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To downgrade your kernel you need to go to the MCC and then to Software and then to Add Software. There you will pick out the 2.4 kernel that matches your computer. Install it. Once tha tis done we will have to modify your Lilo. I am not sure what you have installed that is dependent on the 2.6 kernel. It might not be a wise idea.

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Look in your /boot at the name of the kernel. Then you are going to run

# vi /etc.lilo.conf

Press i to make changes. Then you will take your default Mandrake boot and change the numbers to match the 2.4 kernel. Once you have finished this you will press the escape key and then ZZ. Now you are ready to enact the changes.


All tha tis left is to reboot and then start back at the beginning. :pirate:

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there were no numbers to change. on the bottom of lilo file, under the heading of image, it said 2.4, so i assume it did it by itself... smart linux:)

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Kernel panic, nothing boots :-( reinstall againedit maybe i installed the wrong kernel. how d i know which one to use?

Edited by trevor51590
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Hmmm. I wonder what happened to cause kernel panic. You used what Mandrake added to your Lilo automatically? You did not change anything?If so I would go back to the 2.6 and try the install through the Mandrake Control Center.

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Ouch. Nothing boots? Insert your CD 1 and then reboot. Rather than reinstall do a repair (just let it fix things) and then remove your CD when it is done and reboot.

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well i went to mandrake control center to install 2.4, but i wansnt sure which one to install. i used the install software to install a 2.4 kernel, then went to lilo to find that 2.4 was in there

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You have two options. You can install the 2.4 and try to run ndiswrapper again or you can go back to the 2.6 and try to install it through the MCC. Your choice.

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You have two options.  You can install the 2.4 and try to run ndiswrapper again or you can go back to the 2.6 and try to install it through the MCC.  Your choice.

i thought mmc for 2.6 was not an option because obviously wrapper wont work with this kernel. that is why i am going to try to go into mmc and select a 2.4 kernel to try wrapper. my question is which one do i pick?
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What type of computer do you have? Is it a hyperthread processor? If so pick smp. If you have 1 GB of ram or more then select up to 4GB . If you are running nvidia or ati look for one that matches your video card. The best bet is to pick one the same as what Mandrake automatically picked for you the first time only with a 2.4 kernel.

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ok here is the error

VFS:  Cannot open root devive "805" or 08:05Please append correct "root="boot optionKernel panic:  Vfs: unable to mount root fs on 08:05
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My lilo in Mandrake looks like this on my laptop:

image=/boot/vmlinuz        label="Mandrake"        root=/dev/hda5        initrd=/boot/initrd.img        append="devfs=nomount acpi=on resume=/dev/hda6 splash=silent"        vga=788        read-only

Yours should look similar. The root partition is where your files are located. Resume is where your swap is located.Recommend you go back in and try to repair your Mandrake again. This time. Open the Lilo (at the bottom of the list of options to check and see what it has there and look around before rebooting. That should cause it to overwrite the lilo,.

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Can't you boot the 2.6 kernel ( Should still be there as well ) and see what is wrong with the lilo.conf ?:w00t: Bruno

im doing this now
My lilo in Mandrake looks like this on my laptop:
image=/boot/vmlinuz        label="Mandrake"        root=/dev/hda5        initrd=/boot/initrd.img        append="devfs=nomount acpi=on resume=/dev/hda6 splash=silent"        vga=788        read-only

Yours should look similar.  The root partition is where your files are located.  Resume is where your swap is located.Recommend you go back in and try to repair your Mandrake again.  This time.  Open the Lilo (at the bottom of the list of options to check and see what it has there and look around before rebooting.  That should cause it to overwrite the lilo,.

im in my lilo now. it doesnt look much different except i have two different image sections. for the 2.4, the root is sda5. otherwise i dont see much difference between ours except kernel names. for instane my initrd shows /boot/intrid-2.4.27-0.pre2.lmdksmp.img
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I want to compare the two sections of lilo to make sure there are no errors like sda5 instead of hda5! You can't plug in a line to your router?

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opposite sides of the house. if i could do that, i would trash my wireless card. there appear to be no differences between the 2 lilo files. all of them are listed as sda i believe because of my sata hard drive?im wondering. can i just get a different distro and solve my entire problem with modprobe and ndiswrapper?

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