Let us know how it goes from there.


ok so what exactly am i going to do? dont i have to get rid of the other one first?

Posted (edited)

ok update. i installed the one you gave me. now in the software manager when i go there, there is the version you gave me. the old one installed does not show up. when i do ndiswrapper -l, it shows drivers present, hardware present :)what next?

Edited by trevor51590
. when i do ndiswrapper -l, it shows drivers present, hardware present :)

That looks like real progress ! Congrats ! . . . I am sure getting connected now will be easy B) B) Bruno

yea just now what do i do? i still cant get modprobe to work or wlan0 in iwconfig to show up. what do i do? :-\


That is great news. Now we can proceed. You are ready to do this:

$su(password)#  modprobe ndiswrapper# iwconfig# iwlist wlan0 scan# iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed# iwconfig wlan0 essid  (insert your essid name afterwards {no quotes or other symbols necessary})#dhclient wlan0  

The dhclient wlan0 is the one that works for me with Mandrake. Sometimes I have to rerun that command after rebooting. If that does not work then we will substitute dhcpcd wlan0 or ifconfig wlano up.And finally the last command:

ndiswrapper -m


modprobing ndiswrapper still give me a fatal error: module ndiswrapper could not be found.iwconfig shows no wlan0iwlist wlan0 scan says interface doesnt support scanning.in the config file i made for the card i have mode managed and essid name in there by following your config. when i do dhclient wlan0, 2 wlan0's show up and it says unknown interface; no device for each of them. B)


You sure picked a doozy of a card to have on your laptop. My $9 Prism USB connection is looking sweeter all the time. A post here indicates that your unit works better with the Windows 2000 driver than the XP. Unfortunately Ralink only gives a combined driver on their site. You might be better off going with their RT-2500 Linuz Zip file. I just found the tar.gz file which should be easier to install. Do you by chance have an old Win2000 disk with the driver?


well actually its on a desktop :-p i downloaded the win2000 driver from the link in the post. i just reinstalled mandrake...again. for some reason though i think that modprobe wont work because im not installing right. for the rpm i tried double clicking it and it said bad signatures. maybe i should do it in konsole? then maybe modprobe will recognize ndiswrapper?


Double click and when it says bad signatures tell it to install anyway. That's ok. Go ahed and use it. When modprobe works right it will not respond back with anything. Do I understand that you just reinstalled Drake? If so make sure you get the newer ndiswrapper and giave that a go again. I don't think reinstalling did anything for you though. B)


yes i got rid of all of ndiswrapper. installed the new one. installed drivers. hardware and drivers are ok. but i still dont know what i can do without modprobe? it keeps giving fatal error saying that module ndiswrapper is not there


That seems to be a common problem with the 2.6 version kernels and your connection. You might try to install an older 2.4 kernel and try that. My suggestion would be to go buy an inexpensive card that is known to work in Linux.


well right now buying a new card is not an option. how do i downgrade my kernel?


Option 2. I wsa just in the network connecitons in the MCC and see there is a RT2500 driver there. Go try to add a new connection using both wireless and lan and the RT2500 driver. Let's see if one of those would work.


whenever i use it, it just goes back to where it asks me if i wanna manually install the driver

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